X-treme Wrestling Federation
Lest We Forget - Printable Version

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Lest We Forget - Mastermind - 04-29-2020

22ND APRIL 2020

Yes, so I lost another title match, so fucking what? It's become usual for me to lose since I lost the X-treme title last year. Nothing's new. I haven't really been stepping up the way I want to, but that's not me whining or anything. That's me stating a fact. I know I need to do better. But no one else fucking cares. But my most important task at the moment is not to feel sorry for myself but to high tail it back to New Zealand for the most important day on New Zealand's calendar. Apart from our national day, Waitangi Day, this next day is the most important in the lives of New Zealand's War of remembrance. ANZAC Day.


ANZAC Day was originally set up to honor the memories of the members of The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps known as ANZAC's who fought in the Gallipoli Campaign during the First World War.

On the 25th April 1915, Australian and New Zealand soldiers formed part of an Allied expedition that took on the Turks on The Gallipoli Peninsula. It did not go well. But the heroics of the Aussies and the Kiwis at ANZAC Cove became legendary, even though the Aussies lost over 8000 men and the Kiwis lost almost 3000.

ANZAC Day was set up to commemorate those men but as World War 2 hit and then later Wars, the Day celebrated every Aussie and Kiwi who fought in all wars.

From 1920 onwards it became a National Holiday in New Zealand, it became a holiday in Australia from 1921.


25TH APRIL 2020

Because of the horrible nature of the Covid-19 pandemic, this year's ceremonies that all New Zealand and Australian past, present and future soldiers attended, at different memorials, could not go ahead because of the large crowd control so it was decided that everyone stood at their letterboxes, stood on their front doorsteps, and stood in their sections and observe a couple of minutes silence that way.

It was my first real Dawn ceremony at 6 a.m. I'm usually asleep at that time during a National Holiday.but because this year was so different, I wanted to experience this for the first time.

It was eerie, but I heard everything from where I stood, the last post, bagpipes. and the ode of remembrance.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

We will remember them. We ALWAYS will remember them.

Even hearing our National Anthem from where I stood, tugged at my heartstrings.

God of Nations at Thy feet,
In the bonds of love we meet,
Hear our voices, we entreat,
God defend our free land.
Guard Pacific's triple star
From the shafts of strife and war,
Make her praises heard afar,
God defend New Zealand.


25TH APRIL 2020

The camera fades into the Thinking Room of Mastermind, and it finds the back of the chair facing the camera. Mastermind was obviously sitting in it facing the wall.

"We will always remember this special day in the lives of Kiwis and Aussies. 25th April is ANZAC Day to us. The day that we remember our fallen heroes. The day our heroes tried so valiantly to keep us from going to the dark side so to speak. When I was growing up I got told that if we did not win the first world war, or the second world war we could be speaking German or Japanese.

"Not that speaking German or Japanese is a bad thing in this day of age. Don't get me wrong. I'm not racist. But for a country that was built on English and Maori that would have been a bad thing. It would have meant our freedom wouldn't be freedom. It would be hell.

"But our soldiers fought to keep that from happening, and died protecting our freedom. We owe so much to them. And that is why always remember them on 25th April every year."

Mastermind turns his chair around to face the camera.

"The whole world is now fighting a different kind of battle at the moment, the Covid-19, the Coronavirus. There are now over 3 million people worldwide who have been infected but in little old New Zealand, there has only been about close to 1500. Compare that to places like New York, or regions like Europe, then it's safe to say we have gotten off lightly... But 19 Deaths is way too many for a country like New Zealand. All of them have been in people over 60.

"Now you all may be wondering why I'm talking about ANZACS, and Coronavirus when I should be talking about wrestling and my match with Calvary. I'm fucking getting to that people. So let me work that in there. Keep your fucking patients, ya fuckwits.

"All I'm saying that we remember those who have fallen to keep our freedoms from War, we remember those who have fallen to the Coronavirus because the virus takes lives and we have to find a way to fight that virus and that means waiting for a vaccine, and that also means those people looking for a vaccine, are the ones on the front lines like the Nurses and Doctors doing their best to save those who are hit with the Virus.

"So now let's focus on my upcoming Last Man Standing match with my opponent Calvary. Calvary, do not think for one minute that I have not noticed you... I have. Sometimes you are focused and other times you aren't. If you are more focused you could do anything that you can set your mind to, but you aren't focused are you Calvary? That's a bad omen for you, and a good one for more. It just shows you don't care too much if at all. I see right through you as I see right through everyone else."

Mastermind smirks his infamous smirk.

"It's funny that our match is a Last Standing Match. Not funny haha, but I'm sure it is funny ha ha to you. Because like I stated you don't take anything too seriously at times. And when that happens it's your downfall. I'm meaning that it's funny that our Last Man Standing Match is just that with the way the World has been going lately with the virus.

"I will be the Coronavirus to your system, and I will knock you down, but I won't be helping you to get back up again, as you will be staying down, which means I will be winning the match. You can guarantee fucking that. I will be having the history of ANZACs rallying to support me, in my battle with you, and I will win the WAR. It's just that simple.

"You may be called Calvary, but you are not part of the calvary of the armed forces. You do not get to save the day. It will be I, who will be saving the day.. I will see to it, and your bullets will just bounce off me. It's best for you to stay down, and never get up.

"It is true that no one forgets our past battles, our current battles, and our future battles, all that means is, I will win this campaign, and there is little that you can do about it. And I think that is time to leave it there.

"Lest we forget."

And with that, Mastermind starts laughing as he turns his chair around to face the wall. The camera fades out.