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True Forever - Printable Version

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True Forever - True Forever - 03-07-2020


In-Ring Name:True Forever

Height 6'0"


Personality: Silent, observant, meditative, calm and cunning. Rarely gets angry or shows any extreme emotions at all. Loner. Sphinx-like enigma.

Looks Description: Stunning and beautifully frightening. Tragic and alone.

Pic Base: Mileena (MK)
[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRglzT5GF3jFpUzv7uoX...x&usqp=CAU]

Strengths: Acrobatic and highly energetic.

Weaknesses: Doesn't communicate or work with others well, due to silence and sole traveler tendencies.

Entrance Theme Music: Butterfly by Tapping The Vein

Special Entrance (if any): Dives, chin first (Kratos style) from the rafters of the arena's ceiling, flips mid-air and lands on her feet in the ring to a series of explosions. Erupting in shades of magenta to indigo.Turns and takes her place, atop the top turnbuckle of her alotted corner, for the bout.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Missile Dropkick
Suicide Dive
Elbow Drop
Side Kick
Shining Wizard
Top Rope Chokehold (Done with boot)

Trademark Move(s): Oculus, Inner Sanctum, Darkness Rising
Description(s): Springboard 450 Splash, Running Shooting Star Press, Superplex

Finishing Move(s): The Truth Will Set You Free, Forevermore, A Sacred Place
Description(s): Dragonrana, Double Rotation Moonsault, Tarantula

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:

Additional notes: More info coming soon...