X-treme Wrestling Federation
The Feder Hunt Pt. 3 - Printable Version

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The Feder Hunt Pt. 3 - Seth Feder - 08-08-2017

A couple of days had gone by since Seth and Timothy drank themselves into a drunken stupor. Buckets of water dropping on them wake them up to find Vinnie Lane standing above them. He's holding up his cell phone so they understand his point of "answer the damn phone when I call." A few seconds of silence is broken when Timothy speaks up.

"Don't be mad, Mr. Lane. We were just going to be gone a few minutes until Seth was explaining to me what he was going through, so I thought it was best to---"

You THOUGHT? You hijacked my helicopter and kidnapped my employee, ran off with my 50,000 dollar investment... and you expect me to believe you THOUGHT about anything??? Are you fucking ? Were you home schooled? I gave you one job to do, dude... ONE. Get Seth Feder's dumb ass from the desert, and BRING HIM BACK HERE TO ME. How you interpreted that as "waste Vinnie Lane's fucking time and fucking money by taking Seth to a strip club instead" is beyond me, dude, but I can pretty much guarantee you need to update your resume!

"Seth told me the truth about you and him. He said that you are his real father, and that's why you gave him half a million dollars -- to keep quiet. Sir, you don't need to keep it quiet. He--"

Timothy continued his rant but you could easily tell that both Seth and Vinnie heard nothing beyond "you are his real father." Vinnie's mix look of anger and surprise is nothing short of comical to Seth, which he tries to hide behind his own combination of laughter and fake crying.

In what seemed like thirty minutes had passed by, in actual time it was but a couple of minutes. Vinnie interrupted Timothy's rambling.

Wait... you... hold on... Seth is my what? You said WHAT, dude? Listen... I don't know what Feder put in your drink...

No matter what Vinnie Land was saying, it could not convince Timothy that Seth was a liar. He had just shown Timothy a transaction of fifty-grand to Seth's bank account from Vinnie's. "Why on earth would someone pay that much money to another? It has to be true," thought the pilot. While Vinnie continued his outburst, Seth decided to interrupt and give a continue to his father-son entertainment.

"DAD!" He says like he's holding back a lot of strong emotion.

Timothy starts to tear up like he's watching a Montel William's show where they would reconnect lost families. Seth gets up and grabs Vinnie with both arms, while yelling out "Daddy" repeatedly. Timothy's emotions begin to get the best of him and starts clapping like an audience member.

"Shhh" He says while putting his index finger across Vinnie's lips while Vinnie continues to rant in a rage.

"I forgive you for fucking my mom and having an adulterous relationship with her. I forgive you for abandoning me. I forgive you for wanting to keep this news quiet, dad."

Vinnie's eyes move to look at Timothy who is crying his eyes out and cannot help but whimper. Underneath his breath, you can hear Timothy cheer this moment on in hopes of a full reconciliation between the two. Vinnie rolls his eyes in disbelief at what is happening.

"I can't say Sid or the original Pops will forgive you. Hell, they may beat the fuck out of you when they find out, but I'll back you dad. I got your back. I just hope we can put all the missed years behind us and start fresh. Yeah?"

Timothy stands up, places his hands together and starts to move his body in a up-down motion. Vinnie finally reaches his arms around Seth and squeezes tight. This action causes Timothy to let out a high pitch scream as if he were cheering at a pep rally. Vinnie puts his mouth next to Seth's ear and speaks under his breath so it doesn't ruin the emotions Timothy is feeling...

Dude... what... the fuck... are you doing? This better be REAL good.

They let go of each other and Seth turns around. He thanks Timothy for his support, then Vinnie dismisses Timothy from the room.

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME SETH?!?!? Are you SERIOUSLY out of your god damn Feder mind? Your DAD? You told him I was your DAD?!? You think a 20 dollar an hour do-boy is going to keep his fucking mouth shut? He's probably telling the janitor about it right now! What the actual FUCK, dude?!?!?!

"Don't worry, man. Look, I have Sid's number right here in my phone. I'll call him in a few, but first I need some cash for some clothes, a car, and some cigarettes."

Vinnie Lane was laughing on the inside about the joke he had played on Timothy, but his facial expressions showed he was angry about Seth's antics. The interesting thing to note is Seth didn't drop the "you're my father" angle once Timothy had left. Vinnie simply gave a fake laugh to let Seth know it was amusing, yet annoying.

Vinnie wanted to get straight to business and have Seth call his brother immediately, until Seth kept on the idea that Vinnie was his real father.

Vinnie requested that Seth drop it since they were the only two left in the room -- but he didn't. In fact, Seth pulled out some folded papers that had proof it was true.

"While you go through all that and wrap your head around the truth, can I get that cash so I can get me some clothes, a car, and some cigs? I need to look the part, pops."

Vinnie couldn't muster a response. His face drooped down and became pale white like he'd seen a live ghost. He did,
however, pull out a nice amount of cash folded to hand to Seth. Seth gave Vinnie another hug, and left Vinnie to himself to research this 'bullshit' as he called it.

A Few Hours Go By. . .

Seth actually comes back. He went all out on his purchases so he could be like his "dad." His hair was brushed;
a $300 pair of sunglasses were sitting on his nose; the expensive jeans and bright pink polo shirt changed the usual t-shirt and ripped jeans look; the bright white teeth he had gotten clean; and you can't forget the black 2017 Chevrolet Corvette.

Seth began talking about how much he spent and all. Vinnie looked as if he had no idea Seth was talking or even in the room. His face was blank and his eyes didn't blink -- not even once.

Seth realized Vinnie was just sitting at the table in front of his laptop still. Seth took a seat next to him and just watched. Nothing. Not even a sudden glance in Seth's direction. Once Seth saw what was on the laptop screen, he gave a smirk.

"Oooh. So you followed the research? Told ya you were my pops. You think I'm a fucking liar or prankster when it comes to shit like that? Family is important. Family comes first. Why the hell do you think I agreed to come out to meet you? For Sid? Fuck my brother. I'll get him down here like I promised, but I really came to talk to you. I wanted us to be a family. Who knows? -- Maybe we can go fishing or some shit. Maybe even be a tag team."

Vinnie had no response, not even to acknowledge Seth was sitting beside him. Seth looked down and saw a burger that hasn't been touched, so he took it for himself. As he got up with the burger in hand, he kissed the top of Vinnie's head and said,

"I'll be out by the pool for a swim if you need me, pops. Thanks again for the clothes and car."