X-treme Wrestling Federation
Butthead - Printable Version

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Butthead - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 01-23-2020

Hey Drez, screw you ya big dumb dumb.

Vinnie pins Drez, knowing full well that's all the effort he will need to exert.

re:Butthead - Jim "the Jim" Jimson - 01-24-2020

Vincent 'loverboy' Lane. I don't say this often, but you are a big, banana, poopy head bum, bum

re:Butthead - Roman - 01-24-2020




Winner and NEW Federweight Champ - Mr. Vincent Lane!

re:Butthead - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 01-24-2020

Great job, Roman! This almost makes up for that debacle on Anarchy. Almost.

Now, I have some people I need to thank.

First, I want to thank God and my savior Jesus Christ. Without him, none of this would be possible.

I wanna thank my mom. RIP sweet lady. I hope I made you proud today.

I wanna thank Roxy. My shelter in the storm. My anchor. My rock. Love you, babe.

I also wanna thank Drezdin for being predictable and useless. Thank you. Thank all of you.

Butthead - Peter Fn Gilmour - 01-24-2020

enjoy your worthless title boss man Wink