X-treme Wrestling Federation
Reemergence - Printable Version

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Reemergence - Ned Kaye - 11-15-2019

"Forgetting a debt doesn’t mean it’s paid."
- Unknown


An excerpt from the 11/15/19 edition of Wrestling Observer Radio:

"Yeeahhh, let's about this Ned Kaye run in before we move on. I'm interested to hear what you think, Dave."

"Wellll- ummmm, y'know, Ned Kaye is a pretty good athlete, definitely a solid guy, but I'm kinda confused what they're wanting from him. Like, the crowd seemed excited enough, so I'm not exactly sure, but from what I understood, at least from a programming standpoint, he was on-uh, on okay terms with London."

"I honestly have no clue what they're going for. I mean, I understand that he's heading out there to help out his tag partner for the upcoming match, but it seemed pretty half-assed to me. It probably would've helped if Ned wasn't presented like a dweeb who can't win half the time."

"Well, y'know, I guess time will tell."

An excerpt from Off the Script: X-Treme 248:

"So now, we get the DISPLEASURE of dealing with the Kaye Clown again as he makes HIS return to competition! Almost as bad as Seth Rollins, but at least he's not CRYING on Twitter! And I just gotta wonder why this Ned fuck is still on my television! I did not care for this run in. It's fuckin' garbage."

An excerpt from Ups & Downs from Anarchy (Nov 14):

"Ned Kaye finally makes his triumphant return to the X-dubya-F and... he's still got too much hair! Give it a down!"

"You know, it's not too late to get of the match, man."

Ethan stands in front of an expensive looking piece of gym equipment, obstructing the person on it.

"I'm serious. If you really wanna go through with those plans, that's your choice, but you can't face a guy like Kieran in a state like this!"

Looking somewhat outraged, Ethan raises his voice.

"Ned, can you talk to me, goddammit?"

The camera pans to reveal Ned Kaye, hanging from a workout bar using only his recently injured leg. His face is strained as he inhales sharply.

"Look, Ethan, I appreciate the concern more than you know, but-!"

Ned grunts, his leg giving out as he plummets to a mat placed below him. Collecting himself, he rubs his knee somewhat. Ethan sighs leaning down next to him to help Ned to his feet.

"I did better that time, for sure."

"You're really in no condition to face him like this. Kieran doesn't hold punches Ned. If he wants to break you-"

"Name one person who's broken me."

Ethan looks to him, frowning.

"Can you just promise me you won't go taking unnecessary risks like this all the time?"

"Of course," Ned replies, "I'll keep it to half."

"If you keep this shit up, you might end up being retired by 30, you know that?"

"Please, Ethan. If I keep doing what I've been doing I'll be done before that. But I gotta keep pushing myself. For everyone who believes in me. That includes you, buddy."

Ethan smiles a bit, his demeanor softening.

"I have no idea how you're ever gonna land another trainer at this rate, though. You already have to work your ass off to be this athletic, whoever you end up getting will have to be..."

He pauses, mentally turning rocks over to find the right words.

"Have to be what?"

"Well, more trouble than you are!"

The two share a chuckle as Ned lifts himself back up to the bar.

"I'm pretty sure I've got someone picked out..."

After a brief silence, a small notification chime rings from Ned's phone. Ethan walks over, picking it up.

"Speak of the devil."

Checking the phone, Ethan's face turns to a mild confused expression.

"Who the hell is Dewey?


A dim light shines above the ring in The Notorious Gym. Sitting under, illuminated softly, is The Notorious One himself, seated upon a small, wooden stool. He clears his throat, face clearly intense with thought and gaze into the camera.

"Ever since Unknown Soldier dethroned my friend and APEX brother Robert Main, there's been this question on everybody's mind."

"What next?"

"Because with that one single defining moment, an era of the XWF had closed and when it shut, the shockwaves were felt by everyone. Vita Valenteen decided that standing for what you believed in was too inconvenient and chose to betray all of that for a discount belt and the admiration of Noah Jackson and Fuzz. Sarah Lacklan ceased worshipping herself and now instead is involved in some occultist nonsense I care not to understand or explain. And my friend, Robert Main, hasn't been seen after hallucinations that seeped into his perception of even me. So, what happened is that everybody started looking my way with anxious eyes, wondering after the past few months of treating me as a joke and an afterthought, what I was gonna do. How I'd plunge from grace."

"Well, if you're here because you want that, I've got bad news for you."

Ned leans forward, placing a hand on his chin.

"I'm not gonna sell out my friends for a cheap, two minute celebration. I'm not going to betray my beliefs for a more favorable position. Hell, I'm not even going to make my language any more unsavory than what it was. No, what I am going to do, however, is prove a point."

Ned pauses, taking a deep, reluctant breath.

"I'm not where I pictured I'd be three months ago. I'm not at the level I wish to be at and I haven't held much respect since I won the 24/7 briefcase. I'm viewed as a detriment to one of the greatest stables in Professional Wrestling history and I am still viewed as a steady midcarder at best by Vincent Lane. I work just as hard as anybody, likely harder, and my own physical shortcomings hold me back and I get to be treated like a charity act. And to be real honest with all of you, if it wasn't for my friends, my family, and my fans I would've likely just waited out the rest of my contract on medical leave. This treatment is demoralizing, frustrating, and I'm sick of it. So, to prove that I am every bit the athlete I hold myself to be; to prove I belong alongside Centurion, James Raven, Captain Drew Archyle, and The Omega himself, I'm putting my skills where my mouth is."

Ned raises his index finger on the hand held to his chin and slowly moves it towards the camera.

"I was signed for one year with the X-Treme Wrestling Federation and that started at this year's March Madness. If I do not win the Universal Championship at or before March Madness 2020, I will personally refuse to sign a contract extension. That's a very hefty thing to promise, but if I can't bring that prize back into the faction I fully believe deserves it, then what am I doing as a member of APEX?"

"This is where you come in, Kieran. This is where you have a chance to not only put up a performance against a man who can be totally absent for a month and still be on everyone's mind, but to beat that man and possibly enforce his self-imposed exile. My best friend, Ethan, begged me not to take this match with you. Pleaded with me not to put my leg, recently broken, at risk against someone like you, who prides himself on how much pain he can cause to the man standing across from him. Fighting you is dangerous for my body, for my mind, and, as I have just now announced, my career. If you break my leg again, how long will I be out? How much time will be stripped away from me? You have the opportunity to remove me from contention, Overton. Will you capitalize on that? Will you even try? Will it even matter if you do?"

"See, Kieran, in many ways you are my opposite. You revel in your ability to bring pain to others, you're the kind to go for underhanded tactics, and this kind of fighting comes easy to you. You've never struggled to keep up with others when it comes to your physique, you've never had to fight tooth and nail to be taken seriously, and I doubt you've suffered any hardship beyond forgetting your email password. You don't know what it's like to always have to prove yourself. That's why you're not going to break my pinkie finger, let alone my leg. That's why you're not in APEX. That is why you're not Ned Kaye."

"My father made sure to instill a lot of values in me before he passed. Commitment was one of many. I've gotten to see the first era of my time here pass, I've lost in both matches and my personal life, and I've had to endure the speculation and doubt of even the people who hired me. Kieran, do you think a broken leg was ever going to stop me from walking into that ring and making you tap?"

"I'm still here, everyone. And I have zero plans on departing."

The dim light above Ned shuts off with a loud click, leaving the screen pitch black.