X-treme Wrestling Federation
Rakuen - Printable Version

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Rakuen - Lynx - 07-24-2020

Ages ago

“Come on, Kazaan, let us go boy.”

There was a howl that followed the phrase.

He did not bark, he howled. Like a wolf. There are some dogs that do that.

The young man turned and saw his dog right in the eyes. Those big, blue, eyes spoke to him. They said they would follow him to the end of the world, if that was where they were headed...

..But why?

He shook his head before speaking to the dog:

“...This is not our home anymore Kazaan!

We are not welcome here anymore.

The dojo is not our home..anymore.

We must travel on and find ourselves a new home. A place with positive people and positive attitude. A place where people fight with honor and respect. It will be a long road, we will have to walk a lot and search for a long time before we find what we are looking for..

But we will eventually find it

We will eventually find Rakuen

We will eventually find Paradise. The home we will search for, day and night. A place where fighters know what honor and empathy is.

So, let us go, Kazaan. Let us depart towards this never ending journey filled with pain and agony but also hope and wonderful, breathtaking moments. It will be a great story to tell, when all is over and done with. We will sit down, old and grumpy and will tell the story of the never ending journey. The story a wanderer and a half wolf undertook to finally find Rakuen!

Let us depart my friend. We will walk when we can, eat when we have something to eat and sleep whenever and wherever we can.

The fields will be our bed and the night sky our blanket.”

And so they departed

The night sky. The star filled night sky was their companion and both of them, the dog and the wandering fighter were there for each other.

It was a long, years long wandering that had a lot of walking and fighting in it.

He fought in the underground scene

He fought for food and a place to sleep.

He fought and fought and never lost hope.

As did his faithful companion that never left his side, until he died.

Sometimes a wolf can be a much better companion than a human being with his greed will ever be.

They wandered aimlessly, searching everywhere.

And just when he started missing his old companion, just when he thought that giving up was the only option, just then...

..He found not one, but two places he could eventually call home.

He was sitting there, near the old wolfs grave. He shook his head and spoke slowly:

“..Finally, Kazaan, finally.

It has been a Long walk home, but we did it, you and me.

We found Rakuen!!

..Good night, friend.

Good Night...”

Present Day
Post Comatose!

He woke up, laid right there, on the bed, starring at the ceiling. It had been something like seven or eight months since he woke up from coma. He did not remember how or why he ended up comatose. Maybe he reached for the stars too fast and pissed of the wrong people. Maybe he started gambling with high bets and had not the cash to pay off his debts...

Maybe he did not lose a match he was told to lose. It could be anything of the above.

He did not remember!

They told him they found him unconscious in a trash bin. His body, that is, his consciousness had vanished and all was left was a hollow, empty shell. He had been like that for a long time and then, suddenly, when all hope was lost...

..He woke up!

He did not remember anything about that day. Just about that day, is all.

He remembered everything else fine.

He was wrestling in HOSS in a great tournament, he was almost in the finals. When suddenly, all went black and he found himself laying in a hospital bed.
They told him Max J and HOSS had closed their doors. He was unemployed again.

That was not the problem.

Lack of cash was not yet his problem.

What he was worried was being homeless again!

That was right. Maximum Japan and House of the Strong Style were his homes. His Heaven. His Paradise…



Now all that sacrifice, all the fights and all the results were in vain. It took years for him to find the places to call home. To feel comfortable and strong. He had found his Rakuen and now. Now all was left was nothingness.

He stood halfway up.

It was time to start over again. With simple, baby steps. He had to make a call or two. He had to train harder than ever before and try different rings and different territories before he could settle up for a new place to call home.

New adversaries

New sacrifices

A new


Fade in

Scene opens up with the new signing of XWF sitting on a sofa. Leaning forward, his forearms resting on his knees. His face covered by the usual Lynx mask.

“ It has been a while..


But they say it is like riding a bicycle. Once learned, you never forget it anymore. Surely you need to bring yourself to the former shape, if you have been resting for as long as I have. Yet, believe me when I say this, it was not half as hard as they want to make you believe.

Besides. It is not as if I would be Forty years old.

I’m in my mid-twenties and being young has its advantages. You lose shape very slowly and regain it in the blink of an eye. Especially if you have been doing, what you want to do, for ages and ages. Of course, I have been in the world of Professional Wrestling for only three years…


To be able to reach a point where you sign a contract with a Pro Wrestling Company, you must’ve been fighting and training to do it a lifelong. I surely can be considered a rookie, from people that have been around for decades, but believe me when I say it. If a rookie, then I am a highly trained, highly skilled and highly talented.

A fighter as good as they come.

Almost a legend, in places that no longer exist.

And yet

I still am in the middle of my road.

When I signed with this company, I knew what I would be letting myself into. XWF has been around for centuries and has seen its share of talent and lack thereof. Even a highly successful fighter like myself is nothing but another number in the long series of numbers written in this not so blank page.

What can I do to change this?


Fight till my lungs explode. Let the stagehands, the fans and the higher ups know that I not only talk the talk but I also walk the walk when required.

And the situation requires it.

My first fight?

Against a veteran of the ring.


They say good things come in small packages and this seems to be the case. The girl is smaller and lighter when you compare her to yours truly, but I will not underestimate her because of that. From what I have been able to see, she is a real ace of the ring. Cunning and adaptive when it comes to a fight. It will take more than just a mediocre attempt from my side, to bring her down. This will not be easy…


It will not be as difficult as they want to make you believe, either.

Each and every one of us has its weak spots, his blind spots if you want to call it that way.


You are swift, yet in front of you stands a man that is able to keep his pace with the southern winds and win the race many more times than not. You are skilled but so am I and I bring some more substance to the table too. My height and weight...

I am a lightweight compared to others

But my strength is greater than my Junior Heavyweight limits.

It is not by case that I am known as “The Greatest Junior Heavyweight Ever” in some circles.

True, those circuits do not exist anymore and what we have achieved in the past does not amount to much. What matters is here and now.

Yet I disagree, at times.

Experience makes us what we are and what we are now is because of what has happened in the past.

Forgive me if I am wrong, but what I see in you is nothing more than inconsistence. You have been around for long, or so I am told, yet here you are, sharing the ring with someone that has been around here for only two heart beats.

That tells me a lot about you.

It tells me that you can be passionate about this sport but also unstable when it comes to preparation and keeping going for a long while.

Mikah, you might be good at times..

..But I will show you that I am plain Better.

Nothing too stressy. Nothing uncomprehensive

Just plain Talent at work against raw Skill.

In the end you will understand that there are levels to this..

..And you, Mikah, stand long long miles away from mine."
