X-treme Wrestling Federation
Rematch: inital reaction. - Printable Version

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Rematch: inital reaction. - Heironeous - 06-07-2013

Steve Sayors sweating like an overstuffed pig int he middle of summer is running. Yes my friends running. Now I don't just mean running like he's a little late to meet his mother but more like in a marathon against twenty five fat blokes for the last slice of cake. Just picture it, all that flab swishing a round... Yeah sorry about that.

He makes his way into the hall way of the locker rooms leaving a trail of sweat on the floor behind him. Could you picture that Steve Sayors dressed as the Snail from magic roundabout. Not nice I can tell you.

Steve practically collapses against the wall. "You know ... I ..." Steve waves his hands a the cameraman who just so happens to be filming all of this mainly for his own pleasure of course.
"Yeah man I mean, you chase after these guys all day. See I'm not even breathing heavily besides you've only just jogged from the car."
Steve shoots him a glare. "Yeah... well... yeah."
"Wow that sure told me."
As Steve glares at him again, a slim figure emerges from the locker room, he is shirtless and a pair of off cream coloured shorts. His white kit bag is slung over his left shoulder whilst a yellow towel is draped around the back of his neck. Steve quickly moves to intercept although I think Heironeous could smell him well before he actually saw him.

"Sorry Heironeous I was hoping for a quick word from you if I may."
"Sure my friend, ask away." Smiling politely he puts his bag down and removes his towel.
"Firstly your thoughts on your first win this week."
"It's a nice feeling to pick up my first win, sometimes it's hard to break that zero but once you get over that first hurdle everything seems to get a bit easier. Sure I would have liked to have got the pin myself but then I am a team player rather than a glory hogger." He brushes away some of the damp hair away from his face.

"I'm sure you've heard who your facing next?" Heironeous simply nods once. "If it wasn't a big enough match for you it also seems like your ticket into the wild card tournament. Is this going to be too much pressure for you?"
"Yes I know it's against Gilmour, in a falls count anywhere match. You would think that it would play into his hands having such little restrictions in the match. I personally don't think it favours either one of us. All I can tell you is this." Heironeous moves the camera to face him and him alone. "Gilmour you will be seeing a lot more of me." He thanks Steve by shaking his hand and then the cameraman's before leaving.

"Well at least we got the interview." Steve's phone vibrates with a message. After checking his skin looks pale and sickly.
"More running?" Steve just nods, the last thing that is heard before the cameraman shuts down is him laughing at Steve.