X-treme Wrestling Federation
A NEW DAY - Printable Version

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A NEW DAY - "Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves - 04-03-2017

Saturday, April 1st, 2017
Moments after Graves vs Gilmour at Lethal Lottery

Backstage in the locker room is where we find Micheal Graves who is broken and bloody from his epic war with Peter Gilmour earlier tonight. Micheal is sitting on a wooden bench in front of a line of gray lockers as a team of medical personnel attend to his many injuries and cuts. Steve Sayors enters the locker room with a microphone in hand.

Steve Sayors: “Micheal, can I get a moment of your time to address the XWF universe after that grueling victory over Peter Gilmour?”

Micheal pulls away from the EMT that is trying to stitch up his head and cuts him a dirty look. It’s obvious that Micheal doesn’t care for all of this “care” that he is receiving.

Micheal Graves: “Guys, I’m fine. Go check on Gilmour, he needs this more than me.”

One​ of the EMTs is quick to respond.

Random EMT: “We just need to finish stitching these cuts up…”

Micheal jumps up pushing the EMTs away from him, then he grabs the needle and thread that is hanging down from the half stitched cut on his head and snaps the surgical thread, throwing the needle to the ground.

Micheal Graves: “You’re done, now get out before I make you look like Gilmour!”

The medical team are quick to gather up their equipment and scurry out of the room. After a moment it’s just an uncomfortable Steve Sayors and Micheal Graves remaining. Micheal sits back down on the bench and looks up to Sayors with a welcoming smile on his face.

Micheal Graves: “So Stevie, you’ve got questions huh? Well shoot!”

Steve Sayors hesitates for a few seconds as he tries to wrap his head around Michaels odd behavior. Finally, Steve snaps out of it and takes a few steps closer to Micheal before beginning his interview.

Steve Sayors: “Micheal, just moments ago, you defeated Peter Gilmour in what was arguably the most brutal match of the night. Would it be safe to say that you have a new found respect for Peter Gilmour after that match?”

Micheal Graves: “Respect, for that fucker? Did Gilly put you up to asking me that!?

Micheal pauses as he genuinely wants an answer. All Sayors can manage is to shake his head no.”

Micheal Graves: “Tonight Peter and I took each other to our limits. Once there, we both dug deep and pushed on even further. He threw everything that he had at me tonight, everything, and you know what? It wasn’t enough! Peter Gilmour managed to prove three things tonight. One, he knows how to use some weapons. That’s nothing special, though, a five year old with autism can swing a weapon around. Two, I was right when I said that he was an unmotivated piece of shit. If he had any motivation, he would have found a way to beat me. I haven’t exactly been on top of my game lately, and he should have been able to take advantage of that.”

Steve Sayors: “And third?”

Micheal Graves smiles as he rubs the stream of blood from his half stitched wound from his eye.

Micheal Graves: “He proved that I am still the most sadistic son of a bitch in the XWF today! Gilly went on and on about how this was HIS match, and how HE was going to END MY CAREER. Well, I took that shit a step further and made a deal with my wife that if I lost this match, I would retire from the XWF. If Peter Gilmour could do what he claimed that he would do, I would leave the XWF and let him reign XTREME. He couldn’t though, could he? No, because just like I have said all along, I am the mother fucker that you all need to watch out for. I’m a devil in sheep's clothing. The man of your dreams and the monster hiding under your bed. Tonight Gilly got the monster and now all that’s left for him is to run back to the masculine arms of his tranny lover and binge out on doughnuts and ding dongs until everyone’s dream of a lardass Gilly comes true. Me on the other hand, I’m moving on to my next scheduled event. Saturday Night Savage, where I’m teaming up with Dolly Waters to take on the Universal Champion, and the former Universal Champion, Reno and Chaos.”

Steve Sayors: “Speaking of that match. How did you and Dolly Waters end up teaming together and against Chaos and Reno no less?”

Micheal Graves: “Well, when Gilly attacked Cadryn, Cadryn went MIA. That left Dolly without a partner for LL and really screwed her over, despite the match being re-booked as a triple threat. So when I heard that Dolly was looking for a partner for a tag team match on Savage, I felt obligated to offer my services. I can’t do shit about Cadryn flaking out at the PPV, but I can show Dolly that at least one of us is worth his weight. As far as pitting us against Chaos and Reno, why in the fuck wouldn’t they put us up against the best? It was just 6 weeks ago that I damn near took the title from Chaos and Dolly’s list of accomplishments speak for themselves. By all rights, she should be standing here right now with that briefcase. I have no doubt that if that match would have taken place as booked, as a tag team match, that Dolly and Cadryn would have defeated Caedus and Trax, and Dolly would have made short work of Cadryn in the end.

Steve Sayors: “Isn’t Cadryn your friend? Like your BEST friend?”

Micheal Graves: “That’s what he says isn’t it?”

Steve Sayors: “It just seems a little weird that you would choose Dolly over Cadryn as the potential winner of LL?”

Micheal Graves: “Why? Because Cadryn might get his feelings hurt? Well boo fucking hoo, the truth hurts doesn’t it? The fact is Dolly would make Cadryn her bitch, just like she and I are going to do to Chaos and Reno!”

Steve Sayors: “You’ve never faced Reno, and even though an argument can be made that you would have won had Colten Kato not​ interfered, the fact remains that you’ve lost to Chaos. So how can you be so confident that you and Dolly Waters can defeat them at Savage?”

Micheal Graves: “Look at me Sayors! Tell me, what do you see?

Steve Sayors stares at the blood soaked and wild-eyed Micheal Graves and chooses not to answer that question.

Micheal Graves: “I’ll tell you what you see. You see a man that has FINALLY woke the fuck up! I see things for how they really are Steve. I see that this entire time that I’ve been back in the XWF, I’ve just been running in quicksand, sinking further and further, until the sand began to cover my mouth. I’ve struggled and fought to get out of my deathtrap, and the entire time I didn’t even realize what was going on. I went into that match with Gilmour with sand in my mouth, thinking that this was it, this was the end, but the more that Gilly beat on me, and you heard me right, the more that he beat on ME. The stronger my desire to get out of that trap was. Gilmour may be a lazy piece of shit, but that lazy piece of shit unwittingly saved my life. He saved me from the mundane existence that is civilian life. I’ve been there and done that, and for over a decade I might as well have been dead. Now I realize exactly what it is that I’m fighting for each and every time that I step into the ring. I’m not fighting for some pretentious gold belt. I’m not fighting to brag about some statistical number or some supposed honor. I’m fighting for my Goddamned life! I’m fighting to remain a part of this company, and I can only remain a part of this company if I’m a winner. Look around Steve, losers don’t tend to stick around too long. Ever wonder why? Because there is a steady stream of talent just waiting at the gate, waiting to be let in and we are constantly kicking out the old and the useless to make room for those guys. If I can’t win, if I can’t pull my weight around this company, then it’ll only be a matter of time before the XWF decides that it can cut Micheal Graves to make room for the next big thing, and I’ll be damned if I allow that to happen. So why am I confident? I’m confident because I know that I can beat Reno and Chaos. I’m confident because I KNOW that Dolly can beat Reno and Chaos, and obviously I’m confident because I KNOW that we will beat Reno and Chaos next Saturday! Chaos and I haven’t crossed paths inside of the ring since my title shot against him back in February. That was on purpose. My entire run here in the XWF has been a journey. A journey to find my fighting spirit and to improve my skillset to the point that I could live up to my own standards. With each and every match I have learned, and I have improved. Now tonight I have beaten a legend in the XWF. I’ve gone from the depths of obscurity to overhearing people refer to me as a legend. I’ve gone from that overzealous guy who fell to an eighteen-year-old Thaddeus Duke in my Warfare debut, to a bonafide main event draw.

Steve Sayors: “Well Micheal, thank you for your time, and congratulations on that big win tonight! For more backstage action like this, make sure to check out XWF99.com, where the action never slows down!”

The camera quits rolling and Steve Sayors once again thanks Micheal for his time before shaking his hand and exiting the locker room. Once Sayors is gone, Micheal takes a moment to reflect on the night, and on the war that he was in with Peter Gilmour. The dried blood covering his body is a reminder of the Hell that he went through tonight, but it was being dragged through that Hell that has brought Micheal back to the top of his game. Micheal thrives in extreme environments, a lesson that Gilly learned tonight. Suddenly Micheal’s quiet reflection is interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone. Micheal leans over and reaches into his gym bag to pull out the phone, revealing that the caller is none other than Cadryn Tiberius.

Micheal Graves: “Cadryn?”

Cadryn: “You know she’s underage right!”

Micheal Graves: “Whoa, what!?”


Micheal Graves: “Chill out dude, it’s just a match!”


Micheal Graves: “Dude, What in the fuck!? First of all, I’m not trying to replace anyone! I’m just trying to make up for the fact that YOU went AWOL and left Dolly to fend for herself at LL! Second, it’s YOU that’s not been answering my phone calls. Hell, I was starting to think that you quit the XWF until you randomly showed up in that Heavy Metalweight title match.”


Micheal Graves: “That’s XWF, what do you want me to say?”


Micheal Graves: “I’m already committed, and unlike somebody I know, I don’t just flake out of commitments.”


Micheal Graves: “For Christ sake, I’m tagging up with Dolly not trying to…. You know.”

Cadryn: “SAME THING!!!”


Micheal sits in disbelief after Cadryn hangs up on him. Uh oh, trouble in paradise?