X-treme Wrestling Federation
LAST Impact 1/12/2013 - Printable Version

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LAST Impact 1/12/2013 - "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane - 01-13-2013

The LAST episode of Saturday Impact kicks off as none other than XWF owner, Shane , immediately appears on screen...

[Image: M3sGh.jpg]

He's got his trademark face paint on and appears to be all business here tonight.

: Welcome to Impact... The LAST Impact. After tonight we march into a brand new dream!

Shane smashes his fist into the camera as fireworks begin to shoot off in the arena and the fans go crazy!

After a few moments we see a man walk out from underneath the X-TRON onto the stage. He has a microphone...



DONG: I'd like to say that this will be the night of the dong!

The fans hardly react. Some of them are disgusted by his blood stained underwear (his only piece of clothing) while others are either laughing or just rolling their eyes.

DONG: The XWF needs a hero in times of lack of puss. Where's the puss? When's my next hit? Need dat puss.

He drops the mic and walks to the ring...

It sounds like he's volunteering himself to be in the first random match of the night!!!

---meanwhile we are taken backstage as some commotion seems to be happening---

We see Shane very sternly addressing somebody who is standing off camera.

: And furthermore, what makes you think you can declare yourself GOD of my show? You may have won the Lethal Lottery tournament but you're certainly not GOD. In fact, you're going to be the show opener here tonight when you march out to that ring and take on The Crimson Dong!

The cameras back up to reveal Sid Feder with his Tag Title over his shoulder and his 24/7 briefcase in hand. He looks livid!

FEDER: You worthless piece of... ok, ok you know what? I'll take anything you throw at me and make it 3 times better!

Sid violently shoves Shane aside and makes his way through the backstage hallways, all the way out into the arena where Crimson Dong awaits him. Shane looks like he bumped his back pretty hard into the corner of a fire extinguisher cabinet on the wall behind him... and he does NOT look pleased...

Crimson Dong
- vs -
Sid Feder

Sid runs down to the ring with his title and his briefcase and slides in, immediately smashing Crimson Dong in the head with the briefcase! Sid grabs Crimson Dong and goes to lift him up into a move but drops him back down, realizing that some kind of really disgusting substance is on Crimson Dong.

FEDER: He's covered in lube! What the...

Sid looks disgusted and doesn't realize Crimson Dong is recovering!

LOW BLOW! Crimson Dong with the low blow to Sid!

Crimson Dong rolls Sid up and hooks the tights! The ref dives in to make the count!



...THREE times better Sid Feder kicks out at the last possible split-second. You can hear gasps from the crowd who thought they just saw a 3 count.

Crimson Dong thinks it was a 3 count and begins to argue with the ref. Sid gets to his feet and charges at the Dong...

BLAST! Three Times Better Forearm! Instant KO!

Sid covers Dong...




Winner: 3 x Better Sid Feder

After the match as Sid celebrates in the ring, a man runs into the ring with a Bill Clinton mask on and a night stick in hand. It's also interesting to note that the man has on a shirt that says "Black Circle" on the front. Sid sees the man coming but then Shane calls out to Sid from atop the ramp with a mic.

: Sid! Hey! SID!

Sid looks at for a split second which allows the masked man to crack Sid in the head with that night stick and knock him out! The masked man grabs Crimson Dong and drops him on top of Sid, pressing his boot down onto Dong to help rub all that lube off of Dong and onto Sid's body. As the masked man stands triumphant, Shane speaks from up on the stage.

: I just wanted to say congratulations on your win but it looks like you're already sleeping it off. Must have been exhausting, cheating to beat the Crimson Dong. What a man...

Shane turns and slowly begins to exit toward the back but turns his head to say one last thing.

: Let this be the first of many examples. When you "push" Shane , you're going to get pushed back.

Shane leaves to the back as the masked man walks up the ramp and follows him.

Suddenly over the speakers...

Ursula comes out from behind the curtains and immediately pyro starts to rain down on her as she makes her way down the ramp with a little shake on her hips and a lot of confidence.

Shane walks out behind her, applauding her as she heads to the ring. She gets to the ring and walks over to the right side turnbuckle and stands on the first rope. She then bends over and looks at the fans with a smile on her face. Up on the stage, Shane looks on and begins to speak.

: Ladies and gentlemen, I've got a very special treat for you all tonight. We've all seen the things Ursula has had to say about one Sebastian Duke as of late because it even won her the "quote of the moment" on the XWF's official website this week! I wanted to give everyone a special preview of what to expect when these two collide on Monday Madness. Tonight they're going to meet in an over-the-rope battle! The first one to throw the other out of the ring, WINS! This should definitely heat things up between them. HA!

Ursula doesn't look very pleased at this announcement! It's obvious Shane is trying to set this up in Sebastian's favor with a stipulation like that, which definitely favors the physically larger individual.

: Oh and one more thing, this is only the first match of the night for BOTH of these competitors... That's right; the winner of this match will move on to tonight's MAIN EVENT where they will face off with a random opponent. Meanwhile, the person who loses this over-the-rope battle will have to stay in the ring and face none other than THE HICKSTER! And you know what? It will be a "Loser Must Kiss Hickster's Sister" match! I sure wouldn't want to be in that match...

The fans are shocked! We're getting a sneak peak at Sebastian Duke vs Ursula Areano, and we're going to get to see somebody kiss Hickbilly's sister later tonight!

Suddenly over the speakers we hear...

Duke makes his way out from behind the curtain and in a very slow fashion makes his way down the ramp and into the ring. Shane watches him carefully but doesn't exactly give any obvious gestures or expressions. It's hard to tell if Shane and Sebastian were on the same page for this or if Sebastian is just as surprised as the rest of us.

Steve Sayors joins us for commentary on this match as it begins.

Steve: Well folks we going to have a blast with our next match coming up. In the preview of the upcoming Madness Sebastian Duke will be facing off against Ursula Areano in an over the top challenge. It looks like we are already underway!

Sebastian Duke
- vs -
Ursula Areano
Over The Top Challenge

Steve: It’s as simple as it looks. Winner goes on to the main event and the loser goes on to face the Hickster... in a match where the loser must kiss Hickster's sister.

Steve is being fed some information through his ear piece...

Steve: Breaking news!!! I'm ALSO being told that The Crimson Dong has been added to that Hickster match! It's going to be a triple threat match with Hickster, Crimson Dong, and the loser of this over the top challenge! Here we go, folks!!!


As soon as the belt rings Ursula runs up on Duke and connects with a flying elbow to the top of Duke’s head. Duke starts to stagger backwards towards the rope. Ursula Runs towards him and grabs him by the two legs trying to toss Duke over early on.

Steve: Look at Ursula go. She seems to have caught Duke off guard early on. OH SHIT!!!

Duke has retaliated by kicking Ursula right across the jaw sending her flying to the middle of the ring. Duke quickly continues to work on her as he picks her up by the hair and sends her right back down on her back with a vicious clothesline. Duke then gets Ursula back to her feet and grabs her by her neck. Duke is taking her up for what looks like a chokeslam.

Steve: This is going to really hurt folks. OH NO!!! But that had to hurt more!!!

Midway in the air Ursula manage to kick the Dukester right in his.....uh......Dukester. Duke goes down as so does Ursula who seems to still be gasping for air. Both start to make their way to their feet and Ursula seems to have the beat on Duke. She runs at him attempting a spear but Duke sees her coming at the last second and Ursula flies flight through the ropes and outside the ring. Duke raises his hand in victory.

Steve: It’s not over yet Duke, she has to go over. Pay attention because her she comes.

Ursula makes her way back in the ring and hits Duke with a spinning back kick while his back is turn almost sending Duke out the ring. Ursula then walks over to Duke and sits over the top of him and begins to land rapid punches across his face.

Steve: This girl is just vicious. I think I’m in love. No more Gay Bar for the Stevester baby...I’m coming home to you!!!!

Ursula stops the assault and makes her way back to her feet helping Duke up as well. She takes him over towards the rope and takes a few steps back and runs at Duke and hits him with a flying body splash sending both of them over ropes.

Steve: Wait, Duke somehow manages to grab on to the rope and his feet never touch the outside mat. I think we have a winner folks.

The ref calls for the bell as Ursula looks frustrated outside of the ring. She was inches away from getting this one!

Winner: Sebastian Duke

Shane makes his way down the ramp, applauding heavily.

: Good show! GOOD SHOW! Sebastian, you have earned your way into tonight's main event and Ursula has earned her way into a match with Hickster and The Crimson Dong who was added as a bonus for our fans. Good luck in that match, Ursula! And good luck in the main event tonight, Sebastian... because your opponent will be 100% fresh! HAHAHA!

Shane makes his way to the back as Sebastian Duke has his arm raised by the referee and keeps his eyes locked on .

Steve: We are in for treat tonight. Impact is really paying homage to the fans with this last show ever. Next up we have a Triple Threat match-up, and get this, the loser has to kiss the Hickster’s sister. That’s just gross. This is all set and ready to get rolling as the last participant just enter the ring.

Steve: Oh No! What’s this? I have the pleasure of sitting next to the Hickster’s sister as a guest commentator for this match. This is going to be a ball.

Hickster’s Sis: Are you talking about Crimson’s disproportionately large testicles Steve.

Steve: Actually, I mean that me and you are going to have a ba---; just forget it.

Triple Threat Match

Ursula Areano
- vs -
Hickbilly Jim
- vs -
Crimson Dong
Loser has to kiss the Hickster’s sister


The bell rings and Crimson starts to run over towards Ursula only to be intercepted by a kick to the gut by Hick. Ursula takes a step back and get to let the man go at each other. She has this look of disgust across her face.

Steve: Look at her face; it must be those thongs that the Crimson came to the ring in.

Hick’s Sis: I see nothing wrong with that thong at all. Yum yum....I sure hopes he loses.

Steve: Wait a minute, what happens if Hickster loses?

Hick’s Sis: Then he can get some of this big momma right here.

Steve: I think I just threw up inside my mouth. Just when I had a straight moment in the Ursula match. I seem to want to head back towards the gay bar.

Hick’s Sis: I had that same effect on my old boyfriend, or is it cousin; you know whatever they calling ‘em now-a-days.

Back in the ring business seem to have picked up with Ursula just tossing Dong out of the ring and hitting Hick with a reverse neck breaker right afterwards. She gets to work quickly by picking up the Hick and Irish whipping him against the ropes. On the rebound Ursula connects with a Dropkick to Hick’s face. She goes for the cover really quick.

Steve: Oh No! It looks like you will be kissing your bro tonight.

Hick’s Sis: Bring it on Jimmy boy! I’mma pucker my lips for ya, and I don’t mean the one on my face.

Steve: What is that on your chin?

Hick’s Sis: Oh that’s just a little scruff. Every real woman has some.

The ref goes down for the count



Crimson comes sliding in from the outside and goes to break up the count but Ursula sees him and rolls out the way and the Dong lands right on Hickster. Ursula gets to her feet quickly and so does the Dong who turns around and is met by the Buenos Aires Superkick. Crimson is knocked out. Ursula is about to go for the cover but notices something that is making her disgusted.

Steve: Is that a woody?

Ursula is leaving the ring. She is walking away from the match. Hickster is getting to his feet, he sees the dong is laid out He goes for the cover.




The Hickster did it and look at him go, he is super thrilled. The Hickster is doing all kinds of dances and the fans are loving it for one reason or another.

Steve: The Hickster is really thrilled about getting you a kiss. Go up there and get yours.

As the Hickster is celebrating Ursula runs back down the ramp and slips inside the ring unnoticed. When the Hickster turns around towards her he is met by the Buenos Aires Superkick laying him out!!!

Hickster's sister is furious; she slides in the ring and grabs Ursula while her back was turned and spins her around landing a big fat one right on her lips; tongue and all. Ursula pulls her off and starts to cough up a bunch of spit she then looks at the Hick’s sis and lands a Buenos Aires Superkick on her as well; making her land on top of Hickster...

...in the 69 position!!!

Steve: My Goodness, there’s no words to explain what I just witnessed here tonight at this moment... There’s just no words. I'm just glad I didn't catch one of those Super kicks as well!

Ursula is fired up and looks like she has lost control! She hits a Buenos Aires SuperKick on Steve Sayors AND THE FANS LOVE IT!!!

Winners: Everyone, obviously

Sebastian Duke
- vs -
Anything Goes & Falls Count Anywhere!

The lights in the arena dim down as "Gods Gonna Cut You Down" by Johnny Cash plays. Sebastian Duke comes skipping down the aisle in a pink wedding dress throwing rose pedals into the audience. Duke kisses one of the older men in front row on the lips before flying through the air as rainbow glitter shoots out of his ass.

"From the unknown, weighing 278 pounds, this is SEBASTIAN DUKE!"

Sebastian "really" walks out from the back and looks somewhat annoyed as he makes his way to the ring... Shane makes his way out from the back! He has a mic in hand.

: Well Sebastian... I hope you liked that custom entrance we played on the X-TRON for you. It's amazing what you can do with special effects these days. Now with that said... you've earned yourself a spot in tonight's main event and a shot at my hand picked demon of destruction. This man is going to single handedly decimate all who stand in my way, and it's going to START TONIGHT...

: It starts with you, Sebastian Duke...

: The first victim of my hand picked servant of destruction...

: None other than...


A collective gasp echoes from the crowd as Angelus DOES walk out from the back right as Shane says this! Can it be???

Shane locks eyes with Angelus and Shane smiles while Angelus appears to be yelling something at him. Shane hands Angelus a mic...


His mic doesn't seem to function.

Shane's works fine though.

: I think what Angelus is trying to tell all of you is that he's pleased to be able to show off his skills tonight in the main event!

Angelus grabs Shane by the collar and shouts loud enough that Shane's mic picks up what he says now...

ANGELUS: Nobody's buying it, !

But Shane quickly yanks the mic away before more can be heard. Shane puts his hands up and backs away as Angelus is ready to strike at any moment.

: One last thing before I go, everyone... Take a look at this footage of Anj and I meeting in the back, earlier tonight!

Angelus' eyes get wide with expression of "WTF" spilling outward as Shane directs everybody's attention to the X-TRON.

We see footage of Shane in his office, talking to a man whose face we can't see. We hear Shane's voice on the video say...

: "Alright, Angelus. That sounds good, Angelus, and I'm glad you finally got your head straight and came to me. You're going to be glad you took this position as my personal killing machine, Anj."

We see Shane in the video hand the man a fat envelope. Now we hear what sounds like the voice of Angelus...

ANGELUS: "Yes, it is a new year and with a new year it's in with the new and out with the old."

: "I couldn't have said it better myself, Anj. Now listen up... I want you to rip apart Sebastian Duke tonight in the main event. I'll keep you fresh but I'll book him against Ursula to soften him up a bit for you. This will serve as a great example to everyone that you and I are not to be challenged. Do you think you can do this, Angelus?"

ANGELUS: "C'mon, man. Am I really supposed to be intimidated by a guy named Sebastian?"

: "Don't be intimidated. Just destroy him for me... for us."

ANGELUS: "I am a revolutionary. I will bring about change."

: "Yes! Excellent! I'll announce you right before the match and then you should come out and we'll both show them this video footage together so they know we are telling the truth... otherwise they might doubt I'm telling the truth. Crazy fans. I'll see you out there, Anj."

ANGELUS: "See you soon. By the way, happy new year!"

: "Why thank you, Anj. Happy new year to you as well..."

The footage cuts off as the figure walks out of the office.

Shane has a grin on his face and Angelus looks like he's in shock for a few seconds. Is this actually happening???

Sebastian Duke has seen and heard enough! Considering the verbal exchanges he and Angelus have exchanged throughout the week, he has no problem springing right into action and attacking! Angelus sees him exiting the ring and knows he has no choice but to also spring into action, despite 's looming mind games and trickery.

When Sebastian sees Angelus running down the ramp, Sebastian gladly re-enters the ring and waits for Angelus. The bell rings and Angelus is quick on the attack as he slides into the ring. He woes Duke with a swift roundhouse kick in the air. This backs Duke into the corner, and allows Angelus to duck in with some lightning-quick strikes to the stomach of Duke with his taped up fists.

Duke retaliates by smacking a single hand across the throat of Angelus, choking him. Duke doesn’t follow up quick enough though, as Angelus reverses the choke into an armbar takedown. He goes for the submission, but Duke is able to quickly grab the ropes before Angelus gets any leverage in. Rope break!

Duke is holding onto that bottom rope desperately as Angelus gets up, and kicks Duke’s outreaching arm in the dead-center of his elbow. Ouch! The referee is clearly against such a move, but all is legal in this X-treme Rules match.

Duke is now favoring his left arm as Angelus delivers some stomps to the back.

Angelus whips Duke into the ropes, and scoops the near-300 pounder up with a powerslam. Duke hits the canvas violently as Angelus quickly hooks the leg.


2—Kick out right at the two count. Duke might be tired, but it’s going to take a hell of a lot more to put the big man down.

Angelus applies a chin lock now as he looks to control the pace of the match while wearing down Duke...

Nearly 30 seconds pass before Duke realizes that he’ll need to fight off Angelus somehow. He picks up Angelus as he recovers to his feet, and rams him into the turnbuckle. That’s enough to shake Angelus'submission hold off as Duke follows up with some back elbow strikes to the face. One of the strikes catches Angelus in the right spot and dazes him. Duke acts fast as he notices this, and swings Angelus around into a Bossman Slam! And a cover...



Kick out by Angelus! That follow up move by Duke really caught Angelus off guard as it scored Duke an early near fall on the brawler from Boston.

Duke goes immediately for a kneebar submission hold on Angelus. It’s a very smart move considering that Angelus is well known for his deadly kicks.

Angelus doesn’t stay trapped for long as he finally catches a rope break. Duke won’t break the hold though!

Angelus is in a lot of pain now as Duke refuses to release the kneebar. But wait—the referee gets involved and manhandles Duke with a chokehold! The referee isn’t going to let Duke run the match.

Duke releases Angelus as the referee’s chokehold takes him by surprise. The referee breaks the rear naked choke as him and Duke get into it. Duke shoves the referee with one hand. The referee retaliates by shoving Duke back. Duke loses his cool and uppercuts the referee out of the ring!

Angelus runs up behind Duke while he’s distracted and hits him with a belly to back suplex. Duke is back up to his feet in seconds, and goes after Angelus, but Angelus ducks and throws Duke into a rolling fireman’s carry.

Angelus puts Duke into the corner and delivers some more of those punches to the stomach. With Duke still slouched in the corner, Angelus delivers a step-up high knee to the face. That’s the second blow to the face that has stunned Duke so far. Angelus follows up with a running bulldog to inflict further damage to that area.

Meanwhile, the referee has sluggishly crawled back into the ring. Angelus covers Duke.

1... ... ...

2... ... ...

And a kick out by Duke after a long count due to the hit that the ref took from Duke earlier. Angelus goes to check on the ref as Duke rolls to the outside. Duke reenters the ring carrying a steel chair which he swings into the back of Angelus! That causes Angelus to collide into the referee. Duke isn’t finished though. He smashes the steel chair some more into the back of Angelus who is piled on top of the downed referee. He hits Angelus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 SIX TIMES! That evil bastard.

Duke holds the dented up steel chair in the air, and then places it down in the center of the ring. Duke takes Angelus and chokeslams him onto the chair.

Duke pins Angelus as the referee crawls over to make the count.



And a kick out by Angelus.

Duke pulls Angelus out of the ring, and throws him into the steps with one hand. Angelus crashes through the steel knees-first as he falls to the outside mat.

Duke goes reaches under the ring where he pulls out a black, metal tool box. He runs into Angelus and smashes the toolbox into his face, causing the box to break open. The tools inside the box scatter across the mat. Duke picks up a hammer that he finds laying on the ground. He then places Angelus leg onto the steel steps. What the hell does this satanic bastard have in mind? Duke raises the hammer and smashes it over the knee cap of Angelus! Son of a fucking bitch, that had to hurt!

Angelus is in a lot of pain now as he clenches his knee. Duke smartly took out the knee of the martial arts expert.

Duke puts Angelus back in the ring where he goes for a cover.



Angelus kicks out, hurting the injured knee in the process.

Duke rips off the kneepad that is covering the hurt region of Angelus, and begins to pound on the knee with his gloved fist. Angelus is in even more pain now as Duke goes back to the outside, and drags Angelus by the ankle towards the ring post. Duke takes Angelus'hurt leg and smashes the side of his knee into the ring post.

Duke yanks Angelus back to the outside, and leans him up against the guardrail. Duke toys with Angelus as he slaps him around. Duke is getting a little cocky here...

Duke hopes up on the apron, and jumps off for a clothesline, but Angelus moves out of the way by executing a perfect split, and Dukes crushes his sternum on the guardrail!

Duke is gasping for air as the front row jumps back.

Angelus quickly recovers as he limps out of the way. As Duke turns around, Angelus delivers a roundhouse kick to the face which sends Duke flying over the guardrail into front row! Angelus pulled off a devastating move, but may have hurt himself in the process as he continues to hold his knee.

Duke rolls around in the empty fold up chairs in the front row section of the audience as Angelus climbs over the guardrail. Angelus picks up Duke for a vertical suplex, and drops him back first onto the guardrail! And now the action is back at ringside...

Angelus hauls Duke over to the announce table where he smashes his head into the top of the table. Angelus runs after Duke for a leg lariat, but Duke catches him, and slams him through the announce table! Great counter by Duke.

Duke falls down to both of his knees as exhaustion sets in. Duke pulls Angelus back into the ring where he goes for pin attempt.



Kick out by Angelus.

Duke pulls Angelus up again and gives him a chokeslam in the center of the ring. And another pin attempt.



No, almost! Angelus kicked out just barely in time.

Duke delivers a big boot to Angelus, knocking him out of the ring next to the entrance ramp.

Duke delivers a sideslam to Angelus on that steel ramp. Duke then focuses his attention back on the hurt knee of Angelus, and smashes it multiple times into the steel.

Duke goes under the ring again where he pulls out a table, and sets it up against the ring. What the hell does this demon from fucking hell have planned now?

Duke picks up Angelus on his shoulder. He runs towards the table for a slam, but Angelus shifts his weight, and shoves Dukes towards the table. Duke hits the brakes as he’s inches from colliding with the table. He turns around, and is met by the Whole Damn Show Superkick to the face! That kick knocks Duke back-first against the table which doesn’t break. Duke is definitely out cold from the finisher though.

Angelus positions himself in front of Duke and the table, and charges at him for a crossbody—but Duke rolls out of the way and Angelus hits the crossbody through nothing but table. Table fragments fly everywhere as Angelus hits the floor.

Both men are down now as Duke just barely had the sense of awareness to throw himself out of harm’s way.

Slowly, Angelus and Duke recover simultaneously. They slug it out back and forth as they inch their way up the ramp. Duke delivers a kick to the hurt knee of Angelus, and follows up with a stiff shot to the throat. Angelus doesn’t back down. He throws some punches of his own to the face of Duke.

All of a sudden, *BEEP! BEEP!*

What’s this? A fucking AUTOMOBILE drives down the ramp towards Duke and Angelus! Angelus jumps up just in time to nail a perfect split onto the hood of the car while Duke gets knocked over by the front end! Duke just got run over by the car!

As the car comes to a stop midway up the ramp, Angelus recovers from his split and goes to find out who the driver is... It’s SHANE !

What the fuck... hasn't he already done enough?!?!?

This is at least the third time that has run over someone in the past six months!!!

acts as if he doesn’t have a clue where he is... and tries to play it off like he fell asleep behind the wheel, even though he was just out here talking on the mic a few minutes ago. The BS this man will try to feed us is just unbelievable sometimes.

Angelus recognizes this as his chance to "address" Shane for what just took place before this match began!

Angelus tries to open the car door, but has locked it. Angelus decides to break in anyway by throwing a ROUNDHOUSE KICK THROUGH THE DRIVERS WINDOW! Holy shit! Glass fragments shoot into Shane ’s face as that reckless driving lunatic gets pulled out of the car by Angelus.

Suddenly, the engine of the car explodes and the hood catches on fire! You’ve got to be kidding me. Did Angelus'roundhouse kick just cause the car to combust? gets away as the fire on the hood catches Angelus' attention.

Duke runs up and gives Angelus a running big boot to the face!

Duke picks up Angelus by the throat and leads him to the front of the car. He throws Angelus into the air and drops him with a CHOKESLAM INTO THE FIRE ON THE HOOD OF THE CAR!

Emergency responders react quickly as they go to extinguish the flames on Angelus. Once the flames are out, Duke steals one of the fire extinguishers, and smashes Angelus over the head with it. Duke grabs Angelus and takes him over to the ring. He goes to throw him inside, but Angelus delivers a punch to the kidney area. The shot is enough to slow down Duke to the point where Angelus can throw another punch to the side of the head. Angelus pulls out all the stops and hoists Duke onto his shoulders. It looks like he might go for a GTS, but instead he drops Duke face-first into the outer ring canvas! Angelus throws Duke inside, and covers him.



3-no, KICK OUT by Duke. Angelus might have had it if he hooked the damn leg.

Angelus sits up as our cameras get a close up of the burn marks on his body from being chokeslammed into the fire.

Angelus runs off the ropes and goes for an attack, but Duke counters with the SOUL SHOT! SOUL SHOT!

Pin by Duke




WINNER: -- WAIT NO! The referee points to Angelus' foot that was on the ropes! Holy shitballs that was fucking close!!!!

Duke slams his fists against the mat a frustration sets in.

Duke picks up Angelus and puts him into the ropes with an irish whip. He hits Angelus with the big boot. He then clotheslines Angelus into the ring corner. Angelus hits the floor as Duke begins to climb to the top rope.

Duke flies off the top rope for the flying clothesline, but Angelus counters with the SUPER KICK!

Angelus covers Duke.



Kick out by Duke!!

Angelus picks up Duke and signals for the Sudden Death. He throws Duke onto his shoulders as he prepares for that deadly GTS, but Duke reverses into a PANDORAS BOX! That hellish Hell’s Gate submission hold!!! Angelus uses his feet on the ropes to elevate himself out of the submission hold. Both men are back up at the same time and exchange punches in the center of the ring. Duke hits a nasty clothesline on Angelus, and a pin.



Kick out!

Duke picks up Angelus and goes for a chokeslam, but Angelus throws a nasty forearm strike to the face of Duke. Angelus then puts Duke in the Lion Tamer! Angelus now has his own version of the Hell’s Gate locked in on Duke! It’s a battle in hell as these two men are using the same finisher on each other!

Who has a stronger Hell’s Gate?

Duke is throwing punches into the ribs of Angelus out of desperation. Angelus has better ring positioning with his Hell’s Gate than Duke did...

Duke pulls together everything he has left, and picks up Angelus in the air while the Hell’s Gate is locked in. Duke goes to toss Angelus out of the ring, but Angelus repositions his legs so that he can hurricanrana Duke out of the ring!

With Duke dazed on the outside, Angelus gives himself a running start in the ring, and executes a Suicide Dive into Duke!

The dive pushes Duke back-first into the guardrail as both men are down.

Angelus goes over to pick up the hammer that Duke used on him earlier in the match. Meanwhile, Duke is reaching under the ring for a weapon of his own. As Angelus turns the corner armed with the hammer, Duke catches him in the side of the head with the Asmodeus steel handled cane! Duke takes a knee so that he can catch his breath while Angelus is knocked out.

Duke throws Angelus inside the ring while still carrying the Asmodeus cane. Duke stalks Angelus with the cane in hand for the attack, but Angelus counters with the Lion Tamer. Angelus once again with his version of the Hell’s Gate while Duke still has the Asmodeus cane in hand. Angelus is holding the submission move as tight as he can, draining the life out of Duke. But Duke has that cane, and he drives the steel handle of it into the ribs of Angelus. Angelus doesn’t budge though. He keeps the move applied despite Duke’s resistance.

Duke again has that Asmodeus cane and smashes the handle part of it into the ribs of Angelus.

And again.

And again!

Angelus is screaming in pain but he refuses to let go of the hold!!!

Duke lands one last big shot to the ribs of Angelus with the Asmodeus cane before dropping it to the ground...

Duke is beaten as Angelus refuses to let go of the hold. Duke’s arm goes limp as he looks to be unconscious...

The referee checks him out...

...and Sebastian Duke is out cold! The match is over, Angelus wins by knock out with the Lion Tamer submission hold!

Winner: Angelus

Angelus releases the hold as Shane makes his way back out and enters the ring. Angelus quickly grabs a microphone of his own and speaks before anyone can "cut" its power.

ANGELUS: You've got a lot of explaining to do. You...

But that quick the microphone is cut off. Shane smiles as he lifts his own working mic to his lips...

: I apologize for almost killing you with that automobile during the match. Please remember though... you shouldn't be attacking me. We're on the same side.

Angelus has heard enough! He springs forward with a high kick but Shane ducks under it and rolls out of the ring, although the kick came so close that Shane's hair actually was grazed by Angelus' foot!

Outside the ring, Shane continues...

: Good show! Just like we rehearsed backstage. LOVE that kicking power of yours.


Did somebody just hit from behind while he was running his mouth?

No... more like somebody TRIED to...

...but got cracked in their skull before they could!

3 x Better Sid Feder crashes down at the feet of Shane as Shane turns his attention to the falling would-be assailant. Shane's eyes then glance up to the man that saved him from Sid's attack...

The man with the Bill Clinton mask and the "Black Circle" shirt! Bill Clinton is back!

Shane looks down at Sid and kicks him in the ribs.

: Of course somebody like Sid would try to attack me after I put him in his place earlier. Predictable.

Shane smiles at the masked man and then turns his attention back toward Angelus. Shane and the masked man enter the ring as Angelus readies himself for anything...

: Alright this is that part where you unmask, and then we have this big stare down, and then we all hug because Angelus was in on it the whole time anyway. Hahaha!

Many of the fans have NO clue what to think at this point. Shane has definitely put some effort into making things confusing for us tonight.

Needless to say... the first part of what said becomes a reality as the masked man reaches up and removes the mask.

Of course....

It had to be him...


Cyren throws down the mask and then stares at for a second, then turning his attention to Angelus and staring so hard at him that the veins in Cyren's head look ready to pop. He's definitely going along with this whole big stare down thing...

Shane also stares at Angelus as Angelus backs up a step and plants his feet in perfect position to be able to take out either man at a split-second's notice.

: We... we are one. We are The Black Circle!

The fans roar in disbelief... did Shane just reform the first stable he ever created? And did he really just put Angelus in the group against his will???

Angelus lunges forward and kicks Shane in the chest, sending Shane flying back and into the ropes where he barely catches himself. Angelus turns and ducks under a running clothesline from Cyren and brings Cyren down with a quick sweep of the legs. Angelus quickly exits the ring as Shane and Cyren both have SMILES on their faces?

Angelus looks on and remains silent as he clearly sees Sid Feder sneaking into the ring behind Shane and Cyren...

Sebastian Duke has regained consciousness and looks around, immediately going after Angelus the moment he spots him. Sebastian and Angelus begin trading shots as Sid Feder winds up and CRACKS Cyren in the back of the skull with some kind of metal pipe. Cyren falls forward and begins bleeding from the back of his head as he slowly reaches back to feel the blood before getting back up. Sid swings at Shane with the pipe but Shane once again narrowly avoids being hit by someone tonight as he ducks under it. Cyren quickly charges Sid and tackles him as Shane begins laying into Sid's face with a flurry of rapid stomps.

Cyren and Shane proceed to beat down Sid as somebody jumps out of the crowd!!!

Who can it be?

The man is holding a severed goat head in his arms... it's GREGGO! Shane 's long time associate and downright creepy ass dude.

Shane and Cyren stop beating down on Sid for a moment as they turn to Greggo.

Greggo smiles, licks his lips, and then holds forward the goat head and asks...

GREGGO: Howdeh... have ya seen the rest of this anywhere? I been looking for dehs.

Shane and Cyren immediately go back to stomping on Sid. Greggo begins talking to some fans and actually climbs back out into the fans to mingle and let them touch the goat head.

Angelus and Sebastian Duke are still on the other side of the ringside area and Duke slams Angelus into the ring post. Duke slides into the ring and comes face to face with Cyren as Shane keeps kicking Sid.

Suddenly, everyone stops what they're doing as...

You've got to be kidding me...

"The National Anthem of Nazi Germani" begins to play over the speakers as we are joined by none other than...

Nathaniel Adolph Zachary Idenhaus...

Or N.A.Z.I. as he likes to be called.

He marches to the ring looking to be all business here tonight. He is heiling to the sky with his right hand as Shane grabs the mic and speaks.

: Ah yes... I'm so glad you could make it. I'm sure you remember that business we talked about. I want you to know that we're going with "plan C" on that. Understood?

N.A.Z.I. continues marching toward the ring and gives a single nod. He lifts the ring apron up and grabs a table out from under the ring. Everyone watches him, not sure what to expect, as he slides the table into the ring. Sebastian Duke is standing in the ring opposite side of Shane and Cyren. Angelus is at ringside keeping watch on everyone.

N.A.Z.I. enters the ring and he sets the table up as Shane looks on in approval. NAZI suddenly turns toward Sebastian Duke and blasts him with a pair of brass knuckles! Sebastian goes down hard as NAZI gets in a few good stomps, then brings Sebastian up and lays him out on top of the table! Shane and Cyren look on with grins on their faces while Angelus at ringside looks disgusted, but also exhausted to the point of barely being able to stand. He appears conflicted as to whether or not to intervene in his current condition.

Suddenly out of nowhere...


Michael James!

Cigar lit and smoking as he clenches it between his teeth. His pure black sunglasses hide his eyes as he calmly walks out onto the stage.

Cyren immediately has his full attention drawn to the entranceway while Shane continues to grin.

: Excellent! The final piece to tonight's puzzle has arrived!

Cyren looks at Shane with a "wtf" kind of expression, cocking his head slightly. Shane turns his attention to Cyren and says...

: Just work with me on this... you'll see...

Michael James makes his way down to the ring and grabs a mic of his own. He and Angelus lock eyes for a moment before Michael enters the ring. Once inside, he surveys the area and sees Sid Feder still down on the canvas at the feet of Cyren and Shane. NAZI has Sebastian Duke on the table and is delivering several punishing shots with those brass knuckles.

MICHAEL JAMES: Alright, you said it was important that I show up here and that you had something for me. I'm looking around here and I'm wondering what that could be. I'm here, ... I lived up to my end of the deal so let's hear what you've got.

: That's right I called you here for a very important reason. Tonight is the night that you're going to make one of the biggest decisions of your career. There are lines being drawn in the sand, Michael, and there are wars about to be had. What I need from you is your undying loyalty and service through these times. I need you to be a warrior who stands out on this new landscape, Michael.

Shane walks up to Michael James and places his hand on Michael's shoulder.

: I need you to make a choice.

Michael James remains stone faced as he takes a serious puff from that cigar.

: I need to know that you're on... the right side.

Michael James takes note of who seems to be on whose side in this ring... and realizes that 's basically asking him to align with Cyren and NAZI.

This is when that massive puff of smoke gets blown right into Shane 's face...

Shane closes his eyes as the cloud of smoke surrounds his head and rises up from him...

NAZI has stopped attacking Sebastian and has turned his full attention to Michael James. Cyren looks ready to explode as well...

The arena goes DEAD silent. Shane's eyes remain closed as he takes in a very deep breath...

MICHAEL JAMES: I think you made my decision for me, didn't you? I think you called me out here to let me know one thing; not what side I'm on but what side I'm not...

Shane opens his eyes and looks furious as he stares at Michael James as James continues.

MICHAEL JAMES: ...and if this is what you're surrounding yourself with now, then clearly the side I'm NOT on is yours!

They have heard enough! NAZI and Cyren both jump Michael James and Shane joins in! It's a 3 on 1 beatdown of Michael James for NO reason what so ever! He wasn't even a part of this!

They launch James into the far ropes and get set to catch him with a double team move but instead he comes back with a huge Osaka Spike Kick to Cyren! It sends Cyren crashing through the ropes and spilling out to ringside!

NAZI swings at James but James ducks and catches him in the ribs with a hard shot before thumbing him in the right eye and lifting him up with a chokeslam into a backbreaker... it's The Stumpgrinder! He nearly broke NAZI in half with it!

Sid Feder finally gets back up and all he sees is Michael James cleaning house. His eyes are filled with a fiery rage as he sees Cyren slither his way back into the ring behind Michael James. Sid quickly springs into action and leaps toward Cyren with a flying clothesline but Cyren drops out of the way last second so Sid ends up catching Michael James with the clothesline!

Cyren charges at Sid but Sid sidesteps and sends Cyren running into the table that Sebastian Duke was still on top of but very groggy. Cyren knocks the table and Duke over, snapping Duke out of his groggy state and re-energizing him!

Sebastian Duke gets up as Cyren blocks a right hand from Sid and whips Sid into Michael James who was just getting back up. This sends Sid and Michael into a flurry of wild shots to one another as they brawl their way toward Sebastian Duke and actually slam into him. Sebastian turns his attention to Michael James and Sid Feder... DOUBLE CHOKE SLAM! He just took them both down!

Cyren looks on very pleased and so does Shane who is actually clapping now! NAZI is getting back to his feet and joins Shane and Cyren. Angelus has finally seen enough! He gets back into the ring and spins Sebastian Duke around... The Whole Damn Show! That superkick almost sent Duke's head flying off into the crowd!

Shane , NAZI and Cyren all pump their fists into the air letting out a simultaneous "Yeah" as they love what they're seeing! They exit the ring and Shane begins to speak on the mic...

: Yes! YES! This is exactly what I want! Ladies and gentlemen we just saw the formation of the team that will take on MY Black Circle next week in our main event! It's going to be my men - Cyren, Angelus, and NAZI... taking on the newly formed alliance of Michael James, Sid Feder, and Sebastian Duke! I'll call MY side the Black Circle... and let's call their side SHIT OUT OF LUCK! HAHAHAHAHA!

Shane throws down the mic and the fans shower him with boos. Garbage begins to fill the ring as fans are left in complete disgust with the ending of the Last Impact ever...

Shane has formed "The Black Circle" with Cyren and NAZI, and apparently stuck Angelus in the group as well. Nothing good can come of this.

What happens next week when 's Black Circle takes on James, Feder and Duke?

After Impact officially went off the air for the last time, Shane recorded a short video to address the XWF.

Shane appears on screen with his back to the camera. His hair is shorter and has obviously just been cut. He has a towel that he's using to wipe off his face and neck while still keeping his back to us.

: I've realized a lot of things over the years and 2013 has brought me the greatest revelations of all. I can't share them all at this time but I can assure you at least 50% of them were not drug induced. It's a new year and new things are upon us... Let's shed the past and show our true faces once and for all. I wanted to give all of you one last, healthy dose of the black and white painted Shane before I leave that part of my life behind me. Some of the things I've done in the last year have been due to temporary mental illness while other things I've done have strictly been to entertain all of you, whether you realized it or not. That's the old me, though... Those times are gone now.

Shane hesitates... he keeps his back to us.

: I'm not the young, spring chicken that you all remember Shane to be last time I went around without facepaint. I've been through a lot and time has taken its toll on me. I'm ready though... I'm ready to show my true colors. I'm ready to be real... Won't you come with me?