X-treme Wrestling Federation
Saturday Night Savage 10/10* - Printable Version

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Saturday Night Savage 10/10* - Atticus Gold - 10-11-2020



1 RP, 1000 Word Limit
Cut a classic promo in the style of WWE New Generation Era
Complete with neon 90s attire and terrible New Gen gimmick
The winner will receive their choice of a TV or Hart title shot

John Black
- vs -

Nathaniel Idenhaus
- vs -
Sebastian Duke

Isabella Ravenwolf
- vs -
Big D

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

Thunder Knuckles & Johnny Legend
- vs -
Jim Jimson & Charlie Nickels
Tag Team

HHL: Welcome everyone to the sold out Moda Center!

PIP: We’re in Portland, Oregon tonight and just weeks removed from the biggest, most exciting three days in sports!

HHL: Relentless is in the books, and Pip...

PIP: Woah! Wait a second! We're about to be joined by the Lionheart here on Savage!

My Name Is Human plays, exciting a raucous reaction from the Oregonians in attendance.

PIP: Wait a minute!

HHL: Paul Heyman, Pip!

Paul Heyman bursts through the entrance way like a man on a mission.

PIP: His protege ran the table at Relentless, but he’s on the shelf for the next few weeks!

Heyman steps through the ropes and into the ring.




Heyman’s theme cuts out and the fans refuse to quiet.

”Vinnie Lane!

“Theo Pryce!


“I hope you’re watching because I...”
he pauses, giving the camera a rather intense stare. ”I have a WHOLE LOT of SHIT on my mind!

“No, WE!”
Paul motions to himself and the Portland crowd. ”All of Duke Nation has something to tell yoooou!”


”Mrs. Lacklan!

“Mrs. Lacklan!”

HHL: What?

PIP: The Universal Champion!

”This is an appeal to you as well! This is an appeal to the brain trust running this company! This is an appeal to the Universal Champion herself!


“Is an appeal to the sensibilities of those in power in the Xtreme Wrestling Federation!

“Now all I want you to do, is take a look. Take a look at this, and you listen to the roof come off this building! You look, and you listen to these fans! You look and you listen, Lane! You listen, Pryce! You listen, Raven!

“Mrs. Lacklan, I know you are a smart woman and I know where your interests lie and that’s exactly with your own self-interest! But please, look.


“And smell the dollar bills.”

HHL: Look at what?

PIP: Listen to what?

Heyman stands in the center of the ring and finally points to the X-Tron.

[Image: Pd96cph.png]

Thaddeus Duke’s Lionheart logo appears on the X-Tron. The cameras pan the crowd as they come unglued and out of their seats for their dinged up hero.

XWF Universe: “WE WANT THAD! WE WANT THAD! WE WANT THAD!” they chant in the vein of the old E-C-Dub chants.

HHL: This place is rockin’ Pip! There’s no denying that young mans popularity!

PIP: This is like a home game at Arrowhead in Kansas City and the Chiefs just scored a touchdown!

HHL: Great reference… in fucking Portland!

PIP: It was a comparison of the decibel level!

”You want Thaddeus Duke?” Heyman asks of the Universe. They pop loudly in response. ”I WANT THADDEUS DUKE!” he says, pounding his chest. Again, they pop loudly.

”Rest assured, he’ll be as good as new in a couple weeks! He’ll be back out here running his mouth! He’ll be back out here putting asses in seats! He’ll be back out here doing what Thaddeus Duke does, and lighting fires beneath the XWF Universe!

[lime]”You hear these people, Vinnie?

“You hear these people, Theo?


“Sarah, I know you hear them…

“That brings me to Mister Number One Contender. That brings me to the insufferable bore that is Chris Chaos! Now you tell me, XWF Universe!”
Heyman begins to do circles around the ring. ”No! You tell THEM, Universe! If you want to see Chaos in the main event at High Stakes!”

The crowd boos loudly. That’s X-Pac heat right there.

”You have a young man sitting at home nursing his knee! You have a young man sitting at home, whose fan support has gone absolutely, fucking, nuclear! You have a young man sitting at home tonight, who DEFEATED YOUR number one contender, not once, but TWICE, inside of a month!

“You have a young man that ran the table at Relentless, who put his body on the line at Relentless!

“A man that risked EVERYTHING for YOU! Risked EVERYTHING for the UNIVERSE!

“And Chris Chaos is the number one contender?

“BASED ON WHAT!? Based on the fact that Theo Pryce wanted to keep Chaos around just to keep fucking with him! While it’s exactly what I would have done, NO ONE WANTS TO SEE CHRIS CHAOS IN THE MAIN EVENT OF HIGH STAKES!”

The crowd starts up again. Heyman holds out the mic toward the crowd as he walks circles around the ring.

XWF Universe: “FUCK YOU CHA-OS!” clap clap clapclapclap “FUCK YOU CHA-OS!” clap clap clapclapclap “FUCK YOU CHA-OS!” clap clap clapclapclap.

”Who do you want to see challenge Sarah Lacklan for the Universal Title!?”

XWF Universe: “WE WANT THAD! WE WANT THAD! WE WANT THAD!” they chant again, in the vein of the old E-C-Dub chants.

”You listen to this! You listen to these people! It is THEY who lines our pockets! It is THEY that dictate the paths we take! It is THEY who tune in every week, who buy the tickets to these shows, who spend their hard earned money to purchase the pay per view and watch at home with their families and their friends.

“Sarah, I appeal to your business sense and like I said, I know you are a smart woman whose primary goal is to promote her own self interests and I’m here to do the same thing. Mrs. Lacklan, at High Stakes when you defend your Universal Championship, who do you think puts more money in your pocket by sharing the marquee with you?

“The washed up never-was Chris Chaos?

“Or the bright young star with a big, big future in Thaddeus! Fucking! Duke!?”


HHL: Big time words from a big time mouth!

PIP: Paul Heyman, with an appeal, the XWF Universe firmly behind him, to the powers that be and the Universal Champion herself!

”Ladies and gentlemen… they have a choice to make… Mrs. Lacklan has a choice to make. They can screw the pooch, they can give in and allow this nightmare in waiting that is the Chris Chaos number one contendership to go on at High Stakes as planned.

“A match that mind you, is far better suited for a house show in Bumfuck, West Virginia and NOT on the grand stage of High Stakes and on XWF pay per view!

“I have done what I came out here to do. I have advocated for my client because my client whether he is present or not deserves nothing but my best efforts.

“Your fans!

“His fans!

“OUR FANS… have spoken!

“Send Thaddeus Duke to Tombstone!

“Send Thaddeus Duke to High Stakes!

“Send Thaddeus Duke to the main event!

“It is your job! It is your responsibility, to LISTEN!”

HHL: The argument has been made, and Pip, Paul Heyman made some rather substantial points.

PIP: The evidence is ridiculously overwhelming in favor of a swap from Chris Chaos at High Stakes to Thaddeus Duke.

HHL: And to have the added help of Duke’s rather rabid fan base helping to make that case, if there was any doubt before Pip, I think it’s clear now that Paul Heyman is pretty good at this manager shit.

PIP: Despite Thaddeus Duke’s unfortunate injury that’s got him on the shelf for the next couple weeks, Heyman’s out here advocating for his client and did a pretty damn good job of it.

Duke’s music hits as the fans continue to go nuts with their Duke chants.

”I’m sorry!

“Did you think I was finished!?”

The sound crew cuts the music.

PIP: But wait, Heather! There’s more!

Enraged, Paulie paces the ring.




HHL: Duke Nation, minus their literal fearless leader, telling the world what they think!

PIP: Not totally unlike Duke. He’s been known to ruffle some feathers in the past by calling things the way he sees them!

”Thaddeus Duke won’t be on Savage! Thaddeus Duke won’t be on Warfare! Thaddeus Duke is sitting home with his family in Connecticut recuperating his ACL and shitposting on Twitter because of




“We know you’re here, Page!


HHL: Paul Heyman, is red hot!

PIP: I’d make a fat joke, but this is just pure passion on display here.

“Chris Page sees this fucking phenom of a talent, young, good looking, more athleticism in his little finger than Chris Page has ever had in his entire fucking body! And he got jealous! Jealous of the popularity, jealous of the god given talent! And Chris Page couldn’t stand it, so what does he do? He targets Thaddeus Duke’s knee, he goes out there with the intent to permanently injure YOUR LIONHEART!

“Page you want to know something?


HHL: Ooomf!

“Let me tell you something else you son of a bitch! If you think when he comes back in a couple weeks, if you think he’s gonna be smiling and happy. Yooooou got another thing comin’!

“Let me remind you, what happened to Mastermind when Thaddeus Duke placed a target on his head on Warfare! Let me remind you, Page, just how far he was willing to go at Relentless inside the House of Horrors! Let me remind you, Chris, what I had to BEG and PLEAD with him NOT to do!”


”And if you think!


“That I’m gonna beg him!

“That I’m gonna plead with him to stop! To have mercy on you…

“Well Chris, you unleashed your Beast on Thaddeus Duke. Now let’s see what happens… let’s see what happens, Chris, when he unleashes his!”

Paul stops in his track as he shockingly shifts his head towards the top of the ramp as we see “Chronic” Chris Page emerge out to the top of the ramp in a black tank top tucked into black jeans with both hands taped heavily as he sports a freshly shaven head.

” Former television champion and a man that went 1-1-1 at Relentless is on his way to the ring and he doesn’t appear to be in good spirits.”

” Do you hear that music? Talk about a jab without saying a word.”

Chris starts to make the walk towards the ring as he pays very little to the crowd that gives him a very mixed reception. Chris reaches ringside, not have taken his eyes off Paul Heyman. Page smirks before he climbs up on the ring apron. He wipes his boots on the apron before stepping through the ropes and into the ring where he walks right past Paul calling for a microphone.

” And Page has a live mic.”

Page stands a safe distance away from Paul as he raises the microphone to his lips.

” You know something? You don’t throw stones when you live in glass houses.”

Chris can’t help but draw the microphone away from his lips as he literally starts laughing at Paul.

Paul raises his microphone only to be cut off at the past by Chris.

” Bruh the last thing you want to do is say ONE more word and you’re not going to have to worry about ever being seen from again. While this is cute and all you do realize where you’re standing, right? You do realize that words have consequences.”

You can see Paul starting to become very uneasy as the situation starts to become a little more tnese.

” If you want to pass blame on someone for Thaddeus not being here tonight direct all that hostility where it belongs… back at Thaddeus. Your client needs to learn that while it’s acceptable to be homosexual it’s not acceptable to push your lifestyle on to others. I showed up at Relentless prepared to give that cock sucker the wrestling lesson of a lifetime; because unlike you, my name actually still holds value, so standing in the ring with me and putting on the clinic we put on only to have that bastard disrespect me? Nah son, that dog don’t hunt boy. Thaddeus got off light….”

Chris takes two steps towards a very timid Paul Heyman.

” The last thing you want to do Mr. Heyman is stand in this ring and make threats that you’re not capable of backing up… but why did you have to say “his” name? You shouldn’t have ever done that….”

Chris takes another step towards Paul and now Paul starts to back up towards a neutral corner.

” Ask… and you shall receive….”

The lights in the arena go completely dark causing the crowd to react with loud screams and when they draw back up Heyman is back against a neutral corner looking into the eyes of…

[Image: f54d9-15781577159903-800.jpg]


The Beast reaches out snatching the throat of Paul Heyman….

PIP: Heyman's all alone! There's no Duke here to help him out!

Suddenly, the arena lights flicker, then go out. Camera flashes, the only lighting available for several second until...

The X-Tron frame bursts into flames!

HHL: Big! Man! Comin'!

PIP: The legendary father of Thaddeus Duke! He's here!

[Image: EIbqXud.jpg]

The arena lighting returns as Sebastian Duke emerges from backstage. In the ring, Page shoves Heyman away. Heyman quickly rolls out of the ring as the former King of Darkness makes his way to the ring with a purpose. The Beast of Chris Page stands his ground near the far side ropes as Duke comes to a stop on the floor outside the apron. Not taking his eyes from the Beast, Duke grabs a hold of the top rope and hoists himself to the apron, before stepping over the top rope and into the ring. He has a microphone in hand.

PIP: Big man with microphone!

"I ain't much for talkin'," Duke begins as "Run On' cuts out. "But I damn sure didn't fly out here to Portland, just to lay a beat down on Nathaniel Idenhaus's scrawny ass. Boy, I told you at Relentless, that you could do this the easy way, or the hard way. Either I'm gonna hunt you down, or you're gonna nut up and let's do this right now!"

XWF Universe: "FUCK 'EM UP DUUUUKE, FUCK 'EM UP!" clap-clap. "FUCK 'EM UP DUUUUKE, FUCK 'EM UP!" clap-clap. "FUCK 'EM UP DUUUUKE, FUCK 'EM UP!" clap-clap.

The Beast steps toward Duke and with a smirk on his face…

HHL: It's on! Page and Duke live right here on Savage!

The Beast strikes first, then Duke, then Beast, then Duke, then Beast and the house is rockin'. Each man delivers stiff shots to the other. The Beast gets in one to the jaw, staggering the big man back against the ropes. The Beast then lunges forward, clotheslining the big man over the top rope and to the floor.

PIP: That unnatural, freakish agility of Sebastian Duke!

Duke lands on his feet on the floor, facing the ring. He grabs The Beast by both ankles, pulling him to the mat and underneath the ropes where a vicious right hand connects sending The Beast reeling when suddenly a multitude of referee's and XWF officials storm the two warriors, pulling them apart much to the chagrin of the XWF Universe. The Beast, and likewise Duke, start decking referees left and right. Even poor John Bihl. He's certainly not gonna referee the SHIT out dis fight!

With the referees dispatched for the time being, The Beast and Duke return to fighting each other. Duke gets in a nice right, sending The Beast reeling and stumbling up the ramp toward the entrance way. Duke chases after him, but The Beast leaps onto him in Lou Thesz fashion, taking Duke to the ramp surface and pummeling the big man with everything he got. Old man Duke finally shoves The Beast off of him and rolls over, getting back to his feet, blood trickling from his nose.

As The Beast starts to get up, Duke dives on top of him and returns the favor, pummeling him with his long hard right swinging fists. Security rushes out from backstage. Duke gets to his feet and is immediately tackled by security. They hold him down as The Beast gets back to his feet and lands a few cheap shots to the trapped Sebastian Duke before more security rushes out to subdue The Beast.

The Beast though isn't having it as he starts laying out guards left and right. Those holding Duke down, rush to help their comrades and tackle The Beast to the stage floor. Duke, now free, starts hurling security guards off of The Beast. Decking one after the other allowing The Beast to get back to his feet. The last remaining guard is gripped by the throat by Duke. The Beast rushes in quickly and he too grips the guard by his throat. Momentarily working together just so they can fight, Duke and The Beast double choke slam the guard, only for Duke to turn and nail The Beast in the jaw, staggering him backward and sending him back through the entrance way into the Gorilla (RIP big man) position.

Agents and producers scramble the Beast snatches a steel chair where he jabs it into the ribs of Duke as he comes through the curtain! Duke is doubled over for the Beast to waffle across the back with a chair shot across the back! Duke drops to one knee as The Beast hurls the chair off camera to the concrete floor. The Beast turns and walks forward towards Duke who steps back up taking The Beast by the throat! Duke hoists the Beast up in the air before driving him through the table at Gorilla position!

Duke looks down at The Beast as more officials come forward to separate the two as The Beast sits directly up and looks intently at Duke before getting up off the floor! The Beast and Duke throw hands at the officials clearing the way as The Beast kicks Duke in the gut where he locks on to a front face lock but before anything else can happen the lights go dark….

They come back up seconds later and The Beast is gone and Chris Page has re-emerged and suddenly the Savage locker room floods into the gorilla position to successfully separate Sebastian and Chris Page.

The shot cuts backstage where Steve Sayors stands at the ready near a rear entrance. He looks pretty excited, and maybe a little nervous too.

Steve Sayors here, and I’ve just gotten word that agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation are on site, presumably to look into the death of Madison Dyson.

The doors get thrown open, and the imposing figure of Special Agent Shaft Blackman is there, flanked by two other impassive agents. They’re all wearing dark shades with long coats.

Excuse me, Steve Sayors! Could I get a word…?

The agents stop, and Blackman considers Steve as though he’s considering a fly. Who the fuck is you?

I….I just said I’m St-Steve….

Yeah, I caught your name, I’m just wondering why you think you can impede a Federal Investigation, like you are right now.

Steve blanches and almost drops his mic. One of the other agents leans in and whispers something to Blackman, and the man’s features soften a bit.

Oh alright, alright. What you wanna know Steve? Bear in mind it’s gonna be limited.

Oh, well, I was wondering if you could explain what you plan to do here tonight.

Oh, we gonna get to the bottom of who killed that African Queen, Madison Dyson! That’s what we gonna do. We gonna interview all the members of the XWF roster, see what they know...see who looks a little extra nervous during questioning too. And if the killer is to be found amongst the XWF roster, we’ll get ‘em. And another thing, it ain’t just tonight. We gonna follow the XWF has long as we have to.

You mean you’ll be interviewing people on multiple shows?

You got that right. Blackman’s eyes bore right into the camera. We gonna get you, suckah!

The agents breeze past, leaving behind a stunned Steve Sayors.

The Moda Center is alive here tonight for XWF IN YOUR HOUSE. Camera shots show fans holding signs, drinking beer, and generally excited for the PPV at hand. The first match of the card is the Open Battle Royale, which has no known participants so all present are wondering who will make their way down the entry way to kick things off. All eyes are glued to The X-TRON and the crowd becomes a bit agitated after about 30seconds of nothing happening. Just before they erupt in impatience, STEVE SAYORS comes through the curtain and makes his way down the ramp, to the ring with a mic in hand.[purple=#00BFFF]

STEVE SAYORS: Hello Portland, Oregon!!!

(The whole Moda Center explodes.)

STEVE SAYORS: To kick off the show and to get this Battle Royal started, I introduce to you, the new…..

STEVE SAYORS is cut short and the lights go out; replaced with dancing gold and purple strobe lights. The colors move throughout the Center as The X-TRON beings to play a vignette in monochrome with only a single person in the shot in color, Infamous. Music hits the speakers, it’s Cam’ron - “Get’em Daddy”(Remix) and among the crowd can be heard some pop. As the camera pans around the Center, we can see signs that read “Infamy is Me!”, “Triple F!” and, “The Legend in Gold”. As the camera focuses back on the entry way and The X-TRON, silver and gold pyros explode and stream down the entry way with the letters I-N-F-A-M-O-U-S flashing one at a time on the screen between the finishing moves and wins of the coming star. As the song reaches the middle of the first verse, out steps INFAMOUS from the stream of gold and silver. The newcomer is wearing several gold chains, with a. couple of them thick Cuban links and rope chains, something reminiscent to the new gen days of Razor Ramon. In his mouth is a toothpick and the same smug smirk that Razor Ramon sported, much to the annoyance of his opponents. His ring attire has him shirt less, showing his sleeve tattoo with wrestling tape wrapped around his hands and wrists. He is a toned physique with tan brown skin; his leg wear are neon purple pants with neon gold letting spelling Infamous on his left leg. His footwear are silver boots with the word “INFAMY” on both boots.

INFAMOUS makes his way to the ring in a classic, n w o/ Wolf Pack, stride down the ramp, and the fans are eating it up. STEVE SAYORS remains in the ring, seeming to be getting impatient with the pageantry but makes eye contact with INFAMOUS and quickly softens his face. INFAMOUS steps into the ring as the lightening begins to change back to the normal arena lighting and the music begins to fade out. STEVE SAYORS looks a bit nervous as INFAMOUS walks over to him, chewing on the toothpick. INFAMOUS stands face to face with STEVE SAAYORS who slowly raises the microphone between them; INFAMOUS leans in to speak.

Infamous: Aye, Yo! (not too bad imitation of Razor Ramon’s voice) [gold=#00BFFF]

The whole Center explodes in cheers again as Razor Ramon remains a well-known legend. INFAMOUS looks around the Moda Center with the same smirk he wore down the ramp.

Steve Sayors: Infamous, let me be the first to welcome you to XWF and welcome you to your first match.

Infamous: No disrespect…. wait…let me say that over. All the disrespect to you Sayors, I don’t need your luck or your welcome but thank you for being out here, so I have someone to throw my toothpick at. (Throws toothpick at Steve Sayors).

The audience again pops and are loving the attitude from Infamous.

Infamous: I’m not here to make friends. I’m not here to be liked or cheered. I’m not here to be hated or booed. I’m here to win. I’m here to make history as the first NFW wrestler to jump over to XWF. I’m here to hold some gold (grabbing gold around his neck), and I don’t mean these. Let me say this clearly and make this point as strongly as I can for you and everyone else, change is here. The Legend is here.

I am the crème dela crème in XWF and there is no doubt about it and you, Steve Sayors, know it. Win or lose here tonight I am the cream of the crop; don’t you ever forget it. Now get out of the ring before you get hurt chico.

STEVE SAYORS makes his way out of the ring somewhat afraid but relieved, until he sees INFAMOUS following him out of the ring.

Infamous: Don’t be a punk Sayors, I’m not going to do anything. I’m not starting fool so I’m just going to be a fan a bit.

A line of the competitors in their neon attire one by one.

- vs -
Michael Graves
- vs -
Robbie Bourbon
- vs -
- vs -
- vs -
Thunder Knuckles
- vs -
Miss Fury
- vs -
Tommy Wish
- vs -
- vs -
Barney Green
- vs -
Charlie Nickles
- vs -
Broken Oswald Autem
Winner will receive a Hart or TV Championship shot of their choice

The bell rings and everyone in the ring begins hammering away on each other. It is total chaos. The crowd erupts because, who doesn't like to see a good battle royal?

The ring is shaking from the weight of all these superstars.

Pip: Heck of a way to start off the action here, Heather! A good old fashion Battal Roy ale.

Heather: Why did you say it like that?

Pip: Like what?

Heather: Ugh, nevermind

As they all hammer away on each other, it is EDWARD than is knocked over the ropes. He holds on, and is able to stay on the apron, but a dropkick from Tommy
"Tom Ford" Wish knocks him off the apron.

First Elimination: EDWARD

But as soon as he turns around he walks directly into an atomic drop from Broken Oswald.

As he grabs his junk and bends over, Charlie LoveNickles goes for a clothesline. Wish ducks, and LoveNickles knocked Broken Oswald over the ropes with a monster clothesline.

Second Elimination: Broken Oswald Autem

As LoveNickles turns around, he is face to face with Robbie Bourbon.

Pip: Oh yeah! Here's the matchup! This one is gonna be a dandy!

Boris and Miss Fury are fighting it out in one corner. Graves and Green in the other.

Nickles and Bourbon stare at each other for a second or two as the crowd roars, then both grin. They turn and begin to hammer on everyone around them!

Bourbon picks up Fantasia over his head and throws her over the ropes like he was tossing a pillow.

Third Elimination: Fantasia

Boris has Miss Fury up on the top rope. He is trying to shove her over but she's fighting back, resisting. Graves is trying to get to her to help, but Barney is doing his best to keep him in the corner.

Heather: Barney doing his best Duke The Dumpster impression this week, the full denim colored janitor look going on here

Pip: Fitting, I have to say

LoveNickles is hammering away on Diesel, and has the "WWF CHAMPION" down the corner.

Thunder Knuckles has been sitting outside the ring, on a folding chair the entire time. He had two bags of money, and he had it dumped out in front of him. He had been counting the entire time. When he finishes counting the one bag, he picks up the other.

Ms. Fury is in trouble, almost over the ropes from Boris on the side near Knuckles. He calmly stands up, puts the money back in the bag, and picks up the other one. He walks over to where they are, and winks at Fury. She moves at the last second as he swings the bag, cracking Boris over the head with it. He it out cold. Fury spins behind him and lifts him feet first as he tumbles over the ropes and to the mat below.

Fourth Elimition: Boris

Bourbon and Diesel are firing shots off in the one corner.

Miss Fury comes off the top rope with a dropkick, knocking Diesel down. Bourbon picks her up by the hair.

Heather: Uh oh!

He tosses her away, however. LoveNickles grabs her.

Graves, who has DumpsterBarney down in the corner with a foot on his throat, see's Nickles with Miss Fury by the hair. He explodes out of the corner.

The Skeleton King has awoken!

He explodes at LoveNickles, and the two trade blows in the center of the ring. Tommy Ford Wish and Diesel are going at it in one corner and Bourbon is stomping away on DumpsterBarney. Thunder Knuckles now joins in and begins to stomp on Nickles. Once they have him down, they both turn their attention to Wish.

They pull Wish off Diesel. Knuckles takes Ford Wish and Bourbon takes Diesel. Nickles is in the corner, and he appears to be pulling something out from inside the turnbuckle padding as he is getting up. Bourbon has Diesel up for the Robbie Bomb!


Heather: FAT CHANCE!

Bourbon walks towards the ropes. He is wobbling but he has him over......


Fifth Elimition: Diesel

Robbie turns around.


Pip: Where did she come from?!!!!

Nickles is back up, and she comes off the ropes. She goes for the springboard, LoveNickles catches her and propels her up over the ropes to the mat outside!

The crowd roars!

Heather: Okay, that was cool!

Sixth Elimition: Miss Fury

Barney Green is back to his feet.

Nickles turns around just in time to catch a boot from Barney.

Tom Ford Wish is on Barney now, raining down a fury of punches and backing the big man into the corner. Just then there is some mic static.

Diesel gets back to his feet on the floor after his elimination and grabs a mic.

"I know I said I'd defend the WWF title against anyone who could eliminate me but you all saw it! I wasn't eliminated! I tripped and fell over the top rope!

"Fact is, this place will run on DIESEL POWER for eternity!


Diesel spikes the mic to a chorus of boos. He turns to leave but immediately blows both quads causing medics to rush out and whisk him away for another two years.

Everyone turns and looks back to their opponents. Wish doesn't see Miss Fury, who has slid back into the ring behind him.

LOW BLOW!!!!!!

Ford Wish goes to one knee holding his junk. Dumpster Barney clotheslines him over the ropes.

7th Elimination: Tommy Wish

Miss Fury goes to walk away up the ramp. Graves turns and looks at her.

In this split second of distraction, LoveNickles clubs him in the back and tosses him over the ropes.

8th Elimination: Michael Graves

Pip: I think I need my contacts fixed.....

Heather: Why?

Pip: Barney Green in the Final Four?!

Heather: Yeah, go back to sleep

Its Barney and Thunder Knuckles and Nickles and Bourbon. Both in the center of the ring, all 4 exhanging punches.

Nickles is backed into the corner as Bourbon is throwing haymakers.

Knuckles has Barney bent over the ropes. He is trying to get the big man over but Barney is not letting him get underneath him to lift.

In the other corner, Charlie grabs something out of his colorful tights. Just as Bourbon is about to throw the killing blow, Nickles throws what looks like some sort of powder in his eyes. Robbie yells out and grabs his face.

LoveNickles comes out of the corner and clubs Knuckles in the back. The impact forces Barney over the ropes and to the mat.

9th Elimination: Barney Green

Nickles comes back off the ropes the other way, and clotheslines Bourbon.


10th Elimination: FAT CHANCE: Robbie Bourbon

Pip: And we're down to two. Whatever that powder was it worked. He must have had that hidden in the turnbuckle. Tricky.

Knuckles and Nickles now in the center of the ring. Knuckles plants him with a spinebuster. He comes off the ropes with a leg drop. Picking up Nickles, he goes to toss him over the ropes but Nickles stops dead in his tracks. He hits Knuckles with a back elbow. Coming off the ropes he goes for the clothesline but Mr. Moneybags ducks it. LoveNickels comes back off and Knuckles hits a belly to belly in the center of the ring.

Rolling under the ropes, he grabs the bag of money he had outside the ring and brings it in. Nickles gets bac to his feet. Knuckles swings the money bag, Nickles ducks, lifting him for an atomic drop. Knuckles drops the bag. Nickles picks it up. He empties it out.


A sick smile crosses his face.

He takes a brick and holds it like a cell phone. He drives it into the back of the leg of Knuckles. Then the other. The former TV champ is trying to get to his feet but his legs are charliehorsed from the brick.

He pulls himself up and Nickles goes to clothesline him over the ropes. Knuckles ducks it!

He flips Nickles over his shoulder!


He grabs Knuckles by the face and brings it down over the top rope, then lifts him up.



Pip: Who won?! Who hit first! They both hit at the same time! [/pip]

The ref looks uber confused.

He goes to the time keeper, who makes the announcement that they are going to replay the finale in slow motion on the X-Tron.

The crowd watches with baited breath.




The ring announcer gets on the mic.


Dude Love's music hits as he rolls into the ring and throws an arm up. Spent from the effort.

Atticus White is shown in his office, behind his desk doing paperwork. He seems a bit frustrated, something that intensifies when his co-General Manager, Big D, enters the room, decked out in his ring gear with a piece of paper in hand.

ATTICUS: "Where the hell have you been?"

D(stretching): "Preparing for my match......... where the hell have YOU been?"

Atticus stares at Big D for a moment, before snapping on him.

ATTICUS: "I've been here, doing my JOB!"

D: "Geez, chillax, Atty---KISS!"

Big D looks at White, hoping he didn't notice the slip up, but his glare of death says otherwise. D tries to lighten things up, placing the piece of paper in front of his co-GM.

D: "I need you to sign this."

Atticus picks the paper up and examines it.

ATTICUS: "What is it?"

D: "Approval for me to face Thunder Knuckles next week for the TV Title."

An annoyed Atticus sighs, dropping his arms to his desk as he lets go of the paper.

ATTICUS: "Absolutely not!"

Big D stops his stretching.

D: "What do you mean no?!? TK's been running his mouth on Twitter, he essentially CHALLENGED me!!!"

ATTICUS(shrugging): "Well, first off, Johnny Legend is the Number 1 Contender, I can't just let you jump ahead of him! How would it look on management to have one of the GMs abuse his power and leapfrog a legitimate challenger?............ all because someone said some mean things about him on the Twitter?"

D(face palming): "Oh my God, you are SO old!..........."

Big D places his hands on White's desk, trying his best to convince him.

D: "You don't understand, if I don't get that match, everyone's gonna think I'm a big pussy!"

Atticus looks up from his work, a big smile on his face.

ATTICUS: "Everyone already thinks that, so you shouldn't be any worse off!............... the answer's still NO!"

Atticus chuckles to himself as he returns to his work. An upset Big D reaches forward and slides all the papers, pencils, and even a computer off of White's desk, dumping it all over the floor. An irate Atticus stands up, pointing at the mess D created.

ATTICUS: "You're gonna clean this up RIGHT NOW!"

Big D shrugs, a sly smile on his face as he turns and makes his way for the door.

D: "I can't! I'm too big of a pussy........."

Big D exits the office as the camera gets a close-up of Atticus's beat red face. He nearly shakes with rage, muttering a final statement before the scene fades out.

ATTICUS: "I despise that man........."

We see Special Agent Shaft Blackman, sitting in a sparse room consisting of naught but a simple steel table, two chairs, and a desk lamp. The door into the hall is open, casting a harsh light into the room. Before long, a figure obscures the brightness. Robert Main.

Blackman pushes out a seat from beneath the table with his boot. Ah! Mr. Double Champion himself! He gestures towards the chair. Have a seat.

" I'll stand..."

Fine by me…

Robert crosses his arms lighting, a cigar.

Robert, Madison Dyson is dead…

Robert's eyes squint as the tip of his cigar turns cherry red, he then smiles blowing, the creamy vanilla smoke into Shaft Blackman's face... Main then grins from ear to ear...

Do you find that funny Mr. Main?

Robert nods...

" I do find that funny. I find it hilarious to be completely honest..."

Robert blows more smoke in the agents face...

"Why am I here? I've got better things to do than deal with the fuzz. I've got titles to defend pal..."

We believe you might have something to do with Dyson's death. And if you blow more smoke in my face I'll cram that cigar down your honky throat, Mr. Main.

" That a threat agent?"

The agent shakes his head.

No Mr. Main that's a promise.

Robert chuckles under his breath...

" Tough guy... Easy killer... I wish I had something to do with it, I do."

Shaft Blackman slams his fist on the table pointing at Main...

I'm not playing with you son. I could lock you up for the rest of your pathetic life... I've seen some of the things that you have done... You tried to cut Centurion with a broken pot on The Rock. I should lock you up for attempted murder…

" Oh yeah? If you had a shred of evidence pig, I'd already be locked up... You don't have shit on me, you know it, I know it... So, why don't we stop this little game of good cop bad cop? And by the way, what happened to Centurion was legal... He signed the contract... Again you've got nothing..."

Robert places both his hands on the agent's desk leaning over him...

Didn't Dyson have a hit out on you? Paying anyone who would attack you 1,000 X-Bux?

Robert chews on the tip of his cigar for a second pushing himself off the desk...

" She did...?"

Robert points at the agent...

" So, that's why I'm here, right? You believe that because she had a hit out on me I had some sorta vendetta right? I needed to get payback or some shit? Look, I hate to spoil your theories there Alex Jones... But, as much as I wanted her dead, as much as I would have loved to strangle the life out of her... It wasn't me... Trust me, I'd take ownership of doing the world a massive favor like this... All things come, full circle man..."

Robert smiles making a circle with his index finger...

You seem to be over the moon now that she is dead Mr. Main…

Robert shakes his head slamming his hands on the agent's desk...

" I don't think you get it, do you... I'm fucking elated that she is dead, I can only hope she is rotting in hell right now with The Engineer. This bitch was nothing but trouble, from day fucking one. She wreaked more havoc in XWF than anyone else I can think of. Continuously stirring the pot, trolling people... She had this coming... She deserved this... Anyone with a shred of common sense could see this coming from a mile away. She was hated, there isn't any need of a cold case file agent. Case closed as far as I'm concerned... I'll sleep ten times better knowing she got wiped off the face of this planet."

Agent Shaft Blackman opens a manilla folder...

Mr. Main, we are running Forensics on several items as well as those two championships you carry around we'll know if the two of you were in contact…

Robert tosses his hands up...

" Hey dick head, I hate to break this case wide fucking open, but we were in contact several times... What the hell are you guys trying to pull on me over here... Jesus Christ it's like amateur hour over here or some shit... We had contact, several times dick weed... Especially when she attacked me, so I'm sure you'll find something somewhere that links us together..."

The Agent lays the folder on the desk interlocking his fingers...

Do you know anyone else who might have wanted to harm her?

Robert laughs out loud...

" You serious?"

The Agent nods.

I am...

" Dude there is a line out the door of people who wanted to snuff this bitch out... Your guess is as good as mine..."

The Agent sighs...

Mr. Main, we will be in touch... Stay close…

Smoke billows and lights flash on and on. She runs down to the ring, jumping on the apron. Doing the splits she slides under the bottom rope. Preceding to jump up on the turnbuckle throwing devil horns.

As soon Ice Cube blast on the X-Tron, the smoke arises on the entrance way and the camera pans around the arena, and then it pin points Black who's coming out of the entrance stage. He stand there, and walks down to the ramp, and gives some high fives to the fans. He climbs to the ropes, and enters it and gives out a fist around the ring, then he stands in the middle of the ring as his theme cuts off.

John Black
- vs -

HHL: And we're underway! John Black and Halocen had a nasty exchange leading up to tonight.

PC: They sure did, Heath-bar!

HHL: Don't call me that.

JB and Halocen immediately go into a tie up, and JB presses his size advantage, shooting from the lock up into a headlock on Halocen. Halocen throws a forearm to the small of JB's back, and escapes, cinching in a hammerlock! JB counters with a hammerlock of his own, transitioning behind Halocen! Halocen throws a back elbow to JB, causing him to release the hammerlock! Halocen shoots off the opposing ropes, and on the rebound JB hits the deck, allowing Halocen to bound over him and into the ropes again! On the rebound JB hits the deck again, but Halocen puts on the brakes and leaps, and hits an elbow drop onto JB!

HHL: Black might have telegraphed that one!

Halocen is back up swiftly, and drops another elbow! JB rolls out of the way, and the elbow hits mat! JB to his feet at the same time as Halocen, and he snags her to hit a scoop slam! JB with a fist drop to Halocen! A quick pin by JB!



Halocen kicks out with authority! JB raises Halocen to a seated position and sets in a chinlock! Halocen fights out of it, and is to her feet! JB stands to meet her, she hits a flying head scissors takedown! JB quickly back up, hurricanrana by Halocen! JB tumbles to the outside of the ring! The referee begins his count, but Halocen shoots off the opposite ropes and soars with a tope suicida! JB is down, but so is Halocen! The referee continues his count! Both JB and Halocen both slide into the ring beating the count! Both competitors square up to each other, but JB grabs Halocen and drops her with the Blacka Jacka!

HHL: Huge move by JB there!

PC: The crowd is eating this up!

JB throws a few stomps onto Halocen's laid out body! JB drops a leg! No, Halocen moves out of the way, and slowly gets to her feet! JB is seated on the ground, Halocen with a stiff kick to his jaw! Halocen brings JB to his feet with a headhold, and throws a knee! Another knee to JB! Halocen whips JB into the ropes, and on the rebound hits Unicorns and Rainbows! Halocen with a pin attempt!



JB kicks out! Halocen checks with the referee to see if it was a three count, and he holds up two fingers! Halocen grabs JB's leg and locks in a single leg crab! JB is howling in pain as the referee checks with him! JB fights out of the hold, and grabs the ropes! The referee begins his five count!





Halocen releases the hold, but the damage has been done to JB's leg! Halocen leans over the ropes and waves at a group of Portlanders! JB slowly gets to his feet, favoring his leg! Halocen turns back to JB, who hits a dropkick, but both are down as JB rubs his injured right leg! Halocen slowly gets up along with JB, and hits JB with a hard right! JB hits Halocen with a right! Halocen with a back chop to JB! Halocen hops up for another hurricanrana! No! JB counters and positions her into a torture rack! RaWkUs Driver! JB with the pinfall!




JB rolls back onto his butt and rubs his right leg, trying to get the feeling back into it. Halocen slowly gets to her knees, using the ropes to pull herself up. JB with a huge kick to Halocen's back, but it's with his sore leg! JB turns, and holds his knee! As he does, Halocen recovers and is up top!


Halocen hits the big move and goes for the pin!





After the bell had rung, we see JB rolling to the outside, and he gets handed a mic. As Halocen was getting herself the praises from the fans, he comes back into the ring, and gives her around of applause. He then taps on the mic to speak.

JB: Congrats, you have managed to outmatch me in the ring, you managed to get yourself so over with these fans. I am quite shocked you handled your own against me in that ring, since this is your first debut and all that shit. The outcome doesn’t truly matter, since it’s all just a work anyways.

The fans all get riled up over that comment, as he smiles on the hardcam.

JB: So anyways, Halocen, I to give you a present for a job well done you’ve done against me. So I want you to close your eyes, just close em!

Halocen seemed hesitant at first, but closes her eyes. Then JB signals Tommy to come out, and he comes out with a big ol’ cake. He carefully comes into the ring with the cake, and he taps her on the shoulder to see the cake. As Tommy holds the cake In one hand, he roots with the free hand as the crowd started chanting “HALOCEN” in unison.

JB: You see these fans are cheering you hard, and that’s what I like to hear in the XWF. These fans love so much, that they basically told me and Tommy to hand you my personal cake. I made it…well not really it was bought at a local bakery n shit. So, as a token of my gratitude for a new comer like yourself, I want to give you this cake as a way of gratitude for what you’ve done to me in this ring tonight!

Tommy then hands her the cake, but she refuses. JB and Tommy then tried to have the cake, but she kept on refusing to take it. Then both me walk away from her, and speak privately then they come back to her.

JB: Okay okay… it’s fine, if you don’t want the cake… then its fine. But here the thing, this is main time I’ll be nice to you. So you better count your blessings… oh yeah before I leave this arena…

Tommy smashes the cake in her face, then Tommy laughs at her. Then JB Irish Whips her to the ropes and they deliver The Drive-Bye onto Halocen. Then the fans all started to boo the shit out of them, and both men leave the ring heading to the backstage, as the next segment come up.

When we return to Special Agent Blackman, he’s once again in the interview room, but this time his features are pinched and he’s holding his nose.

Goddamn, you smell like shit!

Well hello to you too, good sir! responds Greggo with an enthusiastic batting of his eye lashes before continuing, it’s nice that someone ‘round here finally know how 2 proper greet someone! Thank you fer that.

Blackman tries to get over the disgust, gagging a bit as he continues. So, you were somehow Madison Dyson’s manager for the last couple months. Do you have any relevant info for me?

Mmmmmm, mmmmm, well it’s a shame about ol’ gurl I tell ya. But no I dunno any relevant info about anything.

Blackman is about to respond but is cut off by Greggo with an abrupt… ANYTHING.

The momentary stare and awkward silence allow for that terrible odor to dominate the scene. Blackman can’t help but to gag a little more as Greggo smiles and breathes in deeply.

But I will say I liked ol’ gurl. She may have been a dumbocrat and a jig, but she was my friend to the end. She too saw how wonderful and great my client, Sarah ‘Adorably Ungovernable’ Lacklan really is. My gurl Maddy Dyson was right there with me from the get go as we planned how to make sure Lacklan’s cash in at Leap of Faith would be a success against Shawn Fuzz. We all saw wha’happen there. Maddy and I are without question the reason Shawn Fuzz went down so easily, that whimpering lil’ beetch boy. My Sarah is your Sarah. Eyes on her.

Blackman is about to say something but Greggo wasn’t done. I wasn’t done.Like I was sayin’, everyone knows my client Sarah is best. Everyone now worships Sarah. We even managed to shut the jealous complainers up who tried bitching about my client being the winner at everything always. Dang losers! But yeah, I’d say I officially manage the top draw in entire wrestling werld right now. Do u have any idea how many Champions my Sarah is? In how many feds and of how many hearts? Spoiler it’s a LOT.

Blackman shakes his head. Yeah, you had it right when you said you had fuck all for me.

Greggo is very quick to chime in with, Well yeah I didn’t kill Sarah Lacklan. I love m’client. Plus she’s very alive, always present! Last of all bub, y’kno’I’d’ve had sex with the body if it was me. Are we done? I got a client to promote.

Blackman is quick to interject with, This is about Madison Dyson; not Sarah fucking Lacklan!

Greggo’s eyes light up. Oh! Oh yeah! Heh, I totes fergot! Man I miss that Maddy. Greggo rolls his eyes and wipes his forehead with his sleeve, smearing a massive amount of sweat off of himself.

Nervous? Blackman asks, not taking his eyes off of Greggo who seems to be avoiding eye contact at all costs.

Heh, yeah… admits Greggo, wiping more sweat all over his own face with his bare hands now. I got an bad feeling I’ma get grounded by Sarah when I get home. This is take long. Why? Why long time?

Blackman leans back in his chair. It takes as long as it takes. You mentioned this Fuzz guy. Warstein, right? He had some heat with Madison?

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh…… Yeah I think I seen’t him drinking a Warsteiner beer at some point. Anyway yas, peachfuzz boi knows I am the reason Sarah Lacklan won the briefcase at Leap of Faith. In case u dunno, the briefcase lets the holder turn it in at anytime for an instant title shot even if the champ just had a match! It’s genius! So later that night at Leap of Faith, Shawn Fuzzdong beat some loser named Cent, like the penny, in a title match. Then right after, Shawn got attacked by Madison Dyson. Then right after, my Sarah came out to clean up the bones and cash in, taking Fuzztaint’s Universal title. Then right after, Shawn fuzzed all over Twitter and people gave him virtual hugs. If any1 wants to kill me, it’s Fuzz.

Again, we’re talking about Madison Dyson.

Well yeah Shawn Fuzz would want her ded too. Aint u listen? Shawn knows w/out me and Maddy to tip the scales at Leap of Faith, Shawn’d STILL be champion today! Diffinitely. He’s a big pusseh that posts self loathing Twitter stuffs all day trying to get ppl to feel sorry for him, and XWF likes that kinda guy. You know what now that I think of it he’s way too pusseh to kill any1 tho. Nahhhh fuck it, it aint him. I doubt he’s yer guy but he werks if you just wanna grab someone and blame them. Screw it, Shawn did it.

It’s almost as if Greggo is just changing his mind as he goes, with no true opinion or stance on any of what he’s discussing. A very loud rumble can be heard coming from his lower abdomen, which seems to concern Blackman at this point.

The smell might get a lil’ better in here in a minute. Just a heads up friend. Also, I think you should question Vannie Lome.

Da fuck? You mean Vincent Lane, XWF owner?

That’s who I said but I used my dwarf accent (Hi Frodo! Teeheehee!). Yas’sir. Its well documented Lame-o-Lane is racist against racist nazis, which Maddy used to be before she turned black, which then brought us to the point where Lane was calling Maddy the JB word a bunch of times... and I don’t mean John Black. Altho that also would werk. I meant Jungle Bunny tho.

We can almost hear Blackman’s brain cells fizzling away at this point as he tries to process this. With a pained grimace and a scary smile, he clasps his hands together firmly and growls out a reply. I think we’re done here. And might I add, you are the most loathsome cretin I have ever questioned, and I interrogated that little Boston Marathon bomber prick.

Greggo thinks about that for a second and then nods with an affirmative, Well thanks for the nice condiment, and begins to blush as the camera cuts!

HHL: Savage faithful, you are in for a treat!

[white]PIP: Two stars of yesteryear collide and it’s seven years in the making, Heather!

HHL: Once upon a time, these two men were firmly entrenched in Shane ’s The Black Circle and Pip, one of these men is in the Hall of Legends and the other? The reigning XWF Hart Champion!

PIP: It’s Sebastian Duke! It’s Nathaniel Idenhaus! And it’s only right here on Savage!

Ring Announcer: The following contest… is set for one fall!

RA: Introducing first! Now residing in Chicago, Illinois weighing 2 hundred 25 pounds. He is the reigning XWF Hart Champion!



Darkness fills the arena and all you can see... is the gleam of Nathaniel's eyes - cold, fearless, terrifying and glowing silver. Like the very bullet that could kill him. Smoke filters and shifts, all around and from somewhere unseen, a howl is heard, distinct and very wolf like, it is followed by a growl and Nathaniel descends the ramp. Slowly the lights return but he is unfazed, focused solely on the ring as he marches forward. Climbing the steel steps, Nathaniel takes his place within the ring.

HHL: Idenhaus is as intense as they come and Pip, this should be a hell of a match!

PIP: Word is they’ve tried to put this match together now for a couple years and every time, things just seem to fall apart at the last minute!

RA: Annnnd his opponent!

The arena falls dark. After several seconds of darkness and camera flashes, the frame of the X-Tron bursts into flames.

RA: Now residing in Arlington, Virginia! Weighing 2 hundred 90 pounds! Ladies and gentlemen… the legendary…



HHL: He’s a big man with awesome power, Pip!

PIP: And freakish agility on top of it.

As Run On begins, red and white lighting flashes around the arena. Sebastian Duke emerges from backstage with his short hair covered with a black bandanna. Casual fans cheer him for who he’s related to. The more hardcore fans cheer for the man they've grown to respect over the years. Kids hate him. Always have, probably always will.

He takes a moment to smooth out his goatee, then the chorus hits and the Legend heads toward the ring at a much faster pace than XWF fans would remember. Some fans try to reach out and grab his hands as he walks and Duke characteristically yanks his hands out of their reach. As he reaches the ring, he may find a super fan worthy enough of trading a fist bump with, otherwise he just hops onto the apron and enters the ring where he proceeds to remove his glasses and trench coat.

Nathaniel Idenhaus
- vs -
Sebastian Duke

The two men stare each other down as the bell rings. Duke reaches a fist out and Idenhaus returns the gesture, fist bumping the big man.

HHL: Friends of old, Pip!

PIP: Friends is a strong word.

The two men lock horns in the center of the ring but Duke, the larger more powerful of the two, easily backs Nate into the corner. The referee asks for and receives a clean break. Duke backs off toward the middle of the ring and Nate leaves the corner. They circle each other momentarily, but Duke ends up cutting off the ring not leaving Nate a path around him. Nate steps toward Duke and they go to tie it up again, but Nate ducks behind Duke grabbing him in a rear waist lock. Nate then rushes Duke forward, chest first into the corner.

Nate follows that up with a series of kidney punches to the lower back of Sebastian Duke. Duke though, sends an elbow to Idenhaus’s jaw, staggering him backward. Duke then reaches back and grabs Nate by his hair before throwing him into the corner. Duke then follows that up with a barrage of head and body shots, stunning Nate in the corner.

Duke then backs out of the corner and gains a head of steam before avalanching into Nate in the corner. Duke then sends Nate across the ring to the far side corner and chases him in, landing a second avalanche. Nate staggers out of the corner and Duke sends him back into the first corner and again picks up a head of steam and goes for a third avalanche but Nate slides himself out of the corner at the last possible second and Duke crashes into the corner.

Duke staggers backward away from the corner and Nate delivers a dropkick to the upper middle of his back, sending him crashing again front first into the turnbuckles. Not wanting to let up, Nate grabs Duke by the back of his hair and delivers a strong headbutt to the back of Duke’s skull, staggering both of them for the moment. Duke turns to find Nate, but Nate is right there to send a knee to Duke’s midsection just about doubling him over. Nate then locks Duke into a front face lock and sends a barrage of knee lifts into Duke’s chest, before lifting him up, and planting him on the mat with a thunderous suplex. Nate goes for the cover.




HHL: Duke kicks out here at two!

Nate gets back to his feet and grabs Duke by his hair and lifts him to his feet. Nate then lifts Duke and plants him in the middle of the ring with a side slam and goes for the cover. Duke though, rolls his shoulder up almost instantly, not even giving up a one count.

Duke and Idenhaus both start to get to their feet. Nate is up and runs toward the ropes. On the rebound though, Duke catches him as he’s running and drives him to the mat with a big snap power slam.

Duke hooks the leg and just as the referee goes down for the count, the arena lighting flickers and goes out for a few seconds before coming back on. Duke is asking the referee what’s going on.

HHL: We seem to be having some technical difficulties here in Portland.

PIP: Sebastian Duke isn’t happy about it and continues giving the referee an ear full!

With Duke having his back turned and arguing with the referee, Nate recovers from the power slam to roll Duke up in a school boy.




HHL: Who boy! That was close!

Duke kicks out and quickly gets back to his feet. Nate is slower, still suffering the effects of the power slam moments ago. Nate manages to get to his hands and knees before receiving a punt kick to the ribs, sending him airborne slightly and rolling to the far side of the ring. Idenhaus though, gets back up quickly. He runs toward Duke and eats a big size 16 boot to the face.

Duke momentarily debates going for the cover before actually doing so. Once again, as the referee goes down to count, the arena lights flicker and go out. Several seconds later, they come back on. And again, Duke is livid and in the face of the referee.

HHL: Understandably Sebastian Duke is pissed off Pip!

PIP: Yeah but I’m not sure there’s anything the referee can do about it, Heather. I don’t think he’s an electrician on the side.

Duke, incensed with anger, returns his attention to Idenhaus. He grabs a healthy handful of Nate’s hair and rips him to his feet, then sends him to the ropes. Nate though, reverses, sending Duke off the ropes instead. On the rebound, Duke hangs on and stops his own momentum. Nate though, gives charge, only for Duke to duck down and send Nate high up and over the top rope and crashing to the floor below.

With Nate down and out on the floor, Duke starts to feel momentum on his side again after all the power surges keep breaking up his offense. On the floor, Nate is starting to get to his feet. In the ring, Duke runs toward the far side ropes and bounces off. As he nears the far side and prepares to do his famous leap over the top rope, the lights flicker yet again before ceasing.

Seconds later, the lights come back on and Duke has the referee by his throat.

HHL: Duke is livid!

PIP: He should be, but if it wasn’t clear before, it should be now! These aren’t power surges!

HHL: Pip, I think you’re right! I think someone is playing some mind games with Sebastian Duke!

Duke unhands the referee and climbs to the outside of the ring and nails Idenhaus with a right hand, dropping him to the floor when suddenly Paul Heyman emerges from backstage waving toward the back.

PIP: It looks like Paul Heyman is lending his riot cops to Sebastian Duke!

Duke saunters up the ramp toward Heyman.

This reeks of the Beast, I know it! Those guys will watch her blindside for you!

Duke nods and turns back toward Idenhaus who is leaning against the apron facing the ring. Heymans four riot cops each take a side of the ring and face away from the ring. Duke though, runs down the ramp and clubs Idenhaus, then tosses him head first into the steel steps. Duke then rolls into the ring, then right back out, forcing the referee to restart his ten count.

Duke bends down and grabs Idenhaus by his hair and pulls him to his feet. Nate gets a burst of defense and drives Duke back first into the ring apron. He does it a second time for good measure, giving him the separation he’s needed since his early onslaught against his larger opponent and rolls himself into the ring.

Meanwhile, Duke climbs up on the apron and gets to his feet. Noticing Duke is coming, Nate quickly bounds to his feet and grabs Duke, giving him a stunner across the top rope. Duke nearly bounces off the apron but grabs a hold of the top rope, stopping himself from falling. Idenhaus then nails Duke with a series of right fists then grabs him in a front face lock, lifting him up and over the top rope and planting him on the mat with a vertical suplex.

Thinking and acting quickly, Nate gets back to his feet and runs toward the ropes, rather than turning to rebound, he springboards off the middle rope landing a lionsault on Sebastian Duke and hooks the leg.




HHL: Duke with a shoulder up!

PIP: Yeah but there’s blood in the water, Heather!

HHL: And Idenhaus smells it!

Duke rolls over to his stomach as Nate gets back to his feet. Idenhaus retreats to a corner, looking like he’s ready to burst at any moment. Duke gets to his hands and knees and Nate charges out of the corner and leaps into the air, driving Duke face first to the mat with a curbstomp.

Sebastian Duke though, is getting back up. Again to his hands and knees as Nate bursts from another corner and drives Duke face first again with another curbstomp. Slower this time, but Duke is getting up. To his hands and knees he goes and Nate drives him face first again with a third curbstomp.

Nate rolls Duke over and hooks the leg!




HHL: Duke kicks out again here, Pip!

PIP: Well, if we’ve learned anything over the years, it’s hard to keep a Duke on the mat for three seconds.

Nate gets back to his feet after the failed pin attempt. Duke meanwhile, is slow to get to his feet. Just as he does, he turns around right into a stiff kick to the midsection doubling him over. Nate then lifts him up…



Idenhaus plants Duke with the Razor’s Edge and hooks the leg.




HHL: How the hell did Duke just kick out!

[white]PIP: What the hell is it gonna take!?

Nate double palms his own head, knowing he was so close to victory. Idenhaus backs off of Duke as Duke is slowly getting to his feet. One more big high impact move is all it should take and Idenhaus knows it. Duke staggers to his feet and turns to find Nathaniel, but Nate hoists him up on his shoulders in a firemans carry. Duke though, shifts his weight slipping off of Nate’s shoulders behind him. Duke shoves Idenhaus forward and he hits the ropes. On the rebound…


Duke grabs himself a fistful of Nathaniel Idenhaus’s throat, lifts him high into the air and sends him to the mat with a thunderous chokeslam. Duke falls to his knees and covers Idenhaus.




HHL: And the Hart Champion kicks out!

Duke gets back to his feet and retreats back toward the ropes and starting a circular motion with his right arm, signaling that he’s going for his devastating lariat. Nate though is slow to get up and starts using the referee to aid him to his feet.

On the outside of the ring, one of Heyman’s riot cops has jumped up on the apron and starts trying to get Duke’s attention and. Duke turns to him and the cop points out into the crowd. Duke mouths the words: “I don’t see shit” and then…



The riot cop drops to the floor and rips his helmet off, revealing himself to be The Beast!



The Beast hops the railing and starts escaping as an out on his feet Sebastian Duke staggers right into a firemans carry…


Idenhaus plants Duke in the middle of the ring with the White Noise maneuver.


Nathaniel hooks the leg!






Backstage we see Miss Fury accompanied by Micheal Graves who she is leading around on a collar. The two seem to be in mid discussion about future plans when something catches Miss Fury's eye. A slight smirk forms as she places a hand on Micheal's chest, signaling him to hang back as she approaches Chronic Chris Page who garners a big POP from the crowd when he comes into the frame.

Miss Fury: "Hello Chris, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is..."

"Chronic" Chris Page: "I know who you are, and unless you're here to sign that one up to get his ass kicked," (He points towards Graves who in turn begins licking his teeth through a twisted smile.) "Then I'm not interested!"

Miss Fury: "If that's really what you want... I'm sure that we can arrange something, but let me ask you Chris," She says as she places her hand to his chest and leans in close to him to whisper. "Is it what you really need?"

Confused over what she means, CCP gently pushes Miss Fury away from him.

"Chronic" Chris Page: "What are you talking about!?" He demands while keeping one eye on Graves.

Miss Fury: "I'm just curious why a man as established as yourself would be content with the world only seeing him as a has-been who needs to be carried by a man who's only concern for you begins and ends with propelling himself back to the top.

You can see it in his face. While CCP might not be completely buying into what she's saying, the seeds of doubt are obvious as CCP considers her words for a moment. Finally, CCP snaps out of it.

"Chronic" Chris Page: "I see what you're trying to do here, and it's not going to work. I suggest you collect your monkey and get the hell out of here before you piss me off!" He says as he glares down at Fury.

Fury is not intimidated at all and shows it with a sly smirk, likely due to Graves coming along as backup.

Miss Fury: "We'll leave, but before we do I'd like to leave you with some food for thought. Your partner had quite the run at Relentless, didn't he? A shame that your singles fortunes weren't as bright as his. What I find most troubling, Chris, is how your partner didn't lift a finger to help at Relentless. Is a friend more concerned with maintaining his status as champion than helping a friend in need really the type of friend you, well need?"

Miss Fury smiles as she notices Chris considering her words. She backs away, never taking her eyes off of him. Finally, breaking the silence, she leaves him with these words.

Miss Fury: "Just remember Chris, while we may be bad, we're also a brotherhood..."

She turns around and yanks Graves chain to lead him back down the direction they came from.

Miss Fury: "I think you could do with some REAL friends... Think about it..."

She says as the camera swings to Page who's shaking his head no, but you can tell that her words have had some effect on him. Robert Main emerges from the locker room and sees Miss Fury and Graves walking away.

” What was that all about?”

Chris watches Miss Fury walk further away as he states.

” Nothing.”

"O'Death" by Jen Titus begins to play as Isabella Ravenwolf appears on the entrance ramp. She slowly makes her way down the aisle, enchanting some of the younger fans in the front row.

PC: "Here comes Isabella Ravenwolf, making her first XWF appearance since Relentless of last year."

HHL: "That's right, Pip, it's been over a year since we've seen her in an XWF ring, how will she fair against the co-General Manager of Savage here tonight?"

PC: "Even though it's been a minute since we've seen Big D compete on a Saturday night, he's been keeping himself in shape over on Anarchy. You gotta think the advantage would be his."

Isabella Ravenwolf slides into the ring and walks around the ring, spellbinding the live audience, as well as the viewers at home. Eventually, she takes her place in the corner, allowing the overly eager ref to pat her down.

"X-Men Theme" by Powerglove hits over the PA system as the fans begin to cheer. Pyro falls from the X-Tron and fireworks shoot up from the stage as Big D walks out from the back. He doesn't take the time to pose on the ramp, as he heads down the aisle with his eyes locked in his opponent.

PC: "After the events of Anarchy, I can't say I blame Big D for being pissed off."

HHL: "While I can agree to an extent, Champion's have been taking advantage of that rule since the dawn of time, Pip, sometimes you gotta find a way around it!"

PC: "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were condoning cheating!"

HHL: "Well, MeFisto's still Champion, isn't he?"

Big D uses the second rope to pull himself onto the apron, where he climbs into the ring. He takes a few steps towards Isabella, but the referee gets between them and forces D to get back.

PC: "Something tells me when Big D looks across the ring, it's not Ravenwolf's face he's seeing."

HHL: "No doubt about it, he's gonna be like Bobby Boucher in the Waterboy!"

After checking Big D quickly for foreign objects, the referee turns around and calls for the bell.

Isabella Ravenwolf
- vs -
Big D


Big D immediately charges across the ring at his opponent, but she ducks under his arms and traps him in the corner. Ravenwolf delivers two swift Kicks to the ribs of D, but he manages to catch her third. The former Internet Champion takes two steps forward with Isabella in his arms, before hurling her over his head for a Belly to Belly Suplex right into the turnbuckles, causing her to land awkwardly.

PC: "That could be it right there! So much for her first match in over a year!"

HHL: "Big D's going for a cover!"


HHL: "I don't know HOW she kicked out of that!"

PC: "I don't know how she's still ALIVE!!!"

Big D quickly gets back to his feet, dragging Isabella with him and Irish Whipping her towards the ropes. On the rebound, D goes for a Clothesline but Ravenwolf manages to duck it and sneak behind him. Isabella jumps onto D's back and wraps her arm around his neck, locking in a Sleeper Hold.

HHL: "Isabella used her quickness to her advantage there! I don't think Big D saw that one comin' at all!"

PC: "The only thing he's gonna be seeing is stars if he doesn't escape her clutches quick!"

Despite the hold, Big D manages to stay conscious and take control. He casually takes a few steps forward and wraps his arms around the top rope, forcing the referee to call for the break. Isabella refuses, applying as much pressure as she while the referee counts. On 'FOUR', Big D jolts himself back, flinging his opponent off him as if it was nothing. Ravenwolf rolls backwards and pops to her feet, charging back at the former Internet Champion. D turns around and hits clobbers her with a massive Clothesline that causes her to do a full 360 in the air, before landing on the mat. Big D gets down, rolls her over, and hooks a leg for the cover.


PC: "Big D can't quite put Ravenwolf down, yet."

HHL: "It's just like D's Rams against Vinnie's Giants last Sunday, couldn't put down the weaker opponent immediately. He better be careful, or we could have an upset."

Big D goes to bring his opponent to her feet, but Isabella drops to her knees and hits D with a surprise Fireman's Carry. D immediately gets back up, but is caught off guard with a Jumping Knee that sends him stumbling backwards. This allows her to take D by the hand and whip him to the ropes. When he bounces back, she attempts a Hip Toss, but his weight prevents him from budging at all. Isabella then tries a Clothesline, but Big D ducks it and gets behind her. He then wraps his arms around her and delivers a German Suplex that flings her across the ring, receiving some horrified gasps from the crowd.

PC: "He just threw her like a football........ which, as a Brit, I've gotta admit is odd to say!"

HHL: "Well, you should be used to it since everything you say is odd."

Big D stalks his prey as she uses the ropes to slowly pull herself up. The moment Isabella makes it to her feet, however, D wraps his arms around her and delivers another devastating German Suplex. He immediately gets back up and walks over to his downed opponent, holding up a finger and yelling something to the crowd.

"One more!" D shouts as he pulls Isabella to her feet and wraps his arms around her waist. "Third time's the charm, right?!" Big D attempts yet ANOTHER German Suplex, but Ravenwolf manages to shift her weight as he picks her up, wrapping her legs around him, and rolling forward for a surprise pin attempt.


PC: "Big D's gotta watch himself, his cockiness almost cost him right there!"

HHL: "I know he's our boss and all but, damn, I would've loved to see that!"

Both competitors get to their feet simultaneously, with Big D swinging at his opponent, only for her to duck his arm and run to the ropes. On the rebound, Isabella jumps at D, but he catches her and goes for a Spinebuster.............. only to get driven, head first, into the mat with a DDT! Isabella wastes no time laying across Big D for the cover.


A fired up Isabella Ravenwolf gets up and puts her arm in the air, palm open wide as she awaits her opponent.

PC: "Is she REALLY gonna try to Chokeslam Big D?!"

HHL: "South of Heaven is one of her signature moves, if she CAN hit it, D might not be kicking out after."

Big D gets to his feet and is met with a hand around his throat, courtesy of Isabella Ravenwolf. Before she can even attempt to lift him up, however, Big D yanks Isabella down by the arm and tries to lock in the Big D Face Cruncher. Ravenwolf refuses to give in, rolling forward and pulling her arm out of D's grasp. She then grabs him by the hair and forces him up before wrapping her arm around his head.

PC: "She's looking for The Witching Hour!"

HHL: "Big D could be in trouble here!"

Isabella goes for a CrossRhodes, but as she gets halfway through it, Big D escapes. He ends up behind his opponent, allowing for him to hoist her up and bring her down for a Dan Slam. Big D aggressively places both hands on Isabella's sternum for a cover.



HHL: "That Dan Slam came out of nowhere!"

PC: "Yeah, I don't know if she saw that one comin' at all!"

Immediately following the pinfall, Big D gets up, walks over and grabs a mic, a cocky grin on his face.

D: "You see that?!........."

Big D aggressively points at his downed opponent.

D: "You see that right there?!?! That could be Thunder Knuckles, if Atticus White would sign the match!"

Big D motions for the cameraman on the ring to do a close-up of his face.

D: "You're lucky, TK, Atticus is protecting you. He claims I can't get you next week because Johnny Legend is the "Number One Contender," but since when did we start caring about that?! If we're gonna be technical about it, Sarah Lacklan's been the Number One Contender for the Hart Championship since War Games of LAST YEAR!!!!"

Big D paces back and forth for a moment, as the fans give him a few support cheers.

D: "This is XWF, right?!? I thought we let the Champions decide who they face................or do we only allow that when it's convenient?! As a member of management, not even I know the answer to that!"

Big D continues to pace, chuckling a little to himself.

D: "I've been here long enough to know how things go, and now that I've gotten a glimpse of the backstage inner workings of this company, I can only confirm that it's no better than the politics you see in Washington! Atticus White, Smokin' Bob............hell, even Vinnie Lane himself are ALL about looking out for themselves and pushing the so called stars they believed will make them an extra X-Buck or two. It doesn't matter if you work your ass off, and it doesn't matter if you're GOOD, if you're blowin' the boss, they're blowin' up your career! Just look at Kenzi Grey, the supposed new face of Anarchy! What the hell has she done to deserve that moniker?............... besides sleeping with the Universal Champion. If she was was the Anarchy Champion, I could understand it, but dressing up like Joe Exotic and competing against Barney Green don't mean JACK!!!!!"

Big D takes a moment to breathe, the grin on his face growing with every word.

D: "If anyone's the face, it's Ruby, God knows she's been carrying that show since the beginning! If not her, then Vita Valenteen, or ME, or even fuckin' MeFisto! Hell, you could even put BOB as a whole up there, I don't care, we've ALL been more prominent than Mrs. Sarah Lacklan!"

Big D let's out an exhausted exhale, shaking his head and speaking in a more serious tone.

D: "I'm frustrated, guys. I may have become a GM to fuck with Atticus a little, but I also did it because I genuinely want to make XWF a place to be proud of. I want this company to survive so that 20 years from now, the second generation of XWF fans AND wrestlers alike will have a reference to greatness!"

"But I have failed you, and for that I am truly sorry. From here on out, I'm gonna do everything I can to fight the corruption, lies, and deceit that's been prevalent of this place since the day I arrived......................and as for me IN the ring..........."

Big D turns his head and looks at a limping Isabella Ravenwolf making her way back up the aisle, pointing at her.

D: "Anyone who wants to look like THAT, is free to come see me in my office. I don't care if it's MeFisto, Kenzi Grey, TK, or anyone else in that joke of a faction, BOB.................. if you want to fight me, BRING IT! Next time Atticus doesn't want to sign a match, I'm gonna take that pen and shove it up his ass! And that ain't no story, it's the Cold, Big D TRUTH!!!!!"

"X-Men Theme" by Powerglove begins to play as Big D tosses the mic into the crowd. He then heads over and climbs through the ropes, before heading up the aisle and through the curtain, to the back.

PC: "Well those were some............. words from one of our co-General Managers."

HHL: "Big D's never been one to pull punches, and he certainly threw some jabs there!"

Back again in that spartan interview room, Agent Blackman sits and waits. Wearing a VS PINK hoodie and a pair of jeans, the light from the lamp catches a female figure making her way to the table. It’s Jenny Myst!

Ahh yes, the so-called “Queen” herself. There is sarcasm and a condescending tone to his voice.. Blackman pushes out the chair with his foot as an invitation.Have a seat.

”A true gentleman” She smirks equally as sarcastically, and takes a seat.

Jen, I am going to cut right to the chase here because you probably already know the news…. Madison Dyson is dead...

Jenny gasps, bringing a perfectly manicured hand to her mouth. It was clearly facetious on her part, and Blackman could tell. She shakes her head, her eyes wide.

Blackman raps his fingers on the table, clearly annoyed. You can’t tell me you didn know this already. It’s been pretty big news.

Jenny has a tear running down one eye.

”I knew, I am just trying to wrap my head around it. Madison was the strongest woman I ever knew……..and the baby, oh god.”

There was an insincere, almost sarcastic tone in her voice. Agent Blackman continues to watch her antics, huffing every so often.

"Oh god, you don’t…...you can’t…..think I have anything to do with this?!”

We believe you might have something to do with it, actually. A lot to do with it. What superstar on the roster had a more turbulent and competitive relationship with Ms. Dyson? Who else had such hatred towards her?

”How high can you count to?”

The agent stares straight ahead, he is not amused.

Jen, you really need to cut the shit.

They both stare at each other across the table. Myst plays with her hair, sniffles a bit.
Shaft Blackman continues, knowing this is getting nowhere.

You and Madison have been bitter enemies since 2017. You two have been back and forth countless times. Brutal matches, title changes, and some of the harshest words I have ever heard from a woman’s mouth. To the naked eye, you two looked like you hated each other to the utmost. Plus, with the recent title change……...she disappeared directly after losing to you…...

Yeah, that all comes with the territory when you work in the XWF. Are you seriously implying that just doing my job makes me a suspect? Do you realize how dumb that sounds?

You can’t deny that the relationship between the two of you was particularly acrimonious. But…. He seems to relax a bit.If it wasn’t you, surely with such a history with Madison you must have the dirt on somebody who would want to snuff her out even more than you.

Jenny huffs.

”First of all, despite how much of a bitch I can be, and I’ll agree I can be a rager, I will admit right now that I wouldn’t have the intestinal fortitude to actually kill someone. It would eat me alive, honestly. I know myself enough to know that. BUT….I mean, this IS the XWF we are talking about. There are some crazy individuals here. Madison had a habit of trolling EVERYONE….she thought being a douche canoe was funny. Sometimes it was, but it certainly rubbed some people the wrong way. Did you try that grumpy old man Robert Main? He and her had the most recent back and forth……..”

”Yes. Mr. Main and I have spoke. He is a suspect as well, but he didn’t have the HISTORY with her that you did. He and her had been back and forth for a few weeks, but you and her, hell, you two go back YEARS.”

Jenny brushes off the accusation and keeps talking like nothing happened.

”There is also that Charlie Nickles character. I mean, dude legit belongs in a padded room. Some of the things he said about Sarah and her family, good lord. I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him and I couldn’t throw his fat ass very far.”

Agent Blackman writes something down on his legal pad, assumingly it is the name Charlie Nickles.

”Also…..that thing Mercy. She is batshit crazy as they come. I know she had a bit of an obsession with Maddy as well. Notice how she too also disappeared? Mercy is nowhere to be seen either. I would pull some money from your coffee and donut savings and put those resources towards finding that crazy bitch. I bet you then you’ll get your answer.”

Again the agent jotted something down on his big yellow legal pad.

”So, are we done here? I am late for a manicure.”
I suppose so. But you are still on our watch list. Don’t go far, we may need you again.

Jenny gets up and walks out, the smell of her perfume lingering throughout the room.

”Ugh. These people gonna give me a goddam coronary.

Jim comes out in a toad costume with a microphone and sings his heart out to a chorus of boos from the crowd, a bunch of shit is thrown, fuck, even a fucking Molotov cocktail is thrown at him, but Jim continues on, nothing can stop Jim and his singing, about half the audiences head explode due to the singing, people have turned off the show. The ratings have dropped by 9.00.

The music hits as a video package of Charlie Nickles laying fools out rolls on the X-tron. Charlie pops out through the entrance, absolutely vibing to the music and hyping himself up. He walks down the entrance ramp with his arms held wide out at his side ala the passion of the Christ. He seems absolutely unconcerned with the jeers and taunts of the audience. As he nears the ring he suddenly brings his arms back to the center of his body, shaking his closed fists in the air while screaming something incoherent. He hustles over to the stairs, quickly ascending them before grabbing the top rope and stepping onto the ring apron. Charlie looks back at the audience with a toothy grin before ducking under the top rope and stepping the ring proper.

The lights dim down to black with Destiny by Stratovarius(a shorter starting) starts to play over the speakers. With only a few seconds passing with the intro, the song stops for a moment and an unknown, deep male voice calls out, "The Last Legend" while it also appears on the screen in writing. The music comes back forty seconds into the song as it starts to pick up.

Announcer: Hailing from Detroit, Michigan. Weighing in at 244 pounds...Johnny Legend!!!

Johnny Legend appears from behind the curtain in his sleek black robe with "The Last Legend" on the back. The stitching on the back lettering is starting to come loose and some holes in the robe, he raises his arms in the air to a mix crowd reaction. Sporting a smirk as he struts his way down the ramp, Johnny Legend keeps his distance from the fans as he hopes they don't put any more rips into his cheap robe. He climbs through the ropes and into the ring while his music slowly dies down.

Twenty midgets with sparkers in both hands held as high as their little arms can reach, line both sides of the entrance ramp. The sparkers ignite as Thunder Knuckles walks past them. Once Thunder Knuckles is down to the ring he rolls under the bottom rope and in one movement he pops up to his feet. With his back turned towards the camera, he raises his right fist in defiance. As soon as his fist goes up, counterfeit xbux with Thunder Knuckles' face on them fall onto the crowd.

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

Thunder Knuckles & Johnny Legend
- vs -
Jim Jimson & Charlie Nickels
Tag Team

The following Tag Team Contest is your MAIN EVENT of the evening…


Thunder Knuckles hasn’t even gotten on the ring apron yet as Robbie Bourbon removes TK’s shades while in the ring Legend looks on only to be rolled up with a School Boy from Jimison!




Legend escapes the near fall as both men are quickly to a vertical base with Jim charging towards Legend, Legend side steps Jim sending him bouncing off the ropes where he’s caught with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker from Legend!

” The Television Champion still hasn’t even gotten on the apron.”

Robbie is fanning TK with a white towel that was around his neck before TK starts to make his way up the steel steps to the ring apron. Legend glances towards TK only to see TK shrug his shoulders.

[Image: AlarmedGiddyEasternglasslizard-small.gif]

Legend turns his attention back towards Jimison where he reaches down to pick him up off the mat only to be countered with a inside cradle!




Legend escapes once again as both men are quickly back to their feet where Legend looking for a clothesline, Jim ducks out of the way and runs to is corner where Charlie Nickels tags into the match. Charlie steps through the ropes and into the ring where he and Legend immediately start trading off with right hands!

” Legend and Nickels are throwing ham hocks!”

Back and forth the exchange goes before Nickels takes advantage with a gouge to the eyes! Charlie drives Legend back into a neutral corner with a shoulder to the midsection. He delivers two more before shooting Legend across the ring and into the opposite buckles. Nickels charges in after him only to see Legend side step and send Charlie crashing sternum first into the buckles! Nickels staggers backwards and into a back waist lock from Legend who delivers a Release German Suplex! Johnny is back to his feet where he turns to see TK calling for the tag. Legend comes towards his corner looking to make the tag only to see TK yank his hand away and turn his back as he complains to Bourbon that somethings in his eyes! TK jumps down to the floor where Robbie is on hand with a bottle of water which he opens and begins to flush the eyes by pouring the water into them.

” What the hell!”

Nickels recovers and is back to his feet where he comes up behind Legend and delivers a Side Russian Leg Sweep! Nickels makes the cover.




Legend kicks out once again as Charlie reaches his feet where he picks Johnny up off the mat and takes him back into a neutral corner where he stands landing repeated forearms across the face eventually knocking Legend down on his ass. Nickels backs all the way up across the ring before charging with a full head of steam driving a running knee into the skull of Legend!

[Image: tumblr_m9s8lnXOc41r7ygp0o1_500.gif]

” At least Thunder Knuckles is okay, he appears to be getting back up on the apron.”

TK is back up on the apron where he extends his arm out towards the ring. Nickels picks Legend up off the mat before taking him back into his corner where he tags in Jim, Nickels beings Legend out of the corner where he delivers a swinging neck breaker that’s followed up with a Splash off the top turnbuckle from Jimison! Jim makes the cover.




Legend pops a shoulder up off the mat at the final moment before the referee’s fatal three count.

” Legend needs to make the tag, that is if Thunder Knuckles actually accepts it.”

” What does that mean? You can’t blame the guy for having dust in his eyes or being parched. Would you want to tag in a partner that wasn’t one hundred percent?”

Jim is back to his feet where he picks Legend up off the mat and takes him back into the ropes before flinging him across the ring with an Irish Whip, Legend bounces off the near side as Jim sets for a back body drop only to have Legend stop and kick Jim in the sternum which throws Jim head up for Legend who lands a stiff clothesline taking Jim down to the mat while Legend drops to one knee.

Jim steps back up to a vertical base as he makes his way towards TK who still has his arm extended out from the corner and as Johnny looks to make the tag TK yanks his hand back again!

Johnny is spun around by Jim who lands a standing dropkick that sends Legend back into the corner and crashing into TK which the referee signifies as a Tag! TK is livid as he steps into the ring while Legend recovers in the corner, Jim charges forward looking for a right hand that’s blocks and countered with a thumb to the eye!

” And finally the Television Champion is has been entered into the mix in our Main Event.”

TK follows up with a superkick to the jaw that sends Jim backwards into the ropes near his corner and as TK comes forward there’s a blind tag made by Charlie. TK takes Jim and flings him across the ropes, he bounces off the near side and under a clothesline from Nickels and as he spins around Charlie drives a boot to the midsection before driving TK into the mat with the Devil’s Hook Drop! Nickels makes the cover on TK.




TK escapes the near fall as Charlie is back to his feet where he reaches down picking the TV Champ up off the mat. He shoots TK into a neutral corner before charging in after him onto to have TK throw his right boot up to the jaw that staggers Nickels out towards the center of the ring. TK explodes out from the corner with a flying knee strike to the face of Nickels taking him down to the mat.

TK points towards Legend on the apron before grabbing his crotch!

TK makes a move towards the ropes where he steps out to the ring apron and starts climbing up to the top turnbuckle. He looks down at Nickels before leaping off the top with an Elbow drop across the sternum! TK makes the cover hooking he near leg.




Nickels kicks out to a pop from the crowd. TK gets back to his feet where he reaches down picking Charlie up off the mat. The Television Champion nails Nickels with a right hand that sends Charlie back into the ropes, Charlie bounces off the ropes leveling TK with a spear! Charlie starts to get back to a vertical base, he quickly bounces off the ropes dropping a running elbow across the chest of TK.Nickels is back to his feet where he tags Jim into the match. Jim makes his way up to the top rope where he leaps off with a Frog Splash across the chest of TK!

”Jim is going to beat Thunder Knuckles!”

Jim makes the cover!




TK kicks out of the near fall!

” What was you saying?”

Jim is back to his feet where he reaches down picking TK up off the mat only to have TK counter the attempt with a jaw breaker! It’s then TK surges back to his feet where he turns towards his corner and slaps the taste out of Legend’s mouth signifying a tag.

” You can feel the intensity between Thunder Knuckles and Johnny Legend reaching a boiling point!”

Legend steps into the ring as TK tells him to get Jim! The crowd roars as Legend decks TK dropping the TV Champion sending him rolling out under the bottom rope to the ring apron. Legend talks some smacj as he points at TK while Jim comes up from behind with a school boy!




Legend escapes the near fall as both he and Jim are back to their feet with Jim swinging wildly that Legend ducks under and it’s Legend who latches on to a back waist lock and delivers a German Suplex with a Bridge!




Nickels makes the save! The referee removes Charlie from the ring as Johnny reaches his feet. He picks Jim up off the mat where he positions him for a powerbomb! Legend hoist Jim up in the air before delivering a running buckle bomb to Jimison! Out on the ring apron TK has gotten back to his feet. Johnny is shown pulling Jim out to the center of the ring by the legs where he hooks in his version of the Walls of Jericho!


The referee starts asking Jim to surrender, he refuses and as he refuses Charlie enters the ring where he breaks the submission attempt with a kick to the back of the head. Johnny rolls towards his corner as TK reaches over the ropes slapping him in the back of the head to tag himself back into the match. TK steps through the ropes as Johnny gets back to his feet where the two go face to face.

Johnny shoves TK back several feet which causes TK to come back and shove Legend!

Across the ring Jim crawls towards his corner where Charlie is tags back into the match! Charlie enters the ring as we see Legend slap TK across the face sending him spinning around into Charlie who drives a boot to the midsection of the Champion! Charlie hoists TK up in the air before delivering the Steubenville Screwdriver!! Charlie makes the cover as Legend looks on.






Robbie Bourbon suddenly hits the ring and nails Johnny Legend with a massive charging forearm. Charlie Nickles turns and runs directly into a goozle, and with his hand around Charlie's throat, Robbie delivers the EMC, over the top rope and to the outside. Charlie hits the ringside mats with a thud. The fans all go agasp, and Robbie nimbly cascades backwards over the top rope to the floor itself. He grips Charlie by the head and places it between his legs. With the utmost viciousness and speed, Robbie hoists Charlie up...

TK is back to his feet and as Johnny gets back up TK comes up from behind with the XBUX DREAM!

TK cranks on the Xbux Dream eventually taking Legend down to the mat. He continues to apply more pressure to the sleeper hold as Johnny starts to fade away. Bourbon rolls into the ring with the Television Title in hand as TK releases the Xbux Dream where he stands to his feet and Robbie hands him the TV title. TK places his boot on the chest of Johnny as he raises the TV Title up in the air to massive boos from the crowd.

TK and Bourbon shift attention towards the ramp as Chris Page is shown walking out through the curtain with his hands behind his back. Chris looks towards the ring at TK and Robbie Bourbon before revealing his hands, his right hand has a t-shirt in it. Chris opens the shirt up before turning it around revealing “B.o.B” in bold green letters.

Chris lowers the shirt before dropping it on the ramp.

He turns to walk away before stopping and turning back looking at the shirt, he thinks about it before turning and walking away as Saturday Night Savage leaves the air.

Special thanks to

Big D
Chris Chaos
Robbie Bourbon
Thaddeus Duke
Madison Dyson?

And everyone who RPed this week

re:Saturday Night Savage 10/10* - Thunder Knuckles™ - 10-11-2020

Saturday Night Savage 10/10* - Thaddeus Duke - 10-11-2020

I mean... Paul made some pretty good points. #EndChaosPipeDreams #EnlistThad