X-treme Wrestling Federation
The Aftermath - Printable Version

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The Aftermath - Mr Killjoy - 03-04-2017


Trax, aka Mr Dominance, had entered XWF's fourth instalment of its fabled Lethal Lottery tournament, hell bent on winning it for the first time ever to gain a 24/7 briefcase and undo the injustice that had befallen him when "The Radical One" Gabe Reno screwed him out of the Universal number one contender spot. Trax, alongside the eccentric newcomer Buronan had overcome the pairing of Game Girl and Hero Xtreme 7.9 in the tournaments first round, with Trax scoring the pin fall victory for his team. Then, Trax was met with a most daunting task, teaming with his rival Robbie Bourbon to take on former Universal Champion and self-titled "King of XWF" Doctor Louise D'Ville, and the current President of the United States Donald Trump. Trax revealed in a shocking announcement prior to facing the devious duo with his estranged partner that he would be running for Presidency in 2020 to prove just how superior to the current POTUS he really was, going as far as using his superhuman powers to stop crimes all across the world in a bid to win over the general public. Trax and Bourbon would then go on to defeat D'Ville and Trump, with Trax once again scoring the pin fall for his team after Trap Silencing President Trump. Now, Trax gets set to enter round 3 of the Lethal Lottery tournament, with a partner he is unfamiliar with, against two opponents who Trax is very familiar with, this may well prove to be the least of Trax's concerns however, as the aftermath of Trax revealing his superhuman abilities to the world, as well as kicking the President in the face on live television, is about to come into effect...


The scene opens and we see a man with slicked back brown hair in a suit and holding a briefcase walking down a building hallway, at the end of the hallway two armed guards stand in front of an elevator, the man with the briefcase walks up to them and one of them holds their right hand out shaking their heads signalling the man cannot pass. The man drops his briefcase and reaches into his blazer and pulls out an identification card, the camera is unable to capture the details on the card but it appears to be good enough for the guard who checks it as they simply nod and stand aside as the man tucks the card away and picks up his briefcase with one hand as he presses the elevator button door with the other. The metallic doors spring open and the man steps inside, he then turns around and presses the button for the top floor, the metallic doors begin to close and we see the man fixing his tie and smiling before the doors shut and take him upwards.


Several men in suits are seated around a large rectangle glass table watching a large screen on the wall, the screen shows several clips, video footage taken by bystanders of Trax battling armed bank robbers in Russia, video footage of Trax blasting open the back doors of a truck freeing the half naked women inside who were going to be pawned off into the sex slave trade, the driver of the truck still in his seat, unconscious with the trucks front window smashed, video footage of Trax carrying a small child out of a burning building in his hometown of Brooklyn, Trax's energy shield protecting them both from the flames and toxic fumes as onlookers can be seen gasping in awe. More video footage clips play, all showing Trax committing heroic deeds of some kind or stopping villainous ones, all over the world. Finally, one of the men sitting down presses a button on a remote device and the footage pauses on a far away image of Trax staring at the recorder, he stands up and looks around the table.

What are we going to do about this?

The other men still seated look around at one another until another one speaks.

What is there to be done? He's cleaning up the streets, cleaning up the planet even, I say we leave him to it, the public love him.

Several of the men on the table nod in agreement, one of them however shakes his head and stands up.

Not entirely true, SOME of the public love him, there are others calling for his head, he's a vigilante and he's dangerous plain and simple, even without his powers, did you see what he did to the President of his own country? OUR country? My intel tells me Trump is only able to digest liquefied meals through a straw at this point in time, I say we reel him in, someone with that sort of power, whose capable of doing the things he's capable of doing... needs to be kept on a leash I say.

Some of the other men around the table nod in agreement. Just as the first man who stood up is about to say something, the door to the room opens and the man with the briefcase walks in, all the men turn and watch as the man simply smiles and walks up to the table and places his briefcase on it opening it up as he looks around the table smiling.

Gentlemen, good evening.

May I ask, who the hell you are?

I'm with your superiors, did they not tell you I was coming? Agent Reeves, its a pleasure. I see you're watching footage on our good friend, allow me to enlighten you all on a few details.

Agent Reeves pulls out some documents out of the briefcase and places them face up on the table, the words "Classified" can be read in big black writing, the men around the table look at the document then back at the Reeves who is still smiling casually.

I've pulled up everything there is to know about our friend. Carlos Johnson, codename "Trax", 25 years old , Brooklyn born, got into the wrestling profession at the age of 19, has been in and out of prison several times prior and since. My sources indicate his powers are the by product of molecular tampering by one named Joshua Hovah, also known as Professor J. Hovah, now deceased. But that's not all...

Agent Reeves folds his arms while scoping out everyone in the room.

Intel indicates our friend Trax here is DIRECTLY responsible for the deaths of notorious crime boss Lucius Frey, and his daughter Veronica, known in the criminal underworld as "Madame Frey".

There is uttering around the room among the men at the mention of the names Lucius and Madame Frey, the man who stopped the video footage sits back down while rubbing his chin.

You mean to tell me this Trax guy is responsible for that? Jesus...I thought that pair were untouchable, to be taken down by this guy?

The man looks at the image of Trax on the screen once again before continuing.

So...what do we do?

Agent Reeves adjusts his tie some more then smiles.

Trax is unpredictable and dangerous, this is true, but we've seen what he can do, he may prove a...VALUABLE asset one could say, my employers, your superiors, agree. YOU my good man are going to do nothing, me however well...I'm going to find our good friend Trax here, and have a talk. Enjoy the rest of your evening all of you.

Agent Reeves grabs the documents and places them back into the briefcase before closing it, and picking it back up off the table, he then gives a wink and turns to head towards the exit as the scene fades.


Trax is sitting at his office desk, wearing his new "MrDominance2020" shirt he was wearing backstage last Wednesday Warfare event, Trax cracks his neck, then cracks a smile as he prepares to get right down to business.

Waddup XWF Universe. Y'all already know who it is, and would you look at that? I'm still in the Lethal Lottery tournament, shock horror, or so you would think if you had been listening to the bullshit going around lately. The bullshit that says I haven't got it anymore, the bullshit that says I'm...how was it that kid Thaddeus Duke who was bleeding like Jane on her menstrual period after his first blood match with Chaos put it...oh yeah...a shell of my former self? You had people convinced for some ridiculous reason or another that I wouldn't make it this far, you had people, such as D'Ville, trying to point fingers and accuse my ego of being out of control, so much so that I'd be unable to work with my rival Bourbon to beat him and Trump. Well I told him that wasn't the case and who was right Doc? Whose no longer in the tournament thanks to me Doc? I did it, I BEAT you, I don't care if its only technically, me pinning Trump means you're OUT, buh bye now, sucker. Docs gone, and with Chris Chaos and Vinnie Lane also no longer being in the tournament you gotta think the winner of this thing is now glaringly obvious, ME. Whose gonna stop me? Peter Gilmour? Ha, he attacked me before my match with Doc and Trump and that STILL wasn't enough to get me out the running and prevent me from advancing.Nice try though Peter, I'll deal with you at a later date, possibly in the fourth round that's if you don't get eliminated by Buronan and Cadryn Tiberus, which is highly possible, but enough about Peter or Doc, Doc is irrelevant for now and so is Peter come to think of it because nobody cares about what match he's in next Warfare least of all me, let me now focus on MY next upcoming match up, that sees me teaming up with the current TV Champion Jim Caedus, going against the man I was teamed up with last round Robbie Bourbon and...oh this is great...Scully.

Trax can't contain his smirk.

Scully, Scully, Scully, lets start with you. Now me and Scully we go back a bit don't we? The first time me and Scully faced off against each other it was on the second night of Relentless 2015, the first PPV I ever main evented here in XWF, how awesome was it for you to share that special moment with me Scully? Not so awesome I bet come to think of it, since you was thrown into a match with not just me, but Morbid Angel in a Cage of Death match with my Xtreme Championship on the line. I won that match, of course, while you? You was laying on your back for most of the duration of the match while me and Morbid went at it and carried your pathetic ass to a five star match, you're welcome. The next time we met it was in War Game 2015, where I was a captain and you was like the fat kid in the school playground, nobody wanted to pick you for your team, I mean even Ghost Tank got picked before you, Ghost Tank! You know all about Ghost Tank but heh I'm gonna get to THAT bit later, I picked you and let you join my team when nobody else wanted you Scully and thanks to me you was part of a WINNING team that night, once again, you're welcome. How did you repay my act of selflessness and kindness? You repaid me by joining forces with Tush and McBride and forming The Union months later, and attacked me all in an attempt to try and stop me from taking the Intercontinental Championship from Tush, you failed, of course, and I won, of course, beating Tush for the title and ending his career. However it wasn't too long after that I dropped the title to Makaveli and I too left XWF after disagreements with a certain vertically challenged rape obsessed member of management, putting my career on hiatus, but I continued to watch XWF and its goings on, I watched, and I watched, until I watched something transpire that made me feel physically sick.

You Scully, on top of a ladder, holding the UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP.

It was at that very moment, that my faith in humanity died, you beat Lane and was now in possession of the biggest title in the company, it was THAT that spurred me to come back. I was done watching, I couldn't sit and watch while you drove the company to the ground, I had to come back and reclaim the title at all costs because every second you held onto it was a fucking travesty. Go ahead and cry jealously, I wasn't jealous, I just knew you had wormed your way into a position you didn't deserve and was under qualified for, much like President Trump. Now I know you MAY want to rub the fact you beat Lane in my face, something I failed to do at Snow Job, go ahead man, every dog has its day, ever loser gets a fluke win every now and then, similar to Makaveli beating me for the IC title, your win over Lane was the equivalent to that, a fluke win. Feel free to claim different, but Lanes medical records prove he wasn't 100% that night which is the same reason you and Peter Gilmour were able to advance in the first round of this tournement, on top of that, the fact you LOST the title to Peter Gilmour proves you winning it was just a fluke even more, Peter Gilmour, the guy who I beat in my first match back while rusty, the guy who tried to screw me out of the Lethal Lottery tournament and couldn't even get that right, is the guy you lost to clean a whistle to during the height of your lack luster career. Now on one hand I was happy because one it was about TIME Peter won the title, he's been here longer then anyone else currently active, and two him being Universal Champion meant YOU wasn't, but on the other hand... I couldn't help shake my head because of how pathetic you are, you dodged defending your title for THREE MONTHS, and when you FINALLY defend it, you lose it to the guy who has made a career out of losing to Universal Champions on their first title defense.

Trax shakes his head.

Tragic. But what's even more tragic is what happened NEXT. You make a slight come back after losing the Universal title by winning the Xtreme Championship off the one guy whose been here awhile who sucks slightly more then you...McBride, man what is it with wrestlers from the UK in XWF just flat out sucking? You, McBride, Tush, Ginger Snaps... all horrendous. I'd say stick to soccer but you guys haven't won a World or Euro Championship in years so never mind, back on track, you beat McBride for the championship, OK cool I guess, but then...then...you lose it to...to....

Trax shakes his head slowly.

Ghost Tank.


Ghost Tank, and yes Scully I am WELL aware Vinnie Lane beat that dead horse but I'm going to revive that motherfucker and beat it again, fucking Ghost Tank. For people that don't know, me and Scully had a bet, I bet ALL my XBUX that Scully wouldn't come out of Lethal Lottery the Xtreme Champion, he bet all his XBUX I wouldn't make it past the first round, who won their bet Scully? Who lost? In case anyone is as as Scully used to be and still is, check who has considerably more XBUX then the other and there's your answer.

Here's another bet Scully, I bet you all my XBUX that not only do you lose this round, but its you that gets pinned costing the victory for your team. I may like Bourbon even less then I like you, but I can at least admit he has substantially more credibility then you and he deserves to carry around that mid card championship he parades around, because he is a solid mid carder, you however Scully, are at the bottom of the barrel, are clearly the weak link in your team and you can quite frankly my brotha, go eat a bag of dicks.

Moving on to Bourbon, hey man, you went from being the weak link on your team in round 2 to the superior partner and the one that's going to have to carry your team to a loss next Warfare. We both swallowed our pride and put our feelings regarding one another to the side and we acted like a professional team and in doing so, we beat D'Ville and Trump, sure you almost cost us by getting distracted by Trump offering you a fat check which is why I quickly tagged myself in and put him to sleep but despite that, we still won, thanks to yours truly of course. Funny how Doctor said it would be ME with the ego going into the match, when it was you who was showboating to the fans and refusing to tag me in at times but I expected that, as I've said before, you're an egomaniac, a liar and a deceiver. You talk about being a "Man of The People" when really you're in it for yourself and don't get me wrong there's NOTHING wrong with that, I'm only in it for myself, most people in XWF are but at least we can admit it and don't hide behind masks and false truths.

I said to Scully just that you deserve to be Hart Champion and that's true, being Hart Champion is EXACTLY the position you deserve to be but don't look up, there's nothing for you above the Hart Championship. You say you're going to elevate it and make it mean more then the Universal Championship, but how? How can you elevate it above a title you've shown to be incapable of winning? Fair enough if you was a multi time Universal Champion saying you was going to elevate the Hart Championship around or above that level, but you're not, so comments like that fall flat really. I'm happy for you that you finally won a singles title here in XWF, it only took you over a year, but I'm sorry to say nobody really cares about that title other then yourself, the title hasn't been relevant since Lane carried it and it was the top title of Monday Madness, Dolly Waters showed potential and could of raised the bar given the opportunity but turns out she was more interested in raising her testosterone levels with PEDs instead. I'm not knocking you simply because we have bad blood, I've shared a ring with you several times now, both teaming up with AND facing against you, and although I may not LIKE you, I respect your abilities, however, as it stands, your abilities are not good enough to make your dreams of the Hart title becoming the top title come to fruition.

Additionally, your abilities and skills in the ring aren't good enough to make your dreams of becoming the Lethal Lottery winner come to fruition either. Last Warfare should of proven to you that no matter how good you may be, if your partner can't pull their weight it doesn't mean shit, Doctor D'Ville is one of the all time greats, but he had NO chance of beating me and you because his partner was Donald Trump, just like you now have NO chance of beating me and Caedus because your partner is Scully. I know you're gonna think otherwise and you may want to point out how you beat me in the Elimination Chamber, well guess what? I'm FINALLY going to get you back for that, you had to jump off a chamber roof to pin me Bourbon because your regular moves wouldn't of cut it and you KNEW that, there's no chamber for you to jump off this time but rest assured you're still going to crash and burn when I pin either you or Scully and send you both packing as I make my way to the semi-finals.

That's all I've got to say to my opponents for now, as for tag team partner Jim Caedus, lemme keep it short and sweet...I know you've been on a tear as of late, competing in the Lethal Lottery as well as defending your TV Title over on Saturday Savage, and that is most impressive, your are surely a shout out for Star of The Month...however, as impressive as you've been, I need you to carry on that streak and not drag me down in this match. I know that if you're still champion by then you're going to have to defend your title four nights before we face off against Bourbon and Scully, well as much as that may weigh on your mind I need you to shove it to the back and make damn sure you're physically and mentally prepared for this match because if you somehow, someway, screw this up for me, the TV Championship is going to be the least of your concerns, remember I told you, "partner". Last thing you wanna do is CROSS THE WRONG SIDE OF THE TRAX...our future opponents will be able to testify to that, peace.
