X-treme Wrestling Federation
Max Styles - Printable Version

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Max Styles - Franklin Fresh - 05-11-2013

[Franklin Fresh shivers as a cold, sharp wind passes by him once more. He zips his hooded jacket up to his chin and hugs himself to keep warm. He looks along the table he sits at and to the others, and notices they are equally feeling the effects of the morning air. He wasn’t sure how long he had sat there, but it had seemed like an eternity.
He was fully aware he would be starting at the bottom in the company, and he was absolutely fine with it. This didn’t make him feel any bit better however when he found himself sitting outside a shopping centre at seven in the morning to promote Wednesday Night Warfare. He wasn’t the only one however, so it was nice to know others were suffering with him. Along the table he sat at were a number of newly signed XWF rookies looking glum and chilly. Franklin picks up the pen he was given to sign autographs with and begins to tap it absent minded on the table top, wondering if the next person would want his.
The shopping centre, though new and impressive, was quite deserted at this time in the morning, save for a few old people who rise as early as the crows. Franklin looks up to the banner hanging above his head as another gust of wind causes it to flap furiously on its poll.

‘Meet the XWF superstars here at McNulty’s Shopping centre!’

Franklin feels a warmth inside rise, and counter act against the icy air. He is an XWF superstar. Reading or hearing that never gets old. Although he was aching worse than he ever had in his life, Franklin was still in great spirits. Kristen Silver, though impressive and easy on the eye, fell victim to the dragon suplex pin and gave the young man his first win. She had managed to do some significant damage however, so when given the opportunity to meet the fans at the shopping centre and have what he thought to be an easy day, he jumped at the chance.
He takes another look around the shopping centre entrance and notices one man watching him intently. He lights a cigar and begins to walk towards Franklin, pulling up his overcoats furry collar as he does so. Franklin smiles at him as he is handed a small white card pulled from an overcoat pocket. He picks up his pen and begins to sign his name.

Franklin - “Hi sir, who should I make this out to?”

Man – “I am not here for an autograph”

Franklin – “Okay. So how can I help you? Would you like me to tell you about the upcoming show we have? It is called Wednesday Night Warfare and I will be facing a man named Danny..”

Man – “Wolf. You will be facing Danny Wolf.”

Franklin – “Yes that’s right. You must be a big fan of the show, I wasn’t sure they had made the card public yet.

Man – “They haven’t. I’m not here as a fan Franklin. I came here because I wanted to see you for other reasons. The card I handed to you, turn it over.”

[With a quizzical look on his face, Franklin turns over the little white card he had hurriedly scrawled his autograph onto not a minute earlier. There in bold black lettering, he reads the name of the man in front of him.]

Franklin – “Max Styles, Manager Extraordinaire.”

Max- “It’s good to meet you Franklin. There is only one reason I am here at this crappy mall at this hour in this awful weather. That reason is you. I desire to represent you as your manager. Do you have a manager Franklin?”

Franklin – “No.”

Max – “Have you thought about attaining the services of a manager?”

Franklin – “Not really.”

Max – “You see there is having a manager, and then there is having THE manager. It is no exaggeration when I say accepting my services may be one of the best decisions you ever make. You are an incredibly gifted Athlete Franklin, far superior to others at this table. You have a quality about you that the fans are getting behind. You have what it takes to be great, but there is a lot you are missing. With me at the side, I could mould you into one of the greatest megastars the world has ever seen!”

Franklin – “Just hold on a second sir. I’m grateful for your interest in me, really I am, But I don’t think I need a manager. I am doing fine as I am.”

Max – “Fine as you are? Kid you have no idea do you. To make it in this whacky world we call professional wrestling, you need people on your side, People who look after your interests, People who promote you and only you. People who help with your image, your style, the way you speak and act. Franklin, right now you’re like shapeless putty ready to be sculpted and moulded into a masterpiece. With me by your side, you would become a masterpiece Franklin that I can guarantee. I have done this job a long time and I know a great investment when I see one.”

Franklin – “I don’t know. It all sounds great and everything but I can’t afford a manager, hell I could barely afford a bus ticket to get to this mall.”

Max – “Don’t you worry about that now, we will sort all that out when the big money starts rolling in, and it will. You don’t have to answer me right now, but the sooner you accept what I say and what I can offer, the sooner you will begin your journey to the top. I have a few things here I want to leave with you. Think of them is a taste of what I can do.”

[The Management extraordinaire lifts up a dark briefcase and slides it onto the worn table in front of Franklin. Having entered the four digit number on the lock, the case clicks and the locks pop open. Max pulls out a large file and passes it to Franklin with a large smile on his face. The young rookie starts to browse through the pages. Within the file are ideas for nicknames and ring outfits. He turns a few more pages and notices a section full of information regarding his next opponent, Danny Wolf.]

Franklin – “What is all this?”

Max – “Think of it as a taste of what to expect from myself and my services. This is a gesture of good will. That right there is all the information I have on one Danny Wolf, the man you will be facing next week. I have very reliable sources so it is safe to say what is in that file will be incredibly helpful to you. There are pages detailing his past, his fitness levels, his style, his move set. We even have detailed accounts on his manager Tyrese Afobe and you should be very careful. He is a very dangerous man.”

Franklin – “This file is unreal, it’s so detailed. Thank you very much, all this is going to come in real handy.”

Max – “You are very welcome Franklin. You have got my card, and you have got my file with a few ideas for you I have been brainstorming. When you are ready to be the next big break out superstar in XWF, you just give me a call. I will be waiting.”

[Max Styles smiles, picks up his briefcase, and exits the super market. Franklin begins to thumb through the large file once again, taking in all the treasures it has to offer. It was very clear to the young rookie that having a manager the calibre of Max on his side would be a huge asset to him. If he was capable of putting a file together the likes of this one in mere days, what could he do for Franklin long-term? An icy gust of wind blows once more, and the business card lands onto the palm of his hand]

‘Max Styles, Manager Extraordinaire’