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The New Voice of Self-Entitlement... - Printable Version

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The New Voice of Self-Entitlement... - Miss Michelle - 10-13-2017

[Image: tumblr_o6421aMchU1spgk1lo2_500.gif]

Possibly the biggest Bombshell’s Championship in the history of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. Not to take much away from the original title match at King of the Ring, but there was a flaw to the match. It was a triple threat battle and only two women wanted it while the third was just a filler. The second title match where a new champion was crowned was also not as good as it could have been. It could have been so much more, but the former champion Abigail’s heart wasn’t in it. Her mind had gone elsewhere and whether she will be back in XwF anytime soon is unseen as of right now. Her rematch for the title is a definite factor however; then you have Miss Michelle’s first title defense. A defense that was against two other competitors. Proving she was not a fluke champion, she wanted to prove she was a fighting champion. The match wasn’t the greatest though. Like the other two title matches, it had a woman whose heart was just not in the match unfortunately. This title match has two hard-hitting and determined women in it who will stop at nothing to prove they are the face of the women’s division.

The match could potentially be ruined. It’s already slightly altered when the stipulation was made a bra and panties match, but lurking in the shadows is the woman who debuted two weeks ago on Savage, attacking Miss Michelle viciously after J.T. Washington awarded Miss Michelle back the Bombshell’s Championship. What is Mercy going to do during this match? Who will she target this week? Mercy has made it clear that her intentions were to do Madison Dyson’s bidding and Madison wants the bombshell’s division to be destroyed. Madison had hope for the division in the beginning, but since the inaugural champion proved to be a flake—Madison lost all hope for the division and now she wants to suck the life out of it. She wants to leave the division in shambles and her goal is to have the bombshell’s championship around Mercy’s waist. Jenny and Miss Michelle should be concerned with the potential interference of Madison Dyson and Mercy because they are rumored to both be present this Sunday night.

It appears the only person Miss Michelle or Jenny Myst are focused on is each other. Miss Michelle wants to break Jenny Myst and has been doing a pretty good job at doing it. She’s been exposing Jenny Myst for exactly what she is and Jenny Myst has been trying to maintain some defense against Miss Michelle on the microphone, but an impeccable mic master—Miss Michelle seems to be much more evolved than her number one contender. The one thing positive about the stipulation of this match, Miss Michelle will remain ‘undefeated’ because there is no pins or submission attempts.

Mark Brooks is lounging back in his recliner and has the foot rest kicked up as he’s holding the remote on his lap. He has his right forearm under the back of his head while watching CNN news. Miss Michelle sneaks up behind her husband and reaches her hands over the back of the chair. She slides her hands down the front of his chest as she leans over: kissing the right cheek of her husband. He looks up at her as her hair freely flows over his face.

miss MICHELLE: I love you.

Michelle leans back down and kisses his lips softly while winking at her husband.

mark BROOKS: You sure seem like you’re in a good mood, baby.

She props up off the chair and sets her hands on the back of his chair.

miss MICHELLE: Why wouldn’t I be in a good mood? I’m on on top of the world and I’m the girl who has everything!

She cocks her head up and slides her hand through her hair. He raises the remote up to the TV and turns the volume down.

mark BROOKS: I just thought you would be anxious for Leap of Faith. It’s PPV weekend, love.

miss MICHELLE: I’ve been in the gym all week. In fact, I just came from the gym downstairs.

He cringes his face.

mark BROOKS: Ew, was that sweat on your face?

Mark says while chuckling to himself.

miss MICHELLE: It’s perspiration and you love it!

He grabs her by the wrists and flips her over into his lap as she kicks her legs off the side of the chair. He starts to tickle her belly as she starts to giggle.

mark BROOKS: I love everything about you.

She continues to laugh as she starts grasping for air because how hard she was laughing. He lets up from tickling his wife and she repositions herself in his lap. She holds her hand up behind her husband’s head on the chair while trying to catch her breath. She glances over at the TV and notices CNN commentators are still talking about Donald Trump.

miss MICHELLE: This has to be the most I have seen journalist talk about a president! I mean, what is the point of talking about him? He’s our president for the next three years, if people want to do anything about it: don’t reelect him!

Mark shrugs.

mark BROOKS: I just like how they are still following up with charges against Trump. Wouldn’t it be iconic if they really indicted the president? Oh my god, the headlines!”

Michelle holds her hand to the side of his face and starts shaking her head.

miss MICHELLE: They wouldn’t, especially while he’s the president. They would have to impeach him first and then indict because can you imagine what other countries would do? I don’t like the guy. He’s a freaking pervert. Like when I was on The Apprentice he tried to seduce and sleep with me every opportunity he got.

Mark’s eyes widened with surprise.

mark BROOKS: He did what? Must be before we got married, but sugar I would strangle him! I did vote for him because I can’t stand Hillary!

She sighs and rolls her eyes. She props up in his lap and sets her feet on the floor as she looks over at him with a state of disbelief.

miss MICHELLE: What’s wrong with Hill? She’s a successful and powerful woman! She’s been an amazing senator and secretary of state! She would have been a great president and this whole ordeal with North Korea would be handled much differently because she’s logical. Trump acts solely on impulse and you can’t be a good president while making impulsive decisions!

He lets out a laugh.

miss MICHELLE: Babe, babe, she’s a powerful woman? You mean she’s a powerful criminal! The woman used her power as secretary of state for her own self-interest. I wish Trump would have followed through with getting her in prison.

Michelle stands up and slouches down as she points at her husband.

mark BROOKS: Hey, he did try. He tried all the way up to the point where the United States Attorney General announced they had no interest in prosecuting her because there was no evidence to any criminal activity on her part. I think you are mistaking her for Madison Dyson, who obviously thinks she’s some high power official in the Trump’s cabinet.

She leans up and turns over to the mirror hanging over the dresser. She brushes her fingers through her hair and licks her lips.

miss MICHELLE: Unless she’s really Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Lord knows, the bitch looks just like her! She looks like she just left an all-you-eat Chinese buffet! If she’s Sarah Huckabee Sanders, then Jenny Myst must be Kellyanne Conway.

She looks over at her husband who laughs at her comparison of two stupid political women and XwF’s bombshells.

mark BROOKS: Don’t insult Sarah and Kellyanne like that!

He says defending the political ladies’ honor. Miss Michelle rolls her eyes and exhales. She looks back in the mirror and starts to pin her hair up.

mark BROOKS: By the way babe, did you hear the latest gossip? I guess the Big Kahuna committed suicide. He couldn’t handle the embarrassment of losing to Neville Sinclair, I guess. Or maybe it was back to back losses! Haha!

Michelle raises the bottom of her shirt up and pulls it off over her head, revealing a baby blue strapless bra. She tosses the shirt on the king-sized bed and looks over at her husband. She leans her right hand on the dresser as she starts removing her sneakers.

miss MICHELLE: His friend lived to brag about how he took me out with a steel chair. Why would he even stick his nose in business that doesn’t concern him? He wasn’t even under a XwF contract! Ugh, it was one of the worse attacks in the history of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation!

She sets both feet back on the floor and walks over to the foot of the bed. She raises her right hand up and starts to rub the back of her head.

mark BROOKS: That’s why I think he committed suicide, babe. The last thing that punk bitch wanted was another loss from me! He did the chicken shit thing and tucked his tail between his legs, and overdose over whatever drug it was that killed him. Nobody touches or attacks my wife without suffering the consequences!

Miss Michelle blows him a kiss as she’s pulling down her yoga pants. She pulls them down to her ankles and rips them the rest of the way off as she sets them on the floor. She has on a pair of baby blue boy shorts.

mark BROOKS: Why are you forfeiting your title!?

He says sascastically. She cocks her head to the side and looks confused.

miss MICHELLE: What now?

He points over to his wife sitting in her bra and panties.

mark BROOKS: You just stripped yourself. You didn’t want to give Jenny the privilege of doing it!?

He continues to give her a hard time as she sarcastically looks over at him and hesitantly smiles.

miss MICHELLE: Haha, you are so funny I forgot to laugh! Do you honestly believe her little ass can remove my clothes? I mean, come on baby! She’s like a midget! She looks like she should be on Little Women: LA or Dallas rather than a wrestling roster!

He holds his hands out defensively while he tries to calm her down.

mark BROOKS: Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down babe! I was just kidding!

She just looks over at him and eyes him up and down. She props herself up off the foot of the bed and starts to walk toward the bathroom section of the hotel room. She reaches her hands up to the back of her bra as she starts to unfasten it.

mark BROOKS: You do look good in your bra and panties though. That body is just perfect!

She glances back at him and snickers while twitching her nose. She looks back to the front of her and continues to remove her bra, but as she takes it off her shoulders—she walks inside the bathroom. She keeps the door just barely open and her bra partially laid out on the tiles. The water is heard switching on and music starts to come out of the bathroom. Mark looks back at the TV set and turns the volume back up as he starts channel surfing. The scene faded to static with that scene.


“Queen of the Reich” hits over the P.A. system as the lights dim down while the fans in this XwF’s house show arena in Vacouver, Canada stand to their feet while they cheer for the current Bombshell’s Champion. Her entrance video starts to play over the titantron while spotlights begin to wave across the entrance ramp. Miss Michelle struts out from behind the black entrance curtains with her championship strapped around her shoulder. She walks over to the top of the ramp and pauses as she poses with her hands on her hips. She slouches over and places both hands up to her lips as she blows a kiss to her adoring fans. She slides her title down off her shoulder and raises as she continues strutting down the ramp. She’s waving to the fans while they chant, “Miss Michelle” throughout the arena. She makes her way down to the ramp and lowers her title belt as she touches a few of her fans’ hands. She struts over to the ring apron and props up on it as she kneels up. She licks her lips and wiggles her ass up while standing to her feet. She steps over the second rope, holding her title closely to her chest, stepping inside the ring. As she struts across the ring, she raises her title up above her head while the fans continue to roar for her. She pauses in the middle of the ring and poses with her championship belt above her head.

“Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful!”

She says her trademark slogan while holding her title up. She struts over to the far corner and reaches her hand down over the second rope, where she’s met with a microphone being handed to her. She raises her hand with the microphone to her hair and slides her fingers through the red locks. She struts back over to the middle of the ring while smirking confidently. The lights start to flicker back on while her theme music comes to an end. Her titantron video goes to a black screen while she’s smiling at her adoring fans. Miss Michelle continues to hold her Bombshell’s title up above her head while she’s strutting horizontally in the ring. She raises the microphone to her lips while smirking at the fans chanting her name.

miss MICHELLE: Oh Jenny… Jenny, how does this championship look!?

She slouches over and holds the title out to the camera. She starts to rock it side to side while snickering to herself.

miss MICHELLE: Does it just eat you alive that this championship is so close to you, but so far away? Come and get it honey!

Miss Michelle leans back up and she slides it up her arm as she adjusts it on her shoulder. She grips the edge of her title and struts over to the corner turnbuckle. She perches her right foot on the bottom rope and cocks her head to the side while licking her lips seductively.

miss MICHELLE: I love the attitude you have shown for this title. I love how you claim you want this belt. I love the way you think you’re going to be the one who wins the Bombshell’s Championship at Leap of Faith. I love the way you call yourself the next great champion in XwF and how you confidently believe your title reign is going to create history! Your title reign is going to put you in the top fifty. Well, that is your opinion and you pretty much already know how I feel about your opinions. I think your opinions are worth as much as you are, which is a handful of pennies. My title reign isn’t going to be over at Leap of Faith and that means, your title reign is not about to start anytime soon. Your fake promises continue to be playing the biggest role of your career. It’s time to draw the curtains Jenny and put down those farfetched dreams because your dreams are deluded. The best part is going to be looking down at you running up the ramp, trying to cover your hands over your body while I bask in the spotlight with the Bombshell’s Championship held high in the air. These fans are going to be chanting my name while looking at me as the savior of the XwF bombshell’s division!

She brushes her fingers through her hair and flips her red locks behind her shoulder. She steps off the bottom turnbuckle and purses her lips. Miss Michelle starts to strut across the ring and stops at the ropes as she grips the velvet rope while glaring at her adoring fans.

miss MICHELLE: I'm not just saving this division from you, Jenny. You are clearly as harmless as a fly. All your promises are empty, but somebody who can really cause damage to this division is Madison. I'm saving the division from going under at Madison's hands. Madison isn't even close to being the dominant female of XwF, but she possesses a certain level of strength now that she's recruited Mercy. I am going to rewrite history Jenny and that means everything you've ever done or tried to do is going to be written out. I'm going to see to it that you're phased out of this division and nobody will ever remember the name of Jenny Myst again! I'm going to do something that people appear to be incapable of doing. They are afraid of Madison's little words, but her idle threats are as meaningless as yours. So yes, Jenny, you may start calling me THE NEW SAVIOR!!

She adjusts her title on her shoulder and glances over at it as she smirks at the polished face of her Bombshell’s Championship.

miss MICHELLE: I thought it was so fabulous when Jenny Myst decided to show her face again! She shows her ass more times more times than a homosexual man at a gangbang party! I’m sure Jenny knows a lot about gangbangs, after all she was the Queen of Blowjobs! Jenny, I find it quite comical how you need to use every little thing I said to make yourself feel whole. You have to literally rebut everything I said. Where’s the originality, sweets? Oh, that’s right, you have none. You’re just as boring as that Chris Chaos’ guy who by the way is going to get thrown off the rafters like a rag doll. I hope on his way down, he snaps and breaks his neck. I am volunteering you to give his eulogy. Hell, I wouldn’t put it pass you to seduce his dead corpse. Jenny while you continue to repeat everything I say and attack my words, I’m just going to continue being me. I want to show you the proof why you’re not champion material.

She starts to shake her head and releases the grip of the rope. She steps backwards and twirls around as she stands in the middle of the ring.

miss MICHELLE: I do have to ask you; does it make you feel good to call me Becky and associate me to somebody who you couldn’t stand growing up? The only problem with calling me Becky Jenny is nobody knows her. It’s not like when I called you, little Kandi Washington. Everybody here knew who Kandi Washington was. Everybody knew exactly what Kandi was about and what she could or could not do inside the ring. Becky is something from the figment of your imagination for all we knew. If you want me to adopt the name Becky II, then I will be Becky II, and Becky II is about to whoop your ass! Becky II is about to drown you in your own piss when I leave you half-naked and exposed! The old Becky is going to be looking down from Heaven and watching over me as I successfully defend my championship over her arch nemesis. Becky is going to finally get the revenge she was robbed of because you couldn’t stand competition. You don’t like when other women are better off than you. No wonder why you don’t have any female friends because every woman is better off than you. Every single woman is in a better position than you and it eats you alive!

She slides her hand over her stomach and leans over as she blows a kiss to the camera. She leans back up and swings her hair over the shoulder.

miss MICHELLE: I don’t know if you stay up on the latest what’s hot and what’s not, but sweetie, you are this month’s what’s not again. Think I’m lying to you? Why don’t you look it up for yourself and quite obsessing over my Women’s Championship, hm?

She turns up to the titantron as she holds her arm up. A piece of Chris Chaos’ latest promo is playing and the volume gets turned up as the fans’ jaws drop in surprise.

Chris Chaos said:
Quote:Hell, I'll make fun of her too! Jenny Myst is nothing but a gold digging whore with a blue waffle vagina who sucked and fucked her way to the top of this business despite managing me.

She lets go of her title and holds her hand up to her chest while smiling with her eyes.

miss MICHELLE: Always a bride’s maid and never a bride. Actually, you’re not even a bride’s maid because that would indicate you actually had girlfriends. I loved when your ex-boyfriend just joined in with the crusade of people and marked you for what you are. Who better than Chris Chaos to use as proof of your character? After all, he’s seen every part of your body—more than these fans are going to see. I don’t necessary agree with how Chris aired your dirty laundry, but I take it that he was hurt by you in the process of you using him to catapult your own career. You put yourself first and that’s not how a relationship works. Take it from a woman who knows how to get and keep her man. I even have the large diamond ring to prove it honey.

She holds her left hand up to the camera and starts to wiggle her married finger in the camera lens while the cameraman zooms in on the diamond ring.

miss MICHELLE: You can’t be a selfish little whore in a relationship because a relationship is a unity between two people. Look at my husband and I… we each stride to be the best while lifting the other one up. My husband took the backseat so I could defend my Bombshell’s Championship without having to worry about his match. Everybody saw the way Big Kahuna’s boyfriend attacked me from behind with that steel chair. My husband wanted revenge on Big Kahuna and his boyfriend, but you know what happened. Would Chris do the same for you, Jenny? I highly doubt it would because judging by the way he spoke of you, agreeing with Jim Caedus, and every other man in the locker room—he wouldn’t so much take a punch for you. Although he did lose plenty of matches with you as his tag team partner.

With the footage is paused on the titantron, it goes to static while Michelle starts to walk to the opposite side of the ring.

miss MICHELLE: Jenny, you are no different than Kim Anderson the way Chris described you. Did you really “fuck” your way to the top? Did you “fuck” your way into this Bombshell’s Championship match? If you didn’t really deserve to be in the title picture to begin, I’m really ticked off that you are even in this match at Leap of Faith. I know, you could say the same thing about me. Since my debut was for the Bombshell’s Championship, but I was facing a woman who wanted to go down as a fighting champion. Even though she did bring a decent fight to me, I overpowered her with my experience, my speed, my agility, and my talent in order to become the current Bombshell’s Champion. I earned this championship because I went for the best in the division. I challenged and competed against a woman who even you couldn’t beat you. You can say whatever it is you want to be about your title match at King of the Ring, but truthfully you couldn’t measure up to Abigail. Just like you are not going to be able to measure up against me at Leap of Faith. It doesn’t matter how many dicks you sucked or how many times you laid on your back because everything happens for a reason. This match is happening because you need to be put in your place. You need somebody to show you once and for all why you are never going to be the champion!

She grabs her title and slides it down off her shoulder, raising it up above her head while intensely bringing the microphone back up to her mouth.

miss MICHELLE: The characteristics a champion should have aren’t visible in you, if at all. A true champion is somebody truly confident in their abilities. I do hate to say it, but your cockiness isn’t a very good indicator of a confident woman. I’m not the only one who sees right through you. Jenny, you are so transparent everybody sees right through you like a piece of plastic. You’re the phony one. Do you remember the Sugay Sisters, hm?

She lowers the title down and leaves it dangling off her wrist while a past promo from the Sugay’s Sisters start to play as the footage focuses in on Tala Sugay.

Tala Sugay said:
Quote:“And that’s why she is just a stuck up bitter bitch because she’s hiding her insecurities behind her tough exterior! Once that exterior comes down, she’s nothing more than a pathetic, scared, and worthless little whore!”

Michelle holds her hand up to her mouth and bites her lower lip nervously while shaking her head in surprise.

miss MICHELLE: I’m not going to be as harsh as Tala Sugay was regarding your insecurities, but why do you think the Bombshell’s Championship is going to help your self-esteem? The title is only a materialistic item and it has very little meaning to a person’s self-esteem. Once you would lose it, which would be sooner than you think, you would go back to being the same insecure little girl trapped in a woman’s body. Let me explain to you the real difference between us and why I am the champion. The title doesn’t make me; I make the title what it is. The title would make you. You want so badly to be the center of everybody’s attention. You want to break into the main event scene and so tired of being a mid-carder. Look at you, Jenny: it doesn’t work the way. You need to work on yourself before you can even think about making this title something. You need to focus on your inner self and maybe find some sort of peace. You are too angry and impulsive to be a Bombshell’s Champion.

Miss Michelle grips both hands around the shaft of the microphone and holds it just below her lips while standing with superior posture in the middle of the ring.

miss MICHELLE: A Bombshell’s Champion should be prideful and that I am. I take a lot of pride in what I do in the ring. I love being the center of attention and if that makes me conceited, then by all means I will be considered conceited. The thing is I don’t look at myself as a conceited little bitch because I know where I came from and I know where I have been. I have traveled all over this world and wrestled in Mexico, Canada, and Japan. I have learned from some of the greatest wrestlers in this business, Jenny. I have loss my fair share of matches and I have won some of the biggest in my career while I was overseas. I don’t know how long you have been in this industry Jenny or if you know what it’s like to wrestle hometown greats in Japan and Mexico, but the competition is stiff. The level of talent is through the roof Jenny. This is why I can be confident and make the bold statement that I am the greatest Bombshell’s Champion in the history of the bombshell’s division!

She lowers her hands down to her side and grabs the title. She holds it up to her chest and looks down at her reflection in the gold-plated face of the title. She bats her eyelashes and glances up at the cameraman.

miss MICHELLE: I’ve paid my dues and I have worked as a rookie and noob. I deserve to bask in the glory I have created for myself. You want so badly for people to look at you as a legend. You want to be number one, but Jenny, you haven’t earned the status of a legend. You haven’t shown the world you deserve to be number one in this division. You’ve had some unbelievable matches and you have gone the distance with those opponents, but the fact remains Jenny, you are still a mid-carder. You stuck in the middle of a card because you haven’t broken through the glass ceiling. You haven’t earned the right to call yourself the Bombshell’s Division. You haven’t earned the right to say this championship was solely made for you. You certainly do not have the status, nor the experience to say you are better than me.

Michelle slides the title back up her arm and adjusts it on her shoulder as she turns up to the top of the ramp.

miss MICHELLE: So, go right ahead and tell me how I am just a puppet. I am just trying to get along with everybody in this division. You can call me the biggest bitch you have ever met. You can call me a gold digger. You can call me a whore. You can even say I’m nothing more than a barefoot and pregnant wife of Mark Brooks. Your words are just that: words. Your opinion about yourself is nothing more than insecurity. Tala pinned you and she hadn’t even been in this company long enough. I pinned you from the first-time I saw on the microphone and I didn’t have my contract officially signed. Even Abigail saw right pass your transparent ass. She saw your insecurity and played you like a fiddle.

She holds her arm up at the titantron while a promo from Abigail during the week of the King of the Ring is playing over the sound system.

Abigail stated:
Quote:Jenny Myst the voice of self-entitlement around here. Especially when you get her talking about this title. She hasn't let up on it for weeks, barking at nothing but air because no one was listening, including her boyfriend, Chris Chaos. HE was more interested in a different pair of belts than that little pink and gold one she is SO hungry for. That was pretty selfish putting yourself before your "team" like that Jenny.

She holds her right hand up to her neck and massages it while smirking wickedly.

miss MICHELLE: Abigail has always been good with her words. She knew you from the moment she saw you. You didn’t even have to utter a word and she had you pinned for exactly what you were. Jenny, you can find it as just an attack on your character, but when it’s said by enough people repeatedly, it’s more than just a hypothesis. It’s a theory because it has been proven repeatedly. You’re a whore, Jenny and it’s time you get that through your head. You hold yourself up to such a high standard and it’s just hypocritical for you to do so. You wouldn’t know what class was, if it bit you in the ass.

She slightly turns to the side and cocks her ass up as she slaps her right hand on her ass cheeks. She wiggles it playfully while licking her lips.

miss MICHELLE: I agree with Abby that you tend to be the voice of self-entitlement. However, it’s not rightfully earned because your whole self-entitlement came from using Chris Chaos’ career to propel yours to the top. You used his career to make yourself a household name, but unlike me honey, I didn’t start my career off as just a mere valet. I started out as a full-blown wrestler and met my first husband while performing at the height of my career. Men who have found me attracted and married me admired the fact that I was a fully independent woman who earned her self-entitlement. I never jumped over people or pushed my way to the front of the line disrespectfully. I always went for the top of a division and challenged the best of the best because the only way you’re going to get to the top is by going after the best. Jenny, you’ve always been afraid of facing the best.

She pauses and starts to intently nodding her head with her eyes widened.

miss MICHELLE: You are only facing me because it is for the championship. Had this be just any ordinary match Jenny, you wouldn’t get in the ring with me. You wouldn’t want to even think about humiliating defeat you would suffer. The only reason why management is making me defend this title so often is because they want to make sure the right woman is the Bombshell’s Champion. I am the right woman for the job as I have said for the past month. This championship is exactly where it belongs and I have no problem with going down as a fighting champion in the bombshell’s division. I want to give every woman on the roster an opportunity to compete for this title, but more importantly, I cannot wait to get my revenge on Mercy. I cannot wait to defend this title against Mercy and that will come very soon. It will come after I beat you at Leap of Faith. But hey, at least you can continue to gloat about not being pinned by me, eh Jenny? I’m going to help rid you of the nickname the voice of self-entitlement this week at Leap of Faith. I’m going to knock some sense in that head of yours!

She rolls her eyes and glances up at the titantron when a statement from Madison Dyson starts being heard as Miss Michelle just shakes her head in disgust.

Madison Dyson stated:
Quote: Jenny, I still support your pursuit of the Bombshell title because you're the only one who's earned it. And to make it up to you, I've made a decision.

Michelle lowers her right hand to her hip and perches it on her body while continuing to speak.

miss MICHELLE: Wow, Jenny, she’s the first woman in my entire XwF career who I heard say anything nice about you! Hell, she’s the first person I have ever heard say something good to you! It looks you and Madison had some sort of alliance. Do you two now? It wouldn’t surprise me if you did have a little friendly rivalry with Madison, after all it would explain why Mercy attacked me and it didn’t go after you. Jenny, you’ve always been the kind of woman who could never stand real competition. When there is somebody who threatens your position in this company, you do everything in your power to help phase the individual out. In the instance of Madison, you tried to befriend her. I don’t really care if she’s your ally or not because it’s not going to have any effect on our title match come Leap of Faith.

She briefly pauses and grabs a firm hold of her title, while adjusting it. She smiles down at the face of her title as she raises the microphone back up to her mouth.

miss MICHELLE: Now, you can die a happy woman to know at least one person in the bombshell’s division had something sweet to say about you. Everybody else just has the truth to say. This is exactly why you and Madison will never meet in the ring because you’re afraid of her. You are afraid of the fact that Madison might sick Mercy on you and demolish you in that very ring. Best of luck to you in this match Jenny because you’re the one who is going to need all the luck in the world, just to be able to hang with me in the match.

She slides her hand through the top of her hair and kneels down as she points to her chest.

miss MICHELLE: Now Madison, I don’t know if your feelings toward Jenny have changed or if you still think she’s a worthily contender for my championship, but I do hope your scrawny little ass and your big stupid monster make an appearance at ringside during my title defense. My successful title defense. You see Madison, I want you to see what happens when you target me. I don’t tuck my tail between my legs and run. I don’t cry in a corner and wonder what I did to deserve to be attacked. I come out fighting like a wildcat and I will not back down from Mercy. When I beat Jenny Myst in that ring, I want you and Mercy! I will defend this championship in a triple threat, singles match, or even a fatal four way at the next pay-per view! I am going to go down in the history of this company as the greatest Bombshell’s Champion and I will make sure this division isn’t destroyed, tarnished, or ruined by your little tantrum. Do you understand me, Madison? I’ll see your ass at Leap of Faith, bitch!

“Queen of the Reich” plays once more over the P.A. system while the fans are chanting her name once again. She drops the microphone down in the middle of the ring and adjusts her title on her shoulder. She swings her hair over the shoulder and struts toward the ropes. As she starts to make her way over the second rope, the scene faded to black.