X-treme Wrestling Federation
After the show - Printable Version

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After the show - drezdin5788 - 01-30-2019

Drezdin:First things first, i want to apologize to you guys for loosing out on what wouldve been the biggest win of my career.

i would like to also apologize for being able to beat zane norris and capture the xwf heart title.

Loosing a match of thar megnitude wasnt in my plans..not by a long shot shot.

And im not done with zane norris's ass nor am i not done done with the heart title.

They are still on my radar.

The universal title and the tag team will be put on hold till then.

Till then, as all of you are aware, there is no time to dwell in the past.

You win you win you loose you loose.

And yes my ego is bruised and will be bruised till then

That was then this now.

And now i have to focuse on my next opponent, the rookie john Lewis.

Mister Lewis, you wanted me, now you got me.

You see our match that was schedule for February 13 2019, will not be for the
feint of heart, our match for the schedule date wont be a regular match, our match is and wll now be a 2 out of 3 falls match.

But to ensure that there will be fairness in this, im going to allow you to name the stipulations for the 2 out of 3 falls match.

So what do you say huh?

Step up into the batters box and prove to me your worth.

re:After the show - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 01-30-2019

"Oh SHIT son, Drezdin is COMIN' FOR THAT ASS!"

After the show - drezdin5788 - 01-30-2019

With all do with respect, boss, stay the fuck outta this. This is none of your concern. This is between me and john Lewis.

re:After the show - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 01-31-2019

Vinnie looks sad. He closes the lapels of his hot pink suit jacket so no one can see his DREZDIN tee shirt, then walks away with Roxy Cotton on his arm.

"Alright, dude..."

[Image: 6U2lnDl.gif]

After the show - Vita Frickin Valenteen - 01-31-2019

Aww Drez, you made Vinnie sad... We love you Vinnie, Drezdin too!

re:After the show - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 01-31-2019

"You wanna hop in the hot tub too, Vita? No tops!"

After the show - Vita Frickin Valenteen - 01-31-2019

Oh man, I’d love too, but um... I l’d rather leave my top on.

VV folds her arms to hide her under developed meatball titties.

re:After the show - Roxy Cotton - 01-31-2019

"Probably for the best, bb. We don't need anyone thinking we have a naked 14 year old boy in there with us."

re:After the show - Vita Frickin Valenteen - 01-31-2019

Tears begin to form a fine line around VV’s eyes and her cheeks blush a light red hue. VV turns around and covertly wipes away the tears.

I just remembered, I’m supposed to meet Jessalyn at the mall for some girl time. Thanks for the offer though guys!

She says as cheerfully as she can muster.

After the show - Abigail Monroe - 01-31-2019

"Awww... Vita, don't be sad. It's probably better that you don't get in the hot tub with them, you don't want the multitude of STD's they have. I mean, when a couple of hours in a hot tub, equals a lifetime of pills, ointments and creams, it isn't worth it girl. Besides, you're beautiful and clearly a lady, far superior to Roxy because your tits, are actually real. Before she had Vinnie buy her, her silicone life buoys, she was probably completely flat chested. So don't listen to her. You're perfect. And disease free, I might add."

After the show - Vita Frickin Valenteen - 01-31-2019

VVs eyes light up as a slight smile forms. That was just the pick me up she needed right about now.

Thanks Abigail! It’s nice to see a friendly face around here. It’s so rare anymore.

After the show - Abigail Monroe - 01-31-2019

"I know, right. Folks think just because we're wrestlers, we have to be jerks to each other too. Like somehow that adds to the experience. In my opinion, I think that just means they're really insecure and unhappy with themselves."

"Or in Donovan's case, he just can't help himself. He literally can't. He likes to purposefully push people's buttons and say things for the sole reason of getting a rise and a reaction out of others."

re:After the show - Roxy Cotton - 01-31-2019

"I was a full C, actually. Shows what you know. But hey, it's fine, I'm sure someone will listen to your life lessons while using me - one of the top executives of the company - as an example of 'bad,' while using Vita and yourself - mere employees - as 'good.' Makes sense."

Roxy touches up her makeup in a tiny compact mirror, gets distracted by herself for a good solid minute, then remembers people are listening to her.

"Oh! Hey, Abigail, why, do, you, pause, so, much, when, you, talk?"

After the show - Abigail Monroe - 01-31-2019

"You're funny. Shallow. Vapid. Plastic. But funny."

"Oh, but don't waste your time on me, the mere underling of your empire. You hurry on to that hot tub... you know, so you can get some of those 'important executive duties' done. Wait. You did remember to bleach your asshole, right?"

After the show - Misty Waters - 01-31-2019

Eat shit.
That's directed towards whoever, by the way.

After the show - Vita Frickin Valenteen - 01-31-2019


After the show - drezdin5788 - 01-31-2019

YALL BE NICE!!!!!!!!!!

Heya abigail. Your a extremely rare sight to see

re:After the show - Tommy Wish - 01-31-2019

Tommy simply idles around the back watching Drezdin cutting that magnificent promo. He claps for him, as he walks away from the area.

Then he notices the commotion with the best women talent, this company has produced in over close to eight years or more...

"Ladies... ladies, no need to tear one another down. Why can't there be some peace, and love among the roster... Vita... you may hate me, and want to fight me... but your tits are fine the way they are.

Abigail and Roxy... you too Vincent Lane... have some standards when you all are in public. Have your folks taught you that?

Also Dolly... I hope the shit you're eating isn't stunting your growth."

re:After the show - drezdin5788 - 01-31-2019

(01-31-2019, 09:12 AM)Roxy Cotton Said: "I was a full C, actually. Shows what you know. But hey, it's fine, I'm sure someone will listen to your life lessons while using me - one of the top executives of the company - as an example of 'bad,' while using Vita and yourself - mere employees - as 'good.' Makes sense."

Roxy touches up her makeup in a tiny compact mirror, gets distracted by herself for a good solid minute, then remembers people are listening to her.

"Oh! Hey, Abigail, why, do, you, pause, so, much, when, you, talk?"
Roxy, why would you put that shit on your face is beyond me. Weather you care or not, less is more. Cause right you look like a dolly parton doll.
You look better with out as a matter of fact.

After the show - Misty Waters - 01-31-2019

"Oh Tommy. Don't pretend like you want me to grow up anytime soon. There's a reason you think Vita's tiny tits are fine."

re:After the show - Tommy Wish - 01-31-2019

(01-31-2019, 10:50 AM)Dolly Waters Said: "Oh Tommy. Don't pretend like you want me to grow up anytime soon. There's a reason you think Vita's tiny tits are fine."

Tommy laughs at this girl's rebuttal.

"Look my darling, eventually we all have have to grow old... and possibly die. We all can't be young forever. I mean, as young you are... you beaten a hoss like Robbie!

You need to grow up, and face what girls up in their 20s faces...

Also, her tits are fine by me.. it's not like i'm being perverted about it. Hell i'll even say your's are great too!"

After the show - Misty Waters - 01-31-2019

"Aaaaaaaand there it is again. Never change, Tommy."

re:After the show - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 01-31-2019

"Didn't know Tom was into Mary Janes, I thought he was all about high heels!"

After the show - drezdin5788 - 01-31-2019

And im starting to wonder you are afraid of marry roxxy:)

re:After the show - Scully - 01-31-2019

"Drez wants a title and he shall have one... He deserves this certain championship gold and I recommend you give it to him...

Vinnie Lane.... Drez deserves the title I made famous, the title I created.... You know which one Loverboy... "

After the show - drezdin5788 - 01-31-2019

You. You created it !?
Listen here Janet reno, if it wasn't for shane coming to with a contract, your ass would of been a pimps side chick.
If you hadnt of signed the contract that shane offered you would of been the pimps bitch...well you would of been everyone elses bitch regardless.
Hell, if you you hadn't done anything we wouldn't of wasted are money seeing you get raped in the ass by bilbo. Or if not, seeing your ass get beaten to death.
The heart title created by the xwf universe, not from a overly hyped grabastic piece of British amphibious shit bag like you.
Scully, you don't have to worry about me, i will capture the heart title and put back the lust that you tarnished.
Just focus on the task at hand, im least of your worries..........At least not yet

re:After the show - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 01-31-2019

"No need to buy the cow when you get the milk for free, my dude! Besides, Rox just likes being engaged. She thinks it's better for her brand than saying she has a boyfriend or a husband. She wants to seem juuuuuuuuuuuuust slightly attainable, you know?"

Vin adjusts his bandanna.

"Scully! Oh shit! Are you here to come really close to winning a match but not quite?"

After the show - Peter Fn Gilmour - 01-31-2019

Let the pigeons loose I say

re:After the show - drezdin5788 - 02-01-2019

(01-31-2019, 06:55 PM)"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Said: "No need to buy the cow when you get the milk for free, my dude! Besides, Rox just likes being engaged. She thinks it's better for her brand than saying she has a boyfriend or a husband. She wants to seem juuuuuuuuuuuuust slightly attainable, you know?"

Vin adjusts his bandanna.

"Scully! Oh shit! Are you here to come really close to winning a match but not quite?"
Boss..Uugghh jesus Christ..I wish i didn't have to do this, brand my ass. She has no brand and you know it.
She never had a brand to being with and you know it as well. Whats better is that she should stop being afraid of marrying your ass and stop this just like to be engaged bull shit.
Hell, you your self should grow a fucking pair tell her that she has two choices, marry you or tell her get the steppin cause this being engaged to one another is not an option.
This will hurt and hurt bad, weather you like it or not, from the day both of your asses hooked up to all the way to now as being engaged, by now and by law you two are constituted as a married couple.
Why the hell would any one buy a cow when they had free milk all along to begin with.
As far as roxxy seemingly juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust slightly wanting to be attainable, theres no such thing as juuuuuuuuuuuuuust slightly attainable. Shes either attainable or not attainable, thats it.
And in speaking engagement, again, so far this whole relationship is all for naught then.
A waste i dare say.
Oh and if my memory serves right, you have a child or with her, what about the kids?
Don't you think that after all this time that they wanna see you to get married ?

After the show - Olive Pendershore - 02-01-2019

"Marriage is for suckers and boring, lame ass, dumbfucks that think a piece of fucking paper suddenly uplifts their relationship status to an even greater height than it was before, when that's just a lie that they're brainwashed to believe from the time they're very young. Waste of time and money, I say. If you give a crap about someone and want to be with them, that should be enough. No need to complicate things with elaborate unnecessary ceremonies. Seriously what's the fucking point? Why don't you mind your business Drez? Huh? Are you in their relationship? Is this some kind of throuple type of scenario? No? Well, then mind your business, son. Go focus on your own relationship and you get married. I'm sure you and your hand will have a lovely ceremony."

After the show - drezdin5788 - 02-01-2019

Oh hey its caitlyn jenner. Fuck you kim kardashian. Do me a favor face sit him. Or you can heed your own words you can Fuck the hell off. This none of your concern. In fact, its none of your business either, why you give a shit. Just like what happening now you homeless dyke

After the show - Olive Pendershore - 02-01-2019

"Wait. I'm confused. Am I Caitlyn Jenner? Who was a man that became a woman. Or Kim Kardashian, the reality tv star that was actually born a woman and is married to Kanye West? Both individuals are rich and live in huge mansions, by the way. So I'm wondering where the homeless dyke part fits in but I guess that just ties in with the rest of the brain addled ramblings that make Drezdin, who he truly is today."

re:After the show - Scully - 02-01-2019

(01-31-2019, 05:56 PM)drezdin5788 Said: You. You created it !?
Listen here Janet reno, if it wasn't for shane coming to with a contract, your ass would of been a pimps side chick.
If you hadnt of signed the contract that shane offered you would of been the pimps bitch...well you would of been everyone elses bitch regardless.
Hell, if you you hadn't done anything we wouldn't of wasted are money seeing you get raped in the ass by bilbo. Or if not, seeing your ass get beaten to death.
The heart title created by the xwf universe, not from a overly hyped grabastic piece of British amphibious shit bag like you.
Scully, you don't have to worry about me, i will capture the heart title and put back the lust that you tarnished.
Just focus on the task at hand, im least of your worries..........At least not yet

"I wasn't on about the Hart Championship, you spastic! I was on about the XWF Championship. I created it, I had Sloth from the Goonies imprinted on it, it was my creation, bitch ass mudda fucka! Just let Shane shit in your mouth, you fanny!
And you're such a , I believe you deserve it!
Probably be the ONLY title you could hold and we ALL know you couldn't win it so you'd have to have it handed to you on a plate.

You failed to become the Hart Champion, now I have to actually work to win the damn thing! I had hoped you would pull a miracle and win it but no... I knew you didn't stand a chance!"

(01-31-2019, 06:55 PM)"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Said: "No need to buy the cow when you get the milk for free, my dude! Besides, Rox just likes being engaged. She thinks it's better for her brand than saying she has a boyfriend or a husband. She wants to seem juuuuuuuuuuuuust slightly attainable, you know?"

Vin adjusts his bandanna.

"Scully! Oh shit! Are you here to come really close to winning a match but not quite?"

"I was really close, when I beat you for XWF Universal Championship.. Wasn't I?!"

After the show - The Blue Tango - 02-01-2019

Slow clap.

re:After the show - Vita Frickin Valenteen - 02-01-2019

(02-01-2019, 06:57 AM)Scully Said:
(01-31-2019, 05:56 PM)drezdin5788 Said: You. You created it !?
Listen here Janet reno, if it wasn't for shane coming to with a contract, your ass would of been a pimps side chick.
If you hadnt of signed the contract that shane offered you would of been the pimps bitch...well you would of been everyone elses bitch regardless.
Hell, if you you hadn't done anything we wouldn't of wasted are money seeing you get raped in the ass by bilbo. Or if not, seeing your ass get beaten to death.
The heart title created by the xwf universe, not from a overly hyped grabastic piece of British amphibious shit bag like you.
Scully, you don't have to worry about me, i will capture the heart title and put back the lust that you tarnished.
Just focus on the task at hand, im least of your worries..........At least not yet

"I wasn't on about the Hart Championship, you spastic! I was on about the XWF Championship. I created it, I had Sloth from the Goonies imprinted on it, it was my creation, bitch ass mudda fucka! Just let Shane shit in your mouth, you fanny!
And you're such a , I believe you deserve it!
Probably be the ONLY title you could hold and we ALL know you couldn't win it so you'd have to have it handed to you on a plate.

You failed to become the Hart Champion, now I have to actually work to win the damn thing! I had hoped you would pull a miracle and win it but no... I knew you didn't stand a chance!"

(01-31-2019, 06:55 PM)"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Said: "No need to buy the cow when you get the milk for free, my dude! Besides, Rox just likes being engaged. She thinks it's better for her brand than saying she has a boyfriend or a husband. She wants to seem juuuuuuuuuuuuust slightly attainable, you know?"

Vin adjusts his bandanna.

"Scully! Oh shit! Are you here to come really close to winning a match but not quite?"

"I was really close, when I beat you for XWF Universal Championship.. Wasn't I?!"

Not for nothing, but I do seem to recall Drezdin carrying Peter Gilmour to a Tag title run recently.

VV shrugs

After the show - drezdin5788 - 02-01-2019

I didn't think if id stirred the pot with a sprinkle of chaos while seeing what would happen if i had let this go could be so fun an this easy. Ill think ill be ending..........(laughs histaricaly as he walks away)