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Nine Inch Males - Printable Version

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Nine Inch Males - Cadryn Tiberius - 02-11-2017

Dicks everywhere.

Robbie's a dick, Caedus is a dick, Graves is a dick, and I've got my own dick in my hand. But, you know what they say. “A dick in the hand is worth two in the butt..”

What in the hell is wrong with you, Cadryn? That's not even remotely accurate…

Well, it seems as though my reflection walk through downtown hasn't gone exactly as planned. Apparently, some people don't appreciate my methods as much as I thought they would. So now, I'm running, dick in hand, through every alley, and back road I can find in the hopes of losing the police. There are plenty of doors in back alleys, or at least in the movies there are. Surely, one of them has to be unlocked.

Lost without hope, dick in hand, Cadryn dashes to the nearest alleyway in the search of an unlocked door. The alleyway looks like a place Jim Caedus would call home. Dirty, wet, musty, resembling the potential look and smell of Robbie's asshole after a rousing game of hide the black cock. Cadryn begins checking door after door, praying that one of these doors will lead him to salvation.

You realize that every time you take a crack at Bourbon or Caedus, they come back and bust your ass twice as hard, right? I'm actually beginning to think you're the autistic one.

Alas! One of the doors is unlocked, praise be to Jesus! It appears that above this old, rusty, dark pink, door, sits a sign.

“The Nine Inch Males”

Ecstatic, Cadryn swings open the old door, and quickly hops through the threshold in hopes of losing the police.


The hallway is lined with pictures of well endowed gentleman. The wallpaper itself, lime green, with little pink and orange polka dots mixed in. The ceiling is lined with a zebra skin type fuzzy material. All in all, one could easily deduce that this is In fact, a gay bar.

Dude, there's dick everywhere. What in the hell is wrong with you. Get out before that mysteriously misshapen man meat becomes monogamous with Mark.

Wow. This is a nice little place. Maybe a little abrasive for my taste, but it's well put together, I'll say that much.

This bar is packed full of what one would assume are “Nine Inch Males”. Wall to wall, full of barely dressed men, dancing the night away. Cadryn makes his way toward the bar. By this point it was like a sitcom style record scratch, everything inside of that tiny little room came to an immediate stand still. All eyes on Cadryn, he sits down at the bar. He is approached by a young bartender. Shirtless, abs flexed, he introduces himself.

Mark: Sir, my name's Mark. I'm the owner of this establishment.

See? I told you. Idiot.

Mark: I understand that this is a bar for gay men, but honey, you gotta put that ugly thing away. It looks like a worn out chew toy, and that's just unacceptable.

Cadryn looks perplexed. He still doesn't grasp the fact that this is a gay bar. The only thing he seems to grasp is his penis..

Cadryn: Well, that was mildly uncalled for. Momma always said it was a good size, but that's neither here nor there. Anywho, did you say this was a gay bar? I'd honestly have never guessed it.

...I give up.

Mark: Because the sign didn't give it away?

Mark laughs smugly to himself.

Cadryn: I saw the sign, I just assumed it was a room full of really short men. I'd have never assumed it was a gay bar. Of course, I'm not gay.

You're wearing purple spandex pants, and a neon yellow shirt that says “I love Gabe Reno” with a small heart with his face inside of it. You're not gay? You also carry around a Michael Graves trading card and a very risque picture of Robbie Bourbon. Bullshit. You're so gay, it's actually beginning to become uncomfortable pretending to be you..

Mark: Oh honey, you're among friends now. No need to be shy. Anyways boo, what you having to drink today?

Cadryn contemplates for a moment before looking at the menu above.

Cadryn: I think I'll have a Banana Hammock. That sounds delicious.

Mark smiles and begins concocting the Banana Hammock. Bananas, flavored vodka, and Vanilla Coke. He then tops it off with a little penis. Yep, instead of an umbrella, he gets a little peebug.

You know damn well you ain't got no tolerance for alcohol. You start drinking, you'll be suckin dick before sunrise.

Cadryn powers through his first Banana Hammock. It looks as though he may be making a night of it. Why not? I mean look at what he's gone through lately. His best friend Michael Graves has single handedly ruined Cadryn's life. Between stealing his car, attempting to steal his title, and getting him beat up, he has had a rough few weeks. It seems only right that Cadryn get to have a night out on the town. It looks as though he has finished his second and is asking for a third. Plus, he still has Robbie and Jim to contend with. And let's be honest, he has no real shot at winning. The guy is pretty much up shit creek without a paddle.

It's kind of sad that I don't even think you have a shot at winning, and I'm the guy who writes all of this outlandish shit. I'm actually just considering writing “Cadryn dies. The end.” It would probably save me a little work in the long run.

About an hour has passed now, Cadryn has had around 5 drinks and seems to be slurring his words.

Cadryn: I thought about suckin dick once. I've always been confused when it comes to my sexuality. Sometimes I get erections looking at women and other times I get one from a good bowl of cereal…

To Be Continued..