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Lee Harvey Oswald, Batman, and Epic Pranks - Printable Version +- X-treme Wrestling Federation (https://xwf99.com) +-- Forum: Warfare Boards (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=6) +--- Forum: Warfare RP Board (https://xwf99.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=12) +--- Thread: Lee Harvey Oswald, Batman, and Epic Pranks (/showthread.php?tid=26092) |
Lee Harvey Oswald, Batman, and Epic Pranks - Thomas Nixon - 01-07-2017 Scene 6
Dallas, Texas November 21st, 1963 Thomas Nixon flew into Dallas, Texas around midday. After collecting his bags, Nixon took a cab to his hotel room. After the monotonous process of checking into the hotel and setting his luggage into the room, Nixon pulls out a map of Dallas. He locates a few land markers that he needs to know over the next 48 hours. 1026 North Beckley Avenue is Nixon’s accomplice’s home address. The other locations are Dealey Plaza and the Texas School Book Depository. After locating the three areas and acknowledging the relationships to one another, Nixon glances at the clock. He is supposed to meet with his nutcase ally around eight o’clock at night, so they can go over their plan to kill the president of the United States, John F. Kennedy. * * * It is around 8 o’clock when the taxi pulls in front of the Oswald’s residence. The young Thomas Nixon had eaten dinner at a mediocre café before venturing across the city to visit with his partner in crime. But at this moment, Nixon hasn’t formally exchanged words with Lee. Charun and Semiazas gave Nixon a briefing and directions, and they were the ones to contact Oswald. It isn’t until Nixon gets out of the cab and rings the doorbell that he finally meets Lee Harvey Oswald face to face. Lee answers the door promptly, with a large grin of his face. “You must be Thomas?” Lee says with a straight face. “Thomas Nixon. Nice to meet you, Mr. Oswald.” Nixon responds extending his hand. “Call me Lee.” Lee took Nixon’s hand and gestures for him to come inside. “My wife retired to the back of the house to take care of our two kids. We have this space to discuss tomorrow’s plan.” Lee escorts Nixon into a living room area, which features a leather couch and two large chairs. In the center, a rectangular wooden coffee table is covered with materials. A large drawing is the main feature of Lee’s physical plans, it lays out Dealey Plaza to scale, showing the route that he believes the presidential motorcade will take. Several photographs of the view from the Texas School Book Depository are off to the side of the table. “This is the most important thing to understand, the route that the president will be taking. You see, the president’s vehicle will turn right here.” Lee gestures at the intersection of Dealey Plaza. “This means that for this stretch of road, they will be in a straight line in front of the Book Depository. That’s the time that we will strike. After this stretch, the road curves and they disappear off in this direction.” “So it’s clear that we need to be lined up on the far side of the Book Depository and we will have to get a good shot off. How fast do you think they will be driving?” “Not fast. At the fastest, fifteen miles an hour, but I doubt that. Probably closer to five miles an hour. Potentially even slower. If for some reason he is going faster, I will relay a code to you. I don’t want to fail. We’re either going to kill him, or no shots will be fired. If the motorcade flies around the corner, then I don’t want you firing.” Although Lee’s words were logical, there was something off in his tone. The light in his eyes is dim and eerie. “I’ll be holding that radio close by. From the information I have, I’m to be a couple floors below you, on the fourth floor?” “Yes. I will sneak you into the building very early during the day. Come in around six, and I’ll be outside having a smoke. I’ll find a way to get you in. Nobody uses the fourth floor areas, and one of the room overlooks Dealey Plaza at just the right angle. I’m sneaking in two rifles, and I’ll leave one hidden in the room that I bring you to.” Lee grabs some of the pictures that show the view of the street and the plaza. He slides them to Nixon. “The one on the right is the view from the sixth floor and the left is from the fourth.” Nixon looks at the pictures carefully, examining the differences between the two and the view of where the President will be assassinated. Nixon is somewhat conflicted. He does think that this plan will do a lot of good for his people, but he feels wrong. He feels like he’s the villain; that he is on the wrong team. Oswald doesn’t seem like a horrible man, but he seems broken. Something is dead deep down in this man, and he’s driven to act out. How has Nixon found himself on the same team as such a man? “I’m ready to do what I have to.” Nixon says calmly, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. “Then let’s go over the plan, start to finish.” The scene fades to black, as Lee Harvey Oswald explains to Thomas the exact procedure that they will follow the next day. It’s finally happening, and they have the mindset and the game plan to end the life of the president. Scene 7 Green Bay, Wisconsin January 7th, 2017 It was Saturday morning, and Thomas Nixon has already been awake for a couple hours. It was the day of a Television Championship match, so Nixon got up earlier than usual, closer to 5 AM. After completing an hour of cardio and eating several plates of protein heavy foods at the Continental breakfast, Nixon found himself in his hotel room packing his gear into a duffel bag. Luckily, the hotel’s cable package covered a wide variety of channels, including the XWF on demand page that featured promos for the upcoming matches. Nixon immediately noticed that a new promo under Gabe Reno’s name had been uploaded regarding their Wednesday Night Warfare main event, triple threat bout. Nixon hesitated momentarily, not wanting to subject himself to watching Gabe Reno’s segment, before he went against his better judgement and put the video on. After seemingly an eternity passed, the video faded to black. Thomas reached into his pocket and he immediately pulls out his phone. Then he set his phone down, remembering two things. {For a second there, I was ready to call one of my friends from the Masonic Temple, and I was going to make sure that the pilot for whatever I just watched never sees the light of day. That was a horrible spin on the classic ‘cop drama’ genre. The lewd jokes all fell flat and they didn’t mesh well with the inconsistent rhyming scheme that randomly disappeared and reappeared. I also didn’t enjoy the main antagonist killing people mindlessly. And what was with him comparing his future opponent to different symbols? Chris Chaos clearly isn’t a fire or a natural disaster, and if you’re going to use a ‘chaotic’ example, a school shooting or a lynch mob is a lot more fitting than a wildfire. Was this trying to be literary and meaningful? It’s hard to develop that kind of tone when you bounce back and forth between ass to mouth jokes and attempted symbolism. It doesn’t have a good flow. Critics would say “No rhythm, all over the place” and “Ambitious…flawed characters and poor execution”. It didn’t help that the pilot dragged on forever and the footage was over produced. Fuck, that was far worse than “Seinfeld”, maybe ever worse than “Inside Amy Schumer”! But I’m not calling my lizard friends that moonlight at TV executives because (1) this wasn’t a TV pilot, it was a fucking idiotic promo, and (2) I’m still thirteen days away from being able to reach out and communicate with my kin. I still can’t get over some of the stuff I just watched. I think I have a problem. I think I’m trying to draw meaning from the video that I witnessed, and I’m quite certain that is the wrong way to approach Gabe Reno. My other opponent, Chris Chaos actually has things to say. His words are worth my time, and it benefits me to hear what he has to say. On the other hand, Gabe’s words are hollow. They’re empty. Gabe’s actions are the truly telling information. His backstage attacks, his strategy in his matches, and his post-match tantrums. I’ve learned a lot more observing his behavior on television than I have from any of his promos. Gabe Reno is one of those guys that just says words. They flow from his mouth because that’s how his brain works. He spews phrases and buzzwords in a continuous downpour, but he doesn’t even realize that most of his sentiments get really repetitive or they don’t make sense at all. He’s filling up time because he knows that people are listening, but he doesn’t value their time, he just fills it. He could rant for hours and hours, but he’s always saying the same things over and over again. This was the first of many promos I’m going to here from Gabe over the next two weeks, and he’s already beat a few jokes dead. He already found several ways to imply I’m some kind of homosexual or that I fuck reptiles. Brave to him. But in the grand scheme of the XWF and our match, do those shitty little insults really mean anything? And can he manage to repeat those jokes for another two weeks without getting stale? Reno might have to make up some new childish quips about sexuality or stereotypes or else he’s going to run out of things to talk about. I look forward to hearing from Chaos. Hopefully, he’ll give me something to sink my tooth into by the time I’m done with Cain and Moore. He’ll give me some substance to work with because he’s more than jokes and one liners. And maybe he’ll explain himself for the sick things that he did to my friend and ally, Jervis Cottonbelly. That’s something that I want to hear, and if he doesn’t divulge that information, I’ll have to find out about it for myself. At this point, Chaos gives the impression that he is a lunatic with a game plan. I want to know how his abuse of my friend fits into that.} Nixon finishes stuffing his ring gear into his duffel bag, before he turns to his suitcase. Nixon grabs a pair of jeans and a gray v neck from his luggage. He grabs hold of the remote to turn the TV off, and he realizes that his wish was not granted. A second episode of the shitty cop drama was available to watch. God dammit. I have to watch more of that shit? The scene fades to black, as Nixon prepares to freshen up, before he plans to depart to the Resch Center where Savage Saturday Night will take place. Scene 8 New York, New York New Year’s Day 2017 Thomas Nixon had already checked out of his hotel room. His flight back to Philadelphia wasn’t for several hours, and he found himself in the hotel café. Luckily for Thomas, his partner and friend, Guppy Parsh (also known as Batman), was excited to hang out with him. A few hours before, Nixon saw a cryptic text from his PATROL ally. “Fun plan! Let’s prank a dumb meanie head! Café for brunch?” Nixon obliged. He enjoys his friend, Batman, even if he is a little off the walls at times. And Batman has helped him in some very important ways. He brought trios gold to PATROL and he gave Nixon some dirt on Broken Hart. It looks like he might be bringing even more to the table. “Batman, I’m surprised you are awake this early. I figured you would be tired from killing rapists all night.” “I stopped working a bit early. A lot of women in New York say they’ve been raped but they really haven’t. It’s like the whole town has Lena Dunham syndrome. And seriously, who would want to do that to her?” “You make a great point. So who did you want to prank and how?” “I was doing some investigating, and I ended up hearing a wrestler backstage talking a lot of smack about you. I started taking some notes-“ Batman pulls out a pad of paper and vigorously flips through the pages, “and Gabe Reno was saying that you raped the dinosaurs into extinction. But I knew that can’t be true! Dinosaurs are really old!” “What? Does he think I’m millions of years old? How do you even do that to a dinosaur? That’s ridiculous.” “Yeah, I didn’t think his jokes were very funny, but he gave me an idea! I think that Reno is going to do what he always does, take the joke way to far!” “So what’s your idea, Batman?” Thomas inquires. “I think I can plant a fake trail, and we can lead him to believe that he’s actually onto something. Then we make him look really silly!” Batman exclaims. “I like it. He would totally fall for that, too! How about we lead him into some shitty building, we could say that I used to live there. And then he finds something really weird.” “Like a dinosaur egg!” “Dude, that’s ![]() “Hey, ![]() “Okay, okay. It can be a dinosaur egg. But then what?” Nixon cedes the idea, it still is a pretty funny prank. “I don’t know. I just like dinosaur eggs.” “Maybe, it’s just a piece of plastic. He’ll do all the work for nothing, and everyone will think he’s crazy if he tries to say that it’s anything else. He’ll just be called delusional.” Nixon concludes. “I like that idea. Well, I better be off to start planting the seeds. I want to make sure that this prank is super epic.” “Thanks, Batman. Hope it all works out.” The scene fades to black, as Nixon sips his coffee and Batman leaves the café with ideas rushing through his head. Scene 9 Green Bay, Wisconsin January 7th, 2017 Thomas Nixon is backstage in the Resch Center, a nice change of pace from last week’s makeshift backstage area in Times Square. Now, Nixon is able to find a spot backstage where he is completely undisturbed. None of his teammates are competing on this episode of Savage, so Nixon wants to relax and clear his mind before he goes out to wrestle. As he sets his duffel bag next to a bench in the empty back stage room, he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. “Haha pranked him” the message reads from Guppy Parsh. Nixon thinks that he should probably change Guppy’s name in his phone to Batman, but he doesn’t feel like doing it this moment. He isn’t sure what to think of the text, but then it clicks. Reno fell for the prank? Thomas takes his Amazon tablet out of his bag and finds his way to XWF’s website. Several minutes later, Thomas Nixon almost drops his tablet because he is losing his shit laughing. Gabe Reno found the plastic dinosaur egg. Batman did some amazing work because he got Reno, hook, line, and sinker. |