X-treme Wrestling Federation
Chapter One: The Past. - Printable Version

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Chapter One: The Past. - Chris Page - 11-21-2019

Chapter One: The Past

The scene is set on an interview set that sits in front of a Lethal Lottery graphic featuring the right side of Shane ’s face aligning with the left side of Chris Page’s face with the words Non Sanctioned written in bold red letters. Two director style chairs are shown sitting in front of the graphic with XWF journalist Steve Sayors occupying one and Chris Page occupying the other. The two are here today to tell us a story about what has brought us to the Lethal Lottery and the public execution of Shane . Chris has noticeably shorter hair that comes down just under his ears as opposed to down his back; he’s dressed down in a pair of jeans with a grey t-shirt that has the words “Fuck ” written across the chest in black bold print while Steve dressed for the occasion. We go live to Steve Sayors as the shot fades to a tight shot of Steve’s upper body as he looks into the camera.

”Ladies and gentleman today for the first time since suffering a near career ending injury “Chronic” Chris Page is joining us, and for the first time promises not to be a dick….”

Chris chimes in off camera.

”Don’t push your luck.”

The camera pans back revealing Chris sitting next to Steve on the set and gets the full shot of the graphic that’s behind them.

”A guy can wish, right?”

The sarcastic response draws some light laughter under his breath as Steve continues.

”I’m not going to waste a lot of time with the pleasantries because there’s a lot I want to talk about as we close in on your encounter with Shane come the Lethal Lottery Pay-Per-View. There are a lot of eyes on what is going to transpire between both you and Shane; and I’m sure we’re going to cover a lot of it, but how are you doing health wise? When Shane shattered that brick against the back of your head we all assumed that you were done, there’s no way he’s coming back from that.”

”It’s no secret that I have not been medically cleared to compete, but what I’m not going to do is give you or anyone else a diagnosis on my condition because I think it’s going to be rather amusing to see all the assumptions that are going to be made; and you’re right, we will cover a lot of this in just a bit. What people might not understand is that this deal between and I goes further back than recent history; you want to know what brought us this far? Sit in that seat right there and let me educate everyone on what brought us to this goddamn dance.”

There’s a brief pause from Chris as he takes a moment before he continues.

”This goes back to when Shane acquired the XWF and he was trying to relaunch, failing miserably with a top billing of Jose Chavez leading the charge while I was sitting behind the desk of the WGWF in a lower point of my decade plus run of calling the shots. We saw an opportunity for feds to help feds with talent exchanges, example, he had THE Tristan Slater appear on WGWF television while I myself wrestled a match or two for him to the point we even did a successful Interpromotional World Title Match on Pay-Per-View that drew money with Paul Frost and Slater.”

Chris casually states as he continues.

”Originally we had a fairly decent professional relationship as two owners helping each other out, we worked closely with each other behind the scenes to make that piece of business as mutually beneficial as possible. I did things that I would not normally do to help put the XWF over.”

Chris reaches up taking a handful of his hair as he states.

”You think what you saw on Warfare was the first time he’s given me a little haircut? Nah homie, been there and done that as it didn’t faze me then and it don’t faze me now because that’s nothing in the grand scheme of things, my hair will grow back and he can get stoned off the levels of THC in my follicles like he’s done before; my point is we worked well together until the annual WGWF War Games Event where for the first and probably last time two companies represented themselves; five from the WGWF and five from the XWF, it was built perfectly and the focus came on the ten guys from the two companies putting on a lifetime performance... until the final bell rang and the XWF tasted defeat.”

Chris gazes at Steve as he’s all business thus far.

”What do you think happened next?”

Chris casually asks.

”The crying and complaining that grown men were doing was completely off the charts. The babies of the XWF went to their fearless leader and cried so much that he had to do something to show that he was with the “boys”, so he started firing shots as well. You know where this goes from here, right? Downhill; because you see the payoff for that promotion versus promotion rivalry was supposed to see the Shane versus Chris Page battle that never came to be.”

Steven intently listens as Chris continues.

”Shane can try and spin the past however he chooses too but reality is you can’t get to the present without addressing what initially kicked this thing off in the first place, so it’s very safe to say that the hatred that runs through our veins for each other is a real as real can get. In this business we’re all here to draw money and we’re all here to leave our stamp on this industry regardless if it’s being technically sound like someone such as myself or someone that a garbage wrestler like Shane ; there’s a niche for everyone, and while I don’t like to admit it Shane has left a lasting impression on this business, good or bad or indifferent. As an owner some people will praise the ground he walks on while other will shit all over whatever it was he was trying to accomplish just like they’ll try to do with me.”

Chris softly, yet seriously states.

”History has a funny way of repeating itself as we now fast forward to the present where the only thing that’s changed is our ages; most mature as they get older but not Shane because the moment he put his hands back in the XWF honeypot was the moment that everything went back to shit. Personally my opinion of Shane is biased because as far as I am concerned Shane is on the same level as the dog shit one scrapes off their shoe. He will try to sell you on how creative he is, he will try to convince you that “hot shot” booking is the best way to go and he will shit all over everything that you’re trying to accomplish. When I was approached to come back to his place I’ll be the very first to admit that I was more than hesitant because of the sour taste that was left in my mouth… but Raven called and asked… and in the past anytime I called on Raven he was there so I couldn’t just say no. The company was floundering in sheer boredom because nobody wanted to change it.”

Steven shifts his body as he continues to listen intently to what Chris is saying.

”I scoped out the landscape from afar and created an angle that saw everyone try to sink their teeth into with Robert Main and the Universal Title picture, and just as we’re about to culminate four months of hard work and dedication the pencil pushers in the front office thought it would be cool to let Shane and Soldier waltz right back into the company and flex their political power over briefcases that have been out of circulation for God only knows how long to be cashed in to put Shane’s boy on top. Isn’t it interesting how the more things change the more they stay the same? So when people ask me if I’m pissed off or am I just a little upset the safe answer is you’re goddamn right I’m pissed off and I’m more than upset about just how stupid the shot callers are and have been as we’re forced to walk on fucking eggshells around Shane and that is complete horseshit. John Cable…”

You see Steve’s eyes widen at the mention of John Cable’s name.

”John is a man whom put his past feelings aside and gave the XWF a second chance because I assured him Shane wasn’t involved, if you think I hate than you don’t know hate until you listen to John vent; he bolted the moment walked back through the doors because he’d legit kill him, not only did Cable take a walk MANY others did as well including the man that was responsible for me even giving this place my time and energy to TRY and help; brother they all bounced or took a “break” because they know what I know and that is simply put that Shane is a cancer to this business and to this federation… and this is coming from a guy that doesn’t have a horse in this race because I made peace with my “role” within this federation, but when people openly walk the fuck out because of someone’s involvement it’s probably a pretty good indication that that specific individual probably doesn’t need to be around. Does management care? Fuck no, not only do they condone it they reward it… and it stops right fucking now.”

CHRIS adjusts himself within his chair as he takes a moment before he continues.

”I know you’ve got a lot of questions and I know I’m giving you a lot to digest right off the word go but the fight that is going to unfold come the Lethal Lottery event is deep rooted and supersedes what anyone thinks they know and supersedes anything that you’ve seen play out on television over the last several weeks. The past is what drives us to the present and drives us to what our future holds. If I didn’t already have enough motivation to put my foot up ’s ass based off our past I certainly have been overloaded with it based off our present…”

… to be continued.