X-treme Wrestling Federation
A Good Man is Hard to Find - Printable Version

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A Good Man is Hard to Find - Steve "KingSlayer" Davids - 06-06-2017

A quick reflection on THE return so far.

When Luke scalded my back, scarring me for the rest of my days, I felt pain, pain and sadness. While it does not upset me because of how it looks, it breaks me every single day because every time it tingles, sticks to my tee shirt, or hurts, it is a reminder of who I am and what I did. It reminds me that for every good thing I have done in my life, it will not make up for the trauma and nightmares that I caused when I was young. The murder, the blood, the tears. I have changed now, or at least, I think I have, but every now and then these urges still flow within my veins. That feeling, and don’t tell me you don’t know it, of wanting to cause pain. That is part of the reason why I returned to the XWF, to control these urges by battering my opponents into submission. While I may have lost last time out to Doctor D’Ville, in a long awaited match, I did not do myself a disservice. I took him to the limit and almost had him beat. Almost, though, doesn’t quite cut it. Not here, not in the XWF. If you want to make it to the top, almost simply isn’t good enough. But D’Ville was better on the night. It has been a rollercoaster since I came back because losing to Chris Chaos, never really felt like a loss.

I ploughed him into the mat not once, but twice, with the Reign Over, and if it weren’t for that skank Jenny Myst, I would have decimated him. Then I beat the, then Universal Champion, Gabe Reno. A victory I was proud of, but where is he now? Nowhere to be seen, probably feeling victimised after he was cashed in on by Jim Caedus. Well that’s what happens here, and if that chump really thought he could beat me he was mistaken, and Caedus did what any smart man would do, take advantage of a broken and beat champion in order to climb to the top of the mountain. Bravo. It does not matter now though, what matters is High Stakes, and not only the ladder match but also the two-ring battle royal, a match that takes no prisoners, say what you want about Heyman but the man is an inventor, that’s for sure.

What on Earth was I doing here? I had taken flown back to London, England, and caught the train down to Truro before buying a car there and then and driving it to a small village. There was a reason for me returning here, but more on that later.

It was a peaceful village, it was almost eerily quiet like Hellington Asylum. The winds whistled behind me as I made my way to the last building that you would associate me with. An ancient, stunning, gigantic church, one that would fill you with a happy awe.

Again, what the fuck was I doing here? There was no one around, and there never seemed to be down here. I made my way through the grand doors before stopping at the back of the church. I squinted slightly, and a part of me wanted to drop to one knee, but I resisted. I made my way down the aisle before sitting down about halfway through before gazing around.

I closed my eyes and looked between my knees, I thought of my mother. I thought of who she might have been because really, I did not know. The sun beamed through the coloured windows, they had obviously been damaged in the past but someone had done their best to restore them to their former glory. I begun to speak aloud to myself after quickly glancing around the church to check I was alone.

“I’m not quite sure what I am doing here, but if anyone is listening I just want to apologise… Apologise for everything I have done. Every sin. I am sorry for the pain I caused. I am sorry for the heartache that these hands moulded. If I could take back what I did, I would in a heartbeat. But I can’t. Truly. I’m sorry.”

‘BAM!’ A noise echoed around the church. Turns out I wasn’t alone. I spun around. No one.

I stood up and begun to slowly make my way to the front of the church.

“Hello? Anyone there?”


I took my search to the graveyard outside. I wandered through the cobbles politely, minding my own business. One old lady was placing flowers on a gravestone that looked very new, a tear was trickling down her wrinkled face that was as indented as the veins on a leaf.

She looked up at me.

“In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit,” she said. It was as if she was staring into my soul. Then she turned away muttering to herself. What was her problem?

I continued to wander, and you cannot help but think of who these people might have been.

‘Augustus Wilkes - father, husband, friend, soldier, hero. Died aged 37 fighting for his country’

Then it made me ponder over the legacy of Steve Davids. What will my gravestone read? If I have one that is. Who would even bother to bury the Psycho Sensation?

Then I saw it. Something that I really didn’t expect to see, but in a way, I knew it was possible. She had been born here after all.

‘Maria Davids - Wife of Seth and Mother of three beautiful boys, died aged 36’

My heart completely sunk. She had four boys. Four boys. I begin to blub like a fat girl who hadn’t got a date to prom. I sunk to my knees. The gravestone was cracked and the grass was overgrown.

“She was a good woman, you know.”

An old frail voice murmured from behind me. The old priest placed his hand on my shoulder and pulled me in as if I was his son. I couldn’t tell you how old he was, but he seemed to cough very often, even in the middle of sentences.

“She was caring, loving, thoughtful, and she would never blame you for what happened. But your father, well, your father, ahem. Ahem. He… ahem. He couldn’t cope without her. He tried to, I am sure he did.”

“He tried to kill me.”

“More than once from what I hear. But we haven’t heard from him for a very long time, I don’t suppose you know what happened to him do you? Ahem.”

“He’s dead.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I won’t ask you how that happened.”

I looked into his eyes and my sadness turned into rage, suddenly any mercy I had vanished.

“I killed him. And I would do it again.”

The priest looked predictably shocked.

“Well… ahem. If you want to talk about anything I will be inside, it’s a bit chilly out here for an old fool like me.”

“I’m fine.”

“Very well.”

He turned to leave, he hesitated though and went to say something but stopped himself before continuing to walk.

“Did she love him?” I looked up, tears and fire and rage and sadness in my eyes.

He didn’t say anything, he just bowed his head and closed his eyes before turning and heading into the church again.

“Fuck sake.”

I had to go after him. I just had to. I had so many unanswered questions. This was probably a bad idea, but I needed this.

I wiped away my tears with my collar and sat down at the front of the church. The priest sat on a bench in front of me. He held out his hand, which I shook.

“It’s nice to meet you Steve. I am Father John, but you can call me Father.”

“Uhhh do I have to? I’m not sure if you watch much wrestling, but I am not really a believer of well… this.”

Every single part of me wanted to scream bullshit or bollocks but I kept it to myself. Aren’t I polite?

“John is ok, I guess.” It was as if no one else had ever refused to call him Father. “Anyway, your mother, I don’t know how much you want to know... “

“It all.”

“Well, that could take some time. Ahem"

“Not all right now but I must know more of her, more of what she was and what she did.”

“That is all well and good, but I am not sure you are much liked in these parts Steve. You’re pretty famous around here and as far as most can see, the justice system failed when they allowed you to roam these streets free after the pain and trauma you caused so many people. Now I will not pass judgement…”

“It certainly seems as though you are.” I always hated priests and their moral high horse. They always claim to not pass judgement but you can see it in their eyes.

“No Steve. I don’t believe that you are a good man though, mainly because I believe the human race is toxic.”


“A good man is hard to find.”

The shot faded.

The camera panned up. I am stood outside of a different church from earlier in the promo. However, similarly, gravestones do surround me.

“The Kings have caused me more pain than any of you can know. Doctor D’Ville defeated me and although, it felt as though as I got the last laugh, he still beat me, and that hurts more than any strike could. And then, all those years ago, John Samuels buried me alive with the help of Theo Pryce. But now, I fully expect them to be put in the kings to be put in their place. That is what I hope at least. It doesn’t matter anymore though, tough losses happen, and I must move past this with a focus on Bearded War Pig and Charon at High Stakes. The money means nothing to me, to be honest. I don’t need money. What I need is to make a statement. And although Bearded War Pig seems like a charming guy, someone who I could definitely get along with in the future, I need to defeat him. I simply have to. Because if I don’t, then maybe my time here is limited… I know I sound weak, vulnerable. And perhaps I am at my most vulnerable than I ever have been, but you know what? When my back is up against the wall, I have always found a way to recover. I have always found a way to fight back. And if this is the end, well, you must know this, and this goes for everyone in the battle royal as well as Charon and Pig… I am going to fight with every ounce of fire that I have got left… This isn’t me admitting defeat though, I want you both to know that.”

I looked up at the church, looked across the graveyard and a sinister smile filled my face.

“You may well be two outstanding competitors. But I have faced and even defeated, some of the best of all time. And this victory, well it simply means more to me than it ever could to either of you. This place… is my home. And I know it is the home to many, but it has been my home for an eternity, and without the XWF, well, Steve Davids really is nothing… The tides are changing, and I know that. I’m not a fool. But if the new era want to make their way to the top well they better be willing to fight for it because I AM NOT DONE! IT IS FAR FROM OVER! AND I WILL BEGIN BY CLIMBING THE LADDER AND PULLING DOWN THAT BRIEFCASE! Please though, I beg you all, look out for me in the battle royal, because even if I don’t win, I am going down swinging.”

I pull out a lighter and smash it onto the floor, my surroundings go up in flames. I make my way through the graveyard and the stones read several different names.

Bearded War Pig


Theo Pryce




Dolly Waters

I look up the camera once more, as more and more grave stones were unveiled.

“When all is said and done, all men will fall. Except one.”

The fires crackled behind me as I faded into the distance.