X-treme Wrestling Federation
Jonathan, Security & Brett Rayne - Duke vs Rayne - RP #2 - Printable Version

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Jonathan, Security & Brett Rayne - Duke vs Rayne - RP #2 - Sebastian Duke - 01-15-2013

When we left last Sebastian Duke he was headed toward the 'dungeon' in search of Jonathan who had been missing since Griffin MacAlister's daring escape attempt. With an assist from 'them' Griffin's escape was succesful.

Jonathan was found locked in the empty cell previously reserved for the corpse of Griffin MacAlister. He had been knocked unconcious and has yet to speak. Jacob sits with him in his private quarters trying to bring him comfort. Jonathan, fearing punishment from the Leader, has refused to speak with any of the Followers.

Sebastian Duke and Asmodeus stand outside the door of Jonathans quarters awaiting something. Anything. News of any kind would be helpful.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I'm going in there."

ASMODEUS: "I beg your pardon, Sebastian, but, perhaps that is not the best course of action."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "I don't care. I've been patient enough. He's either going to speak willfilly, or I'll beat it out of him."

ASMODEUS: "That is precisely what I mean. Sebastian, he's much younger than the rest. Perhaps, you should show more compassion toward this one. He refuses to speak because he fears you. If you go in there and you smack him around he will only freeze up more."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "What do you suggest I do then, Asmodeus? My Compound has been breached by strangers! Griffin MacAlister escaped and I have no proof and am no farther toward knowing if he was really the man I was looking for!"

ASMODEUS: "I suggest, Sebastian, that you allow me to go in there and attempt to get him to speak. After all, I am his 'priest.' Followers always confide in their priest."

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "Then get it done. Find out how MacAlister broke free."

ASMODEUS: "As far as Griffin MacAlister goes, Sebastian. Do you think he would have had help getting out of here if he was not the right man?"

Asmodeus leaves Sebastian Duke in the hallway to ponder that question. The Highe Priest enters Jonathans room and nods at Jacob. Jacob, knowing full well what that nod indicated, gets up and exits the room. Asmodeus takes a seat next to the obviously frightened and shaken Jonathan. Asmodeus tries his best to put up a warm front and speak to Jonathan in soft tones.

ASMODEUS: "Jonathan. I know you are scared. Shaken, even, at the turn of events. I'm here to help. You mustn't fear the Leader. He only seeks the answer to how Mr. MacAlister got loose. You were the last to see him. That is all."

JONATHAN: "Are you hear as a Leader, or as my Father?"

ASMODEUS: "Your Father. Your priest. Naturally son."

JONATHAN: "Well...... Then..... Forgive me Father, for I have sinned."

Both men take the tradition 'father, son, holy spirit' and perform it in an upside down sequence.

ASMODEUS: "Go on.... my son. Do tell."

JONATHAN: "Well. You asked me to check on the prisoner and I did so. I knew the Leader hadn't got the information he was looking for and when I got there, the prisoner wasn't looking so well, so I got him some water and....."

ASMODEUS: "Go on, my son. I am not here to judge you. Only to hear you and help you."

JONATHAN: "His wrists.... they were bleeding badly... So I attempted to loosen them just a little, so the Leader could finish what he started. Then things went horribly wrong."

ASMODEUS: "Ohh? You don't say?"

JONATHAN: "He attacked me. I thought he was nearly unconcious. He knocked me out cold and when I awoke, I was in the cell. You.... You won't tell the leader... will you Father?"

ASMODEUS: "Haa. Nonsense, my son. When a man makes a confession, it stay between he and his Father. Now, Jonathan, you lie down and rest."

Asmodeus stands and Jonathan lays back in his bed, closing his eyes. Asmodeus exits the room, closing the door gently. Back in the hallway, Sebastian Duke awaits the verdict.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "What did you find out?"

ASMODEUS: "He told me that when I ordered him down there that Mr. MacAlister was already out of the chair and the restraints. That Mr. MacAlister jumped him from behind."

Asmodeus walks away before Sebastian Duke has the ability to question him further. A loud knock on the front door of the Compound distracts both men. It must be the security team.

Sebastian Duke stands near the lake not far from his estate. The crisp cool air along with the darkness allows him to clear his mind. To think without distractions. Distractions of the day to day ooperations of the Compound. The distractions of the on-going saga between he and Griffin MacAlister. The distractions of the pending new construction of new security around the Compound. The distraction of his new found hatred for N.A.Z.I. Tonight, his focus is solely on the Playboy. The XWF's newest loudmouth, Brett Rayne.

"Brett Rayne your day of reckoning is upon you and you haven't uttered one single word to this point. You see, I'm not sure whether to take that as a sign of contempt and disrespect, or just simply, fear...

"You're arrival here was filled with blind rhetoric directed at seeking attention. You got attention, Brett, you had guys coming out of the wood work wanting to face you. I was the lucky one. I got the draft pick. I'm the one that has the first crack at shutting you up...

"Shutting you up, at least as of now, is exacly what has happened, and I haven't even touched you yet. I haven't touched you yet and you are still cowaring in a corner unwilling to speak...

"I expect though, that before tomorrow night, you will speak. You will wait until the last minute because you got caught. You got caught between a rock and a hard place with absolutely no hope of earning a victory...

"I even had to poke and prod you to get you to accept the damn match! That tells me you are a gutless coward. Every night. EVERY DAMN NIGHT, Rayne, I go out there and whether the outcome is a win, a loss, or a draw, I put forth the best effort I possibly can! So does everybody here!

"Let me tell you something you son of a bitch....

"You're not gonna walk into the XWF, talk shit on everybody, get yourself backed into a match you can't talk your way out of, then quietly hide in a dark corner hoping I won't find you....

"Playboy, one thing is certain...

"If you try to hide tomorrow night, I will find you...

"I will drag your sorry ass to the ring...

"And I will make you tap out...

"Or pass out...

"Ya see Brett Rayne, you just pissed off the biggest mother fucker in the Federation...

"The Angel of Darkness is coming for you....

"And nobody can help you!"

This scene fades out and the Compund fades back in.

Sebastian Duke, followed behind by Asmodeus, open the large, heavy wooden front doors to the main building. Three men dressed all in black stand on the front stoop. One in front, the other two slightly behind and on either side of the lead. The lead man extends his hand to Sebastian Duke. Duke hesitates, then shakes the mans hand.

ZACHARY: "Mr. Duke, I'm Zachary Thomas, STS Security. I was told you're a man with a short fuse and little patience so let's get to it. What's the problem?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "We've had a major breach of my estate recently. I want this place locked down tighter then the White House. Mr. Thomas, you come with me. Those two stay right there."

Zachary follows Duke into a small 8 foot by 8 foot room. On a small table in the room lay blueprints. Duke unravels them laying paperweights on the corners.

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "This is my entire property line. 16 full acres. No security. This here... is the building we're in now. On the roof of this building I want platforms built with sharpshooters at every corner. I want the close vicinity of this building surrounded by a 16 foot high electric fence. Hexagon shaped. I want guard towers at ever corner of the six sides. Here... here... here... here... here... and here. In those towers, more sharpshooters. No less then two in each one. At the main entrance, the end of the driveway, right here. A guardshack. 2 guards. Never less. I want an electric gate that is fail safe. When your guards approve someones entrance, someone in here must do it also. No guards in the Compound itself. Make certain, this building here, thats my fathers private residence, that building is to be inside the fence. Any questions?"

ZACHARY: "I understand the need for security of some sort after your breach, but, why the needs for heavily armed and heavily trained gunmen?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "It's simple. I am a marked man. I had a... we'll say a visitor recently. He, many years ago, tried to kill me. I'm sure he'd stop at nothing to do it again. After the results of his.... visit.... I'm afraid that he may come here when I'm not here. Maybe make an attempt on my father, or my 'brothers' her in the building. Understand?"

ZACHARY: "Fully, Mr. Duke. I will take my men around the perimeter and show them around. We'll get started tomorrow."


The two men exit the room. Duke stand in the doorway with Asmodeus as Zachary exits and begins to show his associates around the estate.

ASMODEUS: "Well. How did it go?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: Went well. This Compound, is about to become a locked down fortress."

ASMODEUS: "What is the plan for Mr. MacAlister? Do we go get him again?"

SEBASTIAN DUKE: "No. I don't think so. I'm pretty damn sure he knows the truth. If we went bak after him at his place, he'd be ready this time. As far as him showing his face here again, I highly doubt it. He'll get his. He knows that I know who he is. Sooner or later, we'll cross paths again."

The scene fades out.