X-treme Wrestling Federation
Unexpected Events - Printable Version

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Unexpected Events - Franklin Fresh - 05-07-2013

[A beat up old Taxi cab pulls to an awkward stop in the hustle and bustle of downtown Milwaukee. After paying the extortionate fair, the young Franklin Fresh steps out and takes a deep breath of the cool night air, thankful to no longer have to smell the cab drivers terrible body odour.

As the cab pulls away, Franklin stares at the incredible building in front of him. The Harris Bradley centre stands with a quiet dignity and respect well deserved. Franklin had witnessed many historic wrestling events that were taped right in this very building. Tomorrow night Franklin would be competing in his first ever professional wrestling match and his nerves were not getting any better.

Pale faced and sweaty once again with the looming debut, Franklin heads towards a cosy little bar a few blocks away for his meeting. He takes in the sights and sounds of the Milwaukeeans going about their business as he reaches his destination. Franklin steps into the bar and takes a quick look around. The young man had no real experience with drinking establishments, however he believed the place to be smarter, tidier and quieter than most he had seen or heard of. Within moments he spots the man he was here to meet eating a sandwich and beckoning him over. He smiles warmly, causing some of his food to slip out of his mouth. Franklin takes the seat opposite the obviously embarrassed Steve Sayors, but pretends he didn’t see it.]

Steve – “It’s good to see you again Franklin, and thanks for meeting me here.”

Franklin – “It should be me that’s thanking you, for choosing me and my story to be the subject of your column on the XWF website. Of all the people you could have chose and you picked me. Although it’s great and everything, considering all the other superstars on the roster I was quite surprised.”

Steve – “Well we are having a ‘Rookie Week’ so to speak, getting to know the new kids on the block and giving the fans an insight into what kind of people they are and give them an idea of what they might expect. You were my first thought after hearing about you defeating Chris Macbeth for his title backstage.”

[Franklin smiles warmly and zips open the duffel bag under the table, pulling out the XWF 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 championship belt. He watches the lights in the bar dance across the shiny plate and for a moment forgets where he was. He places the belt on the table and begins to stroke the name plate with huge pride.]

Franklin – “It still hasn’t really sunk in. I’m a champion here in the company and haven’t even had a match yet. Don’t get me wrong I understand that this title changes hands constantly because of the rules, so I am not going to sit here and say I expect to hold it forever, but winning this has kind of boosted a confidence in myself that I lacked when I signed my contract with XWF. I pinned Chris Macbeth and I didn’t even try.”

Steve – “The fans want to know about you Franklin, You are a hot topic. I have a list here of a few questions I ask everyone I interview for the column, along with a couple of fresh ones, no pun intended. So how about we get started?”

Franklin – “Sure no problem. Fire away”

[The popular interviewer rummages through his notes deciding on where to begin. As he does so Franklin takes another look around the small bar and notices a man sitting in the corner staring at him intently. The stranger balls his fists and widens his eyes making Franklin feel incredibly easy. Suddenly a loud slap is heard and he nearly jumps out of his seat. He spins round and realizes Steve had just slapped his file full of notes onto the desk, though not realizing he had nearly given the focus of his interview a heart attack.]

Steve – “Okay, so first off Franklin let’s start with a bit about your background. Tell us about where you grew up”

Franklin – “Well Steve I am from a tiny little town called Bloomington in Idaho. The population is of only 200 people give or take a few, the average age of them being around 40 years old. Bloomington is known for…”

[Suddenly, Franklin Fresh finds himself upside and in the air. Before he knew what was happening, he comes crashing down through the table where he and Steve were sitting. Sayors begins to shriek as his notes scatter all around and an imposing figure grabs Franklin by his blonde locks. In swift and brutal fashion, the attacker delivers a high knee straight onto Franklin’s jaw, causing him to stumble into the wall opposite, cracking his head as he does so. He slides down onto the floor and tries to string some words together, but cannot. His head begins to throb violently as he tries to get to his feet. By now Steve Sayors had ran and hid in the bathroom. Franklin wasn’t surprised. The hulking monster grabs Franklin by his throat and with one arm slides him off his feet and up the wall. His feet dangle attempting to find ground but cannot. Suddenly the attacker begins to speak in a raspy voice, his mouth stinking of gum disease.]

Attacker – “You make me sick! A pathetic weak little boy holding onto that championship! You can barely lace a pair of boots and you sit there with a shit eating grin on your face as the new XWF 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 champion? Well your embarrassing reign is about to some to a sticky end!”

Franklin – “Who… Who are you?!”

Attacker – “Somebody who is sick of getting no TV time and working nothing but crappy second rate house shows. Maybe if he destroy you and take your title I might get noticed for once.”

[The door to the bar swings open and a referee comes running in, his face red and sweaty. The attacker gives him the nod and a wicked smile, and then suddenly lifts Franklin up into the air with both hands ready to gorilla press him through another table in the bar. Without thinking, most likely out of pure instinct, Franklin had grabbed his title belt as he himself was lifted high up. With all his might, he whacks the attacker sharply on the back of the skull with the gold plate, causing both men to fall harshly to the ground. Panting and aching all over, Franklin picks up a stool and starts’ wailing on his opponent again and again to make sure the man was out cold, before finally going for the pin fall. The Referee runs over and slaps his palm to the ground three times, declaring Franklin the victor, before leaving as suddenly as he had arrived. The men’s room door swings open and Steve Sayors makes his way back into the main area, shaking like a dog about to empty its bowels.]

Steve Sayors – “Is it over? Can I come back out now?”

Franklin – “What the hell was that? Who is this guy?”

Steve Sayors – “That’s Buff Daddy Bruno, he occasionally works for XWF. His bad attitude gets him suspended constantly. It seems he made a play for your title Franklin.”

Franklin – “You think?”

Steve Sayors – “Well with titles like yours and the Xtreme Championship, you need to be ready for anything. You can be challenged at any time by pretty much anyone anywhere. I had hoped by coming to this little unknown bar we could have done the interview without incident but they seem to always know.”

Franklin – “ I think it might be best to reschedule the interview for another time, I don’t feel so good right now after getting beat to smithereens by that troll. There’s no way I will be 100% by the time my match with Kristen Silver comes round tomorrow night.”

Steve Sayors – “Welcome to XWF Franklin..”

[Franklin picks up his blood stained title from the unmoving, unconscious body of his attacker and walks towards the exit of what once was a bar. He looks over his shoulder to witness Steve Sayors speaking into a Dictaphone about the events that have just taken place. It may not have been the story Steve was expecting, but at least he has something of interest for the XWF fans. Franklin Fresh feels the string of the rain on his wounds as he steps out into the city, starting to feel suspicious of everyone around him.]