X-treme Wrestling Federation
Wednesday Warfare 06/12/13 - Printable Version

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Wednesday Warfare 06/12/13 - Wallace Witasick - 06-13-2013

Gaylord Family Oklahoma Memorial Stadium
Capacity: 82,112 (Sold out!!!)
Norman, Oklahoma
June 12, 2013

]Warfare begins with a up close and personal shot of the King of the XWF, John Madison, standing in his green room with his arms crossed. He's wearing his crown like usual, but he doesn't seem to be in a pleasant mood tonight. Luca Arzegotti is there as always, kicked back in a lazy boy off in the corner, eating an apple. Shane is nowhere to be seen. The GM of Shove-It must be in the hospital still.

Luca Arzegotti: "You look tense, John."

John Madison: "Maybe because I am, Luca. I'm here trying to plot our next move and all you can do is eat apples in your lazy boy. I should be kicking back eating apples right now."

Luca Arzegotti: "Do you want an apple?"

John Madison: "No! I want revenge for what Duke and Wallace did to Shane ."

Luca Arzegotti: "You mean The Messenger, right?"

John Madison: "What's the difference? I know Wallace was behind it just like Paul Heyman was."

Luca Arzegotti: "I thought Paul Heyman was in the clear after last week?"

John Madison: "Why, because he gave me one of his Wild Card contracts? That was basically a confession! The man was guilty and so is Wallace Witasick."

*Knock, knock!*

There is a knock at the door which startles John Madison. He eagerly walks over to answer it and finds Wallace Witasick's body guard, Tyrone, standing on the other side.

John Madison: "What the hell do you want, Tyrone?"

Tyrone doesn't answer.

He just stares down John Madison.

Tyrone then forces himself inside the room and backs John Madison against the wall just by walking into him.

John Madison: "LUCA! Seize this monster at once!"

Luca Arzegotti is about to stand up to aide his king, but then Tyrone speaks.

Tyrone: "Wallace Witasick wanted me to pass along a message. He said that he had nothing to do with the attack on Shane last week. However, he does agree that you and Shane should have had say in Wild Card Weekend and that it was wrong of him to go over you. Therefore, he will forfeit one of his Wild Card briefcases to you and Shane as long as you leave the arena. You can then do whatever the hell you want with that wild card."

John Madison: "That means I'd walk out of this arena carrying two wild cards at my disposal. Hah! Maybe I'll give one to myself and one to Shane !"

Tyrone: "Like I said, Wallace doesn't give a damn what you do with it."

John Madison: "You go on and tell Wallace Witasick that I accept his offer and his confession. He'll be punished soon, but this will do for now. Now, off with you, dark man. Luca! *snap snap* escort Wallace's servant to the door at once."

Tyrone turns his back and walks away before Luca is able to "escort him out."

Luca Arzegotti: "Well then, I'm heading out since this is finished."

John Madison: "Sure, go ahead."


The camera shows the door to Wallace Witasick's office muffled voices can be heard inside. The door slowly opens and laughing can be heard. As the door opens wider Feng Shui and Satoshi Daiki are seen emerging from the office. Feng shui stops and shakes Wallace Witasick's hand.

"Thank you sir, me and my client are very excited to sign with Wednesday Warfare."

"Well we're excited to have Satoshi on the roster Mr. Shui."

Satoshi bows.

"Thank you sir."

"No thank you, and we'll see you next Wednesday."

Satoshi and Feng begin walking down the hall and Steve Sayors runs down the hall.

"Excuse me gentlemen."

The two ignore him and continue walking.

"Excuse me."

Feng Shui quickly turns around.

"What do you want?"

"Could you spare a moment for an interview?"

Feng looks over at Satoshi who mutters something to his ear.

"My client says he will do his talking next week, in the ring."

The two then turn and continue walking down the hall speaking in Japanese, leaving Sayors staring after them as the scene fades.

Johnny Xtreme
- vs -
'Slick' Rick Jones
- vs -
Chris Legend
Triple Threat Singles -- One Fall

The lights in the arena darken, A line of camera flashes begin to flicker down the ramp leading to the ring as Last resort begin to blast throughout the arena. As the music plays Legend walks out to a shower of gold pyro raining from the top of the X tron...
He makes his way down the ramp, occasionally doing short movie star like interviews along the way....

"From Kansas City, Missouri, weighing 265 pounds, Chris Legend!

The whole arena goes dark, when the bells toll the first four times, the X-Tron Flashes. On the fifth toll, lightning pyro strikes the stage, coming down to hit the stage in the center, and leaving the stage on each end. After the pyro, he walks up to the center, looks down for 3-7 seconds, then slowly walks down to the ring, then slowly and methodically circles the ring, before climbing the steps and slowly goes through the second ropes. While waiting for his opponent, he sits against the turnbuckles on the mat.

"From Minneapolis, Minnesota, weighing 238 pounds, Slick Rich Jones!"


Jim Ross: "We learned via the XWF website that Johnny Xtreme hurt his ankle while training so he will not be with us tonight."

Wayne Witasick: "That's very unfortunate for Johnny. I stubbed my toe last night as well and was thinking about calling in sick. But here I am."

Jim Ross: "If only Johnny Xtreme was as courageous as you, Wayne."

Wayne Witasick: "Yes, Jim. But this isn't about my toughness. This match is about two men fighting for respect. Chris Legend goes straight to work on Rick Jones as he backs him into the corner and lays into him with some shoulder strikes. He's using that shoulder of his as a battering ram to crush the insides of Rick Jones."

Jim Ross: "Legend delivers a stinging chop to the chest of Rick. However, Rick turns things around as he pushes Legend into the corner and delivers a chop of his own. Rick Jones ain't gonna let Legend walk over him tonight. He's got to impress the higher ups tonight if he wants to get himself a shot at a wild card. Jones with more chops to the chest of Legend. He walks up to the second rope with Legend still pushed up against the turnbuckle. And he fires away with some punches."











After delivering ten punches, Jones takes Legend to the middle of the ring with a belly to belly suplex! And he pins him!



Legend is able to kick out.

Jim Ross: "Rick Jones is looking very impressive in the early going. I thought for a minute that Legend was gonna throw him around with ease."

Wayne Witasick: "As did I, but we're seeing a different attitude from Jones tonight. He's got an arm lock applied on Legend as he prepares for his next move. 'Slickster' is tending on Twitter, by the way."

Jim Ross: "I don't give a damn about Twitter, Wayne. Let's focus on the match at hand. Jones brings Legend to his feet and throws some more knife edge chops to his chest. Them five or so chops leave a very noticeable mark on the chest of Legend as Jones sends him into the ropes... Jones grabs him, goes for a Samoan drop, but Legend reverses it into a bulldog! What a counter! Legend hooks the leg."



Jones kicks out.

Wayne Witasick: "That was a very impressive reversal by Legend. So impressive that I'm texting a video of it to Mr. Wallace Witasick. He's looking for future wild card contenders, you know. And who better to scout for talent than WAYNE Witasick?"

Jim Ross: "I think you're full of it, Wayne. Nonetheless, Legend is back in control of the match and has Jones grounded with a headlock. We'll see what he turns this into as he pulls Jones up to his feet. Legend lifts Jones up into the air... and drops I'm with a brain buster! By Gawd that was nasty, just NASTY. That could be the end of the match."



Jim Ross: "Could be!"


Jim Ross: "Damn that was close. Very close. You know, it takes a lot of toughness to kick out of a move like that. After that and the bulldog, I don't think Jones can afford to take anymore hits to the head. He needs to avoid them head shots at all costs."

Wayne Witasick: "Chris Legend knows this too. He's got a side headlock applied this time. The more pressure he puts on the affected area, the quicker he can end this match."

Jim Ross: "But don't count Jones out. He's up to one knee and is trying to punch his way out of the head lock. He knows he's in a bad way and is giving it all he's got, and these fans are cheering him on!"

Wayne Witasick: "Come on, Legend, transition into something before he breaks free!"

Jim Ross: "OH! And he does just that! Legend hits a head lock takedown on Jones and is transitioning into... ANACONDA VICE! He calls this version of the Anaconda Vice 'Legendary.' Jones looked like he was about to break free, but Legend hit him with a move before he could... Jones might tap...."

Wayne Witasick: "The bad thing about this is that the head lock takedown caused Legend to move Jones very close to the ropes despite this lethal submission hold that he has applied."

Jim Ross: "By gawd you're right. All this boy has to do is move forward a little bit and his foot will be touching the rope."

Jones tries to move forward with his legs, but Legend is holding him back with the anaconda vice locked in...

Jones makes one last attempt to catch a rope break...

And he does! Jones gets the rope break.

This buys Jones some time to recover but just as he gets up, Legend knocks him down with a running clothesline.

Jim Ross: "Chris Legend bent the rules a little bit on that one. He's supposed to wait until Jones has had a chance to recover."

Wayne Witasick: "None of that matters tonight, Jim. Legend wants to impress management tonight. Jones better get it together--"

Jim Ross: "But wait-- Jones comes back with a knife edge chop! That boy sure does deliver some good looking chops, don't he? Jones goes under and takes Legend down with a northern lights suplex! And he bridges for the pin."



Legend rolls out of the pin

Jim Ross: "Jones is back in control now in this seesaw contest. Jones comes off the top ropes and hits Legend over the head with an axe handle. He runs off the ropes, and catches Legend across the face with a boot to the face! Jones is on fire now! He throws some more knife edge chops to the chest of Legend, and throws him into the ropes. Jones catches Legend coming off the ropes with a lifting DDT! What a move! And he pins Legend."




Wayne Witasick: "That was way too close. Why is Legend letting Jones get away with this?"

Jim Ross: "But wait, Jones isn't finished just yet. I think he's gonna go for the Bulldozer (jack knife powerbomb). Jones picks him up for the move... but Legend reverses into a hurricanrana! Both men make it back up to their feet after the counter. Legend runs off the ropes. He tries to clothesline Jones, but Jones ducks it and grabs his arm for a Kimura Lock! But the hold doesn't last long as Legend shifts out of it. Legend picks up Jones onto his shoulders. This could be the 'Legends Never Sleep' (jumping GTS) move... but Jones shifts his weight and falls off of Legends' shoulders. Jones knocks Legend back with a European uppercut... He runs off the ropes for a move, but gets knocked out by the Legends Never Die! (Super Kick) That move came out of nowhere! Legend drops down to make the pin."




Jim Ross: "Chris Legend got him! What an effort. What an effort by both men here tonight."

Wayne Witasick: "It might have just been wild card worthy, Jim. You never know."

Jim Ross: "Might be. But it's still too early to tell. Folks, stay tuned. We have more Warfare coming your way."

WINNER: Chris Legend

Post-Match Segment

Chris Legend is standing on the top rope, celebrating his win when suddenly...

Jim Ross: "By Gawd, who in the hell is that?!"

Wayne Witasick: "What the..."

A large man enters the ring and attacks Chris Legend from behind, knocking him off of the top rope! The man stands about 6' 8" and is wearing an Armani suit and a white plastic mask over his face.

Chris Legend looks up at his attacker and is shocked.

The big man delivers a boot to the face of Legend!

Jim Ross: "Who is this guy?"

Wayne Witasick: "How should I know, JR?! That's a nice suit he's got on though."

The mysterious big man picks up Chris Legend and throws him between his legs for his next move. The man picks up Legend onto his shoulders, and throws him down with across the ring with an Outsider's Edge! And Outsiders f*cking Edge by this mystery attacker!

Jim Ross: "Who is this monster and what does he want with the XWF and Chris Legend?"

Backstage Segment

Following the commercial break, we go backstage where Chris Legend is walking through the back halls with an ice pack on his neck. He's just walking along casually, trying to regain his strength when he bumps into Dean Moxley McGovern.

Dean(in a hushed voice): Psst...hey! Hey Chris! Chris Legend!

Chris turns to see Dean who walks up and shakes his hand.

Dean: I just wanted to say good luck in our match this Saturday. I appreciate you putting your Legendary title on the line as well as that extra twenty grand.

All of a sudden Chris is attacked by a crazy teenage boy who starts biting his hand! More children come running out of nowhere as Dean shouts!

Dean: Get him!

Boys and girls looking like they range from around 8 to 16 all come and storm Chris Legend, violently pummeling him with their small fists and kicking him in the shins, groin and anywhere else their feet land.

Dean adjusts his sunglasses while he stands there watching this gang beating. He leans in closer like he can't believe what he's seeing...

Dean: What the...oh my goodness...OH MY GOD somebody call security quick. I think Chris Legend just tried to molest one of those children. I think Chris might be the child molester CM Punk keeps looking for. Help!

Dean yells for assistance as the children continue beating on Chris.

World 1 International
- vs -
Eli James IV
Standard Match

The Only One by Evanescence hits and World1 International makes his way from the back. The man is soaking in the crowds cheers as he walks down the ramp and hops into the ring. World1 gets into the ring and hops up on to a turnbuckle raising his arms to the crowd to get a huge wave of cheers.

“The following contest is a standard match set for one fall! Now entering the arena! He is making his way from Toronto Ontario, Canada! He stands at 5 foot and 10 inches tall and weighed in at one hundred and sixty five pounds! He is WORLD-1 INTERNATIONAL!”

Jim Ross: "World-1 International had a pretty easy match last week."

Wayne Witasick: "Pretty easy? His opponents didn't even show up."

Jim Ross: "Well let's see if the rookie shows up this week."

In Time by Mark Collie glares throughout the arena and Eli James IV comes walking out as if he were walking on the beach on a sunny day... smiling without a care in the world.

"And his opponent! Making his way from Parts unknown! He stands at 6 feet and 5 inches tal:l and weighed in at two hundred and ninety pounds! This is ELI JAMES THE FOUUURTTH!"

Jim Ross: "Well looks like the rookie showed up Wayne."

Wayne Witasick: "He sure did, look at him he's a mountain of a man."

Jim Ross: "Yes he does hold a distinct size advantage here, we'll have to see what the Canadian has up his sleeve to combat the difference."

The bell rings and the two lock up, Eli has the clear strength advantage and shoves World-1 into the corner. Eli poses and International claps.

Jim Ross: "The rookie with the clear power advantage here."

The two lock up again and again Eli shoves World-1 into the corner. He poses again but this time World-1 rushes out of the corner and nails a dropkick staggering the rookie but not knocking him down.

Wayne Witasick: "Wow didn't even knock him off his feet! "

The two go back to a standoff circling eachother. Eli makes to grab World-1 but he ducks under and lands another dropkick to the back once again staggering Eli. This time he goes on the attack backing Eli against the ropes and begins punching away and kicking at his legs trying to knock him off his feet.

Jim Ross: "World-1 is trying with everything to knock this gargantuan off his feet but Eli just pushes him away"

Wayne Witasick: "World-1is rushing back in though."

Eli grasps World-1 by the waste as he rushes towards him and throws him overhead in a belly-to-belly suplex over the top rope to the outside.

Jim Ross: "OH MY GAWD! Eli just launched World-1 to the outside with a huge belly-to-belly suplex over the top rope."

Wayne Witasick: "I think World-1 might have hurt something J.R he landed hard on his tailbone.

The referee begins counting.....


Jim Ross: "This count may be unnecessary, World-1 may need medical attention.





World-1 finally begins to stir.


Jim Ross: "He's beginning to stir Wayne."

Wayne Witasick: "Well he better hurry up if he's going to continue the ref's already at six...


He is trying to pull himself up with the barricade.

Jim Ross: He's nearly up using the barricade


He finally pulls himself up and takes a step towards the ring."

Wayne Witasick: "Holy crappy J.R he's up."

Jim Ross: "Yes Wayne but he's still got to make it to the ring.


He gets an arms length away from the apron and collapses.

10! "

Jim Ross: "That's quite a message the rookie just sent, I can't wait to see more of this guy."

Wayne Witasick: "Me either J.R that was an impressive win."

WINNER: Eli James IV

- vs -
Sean Falcon
Shawn Hero
Standard Tag Match

We see green and white lights blinking through out the arena as the fans then witness to hear "Phenomenon"by Thousand Foot Krutch begins to play and Few minutes later we see white pyro from the left side of the ramp and a green pyro on the right side of the ramp goes up with the entire entrance stage is reflecting white light as SVD makes his way out to the ring the crowd gives a mixed reaction,half of the crowd cheering and half of them you know how fans are?Not everybody likes SVD.Anyway he then walks down the ramp which is totally green while in the centre of the ring on the mat we can see the pakistan flag just reflectiing on the mat as SVD walked further down and baseball slides in..later he climbs up the turnbuckle kissing his finger and then pointing it upwards and saying "Thank You God",Sometime he even shouts Allah Akbar but that is seen rarely.He then jumps down from the turnbuckle and then extends his arms out side ways with a smile as he looks down at the mat with a smile,looking at the reflecting image of his country flag as he does standing back flip causing all the corners of the ring to explode with mix green and white pyro.

The Janitor emerges, tight lipped and aggressive looking as he just intensely walks to the ring. There's no flashing lights, or fancy explosions, just The Janitor and his straight forward march towards the ring. This guy means business!!

Shawn Hero comes out and wastes no time in getting down to the arena, making sure to flash the cameras and fans a cocky smirk.

Gold strobe lighting flickers as the music hits. Sara comes out first followed by Sean Falcon. Falcon wears a black and gold sleeveless robe. The pair grasp hands and he spins her around slowly to give the fans a view of her many smoking hot features. With their hands, his right and her left, clasped together, they raise their arms and are showered in gold colored pyro. She sits on the middle rope as he enters the ring.

Each set of tag teams stand in their respective corners as they decide who will start out this standard tag match. After much deliberation, it looks as though Shawn Hero and The Janitor will begin this match. However Janitor looks more disgruntled at his own partner, than he does at the man he's about to be facing! The Janitor must not like who's he's been teamed with!

Shawn Hero and The Janitor meet up in the middle of the ring. Their eyes meet and as soon as the bell sounds, The Janitor is instantly the aggressor of the two. Janitor grabs Shawn by the throat and immediately choke slams Shawn, in the middle of the ring. The crowd gasps is shock as Hero's body thunders onto the canvas. Janitor wastes no time and plants an Elbow Drop, to the sternum of Shawn Hero. Janitor follows this up by rising to his feet and lays a few stomps, to Hero's mid-section and chest. Janitor repeatedly continues this onslaught as Shawn rolls around in pain with each stomp, stopping only to switch from stomps to a Leg Drop!

When the Janitor gets to his feet after delivering that Leg Drop, he turns to Hero who is still laying on the mat. Shawn looks pretty beat up and the Janitor takes this moment to place Hero, in a Sleeper Hold. This may be an early end to this fight if Shawn Hero taps!

The Janitor wrenches the hold tight and Shawn doesn't seem to be putting up too much of a fight. Shawn's eyes begin to droop and his body starts to go limp. This somehow just causes The Janitor, to look more pissed off! Janitor pulls the hold tighter and Shawn Hero's eyes are almost all the way closed. Shawn literally looks as though, he's completely out! Yet for some reason this makes the Janitor even more perturbed! That when Sean Falcon, begins to scream from his corner. Falcon begins to yell to Shawn, trying to revive him. Falcon tries to get through to Shawn by calling his name.

It almost seems like a lost cause...

But then Shawn's eyes pop open!

Possibly from the sound of his mentor's voice, or maybe Hero just got a half second of a nap that totally recharged him. Whatever the reason Shawn's eyes pop open and Shawn's hand surges forward and grasps the bottom rope. The hold is broken! Janitor climbs to his feet as Hero pops up to his feet. Shawn blasts to actions and immediately catches Janitor, with a left hook, followed by a right jab, to the kidneys and a Clothesline that sees the Janitor to the canvas. Janitor rolls to the side, just as Hero was about to plant a knee to the Janitor's face. That's when a hand reaches out and tags the Janitor's shoulder. Salman Van Dam has tagged himself in!

The Janitor narrows his eyes in annoyance at, Salman Van Dam as he takes his place in the corner. The Janitor must really hate tag matches, or SVD....or both! Salman paying no attention to Janitor's bad vibes, takes off towards Shawn Hero and takes Shawn down with a quick Clothesline. From there Salmon takes off towards the ropes and uses them to spring off as he delivers a Off The Rope Leg Drop!

A move that doesn't' connect, cause Shawn rolled out of the way! Hero is to his feet and hits SVD with a quick Roundhouse Kick, followed by a Leg Sweep. This takes Salman down to the canvas. Hero then takes to the ropes, climbing and then mounting the top turnbuckle, from which he flies off of to deliver a Flying Double Axe Handle. The move connects and Salman reacts like a fish out of water!

Suddenly Salman surges up and strikes Shawn, with a Low Blow! Shawn drops to his knees and Salman slowly rises to his feet. Salman then catches Hero with a Scissor Kick, to Hero's head, which sends Shawn to the canvas! Salman flies towards the ropes, he bounces off them, he lunges to plant an Elbow into Shawn's chest...

So close!

However, not close enough! Shawn Hero rolls out of the way! Salman hits the empty canvas and Shawn Hero, bolts across the ring and tags in, Sean Falcon! The crowd screams with excitement as Sean Falcon makes his way into the ring. Falcon simply nods respectively towards Hero as they pass each other in the ring.

Salman Van Dam, is back to his feet and charging for Sean Falcon, but Falcon ends this charge with a stiff arm to Salman's throat! Salman gasps and drops to the canvas. Falcon then takes off towards the ropes as Salman gags and attempts to rise to his feet. Falcon smiles and helps Salman up, by ripping him off the canvas by his hair. Sean steadies Salman and slaps Salman a couple times in the face. Salman coughs and goes for a right hook to Falcon, but Falcon blocks this move and then shakes his head.

Immediately Sean hits Salman with a Trio of Russian Leg Sweeps! Salman goes down and Falcon takes off toward the ropes. Falcon bounces off the ropes and soars into, a Flying Elbow Drop! The move connects and Falcon instantly places Salman into a Figure Four!

The hold is in place and SVD looks to be in tremendous pain! Falcon wrenches the hold and Salman screams! Salman shakes and convulses in agony as Falcon continue the hold. Yelling out in pain Salman uses all his strength to touch the ropes. The hold is broken and Salman crawls to the corner to make the tag. Salman's eyes are pleading for the tag to happen, but he doesn't make it to the corner. Falcon grabs SVD from behind and lifts him into the air. Falcon then slams Salman down to the middle of the canvas. Sean Falcon proceeds to deliver, the Falcon Elbow Drop (Savage Elbow Drop)! The Janitor looks pissed and climbs from the ring apron. From there Janitor promptly begins to march out of the arena. Obviously this Janitor isn't happy and he's seen enough! Sean Falcon covers for the pin!




WINNER: Sean Falcon & Shawn Hero

Zayne Vyper
- vs -
Eric Rex
Xtreme Rules

Basket Case plays as five fireworks of different colours go off as Zayne Vyper walks down the ramp.

"From Queensland, Australia, weighing 232 pounds, Zayne Vyper!"

Them Bones plays as Eric Rex walks straight to the ring with no fan interaction. Stretches with the ropes if he's the first out. Glares at his opponent if he's not.

"From Birmhingham, weighing 235 pounds, Eric Rex!"

We see these two men looking at each other and moving around the ring, until Rex hits Viper with an vicious European uppercut and Irish Whips him towards the ropes and Viper ducks his attack and rebounds to hit Rex with a quick Missile Dropkick that landed Rex on the mat.

Wayne Witasick: Man that was a crazy Dropkick!

Jim Ross: Viper seems to gain the advantage over Rex

Wayne Witasick: Lets see how far Viper can go!

After that Dropkick from Viper, he starts to Stomp on Rex's hands and legs. After that he then attempts to go to the top rope to hit a Leg Drop. But Rex rolled out of Viper's way and made him land on his ass HARD on the mat. Rex regains focus and gets to his feet and see's Viper on the mat and lifts him up only to slam him with a T-Bone Suplex.

Wayne Witasick: I think this match is going to be...

Jim Ross: It's going to be what, Boy?

Wayne Witasick: A quick one really..

Jim Ross: Rex is just dominating Viper at this point..

Then we see Rex pumped up with adrenaline and he hits Viper with the Garvin Stomp all over his body until Viper lost consciousnesses. Then the fans are cheering on Rex and this made him get into position in the corner of the ring awaiting to hit his finisher on Viper. Later on, we see Viper gets to his feet in pain and goes towards Rex, and Rex hits his Kiss of Death on Viper's chin.

Wayne Witasick: Oh MY, The Kiss Of Death....

Jim Ross: Um...

Wayne Witasick: What is it Ross?

Jim Ross: We all know whats going to happen now..

Then we see Viper quickly getting up and Rex hits the Cuban Necktie (Triangle Hold) to Viper!. We see Viper having no way to escape the hold as Rex is applying pressure to his head as the ref see this hold. Then, it lasted for ten minutes until Viper taped out and Rex breaks the hold.

After Viper leaves the ring in pain and Rex is celebrating his win inside the ring with fans....

The lights turn low and the fans are in a frenzy as they hear this theme on the X-Tron...

Then the lights turn back on and the fans see a strange man inside the ring...

He was wearing a metal face mask with Long Pants and a "I Hear Voices" T-Shirt...

Then we see this man attacking Rex with a Brass Knuckle and starts to stomp the living daylights out of him....

Then Rex rolls out of the ring looking at the strange man who attacked him and the man was ready to fight him....

This man gets a mic from the ring announcer and the WW and JR were shocked what just occurred...

Wayne Witasick: What just happened?

Jim Ross: I have no clue...

Wayne Witasick: I'm guessing this man was anxious to speak tonight?

Jim Ross: Either that Or He just wanted to gain attention..

Then he begins to speak to the Warfare fans...

???: Let me tell you Warfare fans out here tonight, that *BLEEP* is going to change around here and in XWF. You guys might had remembered how i was inside this very ring getting my but whooped by Powell. That match made me lose any credibility I've gotten inside this place, also i was humiliated by Madison and the Black circle far too many times in XWF, so i want to say that i am tired of being the good guy who just a joke. This mask i wear is going to represent on how much i just don't give *BLEEP* any more about on how people view me. No more Bloody T--pons jokes and being treated like crap, and also, no more mister "FUN" guy y'all think i was. *BLEEP* you all and have a bad night.

Then we see this man leave the ring with BOOS from the fans...

After the scene shifts into the next segment...

WINNER: Eric Rex

- vs -
Tony Santos
- vs -
'The Cyaneyed Assassin' NeoNero
Triple Threat -- One Fall

JR: All the principles for this upcoming triple threat are in the ring...we have the reigning tag-team champion, KnightMask, a man who, in spite of his appearance, is in many ways a throw back to wrestling's Golden Age. He is an expert in catch-as-catch-can wrestling, a style of submission-grappling once synonymous with professional wrestling...a style that, in days past, was a fundamental part of every successful wrestler's arsenal.

Wayne Witasick: What you're saying is, the man's a dinosaur! He's stuck in the past, trying to match a six-gun against an AK-47, JR baby!

JR: No, I did not say anything of the sort.

Wayne Witasick: Well its the truth, my man. Thinks have evolved, we got the UFC, we got jiu jitsu, we got advanced training...throw Lou Thesz or Frank or Karl Gotch or whatever Malenko you want into the arena today and he's gonna be tapping quicker than...

JR: Quicker than you can flap those gums of yours?

Wayne Witasick: I think fast, I talk fast Rossy-Ross! That's how it is in the 21st century, my man. Anyway, what else we got...there's NeoNero, 6'3, British-Korean...and crazy as they come...but I like it! Dude is wild and random...just like the XWF!

JR: NeoNero, former European champion...it took The Senator, one of the most dominant champions in XWF history, to wrest the title away from NeoNero...and lets just say it was in less than completely kosher circumstances. But lets not forget...Tony Santos...that young up and coming stud...as of yet undefeated...he's muscular, agile...he may be one of the very best pure athletes I have seen in all my years in this business.

Wayne Witasick: Wow...that's really saying a lot.

JR: It certainly is...

Wayne Witasick: I mean, in 100 years, you haven't seen anyone more athletic...? Wow.

JR: You're an idiot. You're an idiot. There's the bell...and this slobber-knocker is underway...reigning tag-champ...former European champ and XWF legend...and undefeated up and comer...sorting it out inside the squared circle...! KnightMask flies across the ring, straight at NeoNero....he's looking for that flying leg-scissor...but NeoNero dives low....KnightMask lands on his feet...and NeoNero back-flips right into a flying kick aimed at the top of KnightMask's skull...that's a blow that could end things right here and now...

Wayne Witasick: Gotta land it first Ross-meister! KnightMask cartwheels to the side...and for all his beautiful for, NeoNero ends up kicking a whole lot of air!

JR: NeoNero momentarily off balance...KnightMask grabs him in a clench...classic fireman's carry take-over...seamless transition from there into a single-leg crab by the masked man...NeoNero, the bigger man...kicks out with his legs, in an attempt to buck free...

Wayne Witasick: He did it...! He's out baby...!

JR: KnightMask falls forward...but keeps the leg and switches to a belly-down Achilles lock, twining his legs tightly around Nero's...Nero rolls around in an attempt to free himself...but KnightMask switches from the Achilles lock to a step-over toe-hold...!

Wayne Witasick: Look at Nero's face...! He's liking this...! Its almost like he's getting--

JR: KnightMask throws a half-nelson to add to the toe-hold...Nero's shoulders are down...there's 1...2...and Tony Santos! Tony Santos! Tony Santos with the 'Tony Award' shooting star press...!

Wayne Witasick: Irony is bitter, baby...! KnightMask got his tag-team title thanks to Crimson Cobra's Red Fang, one of the deadliest shooting star press variations around...and now he just got nailed by what might be an even bigger, badder upgrade...!

JR: Santos goes for the double pin...this young man, this thoroughbred rookie is looking to take out one half of the tag champs and a Bona fide XWF legend in one fell swoop...there's one...



Amazing! That young, undefeated rookie from Brighton, Massachusetts has just made an incredible statement! This young man has gone from wrestling in high school gymnasiums for pennies...all the way to the XWF...and by God, he means business here!

Wayne Witasick: Whoah, cowboy...! Hold the barbecue sauce...! NeoNero's foot was on the rope...and apparently, since he was on the bottom of the pile, that makes the whole pin about as legit as the Oklahoma Sooners chances at beating the Okalahoma Cowboys in a wrestling meet.

JR: Wow, you sure know your amateur wrestling history, Wayne. Now get off of Wikipedia and get back to the match...Santos may have been denied the pin, but there's no denying the momentum he now has in this bout...Santos, what's he doing...? This kid is contorting KnightMask, legendary for his expertise in leg-submissions, into his own variation of the sharpshooter, which I'm told he refers to as the Santos Stretch...!

Wayne Witasick: Well, KnightMask should be happy...if he loves catch-wrestling so much, he gets to experience firsthand what it might've been to have a grappling session with Bret Hart!

JR: Mask or not, its obvious from his body language that pain is rippling through every iota of KnightMask's frame....! Wait...the masked man pushes himself up with his arms...he tucks and rolls...right into an Achilles lock on Santos...! Santos, by applying the Santos Stretch to KnightMask, essentially did him the favor of putting his legs in the perfect place to apply an Achilles lock, as soon as he he was able to get off stomach and onto his back...!

Wayne Witasick: Only problem...KnightMask left his own feet vulnerable...and now Tony Santos is taking advantage...he's got KnightMask in The KnightLock...!

JR: And now he's turning back over...and standing up...into a sharp-shooter...! Amazing! This young hotshot just beat the tag-champ at his own game!

Wayne Witasick: There's three guys in this match though...not just two...!

JR: NeoNero, NeoNero...from behind...grabs Santos around the neck...he's choking Tony with a Dragon sleeper...!

Wayne Witasick: Whoah, Mick Jagger watch out...NeoNero's tongue rolled out...and that thing is like a snake...! Ohhh, gross...its hanging so far down, its touching Santos' chest...!

JR: NeoNero heaves Santos up...is it going to be an intverted suplex...? No, he reverses direction and brings him down onto his knee...Torching of Rome, Torching of Rome, Torching of Rome by the Cyaneyed Assassin...! Cover by Nero...there's 1, 2...KnightMask lunges and breaks the count at the last possible second...NeoNero's not too happy about the interference...he's tattooing KnightMask with a series of right hands...KnightMask stumbles back, NeoNero charges in...low single-leg by KnightMask drops NeoNero to his bottom, shades of Oklahoma's great John Smith, the two-time Gold medalist!

Wayne Witasick: And definitely not a Sooner!

JR: What is wrong with you? KnightMask tries to apply a leg hold of some sort...NeoNero kicks him away, KnightMask careens into the ropes...back-flips into a flying reverse-DDT on Nero...and he maintains his grip following impact...to apply a North-South choke hold...Nero fights the choke...and KnightMask hop-scotches over Nero's upperbody, to land on his torso and entrap one of Nero's legs in a knee-bar! Nero's got him scouted, kicking KnightMask off of him with a boot to the rear...both men back to their feet...Nero with a tornado DDT...KnightMask counters into a Northern Lights suplex...Nero lands on his feet...both men in a bizarre double-bridge position...and Santos frees them with a drop-kick that sees one foot nailing Nero and the other smacking KnightMask! Quicker than a Houston hiccup, KnightMask and NeoNero are back up on their feet...hurricanrana by Santos sends KnightMask flying across the ring...Nero leaps in and nails Santos with a Pele kick...KnightMask is getting up to his feet...but he doens't make it all the way, NeoNero blasts him with a knee to the face...Shining Wizard...right into a triangle choke...! As if he's going on pure instinct, KnightMask spins his leg around with incredible force, breaking the triangle and establishing his legs around Nero's own leg...he's got him in the KnightLock...but I don't think he's fully conscious...! I think he's applying the hold on pure instinct...he's on dream street...but leglocks are what he dreams about! Nero twists himself free of the hold...but his legs...he can't seem to stand....! Santos ascends to the top rope now...my God! Look at the carnage...! Santos with The Tony Award to NeoNero...and the former European champion somehow, some way rolls out of the path of the young, unbeaten rookie....! Santos lands on all fours, cat-like...he's going for a double suplex now, on KnightMask and Nero....!

Wayne Witasick: But somehow KnightMask is able to re group and land a flurry of punches that causes Santos to drop both his opponents. NeoNero is taking the upper hand by then tossing Santos into the ropes. KnightMask goes after Nero but is stopped dead in his tracks by the running Santos who clotheslines him.

JR: Now Santos and Nero are locked up in the middle of the ring.. Nero's setting him up here.... He's got him pulled up on his shoulders and...


JR: I can't believe it Wayne! He just suplexed Santos over the top rope and out of the ring. This could be his chance...

Wayne Witasick: KnightMask is back on his feet and attacks Nero. Right and a left.. Nero with a swift kick to the gut! Spins KnightMask around and begins pummeling on the front of his chest (Sheamus style) before... Oh no... God no!

JR: BY GAWD YES!! It's the Torching of Rome!!! (Starting with a reverse DDT position, Neonero sticks his tongue out as far as it will go, then immediately lifts his opponent into a reverse suplex position, only to drop him down hard over his knee with a jumping backbreaker.)

Wayne Witasick: Nero with an excellent opportunity here with Santos out of the ring makes the cover...




Ding Ding Ding

Nero covers KnightMask and picks up a HUGE win here tonight on Warfare.


'The King of Wrestling' Peter Gilmour (WC)
- vs -
Falls Count Anywhere
Wild Card Match

Heironeous comes down wearing a light weight pale cloth jacket with the hood over his head. Heironeous stops at the top of the ramp way, lowering his head just a little before flipping his head back making his hood fall back and extends his arms out at Ninety degree angle with triggers the white and yellow pyro some falling just behind him and the rest firing upwards. Heironeous then starts to travel down the left hand side slapping all the hands of the fans before going back to the top of the ramp and repeating it with the right. Sliding into the ring he goes and shakes the hand of the referee before he starts stretching using the ropes of leverage.

"From Bjorli Norway, weighing 170 pounds, Heironeous!"

The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then see red strobe lights going around the arena and then come to the entranceway where a big explosion of fire hits as "Daddy's Fallen Angel" by In This Moment begins to play. After the initial guitar riff, we then hear a loud scream from the lead singer as Rose Smith comes out wearing a very sexy red halter top with black pants. She gives the crowd a sadistic wink of her eye and then we see Peter Gilmour come out in a black vest and black tights with PBK on the sides. Peter grabs Rose's hand and they make their way to the ring. They get in normally and then both get into the center of the ring and flash the "X" symbol as fire emits from the turnbuckles. They then pose for the audience as they wait for Peter's next opponent to come out.

"From Los Angeles, California, weighing 265 pounds, Peter Gilmour!"

***Ding ding ding!***

Jim Ross: "Here we go, it's falls count anywhere with the Wild Card on the line. Just as the name implies, the rules of this match are that you can pin your opponent anywhere."

Wayne Witasick: "Anywhere at all, JR?"

Jim Ross: "That's right."

Wayne Witasick: "What if they fight all the way to the next state over, Jim?"

Jim Ross: "We'll get a ref out there. D*mn it, Wayne. Let's just focus on what's in front of us."

Peter kicks Heironeous in the stomach to start things off and throws him into the ropes. As Heironeous hits the ropes, Peter charges into him with a clothesline, knocking him out of the ring!

Wayne Witasick: "Wow! Peter is wasting no time putting that falls count anywhere stipulation to good use."

Jim Ross: "You're right, Wayne. Peter could pin Heironeous right now and it would be perfectly normal. But right now he's hammering away at Heironeous with some punches."

Wayne Witasick: "Peter picks up Heironeous and drops him on the guardrail with a snake eyes! Heiro's face bounced off the steel right in front of the screaming fans. Peter isn't done though. He's now choking Heironeous by holding his neck over the top of the guardrail. There isn't much of anything that Heironeous can do in this predicament other than hit Peter Gilmour with a low blow between the legs which is exactly what he does."

Jim Ross: "Anything goes, folks. Chokes and hits below the belt are allowed. Heironeous goes to work on Peter with some kicks. He picks him up and gives him an Irish whip into the guardrail! The force of Peter's body knocked the barricade setup two feet back.

With Peter laying with his back to the guardrail, Heironeous throws a series of kicks to the body.

Rose Smith tries to get involved but Heironeous chases her off.

Heironeous then turns around from that distraction and gets hit in the crotch by a punch from Peter Gilmour.

Jim Ross: "That damn Rose Smith! She didn't do much, but all it takes is for Peter's opponent to get distracted for three seconds and he'll turn the tables on them."

Wayne Witasick: "Oh come on, JR. Rose is so elegant. Heironeous is just mad that he couldn't get with a woman like that in a million years. He probably got laughed at in school by chicks like Rose Smith."

Jim Ross: "I'll tell you one thing, that woman has poor taste if she's thinkin' about marrying this Peter Gilmour fella. I had to conduct an interview with that lunatic and it wasn't pleasant."

Wayne Witasick: "I saw. You really need to ease up on Peter or he'll snap again, old man. Just like he is now as he throws them punches into the head of Heironeous. Peter is in a vicious state right now. He doesn't like when other men threaten his fiance."

Jim Ross: "I reckon because he likes to do it himself. Look at the marks on that poor woman's neck."

Wayne Witasick: "Marks? Oh those. She did that to herself out of love for her man, JR."

Peter throws Heironeous over his shoulder, runs over the the announce table, and throws Heironeous on the top of the table with a power slam. The table doesn't break, but it does become disorganized. Jim Ross doesn't seem pleased one bit as Peter Gilmour laughs at JR having Heironeous' legs shoved in JR's face.

JR gets up out of his chair and starts to yell at Peter Gilmour as Heironeous is laid out on the table.

Jim Ross: "Enuff is enuff! Get him back in the ring, damn you!"

Peter Gilmour: "Shut up Jim!"

Jim Ross: "You're out of your damn mind, you know that?"

Wayne Witasick: "Easy JR!"

Peter Gilmour: "WHAT DID YOU SAY, JIM?"

Peter Gilmour is going ape sh*t on JR now! Oh my God, he's grabbing Jim Ross by the throat!


Wayne Witasick: "Come on Pete, it's not worth it! Let him go!"

But wait-- Rose Smith shows up to help Jim Ross! She's trying to pull Peter Gilmour off of him before he chokes Good Ol' JR to death. Thank goodness someone is able to stop Peter.

Peter lets go of Jim as he realizes that his attack is upsetting Rose Smith. Peter turns to her as she begs him to stop hurting Jim Ross.

Peter nods his head as if he's done terrorizing Good Ol' JR...

But wait--

He pushes down Rose Smith! No!

The crowd is shocked along with Jim Ross and Wayne Witasick.

Wayne Witasick: "Peter, that's your fiance!"

Peter slaps Wayne Witasick!

Peter looks like he's about to cause more harm to Wayne, but wait--


Jim Ross has just taken down Peter Gilmour, but Gilmour is throwing punches down into the back of JR. Eventually, Gilmour overpowers Jim Ross, and sets him up for the Death Strikes. Oh no, not the Death Strike on Good ol' JR! No, Pete, no!!!

But wait- Heironeous dives off the table and takes down Gilmour with a clothesline! What a save by Heironeous. Heironeous throws some punches down at Gilmour as Jim Ross tries to run to safety.

Wayne Witasick: "JR, are you alright? I can't believe you attacked Peter like that!"

Jim Ross: "I'VE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH THAT BASTARD MISTREATING PEOPLE! He needs a damn attitude adjustment. Yeah! Get'em, Heironeous! Get'em! Hit that S.O.B. with them punches!"

Wayne Witasick: "Easy, JR! Here, put your hat back on and relax."

Following a flurry of punches, Heironeous throws Peter Gilmour with a hip toss onto the outside padding. The move hurt Gilmour's back, but he gets right back up. Heironeous is waiting for him though, and hegives Peter a hurricanrana into the guard rail.

Jim Ross: "Hell yeah! What a move! Pin him Heironeous! Pin him!"

Wayne Witasick: "Calm down, JR!"

Jim Ross: "Heironeous makes the pin. 1


Dang it! Peter kicked out, just barely."

Wayne Witasick: "I still can't believe that you got in a fight with Peter Gilmour, JR."

Jim Ross: "I'll knock his a** down again if I have to.

Heironeous now is throwing some more kicks to the body of Peter. I have no sympathy for Peter Gilmour. He put his hands on me, you, and his fiance. You just don't do that!"

Wayne Witasick: "You provoked him, Jim! Because of you, Peter had to slap me!"

Jim Ross: "Oh get your head out of the sand, kid.

Heironeous now has Peter Gilmour over by our table, and he slams Peter's face right into it. He grabs one of the monitors... and smashes Peter over the head with it! Heironeous with another pin. This could be it...



Kick out by Peter."

Wayne Witasick: "You're also responsible for poor Rose getting pushed on her butt. Look at her down there, she's still hurt."

Jim Ross: "She needs to find herself a real man!"

Wayne Witasick: "Jim, hush! You're gonna make Peter come over here again."

Jim Ross: "He's already over here. Only this time, he's getting the boots put to him by Heironeous. And I'm getting away from here because now Heironeous has Peter Gilmour positioned on the table and is standing on the ring apron!"

Wayne Witasick: "Oh God... Heironeous off the ropes with a ASAI MOONSAULT ONTO PETER THROUGH THE TABLE! What a move! Epic! Trending! Vintage! And I caught it all on my Iphone. I'm definitely uploading that one to Youtube!"

Jim Ross: "Our table has been broken after that moonsault delivered by Heiroenous to Peter, and all you can think about is your damn Youtube channel."

Wayne Witasick: "This is great. This video will get a million views, easily. I also got a video of Peter choking you, Jim. That will probably get me two million viewers."

Jim Ross: "You saw me getting attacked and all you could do was record it?"

Wayne Witasick: "Come on, Jim. I told Peter to knock it off and you saw what happened. I'm not trying to get choked out here in front of the world. Some jerk might record it and put it on Youtube."

Jim Ross: "Heironeous is back up with the rubble beneath his feet as he goes to pick up Peter Gilmour. He goes to DDT Peter Gilmour on the outside padding, but Peter instead tackles Heironeous into the ring steps! The top half of the ring steps are knocked off by the impat of that tackle. Both men are down now as Peter is still hurting from taking that moonsault through the table."

Wayne Witasick: "At least Peter was able to tackle Heironeous into those steps though. That will buy him time to recover."

Jim Ross: "Rose Smith, that poor woman. She looks heart broken after what took place earlier."

Wayne Witasick: "I don't know, Jim. I think she's going for something under the ring right now... what is it... Oh my God, she has Peter's 'Barbie.' That wicked barbed wire bat that Peter Gilmour always carries around with him! Just the other day, Peter was hitting himself the face with it."

Jim Ross: "What the hell is she doing?"

Wayne Witasick: "It looks like she's handing it to Peter! She's trying to make up for the awful things she did to her man. Smart woman. JR, why don't you go under the ring and get Peter a weapon to make up for your bad call from earlier?"

Jim Ross: "Yeah right. You know, Peter has this poor woman brainwashed so badly that she'll go through anything to make her man happy."

Wayne Witasick: "Oh come on! She's just a loving fiance. Peter already looks like he's forgotten everything now that he has that barbed wire bat."

Jim Ross: "Both men are getting up at the same time now... Peter swings the barbed wire bat, but Heironeous ducks and Peter collides with the bat into the steel steps. Heironeous grabs Peter by the back of his head and slams him face-first into those same steps. That knocked the barbed wire bat out of Peter's grasp as Heironeous grabs Peter by the head and DDTs him on the bottom half of the steps! Nicely done!"

Wayne Witasick: "Heironeous just needs to roll Peter over and he might be able to walk out with the victory."

Jim Ross: "It takes Heironeous a while, but he finally manages to roll Peter over and pin him.



3-- NO! Almost! Almost! So close! I could've sworn I saw that ref's hand come down for the 3."

Wayne Witasick: "I'll be perfectly honest, I thought I saw it too, Jim. However, we just got word from the referee that it did NOT."

Jim Ross: "No sh*t..."

Heironeous turns his attention to the outside padding. He rips off the pad mat, revealing the surface beneath the ring and padding. The surface is nothing more than the grassy field used for the stadium's football games! In fact, they're standing right over part of the OU logo!

Jim Ross: "Isn't it beautiful, Wayne?"

Wayne Witasick: "I'm more concerned with what Heironeous has in mind here..."

Jim Ross: "Heironeous has Peter in his control now. He lifts Peter up for what could be a piled river on the OU team logo but Peter reverses it into a back body drop!"

Wayne Witasick: "If Heironeous had hit the pile driver on the stadium logo, it would've been over for sure."

Jim Ross: "Peter Gilmour has control over Heironeous now. He picks up Heironeous and gives him a Samoan drop onto the grass surface of the field. Peter isn't done using that grass surface though. He hops up to the ring apron and jumps off with a leg drop onto Heironeous! Peter holds his leg in place over the chest of Heironeous and orders the referee to count.



Wayne Witasick: "Heironeous kicks out. Peter should have hooked the leg on that one. He would've had a better chance at winning for sure."

Peter waits for Heironeous to make it up to his knees, and catches him in the side of the face with a Yakuza kick.

He then picks up Heironeous and signals for the Death Strike (underhook pile driver).

If he hits it, Heironeous will fall head-first on the grass.

Peter picks up Heironeous to deliver the move, but Heironeous shifts his weight back and blocks it! Heironeous reverses the attempt into a small package!



3-Kick out!

Wayne Witasick: "Peter almost hit the finisher. And Heironeous almost got an upset win. This match really could go either way until one of these guys hits a big move on the grass."

Jim Ross: "That grass ain't very pleasant to land on neither. Just ask any Sooner who's taken a hit in this stadium."

Wayne Witasick: "Peter is still in control now. The only thing he can do is get Heironeous in position for the Death Strike. He nails Heironeous with a headbutt. He throws a punch as well. Peter picks up Heironeous, and gives him a shoulder breaker. Peter doesn't drop Heiroenous; he lifts him back up to his chest following the shoulder breaker, and power slams him on the exposed field!"

Jim Ross: "MY GAWD! Heironeous must be broken in half right now. Peter pins him, it might be over...



My God, he got the shoulder up! How?! Heironeous is somehow able to power out after a shoulder breaker/power slam combination."

Wayne Witasick: "Heiroenous sure has won the respect of these Sooner fans, that's for sure."

Jim Ross: "Peter Gilmour is a tough competitor, there's no disputing that fact. However, Heironeous showed a lot of heart by challenging Peter tonight, and he's giving it everything he's got out there. And these fans are showing their appreciation for Heiro's talent. Wait a minute-- Peter is walking over to where he left 'Barbie'-- that damn barbed wire baseball bat that Peter has humanized over the past couple of months."

Wayne Witasick: "Oh come on, JR. You say 'humanize' like he's a sick creep or something."

Jim Ross: "There ain't no tellin' what he does with that bat."

Wayne Witasick: "Or WHO he does with it..."

Jim Ross: "Knock it off. Peter has that bat in hand. Rose is cheering him on, telling Peter to 'let him have it!' Heironeous is up... Peter goes in for the attack with the barbed wire bat... but instead Heironeous drop kicks the barbed wire bat into Peter's face! What a counter!"

Wayne Witasick: "He hit Barbie! Come on, Rose, help Peter out! That lunatic, Heironeous, just attacked Peter with Barbie!"

Jim Ross: "Will you stop it! Barbie is not a person!"

Wayne Witasick: "If Barbie isn't a person then how come she's trending worldwide on Twitter?"

Jim Ross: "Shut the hell up! Heironeous is measuring up Gilmour. Gilmour slowty stirs up to his feet and... Heironeous hits the Bolt From the Heavens! (Dropsault/backflip kick) He nailed Peter right under the chin with that move. He covers Peter.




Oh no! The ref said that Peter got his shoulder up. How in the hell..."

Wayne Witasick: "Heiro might have to try something he's never done before. Some kind of big move."

Jim Ross: "Wait a minute... Heironeous has his eyes on 'Barbie' the barbed wire bat. Peter Gilmour is the one who brought that damn thing into the match. Heironeous is gonna try to put down Peter with his own weapon!"

Wayne Witasick: "Heiro has that barbed wire bat in his possession-- but wait-- Rose Smith grabs the other end of the bat and is preventing Heiro from using it! Heiro is tell Rose to let go but she doesn't want to. Finally, Heiro just yanks the barbed wire bat out of Rose's grasp. But wait, Rose's wrist got caught in one of the strands of barbed wire!"

Jim Ross: "Rose is bleeding at her wrist! Heiro didn't mean to though. He just wanted-- wait-- Peter Gilmour takes down Heiro from behind with a spinning wheel kick."

Wayne Witasick: "Peter is back in control now as he throws some more punches down on Heironeous. Rose Smith is hurt badly though after Heironeous slashed her across the wrist with barbed wire."

Jim Ross: "Oh come on! Heironeous did NOT slash her wrist. She did that to herself."

Wayne Witasick: "Listen to you, JR. Just listen to yourself."

Jim Ross: "Peter takes the barbed wire bat that Heironeous dropped and smacks him over the back with it! Damn him. DAMN HIM TO HELL!"

The camera pans over to get a close up of the blood trickling down Heironeous' back.

Peter picks up what is left of Heironeous and sets him up for the Death Strike.

Peter goes to lift Heironeous up for the finisher...

Jim Ross: "Wait a minute. Wait just a damn minute..."

Wayne Witasick: "Did someone just come to ringside from the audience? Who is that?"

Jim Ross: "By Gawd, it's John MADISON! What the hell?"

Sure enough, the King of the XWF, John Madison is standing in front of Peter Gilmour wearing the King of the XWF crown on his head.

John Madison and Peter Gilmour stare at each other for a couple of seconds until John Madison grabs Rose Smith! Oh my God, John Madison grabs Rose Smith and puts her in front of him with his arm wrapped around her neck.

Peter is shocked! He let's go of Heironeous and approaches John Madison who backs away with Rose still in his hands. He isn't saying anything, he's just looking at Peter like a crazy man while he chokes Rose Smith from behind.

Peter charges after John Madison in order to save Rose, but John Madison pushes Rose directly into Peter! Peter fumbles around with Rose Smith and gets her out of harm's way. He then turns back to John Madison, and is met by an attack from the king! Madison clocks Gilmour over the head with his royal crown! He then runs through the crowd as Peter falls to the floor.

Wayne Witasick: "I can't believe it! John Madison just knocked out Peter Gilmour with the King of the XWF crown!"

Jim Ross: "Serves Peter right for picking fights over the week! I don't even like our king, but screw it. Pin him, Heiro. Pin him!"

Wayne Witasick: "Heiro is finally on his feet and is slowly making his way over to where Peter Gilmour is laying. Rose Smith is off in the corner crying after being manhandled by John Madison and causing Peter Gilmour to get hit by the crown."

Jim Ross: "I don't know if Peter can recover. He's completely knocked out from that crown shot. Heironeous drops to his knees and covers Peter Gilmour."








The referee raises Heironeous' hand as his exit music plays.

Wayne Witasick: "I don't believe it... Heironeous is now a wild card holder?"

Jim Ross: "You're damn right he is! Heironeous has overcome the obstacle tonight and is now a holder of the Wild Card! And Peter got his ass handed to him, and by gawd he deserved it."

Heironous walks over to Good Ol' JR.

He tells Jim Ross to stand up.

Heironeous leads Jim Ross over to where Peter Gilmour is beginning to gain consciousness.

Heironeous picks up Peter and holds him up. Heironeous is holding up Peter Gilmour for JR to strike just like he said he would!

Heironeous: "Go on, hit him!"

Jim Ross throws a vicious punch right into Peter's chin! The punch knocks out Peter as Heironeous tosses Peter aside like a piece of garbage.

Jim Ross plants one foot over Peter Gilmour's chest as Heironeous raises Jim's hand into the air!

WINNER: Heironeous

In-Ring Segment

The fans are livid after the exciting match between Peter Gilmour and Heironeous. A collect scream shoots out from the audience as the lights in the arena go out. Gilmour and Heironeous stand in the ring completely unsure of what is happening. Nothing in the arena can be seen. The PA system comes on and a dreary song begins to play.

The lights stay down as the dark violin plays on. They shoot back on as Heironeous and Peter Gilmour stand next to each other in the ring staring at the stage only to be attacked from behind by a new man. He smashes the wild card briefcase over Gilmour's head and as Heironeous turns around he is smacked in the face as well. The two hit the ground hard as the new man jumps down and locks in a modified Anaconda Vice on Gilmour and locks his legs around Heironeous' neck. He squeezes causing the breath from both men to stifle.

The fans boo and begin to chant, "Let them go!" "Let them go!" Security runs down the ramp and as the man sees them he lets the two free of his holds and rolls out of the ring. The man dressed in black boots, black braces around his arms, black shorts and a long black sleeveless coat covered in metal studs snatches the microphone out of the announcer's hand and jumps the barricade. The security team stands around the ring protecting the hurt men as the medical staff rush to the ring to check on the men. The wild card briefcase is cracked on the floor. The black dressed man runs up the steps as fans continue to boo and shout at him. He stands at the top towering above everyone and stands poised upright overlooking the crowd. He smiles with his arrogant and yellow teeth showing. A black hole gaps his teeth where an old broken tooth used to reside. He lifts the stolen microphone to his mouth and begins to speak in a foreign accent that is a combination of German and British.

???: Gentlemen and Ladies, you have witnessed the first day of his majesties reign. You have witnessed the usurpers of the king fall to the baron's might. You have witnessed....the reckoning. For I am, The Lion!

He pauses for a moment as the audience overtakes him with boos.

???: I am....Baron Von Shultz, protector of the king! I beseech you, allow me to lead your King's guard. This will be the end of all who oppose you.

With that Baron Von Shultz exits out of the audience as the boos ring in. Was he talking about John Madison?

Heironeous has pulled himself together and made his exit with his Wild Card Briefcase while Gilmour still lay in the middle of the ring still cursing John Madison. Daring him to come back out to the ring and not noticing the OTHER Wild Card briefcase that has appeared behind him provided by Tyrone from underneath the ring. The large african american man is secret enough to place the briefcase behind Gilmour without him noticing. Peter is too caught up in another one of his crazy moments of insanity and pure rage, fueled by that bastard of a King John Madison.

Peter: Give me Barbie! Rose! Get me Barbie!

Rose is reluctant but Peter is insistent. He now has Barbie and it looks like he's about to pummel his own face with it before over the Xtron...

[Image: christian-bale.jpg]

JR: He's here! The General Manager is here!!

Wayne Witasick: "It's about time my brother showed up and made sense of all this like he's known to do. The only man with the slightest amount of intelligence in the XWF."

Before Wallace can even start to come down the ramp he interrupts his entrance music and begins to speak.

Wallace Witasick: No... No.... No.... NO! I don't think so John Madison! You can run your little circus over their on Shove IT, but on WARFARE this little mish mash of nonsense you've just created is unacceptable! This is MY SHOW! This is WARFARE! By no means at all do you have the right to come out here and screw Peter Gilmour out of the briefcase that rightfully belongs to him. This is complete and utter...

The fans begin to chant as Wallace puts down the mic.

Fans: "Bullshi*t! Bullsh*tt! Bullsh*t!"

Wallace Witasick: "That's right folks. I didn't bring 80,000 fans out here for John Madison to come out and ruin every shred of entertainment value and integrity that this show has! I did it to prove to Paul Heyman that Warfare is the best and filling up this stadium is just the way to do it without all his statistical ratings and such... Just look at these 80,000 strong.

The fans cheer again.

Wallace Witasick: But just like Peter here every five minutes I digress. Which brings me to my point here.

Gilmour was still standing in the ring waiting to strike his own face with Barbies as Wallace was giving his speech. He now shoots a nod in his General Manager's direction.

Wallace Witasick: "It's no doubt Peter that what John Madison did here tonight is nothing but a shame and disgrace to anything that you, me, or the rest of the XWF stands for and I think it's about time somebody put their foot down and put a stop to all this nonsense!"

The crowd explodes in a sea of cheers.

Wallace Witasick: "Good job John! Congratulations on taking away Peter's briefcase and giving it away to Heironeous. Oh, and congratulations Heironeous! You sure put on a great show tonight and now you got a briefcase.

Wallace claps for Heironeous and so do the fans.

Wallace Witasick: "What you don't realize John is that by showing up on MY SHOW tonight you have violated numerous codes of law and XWF regulations. Maybe you did? Maybe you didn't? I'm not here to get too deeply into semantics... I'm just here to right a wrong that was created by John Madison and Shane . This is pretty much the basis of my career for the past six months! It's in my resume in fact; "Fix and Madison's mistakes" the one I signed when I joined the Administrator Network!

Wallace Witasick: "That's why tonight I'm GIVING AWAY the fifth briefcase to the man who you just robbed John! PETER GILMOUR!

JR: "By GAWD! Wallace has just given Pete another shot to get back in the chamber match! Can he do that?"

Wallace Witasick: Many of you are probably asking yourself can I do this? The answer is yes... YES I CAN! and if you don't like it??? SUE ME! That's right John, Shane, and anyone else who's got a problem with it. SUE ME! Pete, call up Kevin Anderson to handle any of these wretched fools who dare oppose my decisions!

[Image: breaking-bad-spinoff.jpg?w=625]

Them Bones by Alice in Chains blares over the Xtron as SAL VALENCIA walks out from behind the curtain and Wallace looks shocked as all can be.

Sal Valencia: Being a competent lawyer that I am I see that what you have done here is over stretch your powers like usual Wallace...

The fans boo.

Sal Valencia: It doesn't matter if you like me or not, the fact of the matter is simple Wallace.... You can't just go handing out Wild card briefcases to whoever you chose. You and I both know that the rest of the Warfare roster is entitled to get a chance at those briefcases. There is no doubt in my mind! That my client, Eric Rex, is undoubtedly deserving of that shot and yet you've passed him up time and time again.

Wallace Witasick: "Fine Sal, if what it takes to shut you and your worthless degenerate of a wrestler Eric Rex up I'll gladly find a match for you next week. In fact, my friend Peter will be happy to bash your brains in...

Sal Valencia: "and defend that briefcase...."

Wallace Witasick: Naturally Sal.... You know the rules after all...."

With that Warfare cuts to commercial...

The cameras go backstage to catch up with John Madison who's backstage causing a lot of commotion.

John Madison: "He just took it away... just like that? What the F kind of show is this? I'm the king, damn it!"

The camera pans back to reveal that John Madison is having a video chat over his tablet with Shane !

Shane : "My king, if I was there right now I would set this all right!"

John Madison: "Wallace and Paul are out of control, Shane!"

Shane : "I know! I know. Look, John. If I were you, I would throw that wild card briefcase that Paul Heyman gave you into the dumpster!"

John Madison: "Na... you know what? These idiots can have it. Let them have their match to determine the final wild card. In the end, I'm walking out on July 13th as the king!"

John Madison throws the Wild Card briefcase on the ground and kicks it across the room.

Shane : "Are you sure about this?"

John Madison hangs up the video call with Shane.

John Madison: "Yes, I am. Let Wallace and Paul build up their dream army. I will crush them all."

Mr. Satellite
- vs -
Mark Flynn
- vs -
Scott Charlotte
- vs -
Jason E. Smith
Fatal Four Way -- Last Man Not Pinned Gets the Wild Card!
Wild Card Match

JR: It's time for the big slobberknocker of the night! The big Kahuna! The MAIN EVENT!

Wayne Witasick: Calm down Jim, Jesus it's like your having a nonstop seizure out here.

JR: "The excitement is running through everyone here as the fans are screaming at the top of their lungs from everywhere inside the ring. I can't help myself. I GOT THE WILD CARD FEVER!

Wayne Witasick: "I guess I can agree with that. This Wild Card match has really got me motivated! Let's get right down to the ring where the action is underway...


Ring Announcer: "Ladies and Gentlemen it's time for Warfare's main event of the evening! The winner will get a Wild Card breifcase and be eligible for the six man chamber match with a chance to face the KING!

The crowd explodes again as 'Every Day is Exactly the Same' by Nine Inch Nails blares over the Xtron.

Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring first from London, England... he is 'The Beast' JASON E SMITH!

JR: "I gotta tell ya Wayne, even though Smith may be the underdog in this match it certainly is not because of his size. The one man wrecking crew strides down to the ring and overlooks the crowd taunting them profusely to a chorus of mixed boos and cheers."

Planetary Go by My Chemical Romance blares over the Xtron.

Ring Announcer: Our second competitor this evening hailing out of Saturn or some other outwordly planet. MR. SATELLITE!!!

Wayne Witasick: "The XWF double champion meanders down to the ring slowly while focused on the inside of the ring. Both his championship belts are laid across his robot who carries them both on his robot shoulders while slowly follwing him to the ring.

'The Phoenix' By Fall Out Boy blares over the Xtron

Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring wrestling out of Charlotte, North Carolina... SCOTT CHARLOTTE!!!

The violins hit and Charlotte runs down to the ring.. He's already tossed his jacket into the stands as he makes headway right at Satellite. This is an unusual entrance as he normally is spending time with the fans. Instead he's on a different mission. Destroy Mr. Satellite.

JR: By GAWD! That Charlotte Boy is on a tear after Satellite and this match hasn't even started yet! Delivering devastating blow after blow to the back of the head of Satellite. These fans love it... The Ring announcer not so much as he disappears in the crowd before announcing our final contestant. The bell rings and the three opponents in the ring begin to tango...

Wayne Witasick: One question before we get into this JR?"

JR: What Wayne, you should know better than to interrupt me while we are in the middle of a slobberknocker here!"

Wayne Witasick: Where the hell is Mark Flynn?

JR: BY GAWD where is Flynn!

Mark Flynn comes out from behind the curtain without his entrance music or anything.

Wayne Witasick: Go figure, looks like Flynn is going to take the easier way out here and let his three opponents bruise each other up a bit here before he gets in on the action.

JR: That's cheating Wayne!

Wayne Witasick: No, it's brilliance JR. You see, while the rest of them idiots pummel each other to a pulp.. Flynn gets to relax and take a load off.

JR: Count him out ref! This is ridiculous.

Wayne Witasick: Technically he hasn't entered the ring yet, so he can't be counted out in the match until he's forced inside...

JR: You have got to be kidding me.

Wayne Witasick: Can't blame Flynn for Charlotte's adrenaline and hatred for Satellite.

JR: That scum Mark Flynn is such a cheating no good bastard!

Wayne Witasick: Easy JR... Easy...

JR: Back in the ring Charlotte is taking it to Satellite who finally is able to retaliate with a reverse DDT. Charlotte is now passed out on the ground and Jason Smith is using this opportunity to violently beat on him with his feet. Kicking left and right until Satellite is able to join in on the fun. The two of them now kicking and beating Charlotte while he on the ground. Satellite with a twist of insanity decides to focus on Smith again...

Wayne Witasick: Satellite saw an opening on Smith while he thought they were teaming together! Nice Strategies we've got here tonight...

JR: Smith isn't going to go that easy as he reverses Satellite's punches and lands a DDT on him in the middle of the ring. Charlotte is climbing the ropes while all this happens when suddenly..

Wayne Witasick: Low blow from Flynn from the outside! Flynn just knocked Charlotte off the top turnbuckle with a cheap maneuver! The ref didn't see it!

JR: Charlotte falls to the ground in the middle of the ring which provides ample opportunity for a pin..




Charlotte kicks out and Flynn is on the outside chuckling it up while the fans are booing him. Flynn bows for them and then pulls up a chair to watch the fight continue..

Wayne Witasick: Mark Flynn, pure genius!

JR: Dirty cheater!

Wayne Witasick: "It's working isn't it? Smith gets up after pinning Charlotte.. He's looking for Satellite but what he catches instead is...

JR: STARZ! STARZ! STARZ! Seeing Stars! Jason Smith is seeing stars now as Satellite lands his finisher. Satellite! Satellite! Satellite!

Wayne Witasick: The cover.




Jason Smith has been eliminated!

JR: Satellite pins Jason Smith to eliminate our first person of the match!

Wayne Witasick: Scott Charlotte was waiting for Satellite to pin Smith before continuing his relentless assault on him. Smith slides under the ropes and Charlotte lifts Satellite to his feet. Now he proceeds to kick him repeatedly and viciously over and over again. Satellite is taking left and right kicks to the side of his stomach until he can take no more and drops to his knees. Charlotte continues his kicks to the side while Satellite tries to protect his face. He can't do it forever and eventually Charlotte lands a vicious kick to the side of his left cheek.

JR: By gawd Wayne! By Gawd Wayne! He almost took off his head!

Charlotte covers Satellite..




JR; Satellite kicked out!

Wayne Witasick: Look JR, on the outside of the ring Jason Smith has now taken it upon himself to help Mark Flynn make his decision. SMITH with a choke slam.

JR: Choke slam! Choke Slam!

Wayne Witasick: Maybe Flynn's idea wasn't so good after all as Smith slides his body under the ring. Flynn is out cold and Charlotte intends to take revenge for that low blow earlier.

JR: Charlotte lifts up Flynn ...

Wayne Witasick: Groupie Killer!

JR: Groupie Killer! Groupie Killer!

Wayne Witasick: We just have to say it three times done we?"

The cover....




Wayne Witasick: Why would Satellite save Flynn?

JR: No kidding! But I think we have a good reason as we see he's after revenge...

Wayne Witasick: In this match tonight it's more of an attack and response style. Satellite wants to send a message to Charlotte! He's not giong to get away with his attacks from earlier. Satellite now picks up Charlotte and connects with a back body drop. Flynn is climbing to his feet and he takes a loot at Satellite. The two nod to each other and take a running start at Charlotte... They hold hands and knock him over with a double clothesline. Charlotte falls to the ground and Flynn picks him back up...

JR: With brute force Flynn body presses and lifts him up in the air. Setting him up for....

Wayne Witasick: Tossing him in the air...

JR: STARZ! STARZ! STARZ! Satellite! Flynn! Flynn!

Wayne Witasick: Seeing Stars again and another cover from Satellite...




Scott Charlotte has been eliminated.

JR: Now it's down to just two..

Wayne Witasick: Flynn's been out almost half this match already..

JR: This reminds me of the big match in the US title tournament Wayne. It's now a showdown between the two...

Wayne Witasick: Flynn of course goes right after Satellite after he makes the pin.

JR: Looks like it wasn't much of a friendship there after all, huh Wayne?"

Wayne Witasick: Course not! This strategy is logical and typical of Mark Flynn

JR: Your brother wouldn't be too happy to hear you say that.

Wayne Witasick: What can I say, my brother may hate it but I'm kind of a Flynn fan..

JR: Bite your tongue Wayne, and let's get back to this match.

Wayne Witasick: Both men fly off the ropes as they heave themselves into the back and fly off towards one another. Flynn runs into Satellite with a wicked shoulder check. Then picks him back up...


Wayne Witasick: Flynn pushes Satellite's shoulders to the ground...




JR: Kickout by Satellite! BY GAWD!

Wayne Witasick: Satellite gets back up quickly and now he's on the offensive against Flynn. It's as if the move didn't even phase him. Satellite with a reverse DDT and now he starts climbing the ropes... UP he goes...

JR: Flynn's beginning to rise to his feet and Satellite waits perched up high on the ropes...

Wayne Witasick: He goes flying!!!

JR: Flynn catches that tiny Satellite boy in mid air! Drops him back down to the mat... Kicks him in the gut... Sets him up in the air and....

Wayne Witasick: He's holding him there.... Waiting.... Waiting....



Wayne Witasick: It's Flynn's finisher (Front-face lock up into a suplex. Held for a few seconds. Then Cutter.)

The cover.





JR: Mark Flynn sneaks away with another win and a WIld Card breifcase! Can you believe it!

Wayne Witasick: This should make my brother incredibly pleased.

Warfare fades out to the XWF logo

WINNER: Mark Flynn