X-treme Wrestling Federation
Session 4: - Printable Version

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Session 4: - Chris Page - 11-13-2020

” Chris I want you to lay back and close your eyes.”

The scene opens inside the Shrink’s office once again as Chris Page lays down on the couch as an aerial shot is on firm display. Page rests his head on a plush light brown pillow that slightly offsets the color of the leather sofa. Chris is wearing a white t-shirt with bold, black lettering that reads “FUCK THAD” and a pair of jeans with black and white sneakers. Chris closes his eyes as he listens to the sound of his doctor.

” Rest your eyes, feel them starting to get heavy as you listen to the sound of my voice. You’re starting to feel sleepy…”

” Ugh no I’m not.”

Chris opens his eyes looking up at the ceiling as he states.

” What are you trying to accomplish? No wait, let me guess… You want to talk to the Beast again.”

” Not exactly… I’m wanting you to try to relax so that I can get to the root of your problem. In previous meetings, we’ve talked about the shadow that you have been living in. How are things with you and Robert?

” Last I heard things are fine. Over the last several weeks I’ve put a piece of the distance between us… but not because there is an issue, more so because people can’t compare me to someone that hasn’t been around. It’s like when people say Robert’s carried me when in actuality I’ve been the man making sure our titles are retained just like I was the man that won them for the both of us on that hot March night opposite the Sick Cunts.”

” And how does to make you feel when you hear the same things being said?”

” It’s comical at best. You’d think they could come up with something else by now… but hey, creativity isn’t a thing nowadays. It’s like how many times can you beat a dead horse into the ground before it becomes obsolete? Over the last several weeks I’ve learned how to look past the ignorance of others while carving my path match by match, win by win without the aid of Robert Main, without the extra appearances in my promotional packages. I feel great knowing that regardless of what others might say, or repeat or dare I say even fabricate about me means jack shit in the grand scheme of things.”

There’s a small smirk that etches across the face of Page as he is shown closing his eyes once again.

” Do you think you’re stepping out of his shadow?”

” Fully? Probably not.”

” What makes you think that?”

” I won’t fully step out of his shadow until I stake claim to the only title that’s eluded me and a title that many people say belongs to me twice over; the Universal Championship. In the last few weeks I had to prove to myself that I could still beat… well… anyone really when my last real victory came at Thaddeus expense following Leap of Faith. We’ve not established that I am capable of defeating former champions and that’s how I’m looking at High Stakes.”

” I’m assuming that is the next big event with the company?”

” Big? How about the last major event of the year and right now I’m a firm track to accomplish the only goal outstanding on my professional wrestling bucket list; it’s not going to be easy but nothing ever is when it’s worth fighting for…”

Chris opens his eyes once again looking up at the ceiling as he continues.

” Most are looking to make fast friends or backdoor dealings to watch each other’s back to increases chances of walking out with the coveted prize…”

” What about you?”

” What about me?”

” Are you looking for fast friends to increase your odds?”

” And give those twats more to say about me? Nah bro, I’ll pass. I can hear it now; you won because so and so did this or that to PROTECT you. I’m not Thad or Corey, let’s leave that to them. If I walk out on top I want it to be because I did it completely and totally by myself, with no crutch to prop me up and no one but myself to thank if my vision comes full circle; not to mention the reality that friendships don’t last in situations like this and it’s only a matter of time before the knife is stuck in your back.”

” Will the Beast be partaking in this event?”

” I can only speak for this Battle Royale by saying this is a Chris Page thing and not a Beast thing.”

” That’s not an answer.”

” Aren’t you a presumptive one.”

” Now you know the only way that I can help you is if you continue to be honest and forthcoming with me. I’ll ask you again, are you going to attempt this task or is “he”?”/b]

” This has my name on it all day every day. It doesn’t do the beast any good to emerge because there’s nothing about this situation that angers me. I’m genuinely looking forward to stepping into that ring and doing what I do best…. Lace-em’ up and go. See I’ve fully accepted that there’s a chance that I won’t be left standing, but it’s not going to stop me from trying!”

[b]” But what if the Beast decides to show up?”

” May God have mercy on their souls.”

” So you’re open to the idea…”

” Your words, not mine.”

” Do you think you might be biting off a little more than you can chew? Aren’t you and Robert also defending your tag titles?”

” And?”

” Remember what happened at Relentless? Three matches over three days? The weekend that broke you mentally and now you’re putting yourself back in a similar situation. I’m just curious if you think you’re burning the candles at both ends again.”

” Opportunities don’t knock every day, and when they knock your answer. I’ll be the first to admit that there’s no telling what’s in store for me with the Tag Titles but that’s the tag titles and this is the Universal Championship. The risk is worth the reward in my eyes and this is an opportunity that’s built especially for me. All I have to do is pick my spots and dump fuckers over the top rope at my discretion. I’d be foolish NOT to answer that door; and since you’re adamant on getting a straight answer you’re looking at a hard no from me. There’s nothing about this scenario that screams burning the candle at both ends.”

Chris lets out a deep exhale.

” That sigh tell me otherwise.”

” You’re reaching Doc, stop trying to read too deeply. I feel like since I’ve been seeing you more centered than I’ve felt in a very long time. I feel like I’m myself again and I feel now more than ever it’s my time to assume my rightful spot on top of the mountain again. It’s so refreshing to have a clear head and to be back in the forefront. It’s been a tough road since I walked back into professional wrestling and it is going to culminate one way or the other in a few weeks.”

” Chris I’m very pleased with the progress that you’re making. I think that you’re well on the road to learning how to control your emotions, if you control your emotions you control the beast and the monster. Control is what this is all about. When you walked through my door the first time you were all over the place and now you’re…”

Chris interrupts without batting the proverbial eyelash.

” Stoned.”

” That’s not what I was going to say… but the intoxication aroma is a dead giveaway.”

” I find when I’m high it makes all the stupidity that surrounds me tolerable. Have you sat through a Corey Smith Promo?”

” A what?”

” Ah nothing.”[/.green]

” I noticed a cameraman and another gentleman with you waiting outside. What is all of that about?”

[green]” Oh that’s nothing really, just a documentary crew that’s been following me around the last several weeks documenting my road to High Stakes. A kinda behind the scenes peek at the trials and tribulations. Don’t worry though, they’re not filming now nor did we film the drive-in. Confidentiality has been maintained.”

” How do you like the following you around?”

” It kind of forces me to keep it honest, and I’m okay with that. You couple that with our visits and I can say that even I am seeing some forward progress, and that’s all that matters.”

… to be continued.


” I’m right where I want to be going into this party come to High Stakes. Momentum has been building for me while most of you continue to sit on the sidelines spouting off verbal diarrhea like you've done a goddamn thing but talk. I’m on my path of redemption for taking losses that weren’t deserved and the closer we get to this fucking thing the more I am so looking forward to tossing as many of you cock smokers over that top rope as I possibly can...

Which brings me to the next guy I’m going to talk about for a spell, Thaddeus Duke.

Mr. Twitter himself!

The guy that runs around spouting out about he’s so much better than me and yet... he hasn’t put these shoulders to the mat, he hasn’t forced me to submit and as a matter of fact, his biggest claim to Disqualification fame comes because he kissed me! Get the fuck out of here bro. We’re going to have A LOT of dealing at the event, but I question if you’re even going to make the Main Event after you square off again “him”; injury-prone as you tend to be. But that’s not the killing part with you homie; what’s hysterical is the fact that you’re lobbying with Derrick Diamond for a Universal Title shot down the line when you have this golden opportunity staring you straight in the fucking face. What’s the matter, dude? Not as confident as you profess yourself to be?

Are you setting up contingency plans for your impending failures?

Don’t believe your hype? What’s up?

How can someone who is GOOD as you want us all to believe not confident in his abilities going into this Universal Title match?

Now, why would you be lobbying for another shot at the title you already have a shot at? Who died and made you the new Chris Chaos? What have you done to DESERVE a one on one shot at that title? You lost the TV Title to me, you lost the Warfare MVP match… twice… your only claim to fame is a DQ win over me on the first night of Relentless! So excuse the fuck out of me when I say stop drinking your goddamn kool-aid your arrogant cuntcake and start to fully grasp that you’re NOWHERE are good as you so desperately want the world to believe you are. You’re a walking contradiction, but you SHOULD be setting up future opportunities for I can’t think of a better way to firmly take control of this rivalry than being the man responsible for crushing your dream of wearing the XWF Universal Championship again. What you’re going to learn coming out of High Stakes that you picked the fight with the wrong mother fucker. The last time our paths crossed I took out a knee, there’s no telling what I’m going to do, what bone I might break, or what hole I might bury you in….

Hey Sebas.

You’ll never step out of your father’s shadow regardless of how hard you might try. You’ll always be the “other” Duke.

Continue sucking on the tip of Corey’s cock because we all see that alliance brewing, as well it should because honestly, the only way EITHER of you is leaving with the Universal Title is with a little help. Your fate is sealed and how fitting that I beat you not once… but twice in the same fucking night. They’re right when they say this thing needs to end because quite frankly you’re starting to bore me. So enjoy the last few minutes of your fifteen minutes of fame and continue to pretend you belong at the top of the mountain top while I’ll end things with you by simply saying why don’t you worry about winning a match legitimately before demanding to be put at the head of the table.

Can we talk about this Champ Sportsman mother fucker for just a second? Of course, we can because this cocksmoker was dead on arrival the moment he admitted association with Big D. More importantly, when speaking on me he’s done nothing but rehash the same shit a thousand other people have said before and a thousand more are going to say after. So instead of rehashing the same various topics and beating that dead horse allow me to treat you like the little bitch that you are and take you to school. It’s clear baseball’s your thing and it’s clear that wrestling or cutting promos aren’t your thing because if you had half a fucking brain you wouldn’t attempt to tear me down one minute while professing I’m a threat the next. That’s not how this works rook.

Makes you look like a fucking idiot.

You’re one of the bottom feeders that are looking to creep into my profession and strike at an opportunity to use a battle royale to garner some sort of instant gratification without paying any dues whatsoever, and that’s a slap in the face to guys like me who have shown up and done anything that’s been asked of him from putting over people that had no business being put over to upstaging the Universal Championship itself. You sir don’t get to walk into my business and sit at the grown folk's table like you fucking belong. You’re going to learn real quickly how easy it is to spout out fighting words from a distance versus backing up those words once the bell rings. You’re in my world now buttercup and considering you’re stupid enough to let Big D train you I can see you being reduced to Thursday nights within the coming weeks. Amateur hour is over brah and it’s time that you realize your fate. You’re not going to outlast me. Hell, nobody is. I’m the seventy-five-minute man, asks Shawn Warstein.

At the end of the day, you’re going to end up a cunt hair better than Marf when the smoke clear and the dust settles.

You do what you've done best since you've arrived and that's wait until the final hour to put up a piss poor response to any attention anyone has bothered to give you.

Finally, the last thing I want to tell you is this… watching paint dry is more entertaining than anything you’ve put forward. Fuck you.

In closing this week I’ll leave you all with this. We’re four weeks into this and I’m starting to see more and more of you in my rearview mirror. You all love to talk about how I’m a nobody yet you’re all quick to label me as a threat. I’m not walking into High Stakes to fail and while most of you have already exposed yourselves as unprepared or flat out boring at best I’m trucking along dusting you all in the process. My confidence continues to grow with each passing day. I’m salivating over the thoughts of what I’m going to accomplish by the time that curtain closes on High Stakes. None of you are as hungry as I am to invoke some legitimate change at the top of the XWF food chain. I am that change and I'm prepared to strap this company to my back and shoot for the fucking stars.

I mean I am the one that made Thad relevant again. If I can do that with someone as nonexistent as him imagine what I can do with others that I give a fuck about.

Just saying.