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A Dissection of all Kinds - Steve "KingSlayer" Davids - 06-07-2017 The shot opened to me, sitting cross legged in a small and simple room. The room was lit up by hundreds of candles. Other than that, the room seemed almost empty, except for me of course, and this weird eeriness that had been following me lately. I’m not sure if that’s just simple paranoia though. I had plenty of reason to be paranoid, but I’ll spare you the boring details for now. Suddenly a shot appeared on the back wall, it was Bearded War Pig’s promo, it felt only right that I did what I am ever so good at. Dissecting my opponent’s promos. Quote:Damn it feels great to be a free man. Yeah, most of you in the XWF Universe are probably wondering how the hell can I be smiling and partying right now. Well, one I'm a fuckin Marine. Secondly, I'm alive. Third I have friends and family. Fourth is I'm a damn American. Last but not least I am blessed with a chance to win 25,000 dollars and perform for all of my War Hogs at High Stakes! Yeah, I am coming off a loss against our Universal Champion. So fucken what? It is all weed, shine, and grand fucking times. No tears or fears in this field, the Universe spoke and I accept it's plan. It wants this Piggly Wiggly son uv uh bitch to take the longer and more challenging road to Gold. Can't blame her I haven't quite paid my dues in the wrestling world. “I’ll cut you some slack pig, you do seem like a nice guy for the most part. But you are a fool if you think that you’re truly free. None of us are well and truly free. Did you sign a contract that tied you down to this company? Do you have to live by the laws of the country that you swore to protect? Of course you do. And partying? Smiling? Perhaps you should take this a little more seriously friend, because there will be no partying or smiling at High Stakes? Do you think being exploder suplexed onto a ladder will make you crack a smile? Credit to you if it does, because all men feel pain. Some like it more than others. Like I said though, I will cut you some slack. You see the money that you’re getting all excited about, win or lose, you can have it. I don’t need or want money. What I need is to climb my way back to the top just like I will climb the ladder to the briefcase at High Stakes. The cheek, and the naivety you have to say so fucken what in your thick American accent when speaking about loss fills me with fury. So fucken what? So fucken what? So fucken what!? You my friend need to focus. Pandering to your War Hogs is all well and good when you’re winning, but to brush a title match to the side like it meant nothing is just god damn stupid! You had the opportunity to make your way to the peak of the best federation on this planet, and you say so fucken what? Smoke all the weed you like Pig, because it’s killing your brain cells. The Universe has no plans for you or I, or anyone else for that matters. You were placed on this Earth because your Mumma rode your pappa’s cock until he put a baby in her. You weren’t placed here because the universe put you here. The universe cannot speak. This world is what you make it, and if you’re going to sit back and wait for the Universe to carry you to glory then you’re going to be waiting an awfully long time. You are right about one thing though, and I admire your honesty. You haven’t paid your dues yet, but I have. And that’s why I must defeat you at High Stakes, because I NEED to make my way back to the top.” Quote:So having a losing record since my return one and two I believe. Like I said ain't nothing but weed, shine, and good ole times round here. So give me a break my memory is a little blurred. Can you blame me, it's the fucking beginning of an epic Saturday night dammit. Hope all who are tuned in live are as excited and pumped as me. Steve Davids and Charon are going to have one hell of a good time in the ring, as long as they are charismatic and prideful as I am. Full of life and honored to be alive, I owe it to the brothers I won't be able to touch again until Valhalla. We all owe it to them because there is evil all around this globe that wants to control and enslave us all that they gave their lives to keep that evil at bay. “That makes two of us who are one and two since returning then Pig. But unlike you, I plan on doing something about that disgrace of a record. I can’t understand how any god given competitor can say that it’s fine? Were you raised a loser? I suppose pigs are bred to be fodder aren’t they? Enjoy your Saturday night Pig, it could be the last celebration you have in quite some time. Hahaha. Sorry, you made me laugh there, and it takes a lot to tickle me. But fucking hell. Aren’t marines supposed to be humble. As charismatic and prideful as you? Give me a break. Do you want some crackers with that cheese? Honestly, you’re making cringe now. And you’re so proud to be fighting for your country aren’t you? That same country that bombed thousands of innocent Japanese people? That same country that wiped out thousands of helpless Vietnamese, in a war that you still basically lost. Oh how prideful you are. So much pride. There’s nothing better than fighting for your country against those much weaker than you. Your country is the bully on the playground, and eventually you’ll get punished. As you have been. So tell me Pig, is it evil to kill the innocent? Because in my mind it is. And in my mind, there are few that have done as much damage to the innocent as you and your people. Don’t get me wrong, though, I am not a good man. I have never claimed to be. But beyond all that bullshit of honour, stands another American marine who has likely killed more children than he has men.” Quote:Hopefully, the four kings have insurance because I am going to bust ass, break shit, and conduct WAR! “A marine’s three favourite things.” I laughed. Quote:No fucking participant is safe if you have a match at High Stakes eat your fucking Wheaties. I don't care if I am broken and limp from the ladder match my ass will still make it to the ring for the Rumble. Winning the Rumble is my game plan. If I have to take on superstar after superstar, fraction after fraction, or even boss after boss I will eliminate everyone involved until I am the last. No this is not where I will claim my gold but it is where I'll bring myself closer and closer. “Oh you’ll be broken and limp alright Pig. I am glad you realise that. You’ll be well beyond broken and limp. In fact, if you do make it to the ring, it might well be in a wheelchair because I intend on inflicting an obscene amount of pain at High Stakes. I will throw you and Charon around like rag dolls before I climb the ladder and collect that briefcase. You can have the content of it though. I meant that. Honestly, I am not interested in money. And if you really think you have a chance of winning the rumble, I don’t think you’ve been paying attention.” Quote:Steve Davids, I've studied tapes of you since your return you have exactly what I hope to show and develop as a wrestler. I feel as if we could have a good time drinking beer and training, don't know if you partake in the ganja but that could be fun as well. No homo though, you just seem like a guy I could get along with, outside of the ring of course. Come High Stakes and the bell rings cool guy or not I'll smash a fucking ladder into that purrty face, repeatedly if need be. Nothing personal I just am sick of looking like a loser when I know and all the War Hogs (B.W.P fans DUH!) know that isn't the case. I'm sure you are thinking who the hell is this cock smoke and why am I even booked in a match against him? Simple the world obviously must know you are a King Slayer! Management wants to see if you can be a Hog Slayer, with a twenty-five thousand dollar kicker. “We’ll get a beer some time, sure. Whatever you like. As long as you don’t take anything I say leading up to High Stakes personally because, well, this is what I do. This is what makes the King Slayer tick. I have to dissect. It is in my nature. I’ll pass on the ganja though, because as I said, I think it’s killing your brain cells. Are you sure about the no homo though? You’ve been going on about ass an awful lot and now you’re calling me pretty. I am sure you’ll hit me with a ladder, probably more than once. The War Hogs may be disappointed I am afraid. I have no intention of throwing this match and that’s the only way you will win. My intention of slaying the kings can wait. First thing is first. I need to get a huge win under my belt, and what better way of securing a crucial victory than by winning a vicious triple threat ladder match.” Quote:I don't know about you but that could buy me a lot of ammo and paper targets of some of my enemies. Yeah, that would be fucking nice, not that I am hurting for cash, but who can pass up a good fight for money? Not this fucking guy, I was born swinging probably busted the doctor straight on the tip of his soft jaw. Kind of like how I will be busting you Davids and Charon in the jaw as many times as it will take to keep you both down long enough to climb the ladder and grasp the briefcase filled with Twenty Five Thousand dollars!" “The obsession with ammo is what worries me about your country. Just don’t go visiting any schools okay? I know what you Americans are like. You’re not the only one who was born to fight though, I have been inflicting pain for as long as I can remember. Not all of which I am proud of. As for Charon. Have you heard from him Pig? A silent opponent doesn’t make for much fun you see. Not that it matters what he has to say anyway. I want you to both know that this match will steal the show, I have no doubt about it.” And with a simple puff, I blew out one candle, but the entire shot immediately faded to an ominous darkness. “So tell me, John. Are you a good man?” I looked the priest in his glazed eyes. He was a rather puzzling man. I did not trust him, despite his godly manner. There was more to him than met the eye, that much I knew. The priest smiled at the question. He pulled a bible out from under his arm and looked down at it. “It’s complicated,” the smile soon turned to a dark sadness. “And my mother, you said she was a good woman?” “Well, I believe so. I think goodness is all about perspective. She was certainly kind, generous, warm, and loving. But she was quite a private person behind closed doors. While she was the friend of all, she never really spoke of her relationship with your father. Other than the fact she absolutely worshipped him, I know very little of their relationship besides your brothers. She did speak of them, often, and fondly. As I am sure she would have spoken of you, if things had been vastly difference. Our surroundings mould us Steve. I am certain… Ahem… If you… Ahem. If… things had been different, well you wouldn’t have done the bad things in which you did, and neither would your family. That one day, that one horrible, tortuous moment, ripped apart a truly wonderful, peaceful family. It drove your father insane and the way in which he made two of your brothers follow him, well that says more about the charisma and power your father automatically seemed to carry than anything. He had an aura about him, a presence. One that commanded authority. I know your brother Morgan ran away, or so I here, and we do not know where he is still, I am assuming you don’t either? But the other two were the sheep to your father’s shepard.” “I saw Morgan a few years ago, he ran from me, like the coward he was. But he was dealing with depression, a deep deep depression. As for my other two brothers, well they’re also gone…” “And your sister?” “Sister, what sister?” “Seth never told you? After your mother died he had another child, a girl, with another woman. I get the impression he didn’t love that woman in the same way he loved your mother. I think the girl is called Melissa, but I could be wrong. I hear lots of whispers in this place, the facts are jaded.” It was good that there was more Davids blood on this earth right? Or at least that’s how I SHOULD feel. But I didn’t feel that way. I felt sad, sad that I had not met her yet. Also sad that she probably despised me. I murdered her father after all. “No. Seth did not tell me. He did not tell me much. Or anything I guess. Blaine didn’t either.” “Blaine probably didn’t know.” “Perhaps not. So tell me, John, this church… Do you believe in all of this?” “Yes. I do. I could so easily be wrong, but I believe in faith, because if we have no faith what are we doing all of this for? To what end? I, like so many others, refuse to believe that when we die it is the end.” “That’s all this really is though isn’t it?” “What? Ahem. Ahem.” “A place for the weak. A place for those who are scared of life, and terrified of death. I have never understood this mentality. Life is short, but it is sweet. We have a certain period of time to leave our mark on this earth before we become food for the worms. There is nothing wrong with that. Live each day as if it were your last, live with excitement and passion. Because if you waste your time praying to the non-existent gods in hope that you will receive a better afterlife, well, you’re simply wasting the only true life you have. I do not expect you to believe me, and I do not expect you to listen. Live your life as you wish, and I shall live mine.” “Ahem. Well Steve, that’s all very deep, but what I really want to know, is what brought you here in the first place? When I found you, you were apologising. Did you really think it would make a difference if these gods do not exist?” “No. I knew it would not make any difference. But my mind, my body. They’re overwhelmed. The pressure of my life is eternal. My girlfriend, Cindy, she does not like me talking of my past sins, she would rather focus on the here, the now, and the future, and I understand that. Because we all have skeletons in our closet. But now, I admit, I saw this as an opportunity to empty my dark and dusky closet. But my closet, well it’s full to the brim.” “Interesting… But who are you venting to?” “No one… Well you, now, I guess.” Is this guy a priest or the fucking riddler? “It is okay to air your worries here Steve, I do not resent you for it. It’s just interesting that you chose a place that you respect so little…” “I chose it because I know my family are from around here okay? I came to find my roots. I know my mother believed in this shit, that’s probably the only thing Blaine did tell me.” “She did love the church, but not as much as she loved the people, and the people loved her.” I looked up for a brief moment, a tear in my eye, but I had to look back down at the floor to stop myself from crying. I killed that, I ended a woman’s life. A mother, a wife, a friend, a believer. “I… I…” “You don’t have to go on Steve. I think it is best we leave it there for now. Next team we meet I’ll tell you more about your Mother, okay?” I nodded reluctantly. “What the hell is he doing in here, Father!?” Another voice boomed from the back of the church. It was a young woman, probably about 19-years-old.” “Sorry, do I know you?” Father John asked. “I am Melissa Davids.” “Ah.” |