X-treme Wrestling Federation
History for Dummies - Printable Version

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History for Dummies - Robert "The Omega" Main - 02-27-2017

Monday Morning High School

[Image: V8SeP01.png]

The student’s slowly walk into the high school drowsy-eyed unaware of their surroundings, mindless zombies roaming the halls of the school. But soon the student's realization that their unbearably, mean teacher Miss Anderson was not there today, the news quickly spread like a wildfire across the hallway. Passing the rumor around like a beer at a high school party. Some of the other students, who weren’t fortunate enough, despite their hopes for their teacher being absent as well, those students walked solemnly to each of their classrooms dreading the nauseating education that awaiting them. Their faces filled envy, the fortunate ones showed some humility, others showed pity, the class clowns pointed laughing throwing paper wads out the classroom door at the saddened students heading to class. While the nerds sat quietly at their seats getting ready for class. The students walked past the classroom peering in at the free for all with their textbooks in hand. The bell rings as all the students take their seats still throwing things, laughing and talking quite loudly.

[Image: 27zvoDY.png]

The classroom walls are quite bare here and there are a few inspiring posters and the normal map of the world. The windows are huge, everyone like any other place wants a window seat, so they can see outside when they are bored hoping something outside entertains them. The blundering school grounds keeps is usually hilarious. A few weeks ago his riding mower got away from him, chasing him in circles. Outside the sky is a beautiful blue with hues of red and pink with the morning sun coming up over the horizon. Strands of stratus clouds across the sky, like god himself, was playing tic tac toe. Whoever came up with the paint scheme for the school had to have had an imagination bypass, the walls are eggshell nothing fancy very boring, isn't that the education system in general? Every day the teachers filled these young kid’s minds with garbage. Facts they can find on the internet, not needing taught these useless things. Teachers nowadays liberal, filling the kid’s minds with their agendas. Forcing them to learn and think the way that they do. Teaching them how to think, question certain facts, experiment. The whole system needs an overhaul. Kids should be taught to be free thinkers. To express themselves and be respectful. These students are not being taught to clock in and out of a manufacturing factory. Those days are dead and gone.

The students wait for about ten minutes before their substitute walks into the classroom. The senior students all suddenly hush and watch the substitute back turned to the class. The students are already sizing up the 6’1 220-pound substitute. Watching his every move ready to make his life hell. The teacher is wearing a green golf shirt, blue jeans and a pair of alligator skin cowboy boots. His hair long and curly pulled back into a man bun. He slowly reaches for the chalk bursting at the seams of his shirt due to his size. He walks up to the chalk broad and writes HISTORY LESSON he underlines it three times as the students all start reaching for their textbooks groaning. The sub slowly moves towards the far left of the chalkboard he writes SNOW, under that he writes KID Cool, he continues down the board Television Champion Jim Caedus, Universal Champion Chris Chaos, Gabe Reno! He stops! Half the classroom knows who these people are but don’t realize why these names are being written!

” Can anyone, give me what these wrestlers have in common? Don’t be shy!”

Nerdy Girl: What does this have to do with our history lesson for the day? We were learning about American history!


Nerdy Girl: But what did I do? I didn’t do anything


[Image: GlaMZIG.jpg]

The nerdy girl gets up now crying not sure what she has done wrong. She walks out the door looking back into the classroom hoping the teacher will change his mind in the matter. The substitute teacher turns around revealing who he is. Robert Main is teaching a class? Robert looks towards the door with a look of disgust! He shakes his head walking towards the door shutting it in the girl's face! He turns to the classroom who lets out a roar knowing who he is! Robert grins walking over to Miss Anderson’s desk shoving everything on it into the floor. Papers go flying through the air before all landing in a huge pile to the side of the desk. Robert pulls the rolling chair out before sitting down leaning far back propping his alligator boots up on the desk.

[Image: qVqbo2I.jpg]

”Now I’ll ask you, kids, again! Can anyone tell me what these names have in common?”

He looks around the classroom hands raised high in the air”. Robert points to a kid in the back with a Peter Gilmour shirt on.

”Shoot kid!”

Gilmour Fan: Those are all the people you have beaten in the XWF Mr. Main! But……. You will not beat Peter Gilmour!

”That’s correct. I’m glad you watch the XWF kid! Now OFFICE!”

The Gilmour fan looks shocked as he stands up and walks to the classroom door and stops. He flips Robert the double bird much like his hero! Robert grins and waves bye to the kid laughing. The kid leaves the classroom upset.

”Little shit head! Now, class, I want to know! Does anyone know who’s names will be added to this list after Warfare Wednesday night?

Robert looks around the classroom once more pointing to a girl.

Girl: Gilmour and Graves?

”That’s correct young lady! I’ll give you half credit because you seem unsure! Also OFFICE! Gilmour, rightfully deserve? If you can beat me in the ring then yes you rightfully deserve that briefcase. There lies your problem! Beating me! You say I’ll be carrying the weight of my team throughout this match. Maybe you’re right? Justin has been rather quite. I really don’t know where or what he is doing. Then again why does that matter? Last week I had an issue like this arise. Against well, to be very honest two much better opponents. All week long I was told I was told I was carrying dead weight! I was told my partner was the weak link! Didn’t matter one bit. I walked out with my hand raised. It seems you top guys have been hit over the head one too many times! You all have the same one liners! “Robert Main is a beast. But his partner (insert name) dead weight” You guys sound like a damn broken record! Like last week Gilmour, Graves, if I have to go it alone. I will. I will fight both of you and even with the odds stacked to the heavens! I’ll still find a way to out wrestle you two. I’ll find a way to outfight you two. I walk out of this match a winner period! The only thing Gilmour you rightfully deserve is to have your ass beaten within inches of your life! You hit the sound waves with your absolutely huge brash ego! Gilmour, you’re just digging the hole you’re already in much deeper.

I mentioned your accomplishments briefly because they in themselves deserve to be mentioned. It’s a respect thing! You respect other previous Universal Champions. They’ve been to the top of the mountain that deserves respect. Like I had said before I respect everything you have done. I just don’t like you! You tout that you used to be Universal Champion! Gilmour, we don’t use used to be for anything in this business. We don’t walk up to Mr. Lane and go I used to be Universal Champion I want this or that! It doesn't work that way and you should know this! I don’t care what you used to be. I want to know what you are right now. Right now that’s not much! Former put whatever you like behind former. One day here very soon I will be a future champion! I will have reign like no one has ever seen in the wrestling business today! I will break ever record ever held in the company! I will show the world true dominance. What have I done lately Gilmour? Something you can’t seem to not do! I haven’t lost a match. I have beaten two Champions in a row! Pinned them to the mat! That’s what I have been doing, winning! You claim to be the king of a lot of things. Gilmour, I’m going to take your crown and wear it like you never could! I’m going to take every single accomplishment you have and surpass it. Once I do, the memory of Peter Gilmour will be nothing more than a tarnish! Forgotten!

You’re no god! Just a man on an ego trip! I’m challenging you, Gilmour! Calling you out and you freak out! Talking out of both sides of your mouth. It can only be one or the other. You bash me! Then you say I’m the real deal. I’m a beast. In your old age you have become complacent and very confused, haven’t you? So you have held every major championship this company has to offer! Who cares! That makes you the best at that time. Once you lose that strap. Guess what dick head! You’re not the best anymore! That’s like winning a few football games and saying I deserve to be in the super bowl! It’s contradictory, to say the least. You’re good Gilmour, not the best! But soon enough you will see firsthand what the best does actually look like. I’ll be standing right in front of you. Drink it in! Maybe I will teach you a thing or two! I’m not going to say you have never faced a wrestler like me! I hate when guys say that. We have all seen a lot of things and we all have our nemesis! Through the years everyone here on this roster from top to bottom has had that one guy! Gilmour, I’m yours! I’m Graves. I was Chaos. I was Reno! The list goes on and on! I won’t say you have never faced a guy like me. But I will say this. I’m going to give you a beating you have never had before. I just hope you’re old brittle bones can handle the weight of a real wrestler! It would be a shame if you broke a hip! It’s time to step aside”

Graves Fan: Mr. Main I know you’re a very talented wrestler. Graves has been around just like Gilmour! These guys are legends in the ring, sir! Plus Graves is my hero! Plus Gilmour can’t be killed! What makes you think you stand a chance?

Robert places his hand over his face shaking his head. He pulls out a cigar sticking it into his mouth before lighting it up. He gets up from the chair blowing smoke rings and walks over to the window sitting he looks out over the football field before taking a seat in the frame. He blows a few more smoke rings into a girls face. She coughs covering her face!

Smoke in Face Girl: Gosh don’t you know those things will kill you? I cannot stand that smell either you have to get away from me! Plus we are in a school you cannot smoke in here Mr. Main.

” What is it with you kids now days don’t any of you smoke? And by the way little cry baby! Get the smoke out of my face! You won’t have to worry about it. Hit the bricks! Head to the OFFICE! Now back to the Graves fans little statements kid! You are just as blind as they are! I mean get a hold of yourself and get a grip on reality. They are legends that is correct. I’ll give you partial credit! Who said I was going to try and kill Gilmour? He did state that in his promo. I heard that too. I guess he didn’t understand the play on words the first time so I will spell it out for him now. Gilmour I’m not going to try and kill you! Or Graves for that matter. The nail in the coffin is a figure of speech not to be taken literally, dick! You cannot be killed? Okay? I don’t want to kill you. I just have to pin your ass to the mat. What I will do though is kill your careers! I’m going to make you second guess wrestling again after this match. I’m going to kill the legend of Graves and Gilmour. Like dominos one by one, all the greatest wrestlers will fall to my hands. You two can try and convince yourselves of whatever you like. Do sand say whatever you need to. Get yourselves in the right state of mind. At the end of the night. I still win. So kid I’m not going to kill him just end they're washed up half-assed careers and take away that legends status they toss around so loosely! By the way OFFICE!”

Robert hands his cigar to one of the kids as he walks by. The kid looks at the cigar for a moment before smiling placing it into his mouth drawing back heavily letting out a thick could of smoke. Robert continues pacing around the classroom

”That a way kid! Showing you have balls! This kid right here ladies is not a pussy! Keep it up, kid! Now! Back to you Gilmour. So you’re a self-proclaimed god in Japan! Did you wrestle Hyabusa? That guy right there was awesome. All his colored attires were kick ass man! High flying and that mask he wore were too sweet. Wait. Hyabusa didn’t slip off that top rope attempting a moon sault! He was having a match with you and did it to himself! He couldn’t take wrestling with the king of Xtreme any longer. Tried to off his self and failed. God? In whose eyes Gilmour? Who? Not mine! Maybe you look in the merrier and tell yourself you’re a god? You are a man flesh and blood nothing more nothing less. If I were you. I would not go outside in a thunderstorm. You might just get a lightning bolt up your ass. This better than thou attitude is what has to stop. You may not like me. But you damn sure will respect me after our match! Round three is the hot topic right now! Who will make it who won’t! Gilmour, yes our match will get bloody! Yes, it’s going to be one hell of a fight. War! You have very high hopes of seeing round three. Hell, you almost guarantee it! Come Wednesday night. I promise you alone or Justin by my side. I will roll into round three. I will beat you two. I will win! Gilmour, SUCK MY DICK!

Robert grab’s the cigar from the kid enjoying it before walking over to the metal trash can. He walks around the room collecting everyone’s homework from the night before and stops in front of the desk and picks up all of the student's tests he tosses all of those into the trash can and places it on top of the desk before enjoying one last hit of his cigar. The red tip glowing hot, Robert tosses it into the trash can for a moment nothing happened. Soldering smoke rises from the trash can before flames can be seen burning their exams and homework. Another nerdy girl gets up rushing to the trash can but Robert stops her dead in her tracks.

Nerdy Girl #2: No I worked hard on my homework and that exam I studied for weeks. We just can’t burn them! OFFICE right?

Robert Nods

”Class dismissed! The fire alarms are going to go off anyway”

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