X-treme Wrestling Federation
Feedback Request: I need Questions Not Answers - Printable Version

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I need Questions Not Answers - Atara Raven - 11-23-2019

Sooo, I need to flesh out Atara a bit to get a better feel for the character. Character questionnaires are great for that so I'm going to do a backstage interview thing either in the News or Hype forum. She's going to take fan questions and I want some curveballs thrown at her. I need out of my own head to do that so I need some help.

Anywho, what I need, or would like, is some questions from you guys. From your own characters , make up a fan name, it doesn't matter. Ask it here and then I'm gonna take it all and write it up later.

Thanks In Advance.

A need Questions Not Answers - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 11-23-2019

Feel free to use any of these................

"Holy shit gurl you're hot as fuck! Wanna have sex?"

"What's your favorite gym day?"

"Do you need the hookup on some serious fuckin' drugs bro? We're talking the fire here I get the good shit, undetectable and unoverdoseable."

"How fast can you run a 10k?"

"What's your favorite protein?"

I need Questions Not Answers - Noah Jackson - 11-23-2019

Heres some generic ones.

"What's your perfect Sunday?"

"Who is your dream opponent or teammate?"

"If you didn't get into wrestling, what would you have liked to do?"

A very important question.

"Would you rather have an adorable and respectful Wallaby referee or a dirty, lying, cheating Kangaroo cunt referee?"

I need Questions Not Answers - Jim "the Jim" Jimson - 11-23-2019

when did you decide to join the Thunder Knuckles/Dredzin campaign?

Why did you decide to join the Thunder Knuckles/Dredzin campaign?

Have you ever eaten a pinecone?

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Do you believe that Madison Dyson is a Boomer?

Would you rather have a no-nonsense, tough as nails, take no shit, buff, unbias, Kangaroo as a ref or a tiny, stupid, inferior, pinga taking, dolphin loving, little bitch of a kangaroo that is secretly from Tasmania, Wallaby as a ref?

Do you think Noah Jackson should eat a Quokka for his crimes against Australia?

re:I need Questions Not Answers - Vita Frickin Valenteen - 11-23-2019

What drives you to enter the ring every night?

What are your goals within the XWF and pro wrestling in general.

Where were you trained, or are you self taught?

Do you beleive that we are in the midst of a womens revolution?

How closely did you follow the sport before becoming a performer?

Any specific opponents that you'd like to face?

re:I need Questions Not Answers - Corey Smith - 11-23-2019

General Questions:

1) Who's the hottest person in the XWF? Don't say "me" thats lame.

2) Who do you like in the next presidential election?

3) What other promotions have you been in and what did you do there?

4) "Ehhhh, ya got any gum?"

I need Questions Not Answers - Peter Fn Gilmour - 11-23-2019

be honest... would you suck peter's super dick?

I need Questions Not Answers - "The Wolf of Afghanistan" Joshua Schuler - 11-25-2019

How many puppies and dove chocolate bars does it take to get you naked?

First person who comes to mind would you want to team with to go for the XWF Tag Team Championship belts?

How does it feel to be a rising star in the greatest promotion known to existence?

Beef or pork?

Night out or night in?

Who do you respect in the XWF?

Money or Gratitude?

What where some jobs you use to work before wrestling paid the Bill's?

Favorite candy?

Top date?

I need Questions Not Answers - Atara Raven - 11-28-2019

Thanks Everyone! I'm gonna take a crack at this this weekend.

I need Questions Not Answers - The Brothers Blackwater - 11-28-2019

Donovan asks...

"Do you think it's possible to train a pack of chipmunks to do one's bidding once they obtain them? Also how long do you think it will take and where does one obtain a pack of chipmunks?"

"What are your thoughts on zip lines and does a zip line from my kitchen to my in home office sound feasible? A small zip line for sending snacks."

"You win a million dollars but on the same day you get the check, aliens land and say they're going to blow up the world in three days, what do you do?"

"You wake up and roll over and find Nicholas Cage lying naked next to you, what do you do?"

"Same question as the latter but replace Cage with Peter Gilmour."

"Godzilla or Gamera?"

"Sex with a clone, incest or masturbation?"

"Would you resort to cannibalism if there was no other way to get food or would you starve to death, based on morals?"

"What's the most frightening fast food franchise mascot ?"

re:I need Questions Not Answers - Melanie Crayzee Childs - 11-28-2019

Oh oh let me play. Hi Vita by the way. She's my idol.

"How crayzee are you?"

"How crayzee can you get?"

"Straight, Bi, Lesbian or all of the above?"

"What would you tell the female children that they can aspire to be one day if one asked that question."

Hi I'm Melanie by the way, and I'm one crayzee chickadee.