X-treme Wrestling Federation
A Few Small Repairs (Part 2) - Printable Version

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A Few Small Repairs (Part 2) - Misty Waters - 01-23-2019

Continued from: A Few Small Repairs

"It's something, isn't it?"

An unfamiliar voice jolts me as I peel my soggy, sweat drenched face from the back passenger door of the inside of my minivan. The van rattles against a moving, ill-paved road, shaking me into further consciousness. Swooshing sounds of the air permeate as we rustle by the browning foliage on either side of the road, easing me into a closer understanding of my whereabouts.

I look up and to my left a bit to notice Muddy's right shoulder and the side of his face peering out from the back of the driver's seat. Just ahead of me locks of long blond hair can be seen on either side of the passenger seat headrest.


I remember what's going on now.

That's Dolly Waters.

We have her. Finally. After all of this time. All of the long nights that blended into weeks, that blended into months and into years of obsession. The isolation, the weight loss, the loss of family, friends, my connections in 'the biz' as it were, the alcoholism, the chemical dependency, the hallucinations, the manipulation, the lies, the murder... everything to get to this moment.

And yet I'm frozen. It's the same thing that happened to me back at the women's house just before fainting. That moment can easily be written off for my poor health, but I know that's nothing to do with it. Something of a phenomenon happened when I finally saw her in the flesh.

I imagine it must have been like a lifelong wildlife enthusiast encountering a vicious lioness without boundaries for the first time, knowing full well that their life's work may have placed them in a position to have their face torn off and body eaten alive.

But enough of that digression. Back to the facts at hand. In the back of my van. Muddy driving. Dolly sitting next to him. And next to me, a question:

"It's something, isn't it?"

I turn to my left and in the seat next to me, a small figure dressed in all black. Black leggings with a black long sleeved shirt tucked. Black gloves. Black boots. A black ski mask covered by one of those cheap Darth Vader masks that you'd find at Walmart. The person is turned at an angle in the seat sort of facing me, legs crossed in a dainty way, their left arm draped along the window seal and their right hand reaching up and sort of itching at their tilted head.

"What's something?"

"How easily she-"

I cut him off to address the elephant,

"And just who in the fuck are you, anyway?"

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

He jerks up quickly from his position in the seat waving his hands around just before doing a slashing motion towards his throat and then pointing at the front seats of the van with his thumb

"No need to do all that..."

He says in a whispering tone while unfolding his legs and leaning up closer towards me, interlocking his fingers and resting his elbows on top of his thighs,

"...who I am really isn't all that important. She's already made that abundantly clear before"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Really, doofus?"

he replies with a condescending nod of the head,

"Just who in the fuck do you think I'm talking about? Your mom? The fucking Queen of England? What other fucking female in this entire world has been in the fore-fucking-front of that dense little head of yours?"


I mouth while tilting my head towards where she's sitting. This seems to really piss him off. He slaps his head into his palm then looks back at me, motioning with his hands in a pleading manner,

"Yes goddammit. And the point I was trying to get at before I had to hold your hand through all of this, is just how amazing it is what she's capable of doing. Just how easily she can collapse your entire world in on top of itself.

His statement leaves me at a moment for pause,

"I mean just look at you. Young, intelligent, half way handsome fellow. You let that intelligence get to your head. Then you let her into your head and she absolutely ruined you before you ever even had a chance to sniff your objective."

"Well most of that is my fault, plus I'm not done yet. I haven't even begun my work- I just need to get my head right..."

"Oh yes you are, pal. You were done before you ever even started. Dolly is going to win no matter what, because you know why? Because this is all hers and you're going to have to learn that first hand."

What in the hell was this guy talking about? I'll admit, within the obscurity that is all of this, things have taken an ambiguous turn since having finally come into contact with Dolly. But is this situation really so enigmatic?

"Just remember: things are always as they appear."

Now where had I heard that before?

"So what's the point in all of this, uh, what's your name again?"

"The point is that there is no point. As bad as you've wanted your moment, it will come, but not in the way you envisioned it to come- and again, who I am still isn't important. There's no point to me either, Brian."

"Then why are you even here?"

The van makes a hard turn onto the gravel road that leads back to the shack-esque trailer that Muddy, Matthew and I have been staying in.

"Well, because I thought you at least deserved to know, Brian."

"That's fucking funny, because I somehow feel like I know LESS than I did before I started talking to you."

"But doesn't that at least make sense?"

I suppose it sort of does make sense,

"The Dolly Waters you had assumed after for so long never even existed, Brian. The Brian Cawood you thought you had been serving for so long never existed either. You were, in the end always serving her. There's no way around it, and there's nothing to be angry about anymore."

"Okay, sure. I guess I'm supposed to take whatever in the fuck you tell me at face value- yet I can't even see your fucking face! Bullshit! I mean how overplayed is this type of thing anyway?

Some mysterious fuck comes and tells someone a bunch of mysterious fucking shit and it's supposed to somehow tie everything together while at the same time not reveling the absoluteness of anything. Bravo dude! You've done it! You've confused the fuck out everything- and you know what? I don't really give a shit!"

The van tires rumble to a halt in the gravel.

"Brian, who the hell you talkin to?"

I look up. Muddy and Dolly are both glaring at me. I turn back to the seat next to me and no one is there. Perfect.

"Uh, no one, I was just having a wigged out dream. Sorry about that."

"Yer really gunna' have to lay off at' shit. Especially now we've got a lady in the house."

Yeah, look who's fucking talking.

"So this is it?"

Dolly peers out of the dirty windshield towards the dilapidated trailer. What's left of the metal siding on the front has rusted beyond recognition, and where it's missing, there is exposed old dirty plywood.

"It's what we got..."

A little crinkle of disappointment twists onto the side of Dolly's lip,

"Fer' now though baby girl. This is just a temporary thing."

Dolly sighs and opens the door of the van, stepping out into the warm glow of the sun.

"Well. It's time for a few small repairs now isn't it?"

...to be continued...


Hello folks!

It's been a while hasn't it?

For those of you newer fans of the XWF, or older fans who took breaks in between my short lived stints in this fine federation, please allow me to introduce myself:

My name is Dolly Waters.

I'm a former Xtreme, Hart, Television and Federweight Champion, as well as a multiple time Superstar of the Month recipient.

Pretty cool huh?

I was able to accomplish all of that between the mere ages of twelve and fourteen, which would be a pretty astonishing feat, but c'mon folks, no need to balk at that.

This is the XWF!

We've seen cock-crazed in wheelchairs win gold, hell we've even had a freshly post-op transsexual win the Universal Championship.

Anything can, and almost always will happen here.

Many of you, and those who are familiar with me might be wondering to yourselves why did I seemingly vanish at the height of my success? Well it was back around May of 2017, and the craze surrounding Dolly Waters had reached a fever fucking pitch. For all of the usual oddities that I had pointed out before with the XWF, people in this federation at the time couldn't seem to wrap their minds around a teenage girl kicking ass and taking names. I was seemingly at the forefront of everything relevant with the XWF.

Week after week, there would be these arbitrary attacks, or signs of weird ass pedo stalker bullshit from one wrestler or another directed towards me. It was really starting to wear me out. Then the straw that broke the camel's back: a person who I trusted and considered a friend turned and knocked my lights out with a pair of brass knuckles. The asshole then decided to kidnap me.

By the time I was able to escape, I'd finally had enough, so I dipped out.

But never for a second did this place dip out of me, you know what I mean?

Straight up, my goals were always pretty fucking simple. I wanted to be considered one of the greatest wrestlers to ever compete in the XWF, and more importantly, I wanted that Universal Title.

And that's why I'm back. I have unfinished business here.

It's often said that it's best not to let your resentments of the past dictate your future, but fuck that! I've spent nearly the last two years looking back at my mistakes with anger, letting that fire drive me to this point. For as much of a beast as I may have been back in those days, I sure was pretty stupid. How many times would I allow myself to be used up by those who only wanted my friendship to elevate their own stories?

Well no more.

Dolly Waters is back, and I ain't taking any goddamn prisoners on my way to the top.

And with that thought folks, I'm brought to my opponent for Wednesday Warfare, Robbie Bourbon.

Robbie, this seems fitting doesn't it? Our careers have always seemed to brush against one another, but never really colliding until now. IF you remember, when you first broke into the XWF, my father Muddy had just been arrested and I ran off to start my training with Morbid Angel.

But then in 2016 just a few weeks after my entrance into XWF, while the both of us were riding hot streaks of our own, you and I were pitted in a fatal four way on Warfare- the winner would go on to a gain a spot for the Universal Title at Wildcard. After I damn near broke Kitt Kennedy's neck with my running knee, you pulled me off from my pinfall and covered Kitt yourself.

You went on to lose your Universal Title match, and I was stuck with a fucking consolation Hart Championship around my waist. Soon after, I was detained in Indonesia over the steroid scandal and forced to vacate the Hart Championship, and you went on to win that vacant title.

When I returned again, Robbie was nowhere to be found, until of course High Stakes 2, Dolly Waters leaves and a certain guy obsessed with SEX named Danny reveals himself to be Robbie fuckin Bourbon.

And so here we are, as laughingly as fate would have it, almost two years later meeting up in the ring for a shot at the Hart Championship. Even someone as matter-of-factly bland as yourself should recognize the coincidental significance of this matchup. One of us is going to have to do something that neither of us have ever done, and that's to defeat the other, one on one as our paths finally collide in what will undoubtedly be a contest of epic proportions.

On paper this match should be a total wash. Robbie, you're more experienced, more decorated and you triple me in size, but you and I both know that you're too smart to write me off- unlike that douche-bag Donovan Blackwater who I defeated on Savage last week.

Robbie, I've gotta' say, I've been looking forward to this match up ever since you stole that win from me back in 2016. I think you've been looking forward to it too, that way you could prove that it wasn't just some type of fluke. Even if you've since gone on to become the Universal Champion, there's still a lingering question if you hadn't of pulled that stunt all of those years ago, I may have been able to spare us all from that teeth pulling shit show that was the Chris Chaos era.

So with all of that said, believe-you-me of this big boy, I'm going to come at you with every single thing that I've got. If you beat me, which we all know you're capable of doing, I'll dust myself off and keep on rolling. And that's a nod of respect to you, Robbie. You never gave up, and it eventually led you to where you always deserved to be- and that's on top.

But now it's Dolly Waters' turn to make a run for the mountain, and I won't let anything slow me down this time.