X-treme Wrestling Federation
A Stab in the Dark - Printable Version

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A Stab in the Dark - Phantom Panzer - 08-13-2017

This does not contain any actual stabbing. Well, there is a form of backstabbing...

Panzer wondered about a few things, as he manifested a giant hamster cage, including small wood chips on the floor, a large water bottle and a large trough of food, separated from sweets, meats(which contained sections for beef, fish, chicken, and pork) and veggies. There was also one large trough, separated by two different types of noddles: Italian spaghetti and ramen. In between the two troughs, is a large open barrel of brother for the ramen. There'd also be a massive hamster wheel for him to exercise on. He made a large screen appear before the wheel as he hopped into it. He'd been watching a shit ton of food videos on YouTube, making him hungry. Didn't really need to eat, but he still wanted to eat, only after he ran. He began to move in the wheel, jogging in the wheel, and he used the screen to watch the world. He began to think a bit clearly thanks to the exercise already.

His first thought; is there a group, like Black Lives Matter, where it's about Clown Lives Matter?

Should he make a group like that? I mean, why not? There's still the KKK, why not a Clown movement? They'd be taken just as serious as the KKK is, seeing as they hold seats of power in America's political infrastructure.

There was also thing nagging at his mind.

What the fuck ever happened to that one dude that Oswald employed to be his trash talker for, like, a hot second? That dude still alive? What was he doing now that he wasn't needed?

Panzer decided to check in on that meathead. So, he decided to check in on the . And yup, that dude looked just as as he used to, but... was he deflating or something? Did he subscribe to the Spongebob Inflatable Arms way of faking he was a huge dude? And... was that an older woman? He knew her age, 61, but she looked like she was 26 again. Either she's been bathing in the blood of the virgins, or that huge line of credit Oswald had given the fuckwit had given her the ability to get whatever plastic surgeons and black market witch types to become youthful again. He zoomed the image out and he saw that this chick was clad in a leather crotchless and open bust catsuit, but something extra was strapped to her, and it was a ten inch black dildo.

"Come the fuck on, ma! Why can't I fuck you tonight!? I've been a good boy!"

That's when Panzer heard a crack and saw a red line across Zeke the Freak's ass.Then another and another, until the man's ass is nothing more than red welts across both cheeks.

"Because a good bitch doesn't ask his Mistress why he can't fuck her. He simply waits for when she graces his filthy cock with her pussy!"

More sounds of a whip whacking flesh, the sight of Zeke's ass starting to get bloody from the force she put in. Once his cheeks were practically weeping with life's essence, she moved to coat the fat black rubber dick with his blood and was about to penetrate Zeke's asshole, until Panzer cut the feed.

"GottDAAAAAAAMN!!! Mama Zeke turned out to be freakier than her goddamn son! Welp, enough of that shit. Don't feel like watching someone else get sodomized. Unless it's Trax. Mmf, chocolate booty."

Panzer stopped his jogging by jumping out of the wheel and moving to the food troughs. He manifested a large plate and some utensils, and began to pick what things he wanted to taste. He looked at the screen, and it flipped to a YouTube video,

"So... do I have everything?"

He shrugged his shoulders, didn't even wait as he grew his head wide enough to accommodate the entire bowl's contents at one go, chewing everything up, then swallowing it all. His abdomen had grown with the amount of food he'd swallowed. He yawned, then, and moved over to the giant hamster wheel, and began to sluggishly move, to burn off the food he'd consumed as the screen faded to black.