X-treme Wrestling Federation
The Embassy: RP #1 - Printable Version

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The Embassy: RP #1 - Thaddeus Duke - 02-18-2017

Monday, February 13, 2017 | 8:00 PM Local Time | The American Embassy | Venice, Italy

Knowledge is power.

One could suggest money is power, and to a certain degree it’s probably true. Be that as it may, having knowledge, true knowledge is where true power lies. Government officials can be bought and sold hand over fist. It’s true in America, and its true the world over. One may sell his or her services to you at a price, but if someone else comes along who may have a different agenda than you and offers more dollars, you’re shit out of luck.

Knowledge. Having the knowledge of a deed, and the proof of that deed, is where the real power lies. If a man commits a deed that he’d otherwise rather have hidden, having knowledge of it and knowing how to use it, is what makes the powerful even moreso.

John Edward “Jack” Elling was born to a highly influential New York family. Years of kissing ass and being a yes man has landed him here in Italy as the United States Ambassador. His day is nearly done as he just stops by the office for a quick drink and to file away some paperwork. He really doesn’t do a whole lot but it looks better in the records to end his days at 8 in the evening rather than his more realistic pre-noon exit.

The man unlocks his office and flips on the lights as he ventures over to the bar. He loosens his tie as he pours himself a tumbler of Bourbon. In the reflection of the mirrored wall behind the glasses, he glimpses a young looking blond haired man sitting at his desk. The mans feet are propped up on his desk.

Not wanting to admit fear, he remains calm, ”can I pour you a drink?” he asks his uninvited guest.

”I don’t drink,” the Illuminatus Prince replies.

”How did you get in here?” asks the man, looking to be in his late 50’s with graying hair.

”It pays to have friends, Mr. Ambassador.”

Jack Elling turns to face his guest. He smiles slightly and takes a swallow of his Bourbon. ”I’ll drink to that.” Ambassador Elling sets his tumbler on the bar and advances toward his guest, only now noticing the brute standing behind him. Unlike the lean, fit Thaddeus Duke, James Edwards, affectionately known as Jim is slightly shorter, but a very muscular man. Jim stands behind his Prince silently with his arms folded.

”How can I be of service to you, Prince Thaddeus?”

”You obviously know who I am, Ambassador. Maybe you can explain it to me, why exactly my Illuminatus is listed in American records as a religious extremist group.”

Jack paces a little, beginning to grow nervous. ”that’s not my call.”

Thaddeus stands up and walks around the desk, intercepting Jack Elling’s path, forcing him to meet him face to face, nose to nose. ”That’s a lie. See, I’ve called embassies all over Italy, all over Europe, hell I even called the State department.

“Everyone points the finger at Ambassador Elling.”

Jack Elling breathes a deep breath. ”You have to understand my position. There’s a new administration in Washington. Everyone is on edge because its a new party in power now and with Immigration a hot topic...”

[gold]”You can stop your bullshit excuse making, Mr. Ambassador. I’m not an immigrant,”
begins the Prince, his temper beginning to get the better of him. ”I carry American citizenship. As does my father and both of us are now forbidden to enter United States airspace.

“Do you have any idea how crippling that is for my business?”

”Look, Prince Thaddeus, please. You have to understand here. You and your family and your followers entered into a very public war with the fucking church. You destroyed much of Northern Italy and a good bit of Rome, perhaps the most historic city in this country.

“I had no choice but to list you as a religious extremist. It’s in the best interest of American national security.”

Thaddeus turns his back and starts to pace himself a little, leaving Jack Elling behind. ”You do realize that the Illuminatus is like… the complete fucking opposite of religious?

“We went to war with the church, not over Gods, but over truth! The truth has always been on our side and justice, true justice, was served on December 25 of 2015 when the Catholic Church evacuated Vatican City.

“National Security.

“What will your new American president say when he gets wind that perhaps his most able ally not named England, in this fight against the Islamic State is forbidden from entering his country?”

Jack Elling looks confused.

”Sit behind your desk so you can feel like you have the upper hand here.”

Ambassador Elling doesn’t move.

”I said sit.

“Don’t make me make him make you,”
Thaddeus says, almost not following his own train of thought on that one.

Jack Elling relents and takes his normal position behind his desk. Prince Thaddeus sits in a guest chair across from him.

”Prince Thaddeus, I’m afraid I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

”You weren’t aware that three of my men were beheaded by the Islamic State?”

”I am aware, sir.”

”You weren’t aware that my Illuminatus has now been engaged with active strikes against the Islamic State as a result?”

”No, I regret to inform you I was not aware of that.”

”Rescind the order, Ambassador. Allow me and my men entry into the United States.”

”I can not comply with this request.

“At least not at this time. Every move the administration makes is under a microscope. If I were to remove you now, questions would be asked.

“Give it a few months, Prince Thaddeus. Let the fervor die down.”


Jim slams a large manilla envelope on the Ambassador’s desk, startling him.

”Are you bribing me?”

Thaddeus laughs. ”No, Mr. Ambassador. Money is for the weak minded.

“Knowledge is power.

“Open the envelope.”

Jack Elling hesitates, but does as he’s requested and opens up the envelope. The contents are a series of photographs which causes the color to drain from the Ambassador’s face. He quickly slides the pictures back in with trembling hands.

”Somebody is always watching, Mr. Ambassador.

“How would your wife react if she saw those pictures?

“How would your boss react?

“I don’t maneuver with money, Ambassador. I maneuver with knowledge. If I pay you, you don’t fear me. By showing you what I know, now you fear me.

“What would happen to your career if it came out that you had an affinity for underage Italian boys?”

Thaddeus Duke stands up and nods at Jim and Jim begins to make his way to the door.

[gold]”Like I said, knowledge is power.

“You can keep that set. I have more.

“You have 24 hours. If the Illuminatus is not removed from that list by this time tomorrow, those pictures get published in every major newspaper in the world. They get distributed to every major new station in the world. It’ll most assuredly end your career. After that, one by one, I will take everything away from you that you hold dear.

“Knowledge is power.

“24 hours, Ambassador.”

Jim and the Prince make their exit. Minutes later, once they’re in the armored Lincoln Continental limousine, the silence is broken.

”That’s quite sickening.”


He disgusts me.”

”He’ll cave. Right?”

”I think its safe to say he will. No one wants that coming out.”

”What if he takes the cowards way before removing it?”

Thaddeus hadn’t considered that possibility initially.

”If he does, I’ll figure something else out.

“If he doesn’t…

“After he takes us off that list…

“I want him dead.”

”You’re serious?”

”Unfortunate circumstances caused me to not have a childhood. I’m not letting a man that prays on the young, impressionable minds, to continue to do so. When we’re off that list, he’s a dead man.”

It has been a minute since you’ve seen my pretty face on your television screens...

They could probably go a little longer without seeing that ridiculously stupid chin of yours.

Really man?

I’m working here.

Anyways… save for one quick appearance on Warfare live via satellite, I have been absent while the rest of the Xtreme Wrestling Federation was gearing up and going all in for Lethal Lottery. An event I was supposed to compete in. An event I expected to do well in. An event I expected to win.

Absurd circumstances dictated otherwise. These circumstances were something I met with Vincent Lane in his pink dildo tower to discuss. For all of my bitching and complaining that I have done in regards to the management of this company, I felt it was a productive meeting. I felt we had reached an understanding.

The only understanding that was reached is now obvious. Vincent Lane put Warfare inside the United States last week for the first time in I couldn’t even tell you how long.


Why was Warfare suddenly within American borders?

That answer is Vincent Lane.

See, Lane knew that with the new President in office in Washington, that Thaddeus Duke was unable to travel into the country. How do I know he knew that? Because its precisely what he and I talked about during our meeting.

Vincent Lane knew.

And he booked Warfare, the start of Lethal Lottery in El Paso, Texas.


Because he wanted one more shot at glory. He wanted one more chance to hit the big stage and have all two of his fans chanting his name one last time. And it was, just one time because Vincent Lane shit the bed and proved beyond a doubt that he no longer has what it takes to compete in the squared circle. Professional wrestling is a young mans game and Lane is no spring chicken.

Lane will get his sooner or later.

Am I bitter? I’d leave that for you all to judge. What I am though is focused and energized. See Chris Chaos has skated through his time as Universal Champion. Facing such opponents as Gabe Reno, Thomas Nixon and Peter Gilmour. Let me tell you that’s some frightening competition. Two of those men I’ve already faced and the third I’d beat more handily than I did the first two.

Chaos goes on and on about how he’s the best at what he does. I’m certain I’ve never heard that before. From anyone.

Like ever.

Anyway, Chris Chaos. The best so on and so forth. How can one claim to be the best when the only guys he squares up with and defeats, are guys I’ve already beaten? Make no mistake about it, Chris Chaos. You’ve coasted. And I’m not blaming you because you’re not the booker man around here. But you have coasted. You’ve faced inferior talent after inferior talent and its given you some false sense of security.

One needs to look no further than this past Warfare when he and his boy toy Gabe Reno screwed the pooch and shit the bed against a vastly inferior Shaun Crowe and Robert Main. How big of an idiot must one be to form an alliance with the man that has become his number one contender? I mean, did you not see how that was going to bite you in the ass? Anyone and everyone knows you can’t trust your number one enemy. As if its easy to trust anyone at all in this business to begin with.

So Chris Chaos is the best. Chris, I promise you, you haven’t faced anyone of my caliber yet. And once this match is over with, its not likely you’ll face anyone of my caliber again anytime soon. Because there’s elite talent, and then there’s everyone else. I am elite Chris. You’ll find that out on Warfare.

When I beat you, will I then be the best?

Asking for a friend.