X-treme Wrestling Federation
Open challenge - Printable Version

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Open challenge - Jimmy havoc - 03-29-2020

Im Jimmy and I'm challenging anybody to a match at anarchy so who is brave to step up to me uk most dangerous come knock on my door and come fight me and I promise you I will hurt you very bad I'm read for fight so who had guys to face me come on down and I take you head off with acid rainmaker and end you like dog you are so come fight me and one more thing er is waiting for you then Jimmy drops the Mac on may

re:Open challenge - Bilbo Blumpkinz - 03-29-2020

"I'm your fuckleberry.

You ever had your prostate milked?"

Open challenge - Theo Pryce - 03-29-2020

How do you still have a job here? Are you our affirmative action case?

re:Open challenge - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 03-29-2020

Dude, Jimmy's not black.

Open challenge - Theo Pryce - 03-29-2020

I was referring to the little guy that humps people's legs.

re:Open challenge - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 03-30-2020


Yeah man, I tried cutting him loose but he has a lawyer apparently? Have you ever heard of the Americans with Disabilities Act? Sounds made up to me.

Open challenge - Theo Pryce - 03-30-2020

There is no way that's real. If it was we'd have gotten some kind of tax credit for employing Gilmour.

re:Open challenge - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 03-30-2020

Dude! What the heck, @Jefferson Jackson ???

We should be getting some serious cash flow!


re:Open challenge - Peter Fn Gilmour - 03-31-2020

(03-30-2020, 07:22 AM)Theo Pryce Said: There is no way that's real. If it was we'd have gotten some kind of tax credit for employing Gilmour.

Im not disabled u fuckwad

re:Open challenge - The Hired Gun - 03-31-2020

(03-31-2020, 05:11 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said:
(03-30-2020, 07:22 AM)Theo Pryce Said: There is no way that's real. If it was we'd have gotten some kind of tax credit for employing Gilmour.

Im not disabled u fuckwad

I mean having an enormous dick is a disability, makes it hard to walk.

Open challenge - Peter Fn Gilmour - 03-31-2020

not if u secure it well enough in your boxers ;)

Open challenge - Griffin MacAlister - 03-31-2020

"You're a straight up, creep. Why are you winking at The Hired Gun like that?"

re:Open challenge - Jim "the Jim" Jimson - 04-01-2020

(03-29-2020, 06:01 PM)Bilbo Blumpkinz Said: "I'm your fuckleberry.

You ever had your prostate milked?"

I'll give you $2 if you milk glimour's prostate DRY

re:Open challenge - Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-01-2020

(03-31-2020, 11:55 PM)Griffin MacAlister Said: "You're a straight up, creep. Why are you winking at The Hired Gun like that?"


Open challenge - Griffin MacAlister - 04-01-2020

"I'm going to supply a retort that's fitting of this lame ass, low brow, sub-par response."

"I don't shut up, I grow up and when I look at you, I throw up."

"Then your mama comes around the corner and licks it up!"

"Ooooo... take that. A quote from the movie, Stand by Me."

"Seriously though, why are you winking at Hired Gun?"

"Aren't you worried that your husband might see this and get jealous? Force you to sleep on the sofa and take away your anal bead privileges?"

re:Open challenge - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 04-01-2020

Hold up, did Gilmour just admit to tucking his business?

Is Gilly RuPaul??????????

Open challenge - Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-01-2020

No u drugged up hippy i just got the right sizeboxers to hold my giant rod..

Open challenge - Griffin MacAlister - 04-01-2020

"Hippy? You think Vinny Lane is a hippy? What the fuck? What era do you think this is exactly, Gilmour? Why don't you go iron some creases into your Dockers and tuck in your shirt, you fuckin' square."

Open challenge - Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-01-2020

why dont u kiss my rosey red ass mahoney!

Open challenge - Griffin MacAlister - 04-02-2020

"You have a red ass? Like a baboon? Weird."

Open challenge - Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-02-2020

After i beat ur ass.. it will be blood red

Open challenge - Griffin MacAlister - 04-02-2020

"And then you'll wake up from your nap."

"Speaking of this disturbing fantasy. Why would your ass, specifically be blood red, after you beat me down?"

"Dammit Gilmour, you can't even threaten right."

Open challenge - Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-02-2020

But i can sure lay down for ppl. Seems to be the norm here in the xwf

Open challenge - Griffin MacAlister - 04-02-2020

"It's the norm for you to throw in the towel? That there, sounds like loser talk to me, man."

re:Open challenge - Barney Green - 04-02-2020

(04-02-2020, 08:01 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: But i can sure lay down for ppl. Seems to be the norm here in the xwf

I think its very inspiring that you are trying to take my job away from me so I can move onto better things. Does that mean you will lay down for me, too? I hope so because I sure could use the victory. Even if it means having to come in contact with your super dick.

Open challenge - Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-03-2020

Lets shhot here.. even if i did an epic rp id still lose. Seems ppl here have agendas and dont give 2 shits about ppls hard work

re:Open challenge - Theo Pryce - 04-03-2020

(04-03-2020, 03:49 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Lets shhot here.. even if i did an epic rp id still lose. Seems ppl here have agendas and dont give 2 shits about ppls hard work

You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what a "shoot" is. Just saying "Let's shoot here" and then referencing an RP is not shooting. If you had said promo you'd have been way better off. The term RP is strictly an OOC term.

And we do value your hard work Pete, we also value other people's hard work. And sometimes, and I know this is totally crazy but sometimes, other people's hard work is better than your hard work and that's why they win and you lose. No agendas. Just simple math really.

Open challenge - Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-03-2020

I still call bullshit here

Open challenge - Shawn Warstein - 04-03-2020

“If only there was a solution to you worries.....

Open challenge - Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-03-2020

Funding that is like finding a cure for this fuckin virus

re:Open challenge - Theo Pryce - 04-03-2020

(04-03-2020, 08:15 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: I still call bullshit here

Care to elaborate?

Open challenge - Jimmy havoc - 04-03-2020

I pinned you moma

re:Open challenge - Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-03-2020

(04-03-2020, 08:40 AM)Theo Pryce Said:
(04-03-2020, 08:15 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: I still call bullshit here

Care to elaborate?

I was juat talking about what page told me and shane on discord

re:Open challenge - Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-03-2020

(04-03-2020, 09:01 AM)Jimmy havoc Said: I pinned you moma

I pinned your grandma