X-treme Wrestling Federation
Vs Vita - Printable Version

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Vs Vita - Jason_Rayne - 09-06-2019

*The scene opens with Steve Sayors standing just outside a room with its door shut, presumably in the backstage area of an arena.*

Steve Sayors: Good afternoon, fans! This is Steve Sayors reporting to you live. I am just outside the room I have been told Jason Rayne is currently in. Let’s see if we can get a few words from him.

*Steve turns his attention towards the closed door, knocking on it briefly. A voice from the other side of the door could be heard a few seconds later.*

Jason: I’m busy. Get lost.

Steve: Jason, it’s Steve Sayors, with XWF. May I have just a moment of your time?

Jason: Are you deaf? I said get lost.

Steve: Management told me I could have an interview with you, Jason.

*An exasperated sigh would be heard from the other side of the locked door, followed by the click of the door being unlocked. A few seconds later, the door swings open to Jason Rayne’s glowering visage.*

Jason: Don’t just stand out there like some deer caught in headlights. Your time might be worth less than a crudely drawn counterfeit Reichmark, but my time is money.

Steve: Now just a minute, Jason…

Jason: There you go wasting time again with a pointless rebuttal nobody cares about. It’s time for you to either take a shit or get the hell off the pot, Steve.

Steve: I beg your pardon?

Jason: You heard me. Get your ass in here or shut the damn door and get the hell out of my sight.

*Steve Sayors and the unseen cameraman would enter the room, shutting the door behind them.*

Jason: That’s more like it. Now let’s get this show on the road.

Steve: I guess my first question would be what you are doing in here that is so important?

Jason: First of all, Steve, that is none of your damn business. Since I know I can’t get rid of you otherwise, though, I’ll tell ya. Like any professional athelete who knows what the hell he’s doing, I am reviewing footage of my last match.

*The camera shifts to show the footage playing on a big-screen tv for a few seconds, before shifting back to Jason.*

Steve: That was a tough loss in your debut match last week.

Jason: Let me stop you right there, Steve. While I can admit to underestimating Miss Michelle to some degree, the only reason I didn’t get the win last week was because she blindsided me in the back of my head with her foot. You can call that a win if you want, but blindsiding someone in the back of the head like it’s some garden-variety football, while he’s in the middle of a pin, is rather cheap.

*Jason contemplates to himself for a few seconds.*

Jason: Actually, I wish I had thought of that tactic myself. *Jason laughs*

Steve: So you’re saying you’d rather win cheaply than cleanly?

Jason: Not at all. I will take either one. If it’s a clean win, that’s fine, but I’m also a snake and a predator, so I also enjoy the thrill of carrying out ambushes and enjoy the lawlessness that comes with fighting outside of the ring. In fact, my biggest regret of my debut match was that I wasn’t able to make it to the outside, where I am at my best, and my most dangerous.

Steve: Now that we have talked some about your last match, I would like to move right along to your upcoming match with “Vicious: Vita Valenteen. What are your thoughts on that match, Jason?

Jason: Vicious, huh? She sounds more like some spoiled rotten, little teenage brat, in the middle of some temper tantrum, Now she thinks that makes her all “vicious”. I feel like bending her over and spanking her, if wasn’t so sure her father would show up. No, you know what? Let her dad come and try to stop me. He doesn’t scare me. In fact, I would welcome the opportunity. I would chew him up and spit him out! I would bury you and that doddering, old man right through the table - next to each other - and send you both to the hospital. Most likely you would even be transported in the same ambulance. That is, unless I beat you down so badly that you need to be life flighted. You and your feeble, old man could even be hospital roommates, so the two of you can moan and groan over your beatdowns, and commiserate together about your impending early retirement.

Steve: You would fight an innocent bystander?

Jason: If one got in my face, you bet your ass I would. Without question, and without hesitating. Like I have said before, I’m not here to gain anyone’s approval, and I’m not here to make friends. This is all just business to me. If someone gets in my face and tries to interfere with my business, they will find themselves in an ass-whoppin’ and a world of hurt. You can count on that.

Steve: Any final words for Vita, Jason?

Jason: You may think you are vicious, Vita, but chances are you’ve never been face-to-face with a truly vicious predator such as me before. You will see what vicious truly is, if you have the guts to face me outside the ring, where the ref can’t save you from the big, bad, boogey man. We will see how vicious you think you are after I put you through a table and you are seeing stars. Girl or not, I fully intend on making an example and a lasting impression out of you, Vita. You will become my version of the proverbial head-on-a-pike, by the time our match has finished.

Enough said. I’ll be seeing you soon, if you still have got the guts!

*The scene fades to black*