X-treme Wrestling Federation
Me fighting a flavorless spoiled burrito - Printable Version

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Me fighting a flavorless spoiled burrito - drezdin5788 - 02-15-2019

(The scene opens as we see drezdin leaning on against an oject looking at the camera not saying a word. Then he begins to speak...But not much.)
Drezdin:I'm going to say this one time and one time only.

(sipping a bottle of disani water)

Drezdin:As you can see i ve decided to skip aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllll the usuall bull shit that we normally see and get in the beinging and skip right to the point.

You see the xwf is like las vegas, what happens in the xwf stays in the xwf.

Ive got nothing against immigrants who wanna come here and get a job so they can afford to become and American citizen to provide a better life/ future vise versa, but its a whole other thing when you have immigrants who come here to America illegally who think that they can take our jobs and work for a living here without a documentation of proving that they are citizens here or at the very least a green card.

Example of that is el pantera alejandro rivera.

This illegally immigrant of a mother fucker thinks he can come here take the job of the now the dead john Lewis in the xwf who to show us Americans what he can do and what he can bring to the table.

One, how long has his ass been here in the states? I mean how on earth did this puta not get caught by Donald trump and not get deported? If i have to, ill deport him my self.

Two, i swear fighting him the first time around is like getting down graded from fighting a posole rojo to a flavorless spoiled burrito.

And whats even worse is that again i have to him again, part two.

Now it feels like a down grade in a fight from a posole rojo to a flavorless spoiled burrito to now a fucked up guac.

And what about mastermind? That poor bastard.

I feel sorry for him.

I mean its bad enough that hes refreeing a match that has a illegally immigrant and a giant who claims that hes not racist but sounds like one of the words hes saying, but to refreeing ever damn match on the card in his ginormous mansion...Ooofffa. Oi.

And now back to me.
(then all of a sudden, without realizing that as he was continuing and finshing his pro, the last half of his promo got blacked out and censored for the coments he was saying. Then fades to black