X-treme Wrestling Federation
Lottery Setback - Printable Version

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Lottery Setback - Thaddeus Duke - 02-01-2017

Venice, Italy.

Islamabad, Pakistan.

Nairobi, Kenya.

Copenhagen, Denmark.

Everywhere. I have literally been everywhere.
Now I find myself unable to travel to one place.

The United States of America.

Last week, the American President put an end to that.

As it stands now, the Illuminatus is listed as religious extremists.

Now I have to withdraw from Lethal Lottery.

Even though I carry dual citizenship, the United States of America and its incompetent government have refused my entry into the country. It is my hope that I can get this sorted out very soon. Until I do, it is with great regret that I can not compete on American soil.

Good luck to Random, and hopefully the also incompetent XWF powers that be can find him a legitimate partner.

re:Lottery Setback - Vincent Lane - 02-01-2017

In his office, Vincent Lane is fuming.

Roxy brings him a bottle of scotch and pours three fingers into a tumbler, but after he drains the glass he snatches the bottle as well and knocks his head back in a long pull.

What are you going to do, baby? Duke is an XWF mainstay. His name is legendary here. How do you replace him?

Vincent's hands shake in fury, but his voice is calm.

I already know how. I just didn't want to have to ask him. It's... dangerous.

Dangerous? For you? For XWF?

Exactly. But it has to happen now. I've got no choice, dude. I'll make the call, and I'll announce him on Warfare. He'll be there.

I'm worried...

So am I, babe. So am I.

The scene fades as Vinnie takes another sip.