X-treme Wrestling Federation
On the subject of what we're taking - Printable Version

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On the subject of what we're taking - Prof. Bobby Bourbon - 11-15-2019

Lacklan, I respect the sentiments and virtue of everything you said.

To whit, I say put up or shut up.

What do the Motherfuckers need to do to get a Tag Team Title shot?

I've heard that Big D and Ned have the number one contendership because of an Xtreme Championship reign.

I haven't heard who we're fighting at Lethal Lottery.

re:On the subject of what we're taking - Vita Frickin Valenteen - 11-15-2019

I for one am totally stoked to see you back Robster, but good luck getting any sort of direct response from Sarah. The more likely scenario here is that good ol' "I don't have favorites" Lane will eventually stop by to tell everyone exactly why you don't deserve a tag shot.

Goodluck though!

On the subject of what we're taking - "The Wolf of Afghanistan" Joshua Schuler - 11-15-2019

"I bet I know what we need to do! Jerk off on a picture of the 5'2" Mafia and then get a thousand fans of the XWF to do the same. A giant 5'2" Mafia petition of bukkake?!?"

re:On the subject of what we're taking - Prof. Bobby Bourbon - 11-15-2019


We deserve hell for elevating the Engineer, turning on Jimbo Raven, and disappearing instead of confronting Apex.

Thing is, the devil don't want that kind of trouble, what with us bringing pain and punishment to the wicked with a whole heap load more style and substance than he ever did.

So, I suppose we'll take whatever road through hell the XWF universe wants.

After that, we'll take the Tag Team Title shot.

Come hell or high water.