X-treme Wrestling Federation
Purpose Of Royalty - Lethal Lotto #3 - Printable Version

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Purpose Of Royalty - Lethal Lotto #3 - Imperial - 03-28-2017

A beautiful oak table, emblazoned with a triple pronged crown, appears before you. Laid out across is it an array of objects and trinkets. The first thing that your gaze falls upon is an old stained WWE title belt, as your gaze glances past it, you realize that there is no easily observable trend to the type of objects laid out. You notice a tattered The British Bulldog shirt, tied into a knot with a The Rock shirt, a couple of stubs of tickets to a WCW show from years past, following this was a banner with the fading script “Total Extreme Wrestling” printed on it, beside it lay a baseball bat, a chewed pacifier and a candy lolly plastic ring. A chill runs up along your arm, the hairs on the back of your neck standing.

[Image: l1mcnoV.jpg]

As your gaze passes over this plethora of items, you glance further down the long table, noticing that rather than be seated at the head of the table, our lovely protagonist was squatted on its surface, one hand resting on the table and the other running through his hair. On his face was as wide a grin as you’d ever seen, visible clearly through the black and white face paint he had on. In his hands was a baby’s rattle, which he was twirling with undeniable focus.

You linger on him for a few seconds before scanning the rest of the room you find yourself in. Similarly to the crimson study you found yourself in during that odd session with Danny a few days ago, this room used the color of passion as a key design anchor. Regality was paramount. After your visual tour of the room, you return to the crouched Danny.

Danny doesn’t seem to acknowledge you and so you give your throat a hearty clear, maintaining the camera on our favourite individual. His face scrunches up slightly at the interruption before he looks up, straight at you. His face adopts its classic wide smile once more as he stops twirling the rattle.

Danny Imperial
“Welcome, welcome to my humble abode once more. I sure hope you had a good time previously and are back for more! Because more is what I’ll give you, not less, but more! Look look, do you like the little presentation I have prepared for you, well.. Not you in particular, but for the one watching what you produce. Actually, it probably has no meaning to you… I guess I won’t be giving you much more, rather I’d be giving him much more. Him, yes, the one who’s been quite vocal towards me recently, quite hurtful towards me recently. Him, yes, the man, the hurting, confused and very frustrated individual. Oh what have I done to him? Tried to help him, is all I’ve ever tried to do, isn’t it? Hm, and he threatens me, threatens me yes he does. Decides he’s special, better than me, going to hurt me, going to teach me a lesson. All whilst barely acknowledging me, or taking me seriously, focusing on the others, yes the others who’ve hurt him in the past and continue to do so now. But I’m not them am I? I’m not Vinny or Paul, I’m not Dolly or Bourbon, I’m me. I’m Danny. Hm…. Very confused and distracted is he.

Danny turns to look at you, a look of pity on his face as he seems to be speaking to himself almost, glancing at the table. A few seconds of silence pass before he claps his hands together loudly and jerks his head back up to look at you once more, his smile back on his face.

Danny Imperial
“WELL! Anyways, I’ve prepared something for you Scully boy, something I think you’ll really appreciate! It did take me quite some time and…. Crafty thinking to get my hands on some of these things, but I did it all for you. Everything I’ve done so far has been all for you Skully, I’m awfully generous if you’ve been paying attention. BUT YOU HAVEN’T. Too busy thinking about who’s out to get you, or who’s hiding under your bed, you gotta see what’s in front of you Scully, you’re going to have to pay attention.

Let’s see what we have here, first of all, do you happen to recognize this belt I have here? It’s a little small and doesn’t really smell very good, but doesn’t it just bring back memories? Memories of you and your brother Jamesy or Jakey or whatever his name was, sitting at the edge of your couch, eagerly watching to see who’d get the big thigh from the Hulkster? Can’t you almost smell the pre-pubescent scent of excitement excreting from the two of you as cry for losses and cheer for emotional victories? Hmm.. I sure can.”

Danny brings the belt up to his face, giving it a long sniff.

Danny Imperial
“This is where it all began hm? Along with these old t-shirts of your favourite wrestlers, your first WCW Live Show. This is where the Scully we see today was born, wasn’t it? Hm, yes, this is where your littleself decided he wanted to be a wrestler, that he wanted to go out into the world and put on the best shows of athleticism the world had ever seen. You were determined to be an entertainer, an athlete and foremost, a hero. Well… That failed didn’t it? HAH!

What do we have next, a flier from, hmm, what is this, Total Extreme Wrestling. This was quite difficult to get my hands on. Some has been promotion in the middle of nowhere really doesn’t rank highly on the amazon search bar. Had to get my hands dirty and dig through some archives in the local library. Does the nostalgia just wash over you? Does it bring back feelings of victory? Feelings of having a belt around your waist? See, I do this for you Scully, I want you to feel good. I want you to remember the good ol’ days. I want you to cherish every second that has brought you to where you are today. I want you to appreciate it, the days when your future was bright and full of promise. I want you to appreciate the days long gone. I do this for you.

Oh and what do we have here? A baseball bet with quite an interesting crack on its surface. Looks like it must’ve struck something pretty hard. Don’t think it got this in a little league game, do you? Yeah probably not, pretty sturdy a bat though, nice and dense, definitely a well-made bat. Had to rummage through a few locker rooms for this one too, sheesh, some people sure do like to bury their tools of pain and misfortune. Do you remember this, friend? I’m sure if your heads forgotten it, your ankles definitely have not. Go ahead, feel the bone around your ankles, tell me if they remember this bat, Scullyboy. Can you see the look on your… friend’s face as he brought this glorious piece of wood down on you? Do you recall how weak your knees got at that second; how you crumbled to the floor as the individuals you thought were your friends walked out on your without a second glance?

Perhaps the pain also brings back memories of your loss, of your defeat at the hands of a certain Gillyboy? Double whammy indeed, huh? Just got wiped out in the ring by one man, stripped of your most prized possession… Yes, those prior feelings of a belt around your waist are slowly drifting away aren’t they? Alas, the circle of life, what comes must at some point, leave. Stripped of your most prized possession and then taken out by the people you’d fucked over to get there, all on the same night. Ironic, isn’t it?

On that day, where was the boy who’s dreams were full of hope and promise, watching his old blocky TV eagerly all those years ago? On the floor, friendless, title less, hopeless. Not the wonderful glory you imagined is it, this business? What do have next… A little chewed out paci, oh this was by far the hardest thing to get my hands on. I sure hope he doesn’t miss it all that much, I did leave him with a good replacement I think, he’s a cutie he is. Does this bring some of that hope back a little? A purpose to continue your existence? A reason to be the hero you dreamt of becoming? Good good, I do this for you Scully. I want you to see. I want you to stop being so darn’d bitter and angry, and start appreciating the little things in life. I want you to pay attention to what’s right in front of you. I do this for you.

[Image: tumblr_n4lkv3bKyH1qhjbxeo2_400.gif]

This last object was kind of a replacement really. I couldn’t quite get my hands on the real deal, so I had to buy this at the local “7-11” and suck all the candy off. Took me almost 10 minutes too! Do you see the lengths I go to, to help you to recovery Scully? She’s another glimmer of hope in your life isn’t she? Keeping you going no matter how many times life tells you that you aren’t worth it. She keeps shooting that good smoke up your tushy when life tells you that you just aren’t that good. It must be nice to have somebody lie to you, to keep those hopes up. That’s love isn’t it? Gotta know when to lie to somebody, gotta back somebody up what the truth is. Love, hm, yes.

Why you might ask. Why oh Danny, do you bring me on this walk through memory lane? Why do you remind me everything that has brought me here? I’ll tell you why Scully! Because I care. I spent the last few days looking through anything and everything that was to do with you. Because I care, and because I know how to pay attention to what’s right in front of me. I want you to see that too.

You say you’re going to hurt me, send me to an icky hospital, you say my blood will be on the hands of the men that booked this match. Oh poo Scully, you know that’s all a bunch of steam. You know absolutely nothing about me. You know nothing about what I can do in the ring; you know nothing about what I can do outside of it. You can keep whining and crying about what Dolly Waters did to you, you can bitch about why the administration doesn’t like your scummy face, you can keep blaming everyone around you for the slump you find yourself in… But that means nothing to me. You haven’t been paying attention Scully boy. You haven’t been focusing on someone who cares so much about you.

I know everything there is to know about you Scully. From when you went to your first live show to what time you change little Aston’s nappy. Because I care. I do this for you because I want you to see that you are drowning and you don’t even realize it. You are sinking into quicksand and your little tea-stained brain hasn’t even processed it yet. The King of The Jungle is circling around you, fangs bared and thirsty and you’re still worrying about everyone else. My my, Scully, you really need to start caring more, before your life starts crumbling before your very eyes. Heh."

[Image: giphy.gif]

"Do you really suppose it matters whose phallus I slipped between my lips? Do you think Danny sits in a corner of his room and cries because you implied that he needed to make Vinny a happy man for this match. You’re deluded Scully, and I want to rescue you from that. I didn’t even have to try to secure this match with you, they wanted you off their hands Scully. They wanted you to stop being so bitter about your loss in the Lethal Lottery and dumping you off to a newcomer would solve it for them. They didn’t need to like me or care about me to pair us together, the just needed to get rid of you and shut you up.

Poor Scully… I hope you see it now. This match wasn’t set up as a favor for me. It wasn’t set up as a favor for you. It was set up as a favor for everyone who had to listen to you. I did all of this to help you see that, to help you see how hopeless your situation was, and to help you understand that you can’t just sit around and dream anymore. Your hope is unfounded and your aspirations will never come true, you are but a burden to those around you. I know everything there is to know about you, and I’m telling you this in love and concern Scully. I care about you.[ I care about you so much that I want you to pay attention as I beat you and remind you what you’re really worth. Please Scully, please pay attention.

When I step into that ring, I'm not going to be worrying about who's dicks when into your mouth. I'm not going to be wondering about who has it out for me backstage, and I'm not going to worry about some half-pint, crossdresser leaping out and attacking me whilst I pin you. None of that matters to me Scully. Absolutely nothing matters except for the sweet smell of defeat emanating from your corpse as I see a palm slam against the mat and hear a resounding "3!" Called into the air. I am focused. Everything I've done now has been for you, and everything I'll do between this very second and that glorious moment will be for you. Don't you worry, my friend, I'll make sure that pain feels of so incredible. I care so... very... much."

Danny licks his lips, flashing his toothy smile at you as he stands up straight. You snap out of your trance-like state as you were listening to his monologue, not used to this much coherent speech coming from Danny at one go. You dim the camera once more, as you turn towards the door.

[references used: How It All Began, Revenge Is Served, Anything, Anything!]