X-treme Wrestling Federation

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This is not a game? You don’t even know just how true the words that you’re speaking are fatso! You still think this is about some video game rivalry from the 90’s? Good, that’s what I’ve wanted you to think! When we get to Savage, and you see the world of hurt that I reign down upon you, then and only then will you truly understand the gravity of your situation. No Mario, despite what you think, this isn't just about some outdated console war. I know that the days of SEGA ruling the roost are over. Doesn’t mean that I agree with it, or with how things turned out, but I damn sure understand it. Do you really think that SONIC THE HEDGEHOG came to the XWF just to prove that SEGA is better than Nintendo? Are you and that moronic brother of yours really THAT stupid? You’ve pissed me off Mario, plain and simple. I’ve been keeping an eye on you over the last couple of weeks, and I’ve gotta say, I’m not too pleased with the manner that you’ve been conducting yourself. You’re a childhood fucking ICON dude! You’re supposed to set an example for all of the kids around the world! What are you doing though? You’re running around the XWF like a flailing armed idiot. You treat the Heavy Metalweight title like it’s some sort of prize to be bragged about and you fail to prove impressive in a match with a CHILD! Honestly, it doesn’t look like Nintendo is doing too well these days either bro!

Speaking of that child. I couldn’t help but notice that you completely ignored what SONIC had to say about her. What’s the matter man? Are you embarrassed by the fact that a thirteen year old girl bested you? Are you embarrassed that when your brother offered your “services” that she ignored you, probably giggling at the idea that you two clowns could protect her from anything? I may be stuck in the 90’s Mario, but you’re just stuck in your own world. Nobody gives a shit about The Mario Brothers anymore. Do you really think that you’re name is a big seller anymore either? You’re in the exact same boat as SONIC buddy. We are a couple of Pac-Men. We only exist at this point because we USED to be something special. The difference between me and you however, is that I realize that, and I use it to my advantage. I’m rocking the nostalgia act for this match, because who wouldn’t want to see classic SONIC vs Mario? Rest assured though Mario, after Savage, you won’t be seeing classic SONIC again. Hell son, you’re not even going to see classic Sonic once the bell rings.

And I’ve never lived in the past bucko! I only mentioned our past because you sure do have a history of getting your ass kicked. First by me, then by EVERYONE else, but no, I’m not living in the past. I’m looking straight ahead, first to Savage, then onward to a title victory, and I’m not talking one of those bullshit belts like you go for either. I’m setting my sights a little bit higher. Once I dust your ass with the greatest of ease, I’ll be able to once again focus all of my attention on nabbing up Dolly Waters, and winning that X-Treme Title. Something that you’ve failed to do on both accounts, but again, SEGA does what Nintendon’t.

So, in your promo, you left me with a word of advice. You told me to get real and get with the program. I am, more real than you can even imagine and it’s you Mario, that needs to get with the program, cause right now, you ain’t even on the right fucking channel!