X-treme Wrestling Federation
Important: Tag Partner Wanted - Printable Version

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Tag Partner Wanted - Shandell Jones - 12-17-2016

Shandell is looking for a tag-partner. Anyone?

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 12-17-2016

You're wasting your time, my friend.

Tag Partner Wanted - Shandell Jones - 12-17-2016


re:Tag Partner Wanted - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 12-17-2016

Doc holds up his share of the XWF Tag Team Titles, spits on it, shines it with his sleeve, and lets it hang back to his side.....

"I'm not sure I understand your question...?"

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Unknown Soldier - 12-17-2016

Soldier spits on his half of the tag team titles and then grabs Docs half of the titles that he previously spit on then begins slamming the two titles together back and forth and back and forth. Simulating sexual intercourse between two tag titles all lubed up. He picks up the pace and starts acting like some small child slamming his toy trucks together. Eventually Doc grabs his hands to calm the situation and stops the nonsense before it can continue

Tag Partner Wanted - Shandell Jones - 12-18-2016

Hey I just want in the division, it's be a real pleasure to work with you two.

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 12-18-2016

[Image: QNdyJEV.jpg]

Tag Partner Wanted - Guppy Parsh - 12-18-2016

"The PAT-RO-oL is always accepting new members. We'd love to have you! Jervis has a really bad boobbo from when Chris Chaos attacked him, so you could even replace him as Trio champ if you want."

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Z - 12-18-2016

To challenge de division run by de Docta an Unoon Sojah is pure lunacy. Z applaud dat, an will join de cause. De Loa, dey will smile upon us all.

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 12-18-2016


re:Tag Partner Wanted - Samson Chernikov - 12-18-2016


re:Tag Partner Wanted - Mr Killjoy - 12-19-2016

Hey, forget these other scrubs, I'll cut you a deal, I don't give a damn about the tag team division but... I'm a fan. I LOVED you in Sister Act, so tell you what Whoopi, I'll be your tag team partner...IF you can beat me in a singles match.

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Scully - 12-19-2016

"Wow, I thought Trax and Shandell should team up. After all they are both black, both stupid and well they are both thieves. Shandell tried to steal another mans pin attempt and Trax is just Trax. We have.... Harlem Cheat!"

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Shandell Jones - 12-19-2016

Shandell: Fuck you Scully!

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Prof. Bobby Bourbon - 12-19-2016

Scully knows about as much about tag team wrestling as he does rocket science, and he knows nothing about rocket science.

Good luck on the hunt for a partner, Jones. I may be offering to help Shelby Cobra, but that's just to bitch smack Chris Chaos and Trax around, after that the only partner I will ever accept...

...is Barney Green.

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Prof. Bobby Bourbon - 12-19-2016

(12-18-2016, 06:03 AM)Doctor Louis DVille Said:
[Image: QNdyJEV.jpg]

Jeezus, now Doc is ripping my whole brain eating technique off.

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Mr Killjoy - 12-20-2016

Scully, me a thief? Coming from the crook who held the Universal Title hostage for THREE MONTHS and didn't do ANYTHING with it except lost it to Gilmour? Please. I wonder how long you're going to go without defending the Xtreme title in a match, careful, I might challenge you for it and take it off you simply out of spite.

And Bourbon in case you wasn't aware your future tag team partner Shelby just LOST to Whoopi over here on SNS, so have fun with that deadweight. Lets see what team gets bitch smacked on Warfare shall we? SPOILER- It won't be me and Chaos.

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Scully - 12-20-2016

"So now Shandy wants to fuck me? Damn bitch, you gay? Good for you but I'm not! Unknown Soldier on the other hand is in the closet, try your luck with him.

Roberto... I'm a three time tag-team Champion lardarse. The third time probably shouldn't count when I was Arby Beef, however it is still in the record books. You want to question my tag-team ability? Team with me then?!

McBride.. Just give me a date and a place, I can Smash your face in again!

Trax... You're a thief because you are black. Stereotypically that is what the people say. I have a question for you... Why do you want to be the only black in the village? You didn't like Makaveli, pretty sure you didn't like Swagmire and now you're hating on Jones?"

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Mr Killjoy - 12-20-2016

And Scully stereotypically Brits have bad teeth and eat crumpets, but you're gonna have NO teeth when you eat a full force Trap Silencer square in the mouth, so keep talking.

And now whats this? You're accusing me of having an issue with other black wrestlers? Haha what foolishness, first people accuse me of being a pro-black extremist or some shit, now this, which one is it? You people need to make up your minds. The truth is Scully I'm not anti anything but I am Pro-Trax and that's all there is to it. I didn't have a problem with Swagmire, HE called ME out when I first debuted, then ran for the hills when it was time for us to have our match, as for Makaveli I didn't dislike him either, I just wanted to get my win back since you know, he's one of three people who have actually managed to beat me one on one since I've been in XWF and I already have wins over the other two. I don't have a issue with Whoopi either, in fact in case you missed it I offered to team with him IF he can prove his worth by beating me one on one, which again, is something only three people have managed to do since I've been in XWF. In all honesty however I don't really care if he takes me up on the offer, I was just bored and curious to see if this new brotha has any balls.

And McBride, cool story bro, good luck in your mission to recapture the Xtreme title, but as for your friend Shelby being to handle herself...well...we're going to see about that.

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 12-20-2016

You're all so adorable.

Tag Partner Wanted - Shandell Jones - 12-20-2016

I've already found a partner, but one on one anytime anyplace, I'll throw down Trax

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Mr Killjoy - 12-20-2016

Ha, Ok Whoopi, sure.

Rolls eyes.

Oh and...Doc? Suck it.

Crotch chops.

As I've said before, come find me when you're done playing around in the tag team divison and actually want a challenging fight, peace.

Deuces, walks away.

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 12-20-2016

Why do I have to be done stomping around in the tag team division? If you're waiting for Soldier and I to lose those titles you're going to be waiting a long, long, LONG time, my friend.

Besides, if you haven't noticed by now, I'm not the kind of horn-dawg to go around humping legs and begging for attention. You've already been knocked down a peg recently, right? Already had one dream shattered? Maybe you should take a breather before you drive yourself into a rut there, Trax.

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Mr Killjoy - 12-20-2016

Trax pokes his head back around the corner with a "fuck you just say?" look on his face like.

[Image: camron.gif]

Me? Rut? Doc if you're talking about me losing the chamber match as me being "knocked down a peg" I hate to inform you that all that loss did was hold off the inevitable. I am STILL as dangerous and capable as ever, it took Robbie Bourbon literally almost killing himself just to pin my shoulders on the mat for three seconds let me just point out. I'm not that disheartened about that match, shit at least I did better in it then your tag team partner, Soldier tapped out AND got pinned, dude somehow got eliminated TWICE haha.

Shakes head.

Listen I don't give a fuck about the tag team titles or how long you INTEND to hold them for, I realize there's no tag team here that can dethrone you guys when you're working as a cohesive unit, that is unless I manage to convince my buddy Extreme Machine to come out of retirement, join XWF and reform EXTREME DOMINANCE, but he's adamant about staying retired so luckily for you guys that's not a likely possibility. However, anytime you wanna go, we'll go. I know your "doors are always open" but I may just go ahead and kick them down anyways.

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Shandell Jones - 12-21-2016

Shandell: Savage January 10th you vs. Me Traz

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Mr Killjoy - 12-21-2016

Hey man whatever, your funeral.

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Scully - 12-21-2016

(12-20-2016, 05:46 AM)Mister Fn Dominance Said: And Scully stereotypically Brits have bad teeth and eat crumpets, but you're gonna have NO teeth when you eat a full force Trap Silencer square in the mouth, so keep talking.

And now whats this? You're accusing me of having an issue with other black wrestlers? Haha what foolishness, first people accuse me of being a pro-black extremist or some shit, now this, which one is it? You people need to make up your minds. The truth is Scully I'm not anti anything but I am Pro-Trax and that's all there is to it. I didn't have a problem with Swagmire, HE called ME out when I first debuted, then ran for the hills when it was time for us to have our match, as for Makaveli I didn't dislike him either, I just wanted to get my win back since you know, he's one of three people who have actually managed to beat me one on one since I've been in XWF and I already have wins over the other two. I don't have a issue with Whoopi either, in fact in case you missed it I offered to team with him IF he can prove his worth by beating me one on one, which again, is something only three people have managed to do since I've been in XWF. In all honesty however I don't really care if he takes me up on the offer, I was just bored and curious to see if this new brotha has any balls.

"You people? You people? So now you're being racist?!

Gotcha. I really don't care, call me a fucking Milky Bar if you want, the colour shit doesn't bother me. I bet you would let Shandell call you a nigga right? But if I called you one, I'm a racist Cunt?! He's your NEW Brotha cuz he has the same coloured skin as you? This is what's wrong with society.

Crumpets? Hell yeah with a bit of salted butter. Gotta be Warburtons though, none of that cheap Tesco shite. As for the Bad teeth or no teeth comment.. Well my teeth are pretty much white, I use a thing called a toothbrush, maybe you could use one. Use some mouthwash too cuz damn, your breath stinks! I mean I have no fillings. Last time you cheap shot me with that crappy Superkick, you did no damage so I'm afraid the Trap Silencer, the worst finisher in XWF history, isn't exactly feared, is it?!"

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 12-21-2016

[Image: FJUWGNa.gif]

Don't start on me with 'WHAT IF'S', Mister Dominance. I'm sure we all have a friend out there we wish would come back from the dead.... Let's get with reality.

First, don't be so damn naive about my partner, Trax. Whether it was his quick fall(s) or three hundred-plus pounds of Robbie Bourbon crashing through the chamber on top of you... Neither of you walked away champ. Only difference the two of you have post-match? He still has a pair of aces in his back pocket.

ALL you've been rambling and yammering-on about since your DOMINANT comeback is that UNIVERSAL Title. Am I holding that loss against you? No, not at all. All I was saying was you shouldn't be so anxious to set yourself up for another loss so quickly. Take a breather. Confidence, dominance, and histories aside you know I'm capable of achieving anything. Everyone around here appears to be thinking they have something to prove in facing me. Dolly... Duke... Cage, now. Are you in that same crowd? Ha-ha! Am I a bar for you, as well?

re:Tag Partner Wanted - Mr Killjoy - 12-21-2016

Scully what the fuck are you even going on about right now? What the fuck is a Tesco? Just...just shut the Hell up... please.

Trax rubs his head while shaking.

Exchanging words with you is exasperating my man. I feel my IQ drop by the second, you're not doing it to me man, you're not lowering me down to your level. I mean seriously Trap Silencer weakest finisher in XWF history? Over used maybe considering its a super kick, but considering how many championship titles and big matches its won me its hardly weak, but hey even if that WAS actually case, I'd rather have the weakest finisher in history then the worst Universal title reign in history.


And Doc, I don't need a pair of briefcases to ensure I'll become Universal Champ once again, so Unknown Solider can have those Aces he needs them a lot more then I do.

I know exactly what you're capable of, do I consider you the bar and look at you in thee same light as lil' Duke and Dolly and such, not quite. You WERE the bar, I'm out to prove, current setbacks aside, that I am now. You were the KING around here, you argue you still are, its debatable, I want to take that crown, way I see it, can't establish myself as the NEW KING OF XWF without going through the old one first, you feel me? And it'll happen, sooner or later, I'm not setting myself up for failure or another loss, because just like how I know what you're capable of, I know what I'M capable of even more so.