X-treme Wrestling Federation
Fathers & Sons - Part I: RP #2 - Printable Version

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Fathers & Sons - Part I: RP #2 - Thaddeus Duke - 06-03-2017

Throughout the entirety of human existence, some things haven’t changed. We all are birthed. We all grow. We all, eventually, die. For the vast majority of men from the beginning of human history, they want nothing more than to pass on what they learn. To pass on their blood to the next generation. To father a son is a great responsibility. With it, comes great trials and tribulations. Great triumphs and bitter failures.

While many things are the same, there are some differences within the Illuminatus world. In their world, fathering a son is out of necessity rather than out of a desire to mold another human being. Women are not welcome there. It is a Brotherhood, after all. The now deceased founding father of the modern day Illuminatus, Asmodeus, saw women as objects. Tools to be used in order to carry on the bloodline, then quickly disposed of.

Thaddeus Duke was born by way of caesarean section on Christmas morning, 2013. His mother, Caitlyn Nguyen, was a beautiful blonde, slender woman with calming blue eyes, adopted just after birth by a rather successful Vietnamese-American doctor and his wife. Her life ended, the second Thaddeus was born- at least for a time, but that’s another story. “Feelings and emotions just get in the way, son,” is what Asmodeus would say to Sebastian.

Sometimes though, fathers and sons are entirely different people with entirely different mindsets. Sebastian Duke is big, tall, quiet, dark, brooding, seemingly uncaring and unfeeling. His son, reminds him of Caitlyn. Make no mistake, Sebastian truly loved that woman. Like her though, Thaddeus is intelligent, slender, blond headed, calming blue eyes, and has a very charming personality. He’s sweet and kind and generous to most people. He loves to joke around and laugh and have a good time. He’s the polar opposite of his father.

[duke]Present Day | 2:31 PM | Illuminatus ‘Red’ Headquarters | Paris, France [/duke]

Thaddeus stands in the empty office of his father. The walls are bare. The shelves contain nothing more than an antique globe sitting by itself and covered in dust. A closed laptop computer sits on his fathers desk. A cell phone sits beside it. As Thaddeus looks around the barren room, he begins to hear muffled voices outside the office. He tries to listen in, but he fails to pick up anything. One voice is definitely his father and that’s about as much as he can tell. The voices start to come closer and clearer and Thaddeus retreats behind a wall length curtain.

A click from the door and it creaks open, as far as Thaddeus can tell from behind his genius hiding place.

”Find his location and do it now!” Sebastian orders to an unknown and unseen person before closing the door behind him.

Thaddeus hears the desk chair slide out and it creak beneath his fathers weight.

”Hello Thaddeus,” Sebastian says as he opens up his laptop.

[duke]”Shit!”[/duke] he mutters to himself from behind the curtain. [duke]”How’d you know it was me?”[/duke] he asks, still behind the curtain.

”I saw it in your dreams, boy,” responds the boys father.

Thaddeus feels his heart sink but doesn’t respond.

”I saw your feet you idiot,” Sebastian admits aloud. ”Plus I saw Illuminatus One from my fucking window. It’s pretty hard to miss considering its my fucking plane!”

[duke]”It’s a great aircraft,”[/duke] Thaddeus says, still from behind the curtain.

”Are you coming out any time soon or is this gonna remain awkward for its entirety?”

[duke]”Oh. Right,”[/duke] he says, finally stepping from behind the curtain and into his fathers view for the first time since their little meeting at the gates of the Compound.

”What is it you want Thaddeus? Obviously this isn’t a father son type of visit since you’ve made it clear you don’t want anything to do with me.”

[duke]”Actually,”[/duke] Thaddeus begins. He starts to pace a little nervously as his father leans against the back of the chair. [duke]”I guess this kind of is a father son type of visit. You’re literally the only person on this planet that can help me right now.”[/duke]

”Why would I possibly even WANT to help you, Thaddeus?” Sebastian asks of his son. ”You staged a coup. You stole MY birthright out from under me. You stole MY plane. You stole MY birth place. You stole MY military. You gave what we worked so hard to obtain, back to those who persecuted us for centuries.

“What’s worse than all of that, is you’ve ended our relationship. Maybe you had your reasons, boy. Maybe they were even good ones. You’ve left me with nothing. Every single thing I’ve ever held close to my heart, you’ve taken from me and I’ve left you alone. I left you alone Thaddeus, just like you wanted.

“What more could you possibly want from me?”

Thaddeus sighs deeply and stops pacing. He ventures over to the curtain in which he was hiding behind and pulls it open, letting in the sunlight.

[duke]”Do you think, for right now, we could just put all that aside? We can be enemies again after, but right now, I need you to be who you are.”[/duke]

”And what’s that exactly?”

Thaddeus turns from the window, his face is reddening and his eyes swelling as he holds back tears. Tears of hurt, tears of frustration. Tears of regret? Possibly.

”Jesus you look like your mother right there.”

[duke]”Could you be my father for a minute?”[/duke] Thaddeus asks, pretending to ignore the comment about his mother.

Sebastian Duke is not an emotional man. At least not outwardly. At this moment, seeing his son growing with emotion that he’s struggling to contain, it tugs hard at the strings of his heart. It obliterates his natural instinct to view his son as his enemy after what transpired a couple months ago. Make no mistake, Sebastian struggles with the fact that his own kid, his only kid, despises him. He’d have made a move on the Compound or on Vatican City or on any of Thaddeus’ military installations already had Thaddeus not been his son.

Perhaps its a weakness.

To be continued...

...Present Day...

[duke]’The delusional general, king, duke, whatever the hell he is in his world of make believe.’ Your words, Chris. Not mine. Nothing you see in a Thaddeus Duke promo is fake. Thinking that will only get you hurt. Saying that will only make people laugh at you and they already are in some circles. Now, I realize some things are hard to get your head around. For instance, how I was born three and a half years ago, but here I am, all of 18 years old and looking to claim the top championship in this entire industry. I realize a man my age leading others to victory in not one but two wars is hard to fathom. But its real. Damn real. I realize sitting my ass down in the throne of Saint Peter sounds like a fantastic movie playing out in a theater but I can assure you Chris, there are no directors or script writers or producers. There are cameras though, but they belong to the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. Just because you can’t find it on Wikipedia, doesn’t mean it isn’t true. It doesn’t mean it isn’t real. It’s very real Chaos. Denying it, and doing so in a public place for the world to see, only makes you a bigger laughing stock than you’re already becoming. I know you’re a self-absorbed idiot Chris, but you can’t possibly be that big of one can you? Maybe you can. Keep reaching, Chris, watching your self destruction, is rather hilarious.

Ladies and gentlemen, Chris Chaos is telling me to check my facts. He’s telling the world that he beat me three months ago or whenever it was. He’s making sure everyone remembers it. I remember it, Chris. I own my losses. A real man can recognize his own shortcomings. A real man changes and adapts and THAT is what you saw against Jenny Myst. I allowed her to kick my ass because quite honestly tossing your cum dumpster around like a rag doll for ten or fifteen minutes isn’t my idea of a good time. Beating the hell out of someone so obviously inferior to my talent level isn’t what makes me tick. So I let her show off. I let her work. I gave her the opportunity to show the brass what she got. Through the entire match, the entire time she was kicking my ass do you know what I was thinking? I was thinking that I couldn’t use my main finish and I was trying to figure out what I was going to do to finish her. And it came to me right before her bulldog finish that I don’t remember the name of. I watched my fathers matches and he had this sick ass submission hold. And I noticed anytime he locked it in, when they tried to get out, it only made it worse for them. So I waited. I knew she’d get full of herself because that is the way that people like you and her are. Full of over confidence. I knew she’d go for her big slap because she thought she had me. She thought she was owning me from start to finish. And that’s exactly how I planned it, Chris. I planned to play on her over confidence that she already began showing in her promos, claiming she’d get the big upset over me. I laid in wait, knowing full well that she’d try it. She stood over me and I knew it was time. She bent over… BAM! Like an unseen snake lying in the tall grass I struck! Locked her in Pandora’s Box and slowly drained the life out of her until she tapped right the fuck out.

Now you Chris. You and your bloated win totals. Yes, the New England Patriots and their five rings and their weak schedules. It doesn’t make them less of world champions than it makes you. You are absolutely correct. They don’t make their schedule and neither do you. You are absolutely correct. They ride their warranted confidence because when the games do matter and the opponents and the prizes are bigger, they elevate their game.

Therein lies the difference. You can beat all the nobodies this company has to offer and fill your self confidence. What happens when that confidence over flows? It becomes exactly what it sounds like: overconfidence. Then you start running into far better and stiffer competition. Is it just a mere coincidence that as your competition got stiffer your loss total has increased? No matter who you face week in and week out we get the same Chris Chaos. He doesn’t adapt and change and craft a new gameplan. Why? Because he’s been coddled and protected for so long that he believes it in his heart and his mind that he is the absolute top talent in this industry.

You are talented Chris. I’d never deny it and you don’t need me to tell you. But you’re stagnant. Just waiting for the next inferior opponent so you can pick up another win to pad your total. See, you can point to your victory over me three months ago or whenever it was and claim that was legitimate because it is and it was. But you haven’t done anything different since then and that’s why I have your number. You can point to this reason or that reason for your loss to me on Savage but all it is, is excuse making. Only losers make excuses. Winners figure out where they went wrong, and they fix it.

Yeah we planned a finger poke where I was going to purposely lose. Fine. Great. But when the match was thrown out and restarted and we couldn’t pull the shenanigans, I did beat you. In the middle of the ring for the three count. Own it Chris. Just like I own my loss to you and to Doc and to Mystica. Only when you own it can you fix whats broken. I know, I know, in your mind, NOTHING is broken. You’ve just had a string of bad luck and Reno got lucky at Lethal Lottery and Jenny Myst caused you to get distracted and… get fucked cock jockey. Ya lost. Live with it.

Chris Chaos created Thaddeus Duke.

You can’t make this shit up folks. Chaos believes, or is at least trying to convince the general population that HE is responsible for me being as good as I am. It has literally nothing to do with the guy that trained me. It has literally nothing to do with my bloodline. It has literally nothing to do with my own intelligence and knowing how to gameplan. It has literally nothing to do with my own god given skill. It has literally nothing to do with me and everything to do with him. No Chris, my star didn’t start to rise when I faced you. It began to rise when I defeated the legendary Luca Arzegotti. It was rising even faster when I pushed Doc D’Ville to the god damn limit at Wild Card. Yes it did rise when I took you to your limit on Warfare and fell short. It rose phenomenally at Lethal Lottery when I won the Universal contender match against Doc and Shit Tank. It rose again when I beat you Chris.

Everything I am is because of me and where I came from. You, while a very good competitor, are nothing more than a tick in the win column and a tick in the loss column. You simply exist here. Your star is fading… I know it. The brass knows it. The world knows it. It seems the only one that doesn’t, is you Chris. I am what I am, Chris Chaos, and it has nothing to do with you and everything to do, with being better than you.

Hey Jim Caedus! Join the fuckin’ party bro. We’re just getting warmed up.

Also fuck you.[/duke]