X-treme Wrestling Federation
Not About The Money - Printable Version

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Not About The Money - Hanari Carnes - 08-07-2020

Hanari, wearing a dress shirt with the top two buttons opened, sits at a large table in the center of a well decorated room. Natural light comes through the massive bay windows. The cigar sits firmly in his mouth, bouncing slightly as he quietly counts the stacks of money in front of him.

He had recently gotten a large pay day from the XWF. Re-negotiating his contract was a smart move. Now he gets paid a boatload of money to do what he does best.

Hanari didn't believe in banks, however. So many banks and other government agencies in the Dominican were corrupt beyond belief, so he always insited his money was given in cash.

Earlier in the week, he had received a phone call about his newest pay check coming through. He immediately sent someone to collect it. After finding out his match this week, however, he was less than thrilled.

Snapping his fingers, a servant was at the table.

"Bring me a shot. Tequila. Gold. I have to wrap my head around this."

"Are you okay, sir?"

"I asked for a tequila shot, not a damn therapist. Darse prisa".

The man hurried away as Hanari continued to thumb through the stacks. He was going to tell hmself that this match wasn't about the money. That taking a demotion to fight some blond chick that wasn't even decent looking wasn't about the big paycheck. He needed to convince himself that it was just business, part of the routine.

Setting this newest stack down, he looked up just in time to see the man set the shot down. Hanari handed him a bill and motioned for him to scram, and he didn't have to ask twice.

"Yo vi de esa manera miraba mi dinero" Hanari said under his breath, "Eso es todo lo que soy para ellos".

Taking the shot and setting the glass down, he sighed before picking up another pile. The one's he had already counted were wrapped and banded, set aside in a brick like set up. One thing about Hanari, we was always organized.

Hanari looked at the money in front of him. He couldn't help but wonder if he got this payment to shut him up for being moved down the card.

Hush money

It wasn't about money for him. It was personal. Every time he stepped in the ring it was personal. He had done almost everything here. Faced almost everyone. But he still felt like he had something to prove.

It wasn't about the money for him, and he counted it he couldn't help but smile.

He had well over 3 million dollars in front of him, but it wasn't about that to him. He never had money his entire life, but now that he had it he didn't even want it.

Who was he kidding, of course he wanted it.

He smiled again.

"It looks like I have to prove a point again. How many nobodies are they going to let me destroy before they keep me in the main event picture? How many nobodies are they going to allow me to hurt before they realize that I am too dangerous to put against curtain jerkers?! I mean, hell, SOMEONE needs to keep these cards full. I can't break all of their arms. Look at my track record. I am a champion here, I have stood toe to toe with the best this company has right now and either beat them or came damn close.......

Now I have Geri Vayden. Excuse me while I double take. Who? One on one, for no reason other than an excuse to hurt you. I get it, my affiliation with Chris has affected my booking, but the least you could do was put me against Main or Page, or Thad or even the damn Misfits. Make me run the gauntlet. Put me in a last man standing or an I quit match.......but no.

Geri fucking Vayden. Standard Match. Early card.

Is this supposed to be a demotion? Is this supposed to be a slap in the face to me? Because all you are doing is feeding the hungry dog. At least make me work for my meal! I'll be lucky to even break a sweat this week. People seem to like you around here, people seem to hold you in high regard, to say great things about you.

That will make hearing you scream that much sweeter.

Hearing you beg and plead for me to let go of the arm bar I have made the most dangerous move in the business. But before you get your panties in a bunch and take offense to this, just know its not personal. I have no reason to hurt you other than to prove a point. A point that you don't belong on my level. You're an Anarchy mid carder, that should say enough. Hell, even Ruby and our current 'champion', Lacky Sarah Lacklan are barely passable on the A and B rosters. You're not even good on the C one. I will enjoy humbling you. I will enjoy being the one to take you down a peg. Just like those miserable puta's, you've been successful just long enough to have an ego.

I break ego's.

Stepping into the ring with me is never an easy task, and now with Chris Chaos on a rampage you'll always have to be looking over your shoulder. Powerful people make powerful alliances, and that is exactly what I did. Do them I need them for this match? Sure as hell not. But does a car NEED insurance? No, but it is nice to have, isn't it?

I never wanted to be the bad guy. I never wanted to be looked at as a villain. I wanted to do good for this company, I wanted to the hero. I've always liked the hero's. If you get to know me, you'll see I am really not a bad guy. I have a goal to rid the XWF of the toxins that have poisoned it. Believe it or not, I want to HELP the XWF. If I can help it before Chris destroys it, well then I will be content with that. Ying and Yang. Good cop, bad cop. So that is why I insist you listen when I tell you the simple truth of the situation.

YOU, Geri, are a toxin.

Say it a little louder for the people in the back.

YOU are a toxin. You have infected the XWF, along with your other Anarchy puta's. You need to be eradicated in order for the cleansing process to continue. That is why I am going to put you on the shelf on the 15th of August. That is why I am going to break your arm. That is why I am going to make sure that XWF fan's worldwide never have to suffer through a Geri Miller Vayden match again. To further prove I am a good guy, I will give you options. You have three of them. The first, you forfeit this match to me, take the L and the embarrassment, and keep your health in tact. Second, you tap out to the Viva la Republic arm bar and maybe, just maybe, I'll consider letting go. The third option is I break your arm off your damn body and shove it up you like a tampon. It's your choice, really. I am generous enough to give you options when I could really just skip to number three. You should be thankful.

Two more men walk in, each carrying a duffel bag stuffed to the brim with money.

"Where do you want these, sir?"

Hanari looks up from the table.

"Bring them here, set them on the table."

The men follow the orders, and unzip the bags on the table. Money is spilling out before they even get it fully unzipped.

The bags have the XWF logo on the sides.

"I swear", Hanari says, grinning into the camera, "its not about the money."

[Image: Zl6h7uC.png]

[Image: Gwv4WDK.jpg]

XWF Tag Team Champion, 1 x
XWF X-Treme Champion, 1 x
XWF Television Champion, 1 x
XWF Record: 15-13