X-treme Wrestling Federation
Battle For The Bahamas - Announcement Thread - Printable Version

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Battle For The Bahamas - Announcement Thread - Centurion - 09-11-2019

[Image: b9598c765abc479086f5f1add82992a9.jpg]

Good morning, folks. My name is Walter Crowe, and I am the organizer for the XWF's upcoming charity show, Battle For The Bahamas. Details for the event keep rolling in by the hour, and I will try to keep you all updated as everything happens.

First, we're delighted to announce the event, taking place on Saturday, October 5th has a home - the Imperial Arena in Nassau, The Bahamas. The Bahamas government has assured us that Nassau and the surrounding areas have not been affected by Hurricane Dorian. We look forward to working hand in hand with the local government to make sure all the best arrangement are made for the comfort and safety of our performers and fans.

Next, we have officially booked our main event for the evening - XWF Legend CENTURION will be teaming with newcommer and Anarchy star BORIS to face newcommer "BOX OFFICE" BRIAN O'HAIRE and XWF veteran LEGION, fresh off his performance at XX. The goal was to pit a newcommer with a recognizable face in order to build stars while giving the crowd the experience of seeing some old favorites.

I can also confirm that the XWF Federweight Championship will be on the line, if Madison Dyson holds the belt until the event. Other stars that will be in action include Noah Jackson and Barney Green. There will be more, and we will announce them once we finalize everything.

Tickets are on sale now, and the show can be ordered from the comfort of your own home through the CircleTV premium app. We hope to see you there!

Battle For The Bahamas - Location and Main Event announced - Boris - 09-15-2019

Boris is ready!

re:Battle For The Bahamas - Announcement Thread - Centurion - 09-18-2019

Another huge match has just been signed! Former WGWF and TWC superstar Alyssa Ferro will be returning to the ring to face the former lime green superhero and current Anarchy star Ruby in a one on one match! This will be a dream match of sorts, and will only take place at The Battle For The Bahamas, live on Circle TV Premium!

re:Battle For The Bahamas - Announcement Thread - CTN - 09-25-2019

re:Battle For The Bahamas - Announcement Thread - Konrad Raab - 10-04-2019

Konrad Raab: "I want to say that thank you XWF and Centurion for allowing me to compete on your show tomorrow night as a one-off appearance. As I'm sure you're aware, I brought ten huge bags of donated essentials Bahamans need during this tough period. Sorry, I haven't been here to introduce myself properly, but I'm sure my video has made it up, It's a good thing you've done for the country and hope the show will be a huge success tomorrow, donating money or essentials the Bahamans need. I will also donate money as well out of my own pocket. Want to wish Barney Green, Jim Jimson and everyone else competiting in the event the best of luck tomorrow."