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Why you no like Savage? - Printable Version

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Why you no like Savage? - Darius Xavier - 06-06-2019

So we've noticed over the last few weeks, months really that participation for Savage has been down. Way down. We are routinely getting 3 match cards which to us is almost not worth the effort.

My question to all of you is why are you not signing up for Savage? I have some theories but rather than putting words into your mouths I want to hear it from you all directly.

Why aren't you signing up? And are there things we could do to entice you to sign up?

re:Why you no like Savage? - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 06-06-2019

Can I make a guess?

Why you no like Savage? - Shawn Warstein - 06-06-2019

I personally don’t sign up for Savage because I do a lot of writing and finishing up things on Saturday nights. A show on Saturday just doesn’t work for me personally

re:Why you no like Savage? - Darius Xavier - 06-06-2019

(06-06-2019, 05:35 AM)"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Said: Can I make a guess?


re:Why you no like Savage? - Darius Xavier - 06-06-2019

(06-06-2019, 05:44 AM)Fuzz Said: I personally don’t sign up for Savage because I do a lot of writing and finishing up things on Saturday nights. A show on Saturday just doesn’t work for me personally

Well the deadline for Savage is midnight PST on Friday night. Not sure if that helps or not. Not trying to debate you or anything just wanted to clarify incase there was any misconception since you mentioned doing work on Saturday specifically.

re:Why you no like Savage? - Lacklan - 06-06-2019

I know that I don't have much dog in the fight since I'm only active for Anarchy, but it might be workload. If you want to compete for the TV title, it's 4-9k in a 5-Day window on TOP of your Warfare or other fed responsibilities. I know I said "No thanks! 😂" when I realized that.

re:Why you no like Savage? - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 06-06-2019

What Sarah said.

If you remember, Savage started out as being the show with the LEAST work involved (compared to Warfare which was also weekly back then but unlimited.) Madison made Savage and didn't want to read that much basically LOL. The original setup was 3 RPs with 2K max whereas Warfare was "whatever." So when people drifted to Savage it was because they wanted to do less.

Lately, they have sort of switched. Even with 3 RPs also on Warfare they get a full two weeks to do it. Now Savage is the heavier burden.

Why you no like Savage? - Centurion - 06-06-2019

It's funny. I was just considering signing up for the next Savage because the idea of doing one RP sounds good to me, but I also don't want to "take away any spots", seeing as my main story is on Warfare.

Why you no like Savage? - The Brothers Blackwater - 06-06-2019

Usually, I sign up with two characters, on Savage. The last two times I've only gone in with one but there has never been a time, when I don't opt in. Least not since 2019 started.

re:Why you no like Savage? - Ned Kaye - 06-06-2019

With the risk of being slightly inaccurate, I'm going to explain my personal reasons and explain how I view the niche each show represents.

To restate something Sarah mentioned, it's just not realistic when you're writing for other shows. If you're someone like myself who tries to write up to the RP limit every time, then you're doing six RPs a month for Warfare. It's a big demand, but certainly not undoable. But to also have a seperate show to compete in that's weekly? It's just not very appealing.

It becomes even less appealing when Anarchy was relaunched in its current form. Anarchy does lighter workloads considerably better, along with the chance that you won't RP at all in an Internet Division match. So, the show made for less work is quantifiably more work than a new show.(And the current Anarchy roster is telling of this idea to me.)

So, what you're left with is three shows that ideally want to fill different spaces. Warfare, the flagship, requires the most work over a reasonable amount of time and gives writers a lot of freedom with storytelling because it allows multiple RPs. Anarchy has a possibility that you won't RP at all and if you do RP, it's cut off at a 1000 words. On top of that, it has the same frequency as Warfare, so it has fully encompassed the spot of the light workload show. But Savage? Savage has a short deadline, three seperate RP limit variations, and a short amount of time to opt in because of it. Honestly, because it lost one of its big appeals to another show, it really only has speed going for it, which I don't think is super desirable for a lot of the writers currently here.

So, what's the solution in my dumb, uninformed, rookie opinion?

Fuck, I don't know. I think it would really help if we had more users. If Savage had a more consistently rotating roster, I don't think people would mind opting in as much. I would think maybe you could try to do what Anarchy does and have auto opt ins, so the GM team can have control on the workload for certain members. It's just a complex issue and I'm not really certain how it could be fixed properly.

re:Why you no like Savage? - B.O.B. D - 06-06-2019

I started to not Opt In because I wanted to focus on my Universal Title opportunity. But I also agree with people saying the work load seems more than originally presented. I know I'm starting to run low on ideas, which sucks given my next match, and it's been making me need a break.

I like Savage. But it being every week, I get the feeling it gets too much for people who also compete on other shows. I do like the TV Title, though, and I feel like Lux being willing to defend against anyone is almost incentive in itself to compete on it.

Why you no like Savage? - Peter Fn Gilmour - 06-06-2019

I would opt in for savage since it's 1 to but the word limit would hurt me. Plus I work most of the week so yeah..

Why you no like Savage? - Samuel McPherson - 06-06-2019

Yeah it's because it's a weekly show that kills it for me. I do think however it could be changed to people doing one RP bi weekly, but I guess that's pretty much optional thing for Warfare. If it helps, I have had thoughts on moving Samuel there cos I am a one RP person, but I don't think I can RP every week. Also, I like the fact it's a Saturday show. Too many feds these days have shows on Sunday's.

re:Why you no like Savage? - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 06-06-2019

Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

(06-06-2019, 08:16 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: I would opt in for savage since it's 1 to but the word limit would hurt me. Plus I work most of the week so yeah..

Why you no like Savage? - Tommy Wish - 06-06-2019

To tie to what Ned said, there could be that Anarchy policy where whomever is on the Savage brand, can be auto opt in, if there is any objections to that idea, then they can shoot and PM bout it. But overall, brand is going through with a rescission due to the roleplays limits and the consistent shows coming every single Saturday. Sadly, not everyone would be able to maintain their drive to shoot consistent RP's every single weeks incoming to Savage. It gives people a sense of "oh fak dat shit, imma roll wit Anarchy or Warfare" and leave Savage without chance to be over.

Savage should be every other Saturday in the calendar, instead of every Saturdays in a week. Im not sure on RP's, but thats up to the players and bookers to decide on. To be honest, bi weekly could be something to consider, or not. I am not position to make that call, but that should be the direction that Savage can move towards.

So, its not that anyone like Savage, its just the external factors that tend to make people reconsider the time they have, since this just a hobby.

Why you no like Savage? - Peter Fn Gilmour - 06-06-2019

I agree with biweekly savage

Why you no like Savage? - Zane Norrison - 06-06-2019

I intend to switch myself to being primarily booked on Savage, does that count? I just can't be booked until the show for the 22nd. I have other priorities that take precedent before then.

Why you no like Savage? - Corey Smith - 06-06-2019

It's because I smell bad.

Honestly though, even I have started to realize that with the new rules changes, Warfare can in a lot of cases be the lower workload, which is why for the last couple weeks for my title defenses I've tried to drop down to offering the 2 RP option to try and catch more fish (I'm sorry I can't just do one RP option I hate it). When I came back as Lux I came back PT wanting a much lower work load than what I saw as Engy. Technically I still have that, but the week long RP period could be a deterrent to people for sure. In a nutshell, I too think the solution is also making Savage every 2 weeks and keep the RP limits the same. I kinda see the breakdown like this:

Warfare, still the biggest work load, with higher word limit restrictions if at all
Savage, middle of the road, with some word limit restrictions
Anarchy, lowest work load, strict 1000 word 1 promo cap for those who want a quick in and out

But all shows are every 2 weeks. The shows could even be staggered too, so that there is still a show posted every week to keep interest high

Why you no like Savage? - Darius Xavier - 06-07-2019

Thank you everyone for your feedback and suggestion. The GM team has discussed a few different things and we will be making an announcement in the coming days as to the future of Savage.

re:Why you no like Savage? - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 06-07-2019

The reason we kept Savage as weekly is for any people who might prefer that as an option... but I'm not sure how many people really do prefer it, TBH.

My main goal was to give something for everyone, each type of RPer out there. Some people like small RPs, some longer, some unlimited, some weekly, some every other... the fact that we even have three different shows is actually kind of rare honestly. Most efeds out there are one or two max.

I really appreciate the information from everyone though. We've seen lower opt-ins than this before and still managed to make it worthwhile. I remember a few Savages that literally only had one match booked.