X-treme Wrestling Federation
Important: BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Printable Version

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BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Vincent Lane - 07-21-2017

Is the question I assume a lot of you are wondering.

Well, the simple fact is that the GM staff and myself, once again, have been let down by match writers.

We have a system in place. We have specific people who claimed to want to be match writers. It's voluntary. We don't assign matches to anyone or force anyone to write anything. Again, it's always voluntary.

What we have seen repeatedly is, especially for Warfare, which is even more ridiculous being that there's a full two weeks to get them done, a pattern. The pattern is, people show up and claim matches they want to write. They then disappear. When I check on them, it's getting done, it's in the process, or, oh, I started it but it got accidentally deleted.

Look guys... none of us get paid to do this. This is time we take out of our personal lives because it's a hobby we all mutually enjoy and we all actually give a crap about the way things go and the quality of things. We spend hours every week reading every roleplay, judging them, discussing them, coming up with ideas for matches and feuds and titles and so on and on and on....

Yet, for every show, we are left waiting for someone who volunteered to write a match to actually turn it in. I have personally taken a lot of steps and made a lot of suggestions to improve the match writing process, but it continually seems to come down to "meh, the GMs can just do it themselves."

Well, we aren't going to.

In the future, if a match isn't turned in to us on time, then you're just getting a result with no match write up. I'm tired of holding up entire shows waiting for one or two slackers.

The first time it happens, you get the flat summary result.

The second time it happens, that person never gets asked to write a match again.

Oh, and if anyone is unhappy with their rushed, shitty, paragraph-long match, I will be MORE than happy to tell you exactly who wrote it.


BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - The Engineer - 07-21-2017

That's fair. In fact, I was in another fed where shows went up on time no matter what and if a match writer didn't come through, oh well...summary results! It was standard operating procedure and just accepted.

That being said, I don't get off work till unusually late tonight, but if you still need help, LMK. Though I imagine you'll have posted by then.

I'll throw my hat in the ring for the next Warfare too.

re:BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Jenny Myst - 07-21-2017

Vin :-(

re:BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Chris Chaos - 07-21-2017

As you all know I am head writer for Savage and time and time again I find myself writing three sometimes four matches. That I don't mind hell I would put the entire show together myself, n write all the matches and segments if I could but the fact is I have to RP as well. I hear what Vinnie is saying and I run into a little bit of it myself. This doesn't go out to everybody because there are people who consistently have matches in my inbox every week and you know who you are. But in a lot of cases, this week included, it is nice to know the result of your match so you can mention it in your RP or the result of maybe your opponent's match so you can mention that as an advantage.

I like the summary result idea in a way but I also HATE it in a way. I would like to try to avoid that if possible so what I'm going to do if throw my hat in the ring and say that I will write as many as needed to make sure Warfare gets up on time and I will start them early instead of waiting to the last day because I am guilty of that as well. I always get them in but I usually write them either Wednesday or Friday depending on the show Savage Warfare.

I will even volunteer to write the entire show to avoid summary results

BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - JackCain - 07-21-2017

I'd volunteer as I used to write my matches in another fed. Do we have rules about that here? I get people can make themselves look awesome at other's expense, but I'm happy to do that if there's no objections?

That said I work full times, and shifts, plus I'm a carer for family members so my time is limited - which is why I've not volunteered before now.

If this is the situation though I think it's fair that we all chip in as much as we can?

BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Travis McCoy - 07-21-2017

I personally have no issue with summary results unless it's a big match. I understand giving the promoers more but in the end a summary can do quite a bit.

I also mentioned it to Vinnie in a PM (thought this thread was closed for some reason) but I think it'd be a good idea to A. Give people credit for their matches they write, not sure if it's in the shows but a written by: would be nice.

The flip side though if someone doesn't send a match it should be known who. If that person wants to apologize and explain themselves to all of us then cool. But not sending matches effects all of us. People not promoing effects who ever is in the match and there is way more shame on that currently.

BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Peter Fn Gilmour - 07-21-2017

Fire them all

BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Travis McCoy - 07-21-2017

I think just saying "so and so was supposed to write this match but didn't" is enough but I understand doing more.

But if the punishment is too heavy you risk people not volunteering at all

BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - John Madison - 07-21-2017

Shut the fuck up and let Lome handle shit if you're not willing to have your write ups turned in by Wednesday fucking night. Learn some manners!!

re:BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Theo Pryce - 07-21-2017

(07-21-2017, 09:39 AM)Travis McCoy Said: I personally have no issue with summary results unless it's a big match. I understand giving the promoers more but in the end a summary can do quite a bit.

I also mentioned it to Vinnie in a PM (thought this thread was closed for some reason) but I think it'd be a good idea to A. Give people credit for their matches they write, not sure if it's in the shows but a written by: would be nice.

The flip side though if someone doesn't send a match it should be known who. If that person wants to apologize and explain themselves to all of us then cool. But not sending matches effects all of us. People not promoing effects who ever is in the match and there is way more shame on that currently.

I want to speak to the second sentence here by Travis. I get where he is coming from and maybe that is something Vinnie might consider however as a former GM I want to urge some caution there.

I used to keep match writers a secret because if for some reason someone took issue with how their match was written I did not want that being thrown at the match writer. They are doing the staff and the fed as a whole a favor by helping out and writing matches. The last thing I'd want is for them to have to hear negativity. Justified or otherwise. Now there were times when people would blatantly say they wrote such and such a match and so be it, that is on them but I personally would be hesitant to put that information out there.

I think a fair compromise would be a list of thank yous at the end of shows. At least then the person who helped with the show gets some recognition without it being publicized what part they helped with. It also allows the rest of the fed to see which members are going above and beyond on behalf of the fed. Or maybe a badge can go under/above their avatar like we did/do for those who donate. Something that lets others know how awesome you are for match writing.

To that end, again as a former GM, putting shows together is hard, it is extremely time consuming and honestly, painful to do without the help of the rest of the roster. It might not seem like much but it is. As Vinnie said, there is a lot of work that goes into being a GM that doesn't show up on the boards.

This fed/community is only as good as those who are part of it and if you want the XWF to continue to be a great place then it would be most helpful if those of you who have the time and can step up and write some matches so that the GM's done have to do them all because as you've seen when that happens, shows are days late. And no one wants that.

re:BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Vincent Lane - 07-21-2017

(07-21-2017, 09:18 AM)JackCain Said: I'd volunteer as I used to write my matches in another fed. Do we have rules about that here? I get people can make themselves look awesome at other's expense, but I'm happy to do that if there's no objections?

That said I work full times, and shifts, plus I'm a carer for family members so my time is limited - which is why I've not volunteered before now.

If this is the situation though I think it's fair that we all chip in as much as we can?

I don't particularly mind when someone writes their own shit as long as they don't take advantage in the ways you described here. We want everyone to look good and to enjoy reading the matches, even though someone has to win and someone has to lose, it should be equally enjoyable for each one. No one wants to read their guy get slapped around like a pussy for 1000 words because his opponent wrote it and decided to put himself over.

Again - even if someone can only do one match a month or something like that, it's totally fine. We all know this is a hobby, not a career. Real life will and should always come first.

(07-21-2017, 12:04 PM)John Madison Said: Shut the fuck up and let Lome handle shit if you're not willing to have your write ups turned in by Wednesday fucking night. Learn some manners!!

Suck a dick, Madison.

re:BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Phantom Panzer - 07-21-2017

You do remember I used to write for the shows, right? If you need help, you know who is always available.

re:BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Vincent Lane - 07-21-2017

I do know. And in a pinch I would ask you. What we run into in these scenarios is that we don't even know there's a problem until it's already too late.

re:BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Travis McCoy - 07-21-2017

(07-21-2017, 12:04 PM)John Madison Said: Shut the fuck up and let Lome handle shit if you're not willing to have your write ups turned in by Wednesday fucking night. Learn some manners!!

Confused by this. Who needs to learn manners? Who is lome? What's a John Madison?

re:BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - JackCain - 07-21-2017

(07-21-2017, 12:10 PM)Vincent Lane Said:
(07-21-2017, 09:18 AM)JackCain Said: I'd volunteer as I used to write my matches in another fed. Do we have rules about that here? I get people can make themselves look awesome at other's expense, but I'm happy to do that if there's no objections?

That said I work full times, and shifts, plus I'm a carer for family members so my time is limited - which is why I've not volunteered before now.

If this is the situation though I think it's fair that we all chip in as much as we can?

I don't particularly mind when someone writes their own shit as long as they don't take advantage in the ways you described here. We want everyone to look good and to enjoy reading the matches, even though someone has to win and someone has to lose, it should be equally enjoyable for each one. No one wants to read their guy get slapped around like a pussy for 1000 words because his opponent wrote it and decided to put himself over.

Again - even if someone can only do one match a month or something like that, it's totally fine. We all know this is a hobby, not a career. Real life will and should always come first.

(07-21-2017, 12:04 PM)John Madison Said: Shut the fuck up and let Lome handle shit if you're not willing to have your write ups turned in by Wednesday fucking night. Learn some manners!!

Suck a dick, Madison.

In which case if you ever need me to write one of mine then i'm happy to do so - again the only reason I do so is that I pretty much know my guy and how he would work, and I'm more comfortable with my time restrictions knowing that straight away, as it means I know a bit of the storyline for my match already and only have to look up one guy's moveset instead of two!

If that's not cool though I totally understand, but I would pride myself in writing a good back and forth.

re:BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Phantom Panzer - 07-21-2017

(07-21-2017, 12:15 PM)Vincent Lane Said: I do know. And in a pinch I would ask you. What we run into in these scenarios is that we don't even know there's a problem until it's already too late.

And if this happens again, I'll be there, 90% of the time. The other 10 percent is me sleeping or jacking off. I don't mind writing a match in a pinch, in case they're running too late. I've done it before. Just letting you know.

re:BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Brucette Blingsteen - 07-21-2017

(07-21-2017, 12:31 PM)Travis McCoy Said:
(07-21-2017, 12:04 PM)John Madison Said: Shut the fuck up and let Lome handle shit if you're not willing to have your write ups turned in by Wednesday fucking night. Learn some manners!!

Confused by this. Who needs to learn manners? Who is lome? What's a John Madison?

All time top 50

Do not try to understand him.

BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Brucette Blingsteen - 07-21-2017

Also I volunteer to be a GM. I'd like to bring back beheadings and shit filled toilet matches.

re:BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Travis McCoy - 07-21-2017

(07-21-2017, 01:47 PM)Bruce Blingsteen Said:
(07-21-2017, 12:31 PM)Travis McCoy Said:
(07-21-2017, 12:04 PM)John Madison Said: Shut the fuck up and let Lome handle shit if you're not willing to have your write ups turned in by Wednesday fucking night. Learn some manners!!

Confused by this. Who needs to learn manners? Who is lome? What's a John Madison?

All time top 50

Do not try to understand him.

I actually did know he was all time top fifty. The rest of the post confused me

re:BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Finn Kühn - 07-21-2017

(07-21-2017, 01:50 PM)Travis McCoy Said:
(07-21-2017, 01:47 PM)Bruce Blingsteen Said:
(07-21-2017, 12:31 PM)Travis McCoy Said: Confused by this. Who needs to learn manners? Who is lome? What's a John Madison?

All time top 50

Do not try to understand him.

I actually did know he was all time top fifty. The rest of the post confused me

The whole Lome shit was a running gag back in the day when Frodo called Lane 'Vannie Lome.' The name stuck and now some of us just call him Lome.

BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Travis McCoy - 07-21-2017

Thanks bud.

Still confused but I'm getting there

re:BUT WHERE'S THE SHOW? - Tommy Wish - 07-21-2017

(07-21-2017, 01:49 PM)Bruce Blingsteen Said: Also I volunteer to be a GM. I'd like to bring back beheadings and shit filled toilet matches.

...Iz Dat Chu, Shnse ?