X-treme Wrestling Federation
A unhappy trip to seaworld - Printable Version

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A unhappy trip to seaworld - Jim "the Jim" Jimson - 09-19-2019

Big d threw Jim into a shipping container, but didnt think of what would happen when the crew found a man sitting in a box, that isnt meant to have men in it.
Jim was kick off the boat and was fined for going onto a boat unauthorized. After he got out of all of that mess, he vowed to find Big d, one. More. Time.
Now Jim had to find big d. Jim was on the hunt, After jim killed 4 dolphins to eat their guts, he found Big D at seaworld.
Jim hits big d over the head with a dolphin fin and pins him.

re:A unhappy trip to seaworld - B.O.B. D - 09-19-2019


Big D tosses Jim into Shamu's tank, before turning to walk away, but not before saying something corny.

"All's whale, that ends whale......"