X-treme Wrestling Federation
Therapy - Printable Version

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Therapy - michaelarcherjr - 01-25-2020


“You should see a Therapist she said.”

[Michael mutters to himself, recalling the words of his wife upon confiding in her his recent mental ailments. Michael detested therapy, considered it only for people weak of mind, and spirit. He knew better however than to argue with the boss lady, which is why he found himself in his current predicament, sitting on a leather couch in a small room with plaques and certificates strung across the wall. After what seemed like forever to Michael the door to the room finally opened, as an older gray haired man walked in, wearing slacks and a white dress shirt. He sits down in a chair on the opposite side of the room from Michael.]

“Hello, Mister Archer.”

[Michael nods, looking down at the floor as the Therapist address him. The Therapist crosses his legs before speaking again.]

Therapist: “I understand you’ve been experiencing some problems as of late, why don’t you tell me what’s going on?”

[Michael continues to stare down at the floor ignoring him as the Therapist lets out a sigh.]

Therapist: “Mr. Archer I assure you, I am a licensed professional trained to help people such as yourself with whatever difficulties they might be going through, however I can’t do that if you shut me out. So how about we try this again? Do you want to tell me what’s been going on?”

[Why does it matter? Michael thinks to himself as he continues to stare at the floor, no amount of talk can help him, nothing can make the voices go away, but here he was, sitting in front of a Therapist at the behest of his Wife, he knew whether he opened up or not this would cost him. Why not make the most of it Michael thought as a smug look washed over his face, Michael looked up at the Therapist with a bright Idea in his head.]

Michael: “You wanna know what’s wrong Doc? You really wanna know what’s going on with me huh?”

[The Therapist nods slowly, grabbing a pen and notepad from a shelf next to him as Michael lets out a long drawn out sigh.]

Michael: “Well, It’s just I try so hard...I try so hard to make everyone else around me happy, I mean I just push myself so hard to do what others want, to make my friends happy instead of just focusing on myself, I mean I’m an Olympic gold medal Gymnast for crying out loud. I can excel at anything I set my mind too, but I feel like I can’t focus on one thing because of everything that everyone else expects, what they want from me.”

[The Therapist continues to nod vigorously as he writes in his notepad.]

Therapist: “Interesting…”

[Before the Therapist can say anything else, Michael busts out laughing, breaking his facade. The Therapist looks up at him annoyed.]

Therapist:” That’s not true, is it Mister Archer?”

[Michael shakes his head as he continues to laugh.]

Michael: “Of course not. I would have to be the biggest little bitch in the World to let others influence my decisions.”

[The Therapist sets the pen and notepad on his lap.]

Therapist: “Mr. Archer, let me remind you that it is your prerogative to tell me or not tell me whatever you want, but I get paid no matter what we do here today, so the only person who’s time your wasting is yours.”

[Michael gives an understanding nod as he seemly relents of his cocky demeanor.]

Michael: “Fine. The truth is...I’m not human.”

[The Therapist cocks an eyebrow confused my Michael’s statement.]

Michael: “The truth is, I am an entity from an alter universe, a place you might refer to as the negative space, but I like to call it home. This body is simply a vessel, a man whose mind was fragile and broken enough to allow me free entry, a weak man to be honest. That’s why I just like a clown, it is my interpretation of the man who once owned this vessel, although to be honest It’s my interpretation of your whole pathetic race.”

[The Therapist sits back in his chair, un-amused by Michael’s story.]

Therapist: “Mister Archer, I would have to be crazy to believe that story.”

[Michael shrugs with a smirk on his face.]

Michael: “And yet people still pedal that bullshit like it’s gospel.”

Therapist: “Mr, Archer, I would really like to help but your making it very difficult by deflecting the true nature of your ailments.”

[Michael puts his hands up in a defensive manner.]

Michael: “Fine Doc, you want the truth? Here’s the truth. I’m with the mob doc.”

[The Therapist slaps his hands against his knees as he screams at Michael.]

Therapist: ‘Mister Archer stop jerking me around!”

[Michael laughs, seemingly amused by the doctor’s frustration.]

“Why don’t you tell him the truth son?”

[Michael grabs at his head as hears the familiar voice of his father in his head.]

“Why don’t you tell him how crazy you really are?”

[Michael squeezes his head in his hands trying to quiet the voices as the Therapist stares at him intently, not sure what’s going on.]

“Hearing the disembodied voice of your dead abusive Father? That’s pretty fucked up son.”

[The voice in Michael’s head begins laughing at him as he rocks back and forth still squeezing at his head.]

Michael: “Stop it.”

[The laughter continues as the Therapist jots down some notes, continually looking back and forth between the pad in his lap and Michael.]

Michael: “Stop it.”

[Try as he might Michael can’t get the laughter in his head to quiet down, taunting him, mocking him. His father still torments him, even in the afterlife.]

Michael: “Stop It!”

[Michael screams out loud as he jumps off the couch, the Therapist falls back into his chair a little startled as Michael bolts for the door.]

Therapist: “Mister Archer wait!”

[It’s too late, Michael is already out the door despite his Therapist’s protest as the scene fades.]

My Own Personal Therapy

[The scene reopens to Michael Archer Jr, once again sitting on a similar leather couch, this time he is in a room with four black walls and nothing else, a single bright light illuminates the room as Michael sits in his black athletic shorts and a black Marksmen shirt.]

Michael: “Let’s clear the air.”

[Michael leans forward on the couch as he begins to speak.]

Michael: “Let’s talk about the elephant in the room for a moment. Is Michael Archer Junior crazy?”

[Michael slumps back on the couch as he lets out a sigh, as if releasing all the air from his body.]

Michael: “I mean let’s face it, since coming to the XWF, he has done nothing except get embarrassed and destroyed by Robbie Bourbon, and barely beat an absolute nobody in Link Rexx. Still every time he opens his mouth words of grandeur seem to just spew out seamlessly, he talks about changing the landscape, about shaking the XWF to its very core. He claims we currently find ourselves in the Marksmen Era, and yet has done nothing to prove it thus far.”

[Michael sits back up on the couch with a widespread grin across his face.]

Michael: “I assure you XWF Universe, I am not crazy, I am simply confident. I assure you Ladies and Gentlemen, two thousand and twenty is the year of the Marksmen, and we are currently in the Marksmen Era, and soon the whole world will see. Starting at Cuntfest, where I once again find myself pitted against multiple opponents, this time however the outcome will be drastically different. This time I will take pleasure in eliminating my opponents one by one until I am the last man standing, speaking of my opponents, I hear a couple of them have had some interesting things to say about your truly.”

[Michael gestures to himself for emphasis before continuing.]

Michael: “Geri, Geri, Geri. You know Geri I tried to compliment you the last time, I attempted to enlighten the XWF Universe of your untapped potential, and what do you do? You go and make a fool of yourself by admitting that you need support. That you actually think everyone needs support to thrive in this business, let me be clear. Outside of that ring, outside of my chosen profession, I have my wonderful loving family as well as my mentor, Rod McCoy and that’s all I need. As far as inside the ring, well Geri I guess I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt considering your young age, but let me clue you in one one simple fact.”

[Michael holds up his index finger to symbolize the number one.]

Michael: “In that ring you either Win, or Lose by yourself. Your little friends or Boyfriend can’t help you, at the end of the day It’s just you and your opponent in there, and that’s all that matters. You can point out examples like the Sick Cunts, and Engineer and his slew of freaks and rejects that like to hang at the Compound, but Noah didn’t help Fuzz win his X-Treme Championship, nor was Noah’s Daddy the one who pinned Scully’s shoulders to the mat to win him the Television Title. Hell Geri I didn’t see your little Boyfriend hanging around the ring at Anarchy when you won the Internet Title, so you see Geri for those reasons your point is irrelevant. Your friends can’t help you, even though your so called best friend Estrella is in this match only one of you can win, and if you don’t think she’s looking to make a name for herself in the XWF by dumping the Internet Champion out of the ring in front of everybody on pay-per-view, well then you really are as naive as you look. Look Geri I like you, I really do. Hell I respect the hell out of you Miss Miller, but if you continue to be so naive to think that your friends really care about you, that they are looking out for your best interests instead of their own. Well then I have no choice but to be the one to show you the truth, to give you a rude awakening, and to prove that the only way to succeed in this business is by taking matters into your own hands, I don’t want to embarrass you Geri, but if that’s what it takes, that’s what I’ll do. You know who I can’t wait to embarrass though?”

[Michael Laughs as he shakes his head in astonishment thinking of the man he is referring too.]

Michael: “Phantom Panzer, you’re funnier than you look, you know that?”

[Michael lets out a mock chuckle.]

Michael: “And by that I mean your an even bigger joke than I initially thought. I mean seriously Panzer your a god? Your fighting against unseen forces to keep our planet safe? Is that supposed to endear you? Is that supposed to make people cheer you? Because your delusions simply make me feel sorry for you. If you really believe everything you say than you are a very sick individual and you need professional help, but that still doesn’t mean I’m going to take it easy on you Panzer. Because you see I don’t think you even believe your own line of bullshit, personally I think this whole little charade is some pathetic cry for attention. Look at me! You scream with the fucking vocabulary of a ten year old boy, every other word coming out of your mouth being the “F” word, or about your fancy little penis. It’s embarrassing Panzer, but not as embarrassing as what’s gonna happen to your immature, demented ass, when you step in the ring with yours truly. I’m going to humiliate you Panzer, I’m going to get you out of there quicker than quick got ready, because jokes like you, little kids who just want all the attention on them so they scream, and they curse, and they throw they’re little temper tantrums. They have no business in the ring, where the real athletes apply their craft, you have no business in the ring with me Phantom Panzer.

[Michael cracks his neck as he pauses for a moment as he tries to calm himself down, visibly upset just by thinking of that joke Panzer. He finally does calm down as he continues.]

Michael: “Because you see Panzer, there is clearly something wrong inside that little head of yours, or...Maybe it’s all an act, maybe you want people to think your crazy, maybe you think you can scare people. If that’s the case then unfortunately my friend you are sadly misinformed, you see crazy people don’t scare me, I pity them, just like I pity you. Make no mistake though Panzer, just because I pity you doesn’t mean I’m gonna take it easy on you, no, it means I’m going to have to teach you a lesson. I’m going to show you that your little foolish act, just like all these former champions running around this place like they’re still relevant, like that can still hang with the current generation with the future, I’m going to show you that your little crazy act is played out.”

[a quick chuckle bursts from Michael’s lips breaking his rhythm as he shakes his head.]

Michael: “You know they’re are some people who think I’m crazy, I’m not. Just because I enjoy competition, because I like hurting my opponents, does that make me crazy? No, you see this business is my sanity, my own personal therapy if you will. That ring is my safe place, my domain and when other people try to step into my domain and take away my peace, my heaven on earth, well let’s just say I don’t take to kindly to that. But I don’t have to sit here and talk about it, at Cuntfest I can simply show everyone exactly what I mean, I will nobly defend my domicile by throwing any and all challengers out one by one until I stand alone in that ring. Then and only then will I finally have…”

[Michael closes his eyes, inhaling and exhaling deeply.]

Michael: “...Peace.”

[Michael smiles at the camera as the scene fades.]