X-treme Wrestling Federation
XWF Insider: "Notorious" Ned Kaye has disappeared - Printable Version

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XWF Insider: "Notorious" Ned Kaye has disappeared - Ned Kaye - 04-01-2019

If seems that The Notorious One has gone off the radar following his defeat at the hands of Kuda at March Madness.

After his intense interview with Steve Sayors where he blamed fellow battle royal entrant John Rogan for some of his downfall, he arrived at the XWF Miami Training Center and reportedly picked up all of the equipment he was personally keeping there. No footage has yet to be found that leads to Kaye, but inquiries to his bank inform us that he made several large payments, though the details of what he purchased are still unknown.

XWF Insider will be providing updates as the story continues.

Update #1: One of the charges made to Ned's bank has been confirmed to be a ticket for a flight to New York City, the wrestler's hometown. A considerably large payment has been made but what for is still yet to be confirmed.

Update #2: Although his flight landed several hours ago, Kaye's relatives have been privately reached and seem to have no clue where he currently is. His whereabouts are still unknown.

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XWF Insider: "Notorious" Ned Kaye has disappeared - Kuda - 04-01-2019

”XWF Insider: Ned Kaye is a crybaby bitch who never belonged in the big leagues in the first place.”

Update #1: Ned is still a bitch

Update #2: A -large- bitch.”

XWF Insider: "Notorious" Ned Kaye has disappeared - Kid Kool - 04-01-2019

Kuda... shut your trap and silence yourself, before a REAL black man like Trax has to return and do it for you!! ... XD

BTW, great job on barely keeping the title, caveboi. I'm not done with you yet, however.... #watch_ur_back_bitch