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The Black Circle - Printable Version

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The Black Circle - Azrael Erebus - 08-08-2019

We are back! For one shining moment - WE, are BACK!

re:The Black Circle - Centurion - 08-09-2019

The group that was the pre-curser to The Black Order?

Nah, no thank you.

The Black Circle - Azrael Erebus - 08-10-2019

"I have no idea what you're speaking of old timer. And I say this with having literally over a thousand years, your prior. Why are you even here? Seriously. Why are you back? As a joke? James Raven and your lot aren't worth squat. And your performance thus far has proven it. Do you think you define your generation? You're a joke. A novelty. We're simply waiting for you to fade away. Guaranteed. I'll still be standing and fighting when everyone tilts their head and says.... Centuri-who?"

re:The Black Circle - Scully - 08-11-2019

(08-08-2019, 10:41 PM)Azrael Erebus Said: We are back! For one moment WE are Back!

"Hello Az, that's great, it really is. We're all excited to see the return of THE BLACK CIRCLE. Wahooooooooo. So amazing.

That's sarcasm by the way. Anyway Az, a member of my Flock insisted on saying something to you...

Lenny, you may step forward."

A young man who has down syndrome and probably in his early twenties steps forward. The young man smiles....

Lenny:"Uuuuuu Luke lyke a Mongy! Ur nam shud beee, Spazrale!"

Scully smirks, "#OWNED!"

The Black Circle - Theo Pryce - 08-11-2019

Vinnie, you never told me that the XWF now participates in the Make A Wish program. It's always great to give back to the community and to see Scully going back to his roots and dealing with the chromosomely abundant. I'm so proud of you Scully. Way to go fella.

The Black Circle - The Brothers Blackwater - 08-11-2019

"Theo Pryce... as I live and breathe. You're back. And talking shit like you're relevant. Please. You're only lying to yourself. The only reason you're back is cause Vinnie is cheap and he can't locate Giovanni. Now your next claim to fame is backing up my father on commentary. Really? Really? You talk about Scully being slow and you're the one riding the short bus. We're your parents related? How are you this lame in the head man? Should I get you a helmet before you topple over? Christ. If you're the mouth of the Black Circle.... holy fuck. Next!"

The Black Circle - Nathaniel Idenhaus - 08-11-2019

"Don't speak the name of your superior like you actually know him and what he's done. You aren't fit to carry Theo Pryce's luggage. You and your brothers come in here, all entitled and self rightous. You didn't earn your place and if you weren't Azrael's son, I'd show you exactly what the Black Circle does to pretty little like you."

The Black Circle - Mick Ashcroft - 08-11-2019

"Who let this one out of his cage? No bother... however, it seems fitting that if a werewolf is invited to the party, there should be a vampire involved. Talk your messages of hate at me wolf.... see how far that goes."

The Black Circle - Theo Pryce - 08-11-2019

Irrelevant? You really showed up here to call me irrelevant? I bet you are actually proud of yourself for that. But see here's the thing, I'm one of owners of the company. That makes me relevant. I sign your paychecks. That makes me relevant. I book your matches when I'm so inclined to do so. Like I did this week. That makes me relevant. You took time out of your day to address me. That makes me relevant. I'm one of the 50 best wrestlers this company has ever seen and wrestling was my hobby. That makes me relevant. On my death bed I will still be relevant in the halls of the XWF while you won't even be the most relevant member of your own family. And if you were half as smart as you think you are you'd have known that before even opening your mouth. Now run along before you further embarrass your father.

The Black Circle - Elias York - 08-11-2019

"Wow. That's certainly a lot of words. You sign the pay checks and book the fights. Good to know. Hey boss, were you born full of crap, or was that a condition that developed over time. You haven't been around in years and now suddenly, you wanna play general manager. Not owner, mind you... general manager. Please. You have zero real power and The Elite are going to eat you and the rest of the Black Circle alive. Count on it."

The Black Circle - Theo Pryce - 08-11-2019

What part of "One of the owners" was too complicated for you? I have as much power as I feel like wielding at any given moment. That I don't doesn't mean I can't it means I haven't found a reason to. I don't know that giving me one is your best course of action.

Haven't been around in years you say? You haven't been around more than 3 weeks so what exactly is your point? That in your search for an actual point you end up speaking so many words and yet saying so very little? You have zero substance. You're like diet soda except less marketable.

The Elite? Real original. Now why don't you use your superpower and turn invisible. And then stay that way. Forever.

re:The Black Circle - The Brothers Blackwater - 08-11-2019

(08-11-2019, 02:48 PM)Theo Pryce Said: Irrelevant? You really showed up here to call me irrelevant? I bet you are actually proud of yourself for that. But see here's the thing, I'm one of owners of the company. That makes me relevant. I sign your paychecks. That makes me relevant. I book your matches when I'm so inclined to do so. Like I did this week. That makes me relevant. You took time out of your day to address me. That makes me relevant. I'm one of the 50 best wrestlers this company has ever seen and wrestling was my hobby. That makes me relevant. On my death bed I will still be relevant in the halls of the XWF while you won't even be the most relevant member of your own family. And if you were half as smart as you think you are you'd have known that before even opening your mouth. Now run along before you further embarrass your father.

"Holy shiza! You're frontin' on easy street right now. You actually sat there and listed off why someone should think you're worth a damn. Haha! Wow. Me! The low level employee. You defined your worth to me. Way to show me, boss. See, this is why you're irrelevant, I joined the company last year and people know my name more than yours. I achieved two titles and won at multiple pay-per-views. Meanwhile, folks gotta research your dumbass, if they want to see your past accomplishments. You achieved nothing in the grand scheme of things. Nothing worth bragging about in the capacity you just did. In all that time, damn man, you should be embarrassed. Look at my Dad's career, no wonder you want to do commentary, what the fuck do you have left? Nothing. People are like... what the fuck is a Theo Pryce? Oh but you're relevant. Suuuuure. Keep telling yourself that. I'm going to stay in the present, here on Earth though."

The Black Circle - Theo Pryce - 08-11-2019

You would know all about listing past accomplishments. I see you rattling off your father's every chance you get, like right now, as if that is somehow supposed to legitimize you. Instead of standing on your own two feet you stand there and scream at anyone who will listen. "Look at me, my daddy shot me out of his space cock and now here I am. Respect me!"

Commentary? Who said anything about doing commentary? I didn't say anything about doing commentary. Did you? I'm perfectly happy and comfortable sitting in my office being an owner.

re:The Black Circle - Corey Smith - 08-11-2019

Oh Donovan, what have you gotten me into....

Well, I'm on pretty friendly terms with father and son, buuuut I just can't manage to come down on the side of an actual Nazi, so I'll be repping Mister Blackwater for this.

Sorry Alf.

re:The Black Circle - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 08-11-2019

Man, I hate when five different voices blend into one... so confusing!

re:The Black Circle - The Brothers Blackwater - 08-11-2019

(08-11-2019, 04:16 PM)Theo Pryce Said: You would know all about listing past accomplishments. I see you rattling off your father's every chance you get, like right now, as if that is somehow supposed to legitimize you. Instead of standing on your own two feet you stand there and scream at anyone who will listen. "Look at me, my daddy shot me out of his space cock and now here I am. Respect me!"

Commentary? Who said anything about doing commentary? I didn't say anything about doing commentary. Did you? I'm perfectly happy and comfortable sitting in my office being an owner.

"You're slow, right? Shane got some sorta tax write off for giving you a job? I mean that's the only logical explanation for you to say I'm leaching off my dad's accomplishments. I literally just told you that I achieved 2 titles and won at multiple pay-per-views. One of those events... I beat your nephew. For fucks sake. Do you even work here? You claim to have an office but do you actually use it? How are you this terrible at your job? Smoking Bob is an 18th century prospecter and he'd run circles around you. You really have zero knowledge of joining The Black Circle when they do commentary? My father mentioned it to me but he's just crazy, right? Okay if you say so... my team will be there though. I guess you have some important work shit to do in your office. Sure buddy, real convinced."

re:The Black Circle - Dillinger D'Marco - 08-11-2019

(08-11-2019, 04:44 PM)"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Said: Man, I hate when five different voices blend into one... so confusing!

"Same. I've found the solution is always murder. Nothing can't be solved at the end of a six inch blade. And if it still plagues ya, then you can always use a gun. Still murder is always the answer. Trust me, I'm a serial killer."

re:The Black Circle - Corey Smith - 08-11-2019

(08-11-2019, 05:21 PM)Dillinger DMarco Said:
(08-11-2019, 04:44 PM)"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Said: Man, I hate when five different voices blend into one... so confusing!

"Same. I've found the solution is always murder. Nothing can't be solved at the end of a six inch blade. And if it still plagues ya,, then you can always use a gun."

Christ. My friends need to pick better friends.

The Black Circle - Wylie Sinclair. - 08-11-2019

"Preaching to the choir..."