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Three Little Kings - Printable Version

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Three Little Kings - Chris Chaos - 04-28-2017



The ball soared over the heads of every kid on the field. All they could do was watch it fly further and further away as the good looking kid with the long blonde hair rounded the bases. Those on "defense" knew they were about to lose.

When the good looking blonde kid got all the way around to home, he was greeted by the Little Kings Kickball faction. They all had their arms crossed, except Little Doc because they got tired.

When the good looking blonde haired kid reached the plate, he saw two with their arms crossed and one with them down at his sides.

"Can I help you guys?" he said with a smirk.

"YES YOU CAN" Said Little Theo, pointing his finger. He was always so hyper.


The blonde looked at the token black kid in the group, who only said, "Otay!" He looked at the wrinkly old kid. He was falling asleep.

"So what you are saying is you are the best?"


The good looking blonde grinned again. "Well then, there is only one thing to do, and that is take your title."

Little Theo took his suit coat off, and threw it on the ground. "Lets go, punk! Hey! Little Doc, wake up!"

He shook the wrinkly one awake.

Little Theo took the ball and slammed it between his palms.

What kind of baby uses that word?

Little Samuels catches the pass from Little Theo, and gets ready to pitch.

The game was pretty even. It was high scoring. These "Kings" of Kickball were pretty good, but certainly not as elite as they claimed.

The good looking blonde had the masked weirdo on his team. He was too busy looking at the other little girls on the team so the blonde took a time out.

"Hey man. Focus. Remember the little girl who beat you up last week? Pretend that ball is her face"

He roared from under his mask. He was angry.

The ball went flying.

The good looking blonde looked pleased.

Back and forth the game went, and was very competitive. But then it was time for the good looking blonde to kick again. This would be the last kick, as recess was almost over.

The wrinkly looking kid lobbed the ball, still half asleep, and it came wobbling down the lane. The blonde kicked it.

................................................As the recess buzzer rang, the blonde was rounding the bases again and the "Little Kings" were standing there, hands on their heads, in shock. They were no longer the kings. The good looking blonde rounded the bases and high fived the weird kid with the mask and they both took a girl around the shoulder and walked into school. The Little Kings were no more.

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When myself and the headcase Micheal Graves hold those titles up as the Pittsburgh crowd sits stunned, you and everyone else will know that the New Era has truly begin. The newest crop of XWF talent is here to stay. Out with the old, in with the new. And the time of the KINGS and their old dynasty, it will be dead and buried forever. Then, on Warfare, we will take the Trios titles. It will be like a tsunami that you never saw coming. A tsunami that you can't run away from. We will wash out all of those who are not strong enough to hold their breaths.

It is funny, Doc, how you say that Theo now owns 50 percent of the company and therefore things will get a lot harder for us to take over. I beg to differ. You see we aren't guys who go away just because we are told to. We are a funny type of bunch that way. You see we make our own rules. We do what we want, when we want, to who we want. So if Theo wants a war, well, he doesn't even have to say please. The war has already begun. And it ends when WE say it does.

You know I never thought I would feel bad for Vinnie Lane, especialy after the little bleached blonde turd cost me the Universal Title, by accident or not. I feel bad that he essentially has nothing left. He is stuck fucking that Wizard's Sleeve Roxy Cotton as some spikey haired tool comes in and claims he now controls 50 percent. You think he'd fight a little more for his company. It's okay Vin Man, I will take one for the team here. I will fight the KINGS the way you should be. But unlike you, I will defeat them. Be it this week, next week, or weeks in the future, they will fall at the feet of Chris Chaos and AX3.

So if the XWF high ups want to continue to promote this little reunion tour, that is fine, but they will look like assholes with egg on their face by the time this is all said and done. This is so much more than a Tag Team Title match, this is a match that defines legacies and changes landscapes. Are the KINGS here to stay? Or is AX3 truly the dominators we claim to be? This is pretty rich stuff. But need I remind you, Doc, I have beaten you once already. I know how to beat you. I know what it takes. Samuels, he is the weak link. You couldn't have chosen a worse teammate to defend your belts.

Am I the only person not in awe here? All week long I have heard Kings this and Kings that. Hell, where is the KingSlayer when you need him? Oh yeah, punking of Gabe Reno. The highlight of his career. Where has he been all week? He defeated the UNIVERSAL CHAMPION and then faded into the abyss. That is what happens to old blood here, Doc. It spills, then hardens, and is wiped away without a trace of it ever existing. It is a shame that has to happen to you, but Doc is looks like this is just another case of guilty by association.

I look at John Samuels, flaunting his accomplishments around like they are a big deal. Nobody cares. He is the least recognized member of this little alliance. In fact, Doc, YOU are the only reason anyone tuned in. "Oh shit, Doc joined up, they must be legit!". No. You see, Doc, like I said before, you are convinient. They wanted to add you back in the day but just never got around to it. Why do you think that is? They didn't NEED you then like they NEED you now. You are nothing but collateral to them. Let you drop the Doctor Satan name in the blink of an eye. Just a few months ago, you probably would have given Soldier a blow job the way you talked about him. Now all the sudden he is a fart in the wind? Sure, he did you dirty Doc, but I thought someone like you would have a little more loyalty to someone who has fought beside you for an entire career. Someone you could even say was a catalyst to your successess. Shame on you, Mr. D'ville.

But the funny thing here is that you don't even see your own demise coming. I'll chalk it up to old age. The same type of old age that makes you forget traffic laws or where you put your glasses. When you lose this match, that's all you can chalk it up to, if that makes you feel any better. When you forever become the bitch of Chris Chaos, the man who will have beaten you twice, you can blame that.

WE are the top dogs here. All AX3 needed was a reason to rise, and they have it now. WE are the top team in wrestling history. WE are the future of this business. The "KINGS" are simply a marketing plan to draw in more fans. Jim Caedus, Micheal Graves, Robert Main, myself and Jenny are the FUTURE of this company. Stop living in the past, Doc. All good things must come to an end, right? Our time is now, your time is gone. Hell, you would have been better off staying in the shadows, dropping the belts, and doing your own thing. The KINGS will do nothing but make your life harder. We all bring something to the table that you guys simply don't. We have charisma, you guys are bland. We are ultra-aggressive. We are soon going to hold all the gold. I mean, it's simple.




It is something that is the embodiment of us. Since when is Doc a king? Oh, that's right, he isn't. He never was. He is now, but why? Ask yourself that Doc. They chose you not because they wanted YOU, but because AX3 had their 4 top choices. That is the only reason. So let that soak in. AX3 is a team, the KINGS are just a unit thrown together to combat us because I rubbed Paul Heyman the wrong way. If anyone won't last here, it is your little faction of washed up nobodies. THAT is FACT, Doctor. Scientifically proven."

To think, I respected you, Doc. I respected you before you sold out. I even, if you want to look at it this way, looked up to you. Even after I beat you, I listed that as one of my crowning achievements. You can check any promo I did. Beating you was a close second to winning the Universal Title. But back then, I was beating a man who seemingly couldn't be beaten. I was beating a man whose presence loomed like a dark cloud over this roster, striking fear in hearts and minds. Now, when I beat you, all I will be beating is a washed up old man who couldn't get back to where he once was so he hired some of his old cronies in a last ditch attempt to stay relevant. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Nobody cares anymore, Doc. It has all fallen down for you. It has come crumbling like a wall hit by a bulldozer. And you know it. You know it well. And it scares you. You just don't have it anymore. And that kills you inside. You look at guys like me and for the first time in your career you feel envy. You feel jealousy. And you hate it. You see guys like me and you know that I am what you once were........

So enjoy your time in the Kings while you still can. Because you days of relevancy are numbered.

Enjoy them.

[Image: P0guVvI.jpg]
XWF RECORD: 29-7-2
XWF Universal Champion: 1 x
XWF Tag Team Champion: In 24 hours.