X-treme Wrestling Federation
A Message From The Kings Court. - Printable Version

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A Message From The Kings Court. - Theo Pryce - 04-23-2017

As the scene fades in we hear a thump that grows louder and louder until suddenly a piece of the white wall that the camera was focused in on come crumbling to the ground leaving only a gaping hole the size of Vincent Lane's asshole. And in case anyone isn't exactly sure just how big that is picture Mama June's face before her weight loss.

Perfect. The unmistakable voice of Theo Pryce says as the man himself steps into the camera's view. Now take down the rest of it.

But sir if we do that there will be nothing in between your office and Mr. Lane's.

Exactly. I want my new partner to be able to look over and see me hard at work whenever he wants. And whenever I'm here. Which is probably going to be never. But that's not the point. Now knock it down. All of it. But can you do it kind of quietly? I need to do a little filming here in my new office and that banging is very disrupting.

I'm honestly not sure how we could do that. But we'll try.

That's all I ask. Pryce remarks as he walks over to his desk, signaling for the camera to follow him as he does.

Once at his desk Theo pulls out his chair and then unbuttons his suit coat before sitting in his chair and then gently pulling it forward towards his desk.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the XWF. My name is Theo Pryce and as you have no doubt already learned I am one half of this federations managing partners. The other of course being one Vincent Loraly Lane.

Now that you have all had the chance to process this news I wanted to take a few minutes and explain what exactly this sudden and unexpected change will mean for the federations roster.

But before I get to the roster as a whole I want to specifically address the group known as AX3.

It has come to my attention that this group of hooligans supposedly lead by Chris "Cry Baby" Chaos likes to stick their noses where they don't belong. For those who don't know what I am talking about or are blind, deaf and stupid, look no further than this past week's edition of Saturday Night Savage in which Robert Main attempted to influence the outcome of the Chris Chaos and Cadryn Tiberius match. Fortunately, The Kings™ showed up to restore some order, but not before Main's fellow AX3 member and new Universal Champion Jim "The Bearded Bitch Boy" Caedus came out to try and further the AX3 agenda which seems to be win at all costs. And unfortunately, that is exactly what they did when Michael Graves escaped from whatever mental institution he has been holed up in to take Cadryn Tiberius out, allowing Chris Chaos to get the most undeserved victory since Hilary Clinton over Bernie Sanders.

And it is in that vein that my first order of business as one of the new managing partners of the XWF is to install John Madison as the special guest referee for next week's tag team title match between The Kings™ and AX3.

John's sole purpose will be to ensure a fair fight between the current champions and their challengers. John has been given full authority to end the match as a DQ the moment he feels that AX3 is stepping out of line.

So, to the members of AX3, if you want to try and play games with The Kings™ you will find out, rather quickly that not only will you lose every single time but you will do so in an embarrassing fashion. Do not test us. It will not end well for you. Any of you.

Consider that your one and only warning.
Theo reaches forward and takes a sip of whiskey from the small sterling cut glass.

Now I want to speak directly to the current champions of the XWF. Jim Caedus, Dolly Waters, Mr. Tidbits and Robert Main. For the moment, the singles titles that you all possess may remain right where they are but make no mistake about it, they are staying with you for the time being only because we are allowing it. You see one of the perks of being The Kings™, as well as having a 50% ownership stake in the company is that we get title shots whenever we want them. All I have to do is make a phone call to the General Managers and any or all of you can find yourselves in a match with us. So, enjoy the gift of our hospitality while it lasts. Because it may not last forever.

To the XWF roster as a whole, The Kings™ have very specific goals in mind and so long as you stay out of our way you may consider yourselves safe. However, in the event that you end up in our crosshairs I suggest you run as far and as fast as you possibly can because there is no corner of this planet that we cannot find you and take you apart. So, do yourselves a favor, stay out of our way and you won't have to worry about us.

And now lastly to the General Managers of the XWF. The Kings™ will be setting up individual meetings with all of you to go over some of the changes we expect to see in the coming weeks.

Things are most definitely going to change around here.

Starting right now.

Due to the extremely generous contracts that The Kings™ have been given some budget cuts were needed. And so, it is with little to no regret that I announce that effective immediately Colton Kato has been relieved of his duties as XWF General Manager. Colton was escorted off the XWF grounds earlier this morning without incident. Saturday Night Savage will now be run by J.T. Washington.

Now if you don't mind "The Senator" and I have a round of golf scheduled with The President of the United States and he gets very upset if we are late.

The scene fades out as Theo pushes his chair back from the table and begins standing out.

OOC: First I want everyone to know that this angle of Theo Pryce and the Kings owning 50% of the company is exactly that. An angle. Theo Pryce the character and I the handler have absolutely zero power behind the scenes to make matches, effect outcomes of matches or make any decisions at all. So please if have any questions or concerns about anything please continue to go to the general managers of the fed as well as Vincent Lane the Administrator.

Secondly while I have no say in anything GM related the bit at the end about Kato being fired is half true. Earlier this morning Kato informed the XWF management team that he was leaving the fed effective immediately. Vinnie Lane felt given his post yesterday about The Kings having 50% ownership of the fed that allowing Theo to IC fire Kato would give weight to the angle we are currently running. Again, this decision to part with the fed was Kato's and Kato's alone and I have been asked to relay to all of you that the XWF Management team would appreciate if everyone would respect Kato's decision.

A Message From The Kings Court. - Super Mario - 04-23-2017

lemmie be point blank with ya if I may

as a champion now myself I got respect for you an' your boys no lie an and Caedus he's cool with me as is Dolly
and anybody cool with me I'd prefer they be cool with you too cuz champs gotta stick together am I right or wrong??

however I can respect you finally doin' somethin' bout Chaos and Main pair of pricks both of'em! I'd gladly take a ringside seat to seein' both those jerkoffs get theirs but good and maybe see you guys keep the peace round' these parts and be the problemsolvers we need here yeah?

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Mr Killjoy - 04-23-2017

'Sup Theo, we've never met but I know of you. I don't know or care how much you know of me but lemme just say what you've done in the past means jack. You and your lil' crew disappeared off the face of the Earth not too long before I debuted and the competition now is tougher than what it was back then, hopefully Doc has already given you a heads up, if not, you're gonna find out the hard way, regardless of the authoritative powers you posses and possibly intend to abuse. So you so-called Kings get your final run out of your system for nostalgia purposes and old times sake before you ride off into the sunset once again. I'm happy for you guys truly, just don't cross me though, or you might just find yourself wishing you kept that ass parked behind that office desk filing paper work and nothing more.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 04-23-2017

We are only targeting champions, Trax. You're safe.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Mr Killjoy - 04-23-2017

(04-23-2017, 05:26 PM)Doctor Louis DVille Said:
We are only targeting champions, Trax. You're safe.

See thats the thing, I enjoy wiping the smirk off your face Doc, it tickles me. I enjoyed doing it in the LL tournament, and I even though tag teaming isn't really my thing, if you succeed in beating Sebastian Duke's and Muddy Water's unwanted children to retain those titles... I just might find a partner and take those tag team titles off your hands out of spite.Its not like you guys haven't already made enemies around here.

Trax winks and laughs as he walks away.

A Message From The Kings Court. - Theo Pryce - 04-23-2017

Did Dolly and my nephew get ungraded to #1 contenders for the tag team titles? Here I thought it was the guys facing The Kings™ on Saturday. Did I not make that clear earlier when I explained why John Madison was going to be dusting off his old ref uniform to ref the match?

Look Trax I was going to respond to your original message to me because it was so rife with bullshit that I thought I was watching a rerun of an Eli James promo but then I decided to go on living my life.

Having said that, since you felt it appropriate to throw out some thinly veiled threat at us, by all means, grab yourself a partner and The Kings™ will be happy to give you a crack at our tag team titles. Assuming of course that you earn that right.

I know you're black Trax but this isn't the welfare line. Nothing is free here. You want a shot. Earn it.

Otherwise pretend like the line for the titles is a bus and get to the fucking back.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Mr Killjoy - 04-23-2017

(04-23-2017, 05:40 PM)Theo Pryce Said: Did Dolly and my nephew get ungraded to #1 contenders for the tag team titles? Here I thought it was the guys facing The Kings™ on Saturday. Did I not make that clear earlier when I explained why John Madison was going to be dusting off his old ref uniform to ref the match?

Look Trax I was going to respond to your original message to me because it was so rife with bullshit that I thought I was watching a rerun of an Eli James promo but then I decided to go on living my life.

Having said that, since you felt it appropriate to throw out some thinly veiled threat at us, by all means, grab yourself a partner and The Kings™ will be happy to give you a crack at our tag team titles. Assuming of course that you earn that right.

I know you're black Trax but this isn't the welfare line. Nothing is free here. You want a shot. Earn it.

Otherwise pretend like the line for the titles is a bus and get to the fucking back.

Ah my bad homie, I got the tag team matches on Savage and Warfare mixed up, yeah thinking back you did mention it was Graves and Chaos you're up against but in all honestly I complete zoned out during the middle of your snoozefest rant and only snapped out of it towards the end. Good thing you're NOT going up against Dolly & Thaddeus, I mean imagine losing your return match to two wrestlers that still piss the bed and have curfews.

Grab a partner? I might just do that, we'll see how things go, oh and theres no threats here Theo I'm just straight up telling you how it is. You telling me I need to earn a title shot right after you spoke about using your position in management to award yourself title matches if you feel like it is rich though. Pot calling Kettle black? Speaking of black I wonder how Samuels feels about you making racial comments like you did, or do those sort of remarks not apply to him because he's a Bounty, you know white in the inside.


Whatever though, don't forget to feed D'Ville his meds, he gets cranky.

A Message From The Kings Court. - Theo Pryce - 04-23-2017

Quote:Pot calling Kettle black?

No Trax. I'm calling you black.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - John Samuels - 04-23-2017

Samuels pulls a revolver from his coat pocket and pushes the cylinder out. He reaches into his coat and pulls out a handful of bullets. One by one he begins to load them in the chambers.

Samuels: "On any one of our worst days, we're better than you could ever dream."


Samuels: "You forget that you only succeeded in our absence. As they say, when the cats are away the mice will play."


Samuels: "We dominated until we got tired of doing so. You'll never experience that kind of burden."


Samuels: "We've been dominating competition since you were squirted into your mother's putrid vagina while she turned tricks in the back of an El Camino."


Samuels: "Winking at Theo the way you just did there? That's unsightly. Are you going to pull his hair next and ask if he 'likes you or like-likes you?' We're back for less than a week and you're already auditioning to be a concubine."


Samuels: "Since you want to pretend we're kinfolk let me give you a word of advice, 'brotha:' black men sticking their noses where they don't belong historically tend to wind up as backwoods Christmas tree ornaments."


Samuels slams the cylinder shut and spins it. He pulls the hammer back and offers the gun to Trax.

Samuels: "Next time you open your mouth I'd suggest sticking this inside it first. It'd be a lot less painful, I can promise you that.

A Message From The Kings Court. - Paul Heyman - 04-23-2017

*Counts money.


I said I'd release the sharks. They're bound to feed eventually.

*continues counting money

Right Trax?

A Message From The Kings Court. - The Monster of Htaed - 04-23-2017

Father Slathe creeps into the situation surprisingly without his pet anywhere in sight. Plucking an ember tipped Honey flavored Cuban from his wet and bushy caterpillar lipped mouth. Puckering his lips Father Slathe begins to blow smoke rings into the face of Samuel who still has the loaded gun in his hands. Parting the two aggressive African American males like Moses parted the red sea. Father Slathe steps through with exuberant advice.

Father Slathe: "Brother's, brother's please let us play nice. Black on black violence is never the answer. Isn't Whitey already causing enough problems for yall? Never mind, continue. I am only here because someone spoke of a dead man."

Father Slathe continues toward Theo Pryce's newly installed desk. Puffing on his cigar a couple times before exhaling the delicious clouds of cancer. Stopping right at the edge of the desk, standing tall and proud in his priest-like attire. Looking down at Theo in his chair at his desk looking all relax, calm, and collected. Father Slathe smirks devilishly as he takes a couple more drags before blowing smoke rings once again but this time not in anyone's direction. Rubbing his mustache a couple of times before opening his mouth to communicate his feelings to the new half-owner of the XWF.

Father Slathe: "Hmm!? So you're the new big veiny swinging DICK around here huh? So you want to speak to the XWF Champions I hear? You even had the respect to call them out by their names. Very classy. Only one problem partner, you referred to a dead man. Now I am not entirely blaming it on you because you haven't been around for awhile. Mister Tidbits is no more, the one who represents the Television Championship around my waist is known as The Monster of Htaed (huh-th-odd)! Just thought you should know since you must be an important fella and all. Oh yeah and if you're not a believer, you probably shouldn't go looking for The Truth, it could kill YOU!"

Father Slathe takes a couple more drags on his cigar before flicking a nice solid chunk of ash onto Theo Pryce's desk. Father Slathe tosses his hands up and gives Theo the most mockingly and humorous look of "oopsy daisy" you could imagine. Chuckling his arms and hands fall back down to his side as he spins around stepping away towards the exit of Theo Pryce's office, puffing on his Honey Cuban while whistling a sharp and cheerful tune.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 04-23-2017

Doc leans into Father Slathe and takes a looooooooooooooooooooong sniff from the exhaust of that Cuban he's holding.

You couldn't spare one of those could you, Father?

Doc takes another whiff and stares at the over-sized death stick pinched in Father Slathe's grasp.

I, uh, hate to inform you, sir, but your monster....? That Television Title of your's? It's pretty safe. Former UNIVERSAL Champions aren't eligible for that.

Doc takes his stare from the cigar to straight in the face of Father Slathe.

Or perhaps.... With the new UNIVERSAL perks that accompany holding this title, we could adjust those forbidding rules a bit....

Doc then takes his crooked eyed stare along with a devilish grin from Father Slathe to his fellow King and half owner of the XWF, Theo Pryce.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Mr Killjoy - 04-23-2017

(04-23-2017, 06:55 PM)King John II Said: Samuels pulls a revolver from his coat pocket and pushes the cylinder out. He reaches into his coat and pulls out a handful of bullets. One by one he begins to load them in the chambers.

Samuels: "On any one of our worst days, we're better than you could ever dream."


Samuels: "You forget that you only succeeded in our absence. As they say, when the cats are away the mice will play."


Samuels: "We dominated until we got tired of doing so. You'll never experience that kind of burden."


Samuels: "We've been dominating competition since you were squirted into your mother's putrid vagina while she turned tricks in the back of an El Camino."


Samuels: "Winking at Theo the way you just did there? That's unsightly. Are you going to pull his hair next and ask if he 'likes you or like-likes you?' We're back for less than a week and you're already auditioning to be a concubine."


Samuels: "Since you want to pretend we're kinfolk let me give you a word of advice, 'brotha:' black men sticking their noses where they don't belong historically tend to wind up as backwoods Christmas tree ornaments."


Samuels slams the cylinder shut and spins it. He pulls the hammer back and offers the gun to Trax.

Samuels: "Next time you open your mouth I'd suggest sticking this inside it first. It'd be a lot less painful, I can promise you that.

Trax looks at the gun in Samuels hands, then smiles.

I agree. Blowing my brains out would definitely be less painful then having to stand here and listening to you shooting blanks. You wanna talk about how I dominated in your absence, but lemme flip that and say if I had arrived in XWF a couple years earlier than I did the only thing that would of changed is you wouldn't of been the first black Universal champion. Sorry to say but you're no longer the residential token black guy, you may of opened the door, but I kicked that motherfucker off the hinges. Never been burdened with dominating a federation so much I got bored? Thats true, I don't get bored doing what I love and your "domination" was a joint effort involving your boys and not solely at your hands so I don't care for it.You know what else I've never been burdened with? Carrying bunch of white mens bags, you think you can shuck and jive back up in here with your whitewashed slave nigga self and set the place alight based on what, your forgotten name and outdated rep? Nah son. You wanna light a fire then stroke a match stick across your face with your ashy looking self, thats the only way you're gonna set this company ablaze once again.

Oh and a couple other things, we ain't "brothas", you goddamn coconut and and speak about my mother again and watch if you don't end up in the same nursing home she's in after I retire your ass for good. Keep the gun, you might need it.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - The Monster of Htaed - 04-23-2017

(04-23-2017, 09:28 PM)Doctor Louis DVille Said: Doc leans into Father Slathe and takes a looooooooooooooooooooong sniff from the exhaust of that Cuban he's holding.

You couldn't spare one of those could you, Father?

Doc takes another whiff and stares at the over-sized death stick pinched in Father Slathe's grasp.

I, uh, hate to inform you, sir, but your monster....? That Television Title of your's? It's pretty safe. Former UNIVERSAL Champions aren't eligible for that.

Doc takes his stare from the cigar to straight in the face of Father Slathe.

Or perhaps.... With the new UNIVERSAL perks that accompany holding this title, we could adjust those forbidding rules a bit....

Doc then takes his crooked eyed stare along with a devilish grin from Father Slathe to his fellow King and half owner of the XWF, Theo Pryce.

Father Slathe takes another drag on his Honey Cuban that put off enough essence to lure in the one and only Doc. Father Slathe then puffs the smoke out after swirling it around in his mouth for a few seconds. Waving the cigar in the face of Doc Deville with a slight grin, before pulling it back and resting it between his lips. Taking a couple more puffs as he reaches inside his robes pulling a silver cigar case with diamonds spelling "MS" in the center. Father Slathe opens the cigar case while still puffing away on his own. Holding the case in one hand, Father Slathe removes his cigar from his mouth so he can speak. Holding the case out toward Doc, Father Slathe winks at Doc before speaking.

Father Slathe: "Wow, now what kind of man would I be without enough of these delicious beauties to go around? Please don't confuse my hospitality and proper educate as weakness or a kneel of surrender. The Truth, the children of Htaed we consider ourselves warriors, depraved warriors but warriors. Death before dishonor. So please enjoy one of my cigars. Come for our Television Championship, well you won't enjoy what we will have to offer as much..."

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 04-23-2017

Doc snatches a cigar from the case and sparks a light from his finger tips. He takes a delicious, long drawl from that Honey Cuban that would make Ron Jeremy take a knee.

He looks up to Father Slathe with s sparkle in his eye...

I'm sure you ARE warriors, Father. Thing is, we're KINGS, remember?

Your Television Title is probably safe; even after my threats I doubt I'll even wish to spend the time working THAT hard for a shot at the UNIVERSAL Title. After all, I probably just have to ask for one and I'll get it. I appreciate you just wandering in here and providing the smoke, very much, but I think the door is waiting for you...

A Message From The Kings Court. - The Monster of Htaed - 04-24-2017

Father Slathe: "Huh. Like I said originally I came in here to correct Mister Pryce. He called my pet Tidbits, Tidbits is no more, now it is known as The Monster of Htaed. Don't worry I can find my own way out."

Father Slathe slams the cigar case closed a centimeter from Doc's nose. Tucking his custom case back into his inner robes pocket Father Slathe turns around walking past Samuels and Trax nodding and tipping his hat. Once at the door of the office Slathe turns back around toward Doc.

Father Slathe: "Oh and Doc remember who the one are to overthrow Kings of enemy kingdoms? Warriors from the conflicting kingdom. Don't worry though sometimes The Truth burns!"

Father Slathe takes a puff from his cigar and exits the office while waving like a queer meeting queen Elizabeth for the first time as he disappears down the hall.

A Message From The Kings Court. - Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-24-2017

the KINGS need the real KING of Xtreme.. I'm just sayin ;)

A Message From The Kings Court. - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 04-24-2017

Doc says nothing and just admires Peter's reconstructed ear.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - John Samuels - 04-25-2017

(04-24-2017, 09:32 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: the KINGS need the real KING of Xtreme.. I'm just sayin ;)

Samuels shakes his motherfuckin' head.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Theo Pryce - 04-25-2017

(04-24-2017, 09:32 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: the KINGS need the real KING of Xtreme.. I'm just sayin ;)

The Kings™ need you like you need another donut.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - JackCain - 04-26-2017

**Jack Cain sits on a stack of wooden pallets down the corridor from the office where the action has unfolded. He plays Solitaire with a worn bunch of cards.**

Kings huh? Can't say I've heard of you. I'm new in town, so maybe I just ain't with the programme yet.

**He slaps down a card and frowns**

I don't really care about your agenda, or your threats. Don't really care about your stock crap, or your Japanese hocus pocus.

**He drops another card and smiles**

What's funny is guys like you just think you can take anything you like. You storm in, bust heads, take it all, then sit back and enjoy it.

**He goes to place another card, the pauses. He rests it against his head before flicking it onto the pallet in front of him.**

Doesn't matter whether it's people's title belts, their cash, their cars, their homes, their families - you just take, because you think you've got the right to. Seen it plenty of times before.

**He turns over another card, smiles again, then instead of putting it with the others, puts it in his jacket pocket.**

And because you talk big, and you got the numbers, and you got the muscle, and you got the power, no one stands up to you. And anyone who does gets there ass kicked. Then you get your little acolytes like Mario kissin' your ass to try and get a piece of the pie.

**Another card is placed with the others, this time without emotion.**

It's all to do with fear. Fear of putting your head above that parapet, fear of takin' a stand.

I ain't afraid.

I ain't afraid of you, your power, your money, your numbers. You set your dogs on me, I'll beat the shit out of 'em. You bring weapons, I'll bring mine. I don't really care if you turn up with 50 of your friends, I'll beat them too.

You're bullies, and bullies always back down when someone stands up to them.

So here I am.

I've been in enough crosshairs in my time to know how to get out of the way when I need to, and when to shoot back. Maybe AX3 can look after themselves. Maybe Caedus, Waters, Main and the Monster can too - but wouldn't it be nice if someone was watchin' their back so they could concentrate on takin' you down?

**Cain looks at the cards he's laid in front of him. The Kings of Hearts, Spades, Clubs and Diamonds stare back at him**

After all, when you got a bunch of kings...

**Cain reaches into his pocket and produces the card he stashed there earlier. He flips it to reveal:

[Image: ace-of-spades.jpg]

You need an Ace in the hole.

Be seein' you boys...

A Message From The Kings Court. - Peter Fn Gilmour - 04-26-2017

u guy will need me someday.. not right now though.. but SOON

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Obsidian Air - 04-28-2017

Court?!? Court ??!? I thought I was done with those words...

Obsidian Air looks around the room nervously shifting his body, planning an escape. Then he realizes what's going on.

Sorry, Sorry, bad habit, I realize now it's just a name, a scary name but just a name like Bob or Greg or Obsidian, maybe not like Obsidian, I have a weird name I know.

Someone whispers into Obsidian's ear that they have power and can make decisions.

It's not just a name, you guys have power?!? I thought I was getting away from court but now I hear, I haven't even had a match yet and I have to deal with this shit again?!?

Obsidian paces around the room trying to figure stuff out and finally realizes what he has to do

I know what I need to do, I'm sorry for the freakout, I was just worried that when I finally had hope it was being taken away.

Obsidian Air straightens up and acts how his lawyer taught him to

Your Honor, Honors? However you wish to be addressed, I have changed for the better. XWF has given me the potential to grow into something I have never dreamed of being, a success. If you have 50 percent of the power of the company, I am indebted to you. I haven't made a name yet, everyone still stares and wonders what the homeless man is doing here. I will take any opportunity I can get and since you guys have power, it seems like you are the right people to ask for one. I will wrestle anyone, simply be a bodyguard, or even shine your shoes. I know that sounds Desperate but I am a Desperate man. I finally have a chance to succeed to well have a home. I don't want to return to that slab ever again and I certainly don't want to deal with a court of law again. I'll gladly take the King's Court over that court any day. I am Obsidian Air and am in your service if you'll have me.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Vincent Lane - 04-29-2017

Wow look at the quality of competitor Theo Pryce brings to our ranks!

"King" Theo went outside digging in the trashcans for some half smoked butts and found himself a fifth King! "The Rat King" Obsidian Air, everyone! He'll clean your windshield for a dollar!

Great job, Theo.

A Message From The Kings Court. - Theo Pryce - 04-29-2017

Nice try Vincent but I didn't sign his contract. Talk to your money man, this one has his stench all over it.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Jefferson Jackson - 04-29-2017

Hey guys, I'm just trying to do my job here.

Try to have some faith in me.

We have so little invested in this guy that if he WOULD become Universal Champion someday, the two of you could retire. Sounds pretty good, right?

A Message From The Kings Court. - Theo Pryce - 04-29-2017

While I don't really need the extra money I would obviously never turn it down.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - JackCain - 04-29-2017

(04-28-2017, 07:47 AM)Obsidian Air Said: Court?!? Court ??!? I thought I was done with those words...

Obsidian Air looks around the room nervously shifting his body, planning an escape. Then he realizes what's going on.

Sorry, Sorry, bad habit, I realize now it's just a name, a scary name but just a name like Bob or Greg or Obsidian, maybe not like Obsidian, I have a weird name I know.

Someone whispers into Obsidian's ear that they have power and can make decisions.

It's not just a name, you guys have power?!? I thought I was getting away from court but now I hear, I haven't even had a match yet and I have to deal with this shit again?!?

Obsidian paces around the room trying to figure stuff out and finally realizes what he has to do

I know what I need to do, I'm sorry for the freakout, I was just worried that when I finally had hope it was being taken away.

Obsidian Air straightens up and acts how his lawyer taught him to

Your Honor, Honors? However you wish to be addressed, I have changed for the better. XWF has given me the potential to grow into something I have never dreamed of being, a success. If you have 50 percent of the power of the company, I am indebted to you. I haven't made a name yet, everyone still stares and wonders what the homeless man is doing here. I will take any opportunity I can get and since you guys have power, it seems like you are the right people to ask for one. I will wrestle anyone, simply be a bodyguard, or even shine your shoes. I know that sounds Desperate but I am a Desperate man. I finally have a chance to succeed to well have a home. I don't want to return to that slab ever again and I certainly don't want to deal with a court of law again. I'll gladly take the King's Court over that court any day. I am Obsidian Air and am in your service if you'll have me.

**Jack Cain is listening to Obsidian's words and shakes his head**

See, I said this would happen. Guys walkin' in here like they are the rightful owners of the place, and they attract little acolytes - like flies buzzin' round turds.

**Cain walks over to a table, where his knuckledusters and a lead pipe reside**

It's Goddamn' sad. It really is. You don't have the strength of character to take your own path in life - you gotta crawl on your belly and hope someone takes pity on you. You know where that gets ya? Nowhere. They just look at you like you're a stain on your shoe. You're stupid if you think they're gonna give you anythin' else other than lowerin' your self-esteem even more.

**Cain places the brass knucks on his fists and picks up the pipe**

And I could feel sorry for ya. I could take pity on ya, but here you are, askin' these people to be their bitch. That means you need educatin'. Then you started talkin' about court. I ain't no fan of them, but I did a little research. You can polish your Golden Halo all you want, but you've done some nasty shit. You ask me? I think you've been gettin' off lightly.

**He flips the pipe end over end and opens the fire exit next to him. Outside rain is beating down into the night. He steps into the downpour and lets water cascade over his hair, flattening it against his scalp**

That's where I come in. Some of the shit you've done, then you come here, asking the playground bullies for a job? Puts you on my radar. Bein' in court, and bein' on the street is gonna be a Goddamn' cakewalk compared to what you got comin' to you pal.

**He clangs the pipe against the brick wall next to him. A stray cat scurries off into the darkness**

Vincent Lane, I ain't your man, or anybody else's here, but I will do you a favour. You wanna deal with these Kings boys on your terms? That's fine by me. I'll take care of their little fan club, whoever that might be. I don't want anythin' in return, I just do it because I want to.

**He melds into the darkness of the alleyway he's in**

Time to go huntin'

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 04-29-2017

(04-26-2017, 11:50 AM)JackCain Said: After all, when you got a bunch of kings...

**Cain reaches into his pocket and produces the card he stashed there earlier. He flips it to reveal:

[Image: ace-of-spades.jpg]

You need an Ace in the hole.

Be seein' you boys...

I'm more of a chess player, to be honest.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - JackCain - 04-30-2017

(04-29-2017, 05:15 PM)Doctor Louis DVille Said:
(04-26-2017, 11:50 AM)JackCain Said: After all, when you got a bunch of kings...

**Cain reaches into his pocket and produces the card he stashed there earlier. He flips it to reveal:

[Image: ace-of-spades.jpg]

You need an Ace in the hole.

Be seein' you boys...

I'm more of a chess player, to be honest.

That's nice - a game of tactics. I can do that all day long. Your big problem is that the whole game is based around protecting your King. What you gonna do when you have no one left to protect you?

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 04-30-2017

(04-30-2017, 10:27 AM)JackCain Said: That's nice - a game of tactics. I can do that all day long. Your big problem is that the whole game is based around protecting your King. What you gonna do when you have no one left to protect you?

Well, unlike a board game, I hit back. Pretty hard, too, if you haven't heard.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Obsidian Air - 04-30-2017

Obsidian hears the jokes about him and is going stir-crazy trying to stop himself from saying something he regrets and finally breaks

" God damn it, I'm not worthless, I have a reason to be here and the GM saw something in me or I wouldn't be here at all, I offered my services to be part of something, something finally bigger than myself, something better than my old life, but you judge me and make fun of me like all the others. I will prove to every last one of you that I am something to invest in, that I am worth your time, and I am not to be fucking overlooked and for everyone who does, everyone who is, and everyone who will, they can all fuck off."

Obsidian looks crazy around the room angry at everybody but sees Jefferson Jackson and calms down and straightens his clothing trying to look as proper as possible

"Jefferson, thank you for trying and simply suggesting that I could become champ is a lot nicer than what most people have said about me so thank you. I really appreciate it"

Obsidian goes back to pacing around the room calming down but still feels stings from words here and there, finally JackCain speaks and this is the moment Obsidian truly snaps

"What the fuck did I just hear? Did you just call me a fucking bitch?"

Obsidian storms up to Jack and gets close to his face

"From what I see, the only bitch around here is you Jack, I don't see anyone else with a pipe and brass knuckles. You think that intimidates me? You talk about how court and the streets are nothing compared to you. Well if all you are is a guy who thinks he's a badass because he has a pipe and some knucks, I think the street has prepared me fully for you and a shit ton more."

Obsidian backs away a bit and shows that he can control himself

"You call me a fly buzzing around turds but the closest thing to me is you so you might be right because you're definitely a piece of shit. "

Obsidian points to Jack and then starts pointing to himself erratically

"You call me a fan and dismiss me like I'm nothing hen you insult my strength of character, I was just a man looking for something to join, something to give me a reason to fight, somewhere to start in this company, I might not need the kings or something to join but I did find a reason to fight so thank you for that, I will show the world why they should pay attention to me starting with the destruction of you, you can call me the King's bitch but when I face you, you will be my bitch"

Obsidian gets in Jack's face again

"Oh and don't you dare pull out that Ace because I will rip it apart just like life ripped you of a chance to be anything impressive."

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - JackCain - 05-01-2017

(04-30-2017, 10:40 AM)Doctor Louis DVille Said:
(04-30-2017, 10:27 AM)JackCain Said: That's nice - a game of tactics. I can do that all day long. Your big problem is that the whole game is based around protecting your King. What you gonna do when you have no one left to protect you?

Well, unlike a board game, I hit back. Pretty hard, too, if you haven't heard.

I'm looking forward to findin' out. But I might let you kick the shit out of that Graves fucker first. No sense in gettin' in the way of somethin' that needs to be done.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - JackCain - 05-01-2017

(04-30-2017, 09:30 PM)Obsidian Air Said: Obsidian hears the jokes about him and is going stir-crazy trying to stop himself from saying something he regrets and finally breaks

" God damn it, I'm not worthless, I have a reason to be here and the GM saw something in me or I wouldn't be here at all, I offered my services to be part of something, something finally bigger than myself, something better than my old life, but you judge me and make fun of me like all the others. I will prove to every last one of you that I am something to invest in, that I am worth your time, and I am not to be fucking overlooked and for everyone who does, everyone who is, and everyone who will, they can all fuck off."

Obsidian looks crazy around the room angry at everybody but sees Jefferson Jackson and calms down and straightens his clothing trying to look as proper as possible

"Jefferson, thank you for trying and simply suggesting that I could become champ is a lot nicer than what most people have said about me so thank you. I really appreciate it"

Obsidian goes back to pacing around the room calming down but still feels stings from words here and there, finally JackCain speaks and this is the moment Obsidian truly snaps

"What the fuck did I just hear? Did you just call me a fucking bitch?"

Obsidian storms up to Jack and gets close to his face

"From what I see, the only bitch around here is you Jack, I don't see anyone else with a pipe and brass knuckles. You think that intimidates me? You talk about how court and the streets are nothing compared to you. Well if all you are is a guy who thinks he's a badass because he has a pipe and some knucks, I think the street has prepared me fully for you and a shit ton more."

Obsidian backs away a bit and shows that he can control himself

"You call me a fly buzzing around turds but the closest thing to me is you so you might be right because you're definitely a piece of shit. "

Obsidian points to Jack and then starts pointing to himself erratically

"You call me a fan and dismiss me like I'm nothing hen you insult my strength of character, I was just a man looking for something to join, something to give me a reason to fight, somewhere to start in this company, I might not need the kings or something to join but I did find a reason to fight so thank you for that, I will show the world why they should pay attention to me starting with the destruction of you, you can call me the King's bitch but when I face you, you will be my bitch"

Obsidian gets in Jack's face again

"Oh and don't you dare pull out that Ace because I will rip it apart just like life ripped you of a chance to be anything impressive."

**Cain stands over Obsidian, a head taller and much bigger. His face is the picture of anger**

Boo-hoo you little pissant. Yeah I called you a bitch. What are you gonna do about it? Have some damned self respect and stop grovelling to these people.

I ain't their friend and neither should you be. They're all the fuckin' same. The Kings, AX3, that Graves asshole. And here you are, begging to let them shit all over you for a dollar and a smile.

I don't need brass knucks to take care of you. You know why I have 'em? It makes it more damned enjoyable to see your head get split open when I punch you, that's why.

See, your problem is self esteem. Your little drug habit speaks for itself. "Look at me, I need help, I need a chance because life's been unfair."

Life's unfair to every fuckin' body. The only difference is what you make of it. You can chhoose to shoot up and sit on a street corner smellin' of rat piss, or you can get off your ass and make your own way in the world.

You wanna let these people exploit you? That's fine. You now gotta reason to fight. Good for you. But maybe you ought to think about what happens when you rattle the cage of a guy who wouldn't think twice about knockin' out what teeth you have left, and wouldn't even break sweat.

Before I go, gotta present for ya.

**Cain reaches into his jacket pocket. He produces a five dollar bill**

Here. Go downtown; buy some fuckin' soap and do the world a favour.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 05-01-2017

(05-01-2017, 03:47 PM)JackCain Said:
(04-30-2017, 10:40 AM)Doctor Louis DVille Said:
(04-30-2017, 10:27 AM)JackCain Said: That's nice - a game of tactics. I can do that all day long. Your big problem is that the whole game is based around protecting your King. What you gonna do when you have no one left to protect you?

Well, unlike a board game, I hit back. Pretty hard, too, if you haven't heard.

I'm looking forward to findin' out. But I might let you kick the shit out of that Graves fucker first. No sense in gettin' in the way of somethin' that needs to be done.

You have TV? Been there done that.

re:A Message From The Kings Court. - JackCain - 05-02-2017

(05-01-2017, 04:06 PM)Doctor Louis DVille Said:
(05-01-2017, 03:47 PM)JackCain Said:
(04-30-2017, 10:40 AM)Doctor Louis DVille Said: Well, unlike a board game, I hit back. Pretty hard, too, if you haven't heard.

I'm looking forward to findin' out. But I might let you kick the shit out of that Graves fucker first. No sense in gettin' in the way of somethin' that needs to be done.

You have TV? Been there done that.

On Netflix?