X-treme Wrestling Federation
DECEMBER OTM AWARDS - Printable Version

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DECEMBER OTM AWARDS - Vincent Lane - 01-08-2018

Vincent Lane stands on a stage in front of a dais with a dozen microphones set up on it. At his side is his vivacious fiance, the head of the XWF Bombshell Division Roxy Cotton.

Lane taps the stack of mics.

"This on... we rolling?"

Feedback squeals through the room, causing several of the press members in the conference to grimace.

"Oops! Man, that's on me dudes! My fault!"

Roxy hands Vincent a pink handkerchief, and he pats his damp brow.

"Thanks babe."

"Anytime baby."

"Now... it's time to reveal who in the XWF has won the prestigious recognition of being the FINAL Star of the Month for the year 2017. We had a heck of a year here in the X, dudes... record breaking numbers. Worldwide tours. Huge buyrates. Massive surprises. Great championship matches. And, of course, the addition of the Bombshell Division headed up by my sweetie cakes, Roxy."


"You know it, babe... got the notes?"

"Oh! Right!"

Roxy reaches into her cleavage and pulls out a folded piece of paper, handing it to Vincent who first takes a long, deep, sniff of the paper before unfolding it and looking it over.

"God I love that perfume... anyway! Dudes and dudettes... it is my humble honor to announce that the XWF Star of the Month for December, 2017... following in the long tradition of megastar winners such as Peter Gilmour, Luca Arzegotti, Sebastian Duke, and even yours friggin' truly... CONGRATULATIONS TO ROBERT MAIN!!!"

The flashbulbs begin to pop in earnest as Roxy pulls a sheet off of an easel depicting the portrait of Main that will be hung in the Megastars Hallway.

"What a month this dude had! Capped it off with a huge Hart Title win too. Many, many good things are on the way for Robert Main, and this is a moment that will certainly stick out in his career."

Vincent cheeses for the cameras along with Roxy for another few moments, before Roxy taps Lane on the shoulder and pulls yet another paper from between her bodacious ta-tas.

"Oh right! I don't want to leave without announcing that December's best individual promo award goes to the Hardcore Hog himself, Bearded War Pig, for his upload entitled A Motherfucker's Christmas Comic! Great work my dude! Both of you have big bonuses on the way! That's it from me tonight, everyone, have a great night and a ROCKIN' new year!"

Vincent starts to play air guitar whole the scene fades.