X-treme Wrestling Federation
Set it off! - Printable Version

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Set it off! - Scully - 12-07-2016

October, 21st
The Hospital Car Park

Scully’s time at the hospital had so far been eventful, he went there with one task in mind, to finish Charles Elton off. Scully wanted to put an end to the life of his former ‘friend’ but things didn’t go to plan. Why would he want to end the life of Charles? The answer is simple, to attempt to save his own skin. So far he has got away with it but IF Charles wakes up, he will surely go to the pigs and Scully will go to prison. It would indeed be Scully’s own fault, don’t do the crime and all that jazz but Skull is still going to prevent this from happening.

Skull attempted to enter the intensive care unit ward, however it was out of visiting hours so he was turned away. He had another plan in mind and again, it was risky. With a small stubby hammer in his procession, he took out a doctor and stole his garments. The doctors Naked, unconscious body was left inside a cupboard and Skull proceeded to enter the destination with a tag to hand (which obviously let him enter doors without permission) whilst looking for Charles on the ward, he was greeted by a horny nurse, desperate for sex. It was apparent that the nurse and the real ‘Doctor Rodgers’ enjoyed romps together. Skull got away for the time being and found Charles laying to the mercy of Skull, it was time to pull the plug after some words of explanation... The end wasn’t meant to be, the nurse returned and Skull used some words of persuasion to get the Nurse to meet him or the real Doctor Rodgers elsewhere. This was his opportunity to get the fuck outta there and escape the current situation, he was nearly out only to have been caught by a different nurse, a nurse who was more focused on her job. He was dragged to save a man’s life, he did just that, he pulled the bullet from the man’s chest and became an instant hero. Then he left but no, he couldn’t just get to his car could he?

Who could possibly exit the lift as the doors opened? Skull had just dropped his car keys on the stairs and had step back down to bend down to grab them. Just as he looks up, two former Union associates, Ted and Dave walk out from the elevator. Ted is carrying a packet of grapes in hand and Skull turns to get the fuck outta there. Skull runs a few steps, hoping he hadn’t been spotted but he did. Skull hears Ted call him.

Ted: “Scully.... It’s Ted!”

Damn.. Skull turns around to face Ted and Dave, both standing before him at the bottom of the stairs. Skull a little annoyed that he will now have to talk to them.

“Ted... Dave.. How we doing?”

Dave: “You’ve come to see Charles too?”

“Erm.. Yeah. I left my wallet in my car so thought I’d come back to get it. Might want a coffee or something ya know?”

Ted: “Yeah we know what ya mean?! I like to drink fruit shoot.”

“I know I remember.. “

Dave: “Shall we come with you and we all go in together?”

"I'll meet you down there."

Ted: "We're coming with you."

“Yeah, why not?!”

Scully obviously didn’t really want them to follow him, he was being sarcastic. He just wanted to go home before anything else escalates. He didn’t really want to hang around the two idiots anyway. Ted and Dave follow behind Scully.

Ted: “So have you heard from the others?”

“Felix messaged me recently and spoke to Macbeth briefly.”

Dave: “What about mustachio?”

“You mean Tush?”

Ted: “Yes he means Tush with the hairy bush.”

Ted and Dave start laughing, although they’re a little breathless. Scully, Ted and Dave are now on the third flight of stairs, T & D are both exhausted. Dave leans against the wall and Ted sits down on the stairs. Skull is forced to stop to his annoyance.

“Come on guys... “

Ted: “We just need a little rest, moody pants.”

Dave: “Go on without us.. Do it for your family!”

“You guys can’t be serious?”

Ted: “I’m serious, I don’t wanna die.”

Dave: “Me neither. Why didn’t we just take the elevator?”

Ted: “Yeah why?”

"You two are a pair of girls!"

Ted: I like girls."

Dave: Me too."

Skull shakes his head and Dave places his backside next to Ted’s.

“Just get up you two. Visiting hours don’t last long.”

Dave: “That’s alright, he’s pretty much dead. He won’t even know we’re there anyway.”

Ted: “Yeah the lettuce.”

Dave: “Lettuce?”

Ted: “Is it Lettuce? Ya know when someone is crippled?”

Dave: "I think it is."

“No you idiots, it’s cabbage. Cabbage!”

Dave: “Oh...”

In a camp but humorous way, Ted says, Ted: "Ooooo Stressy"

Ted and Dave laugh again. Scully had lost patience by now, he just wanted to get it over and done with, after all he didn’t even want to be there, not for visiting reasons anyway. Skull tuts to himself, realising this is his opportunity to get away. He could go by himself to his car to get the wallet that was really in his pocket and then he could just drive away. Who gives a fuck?!

“You two clowns stay there, I’ll get my wallet myself.”

Dave: “No, we’ll come with you.”

Ted: “Yeah.”

“What the hell for?”

Ted: “Because we want to see your baby boy.”

“What? You really think I’d leave my little man in the car?”

Dave: “I would!”

Ted: “And me!”

“This is why you two shouldn’t even own a hamster, nevermind be responsible for a kid.”

Dave: “I want a hamster.”

Ted: “Let's get one Dave?”

Scully puffs, “I don’t really have time for this shit.”

Dave: “We gotta a quest for you.”


Ted: “Question.”

Dave: “Who do you think did this to Charles?”

Ted: “Yeah aren’t you angry like Incredible Hulk?”

Dave: “Hulk Smash!”

Ted: “Skull Smash!”

Skull shakes his head. He felt his cheeks go red but he didn’t want to let on he knew, obviously. But he had enough of them babbling on.

“What you want me to do? Charles wasn’t really my friend, neither are you two!”

Ted & Dave stand up at the same time and look annoyed.

Dave: “Is it because we pushed you down the stairs?”

Ted: “You had to bring that up didn’t you Dave?”

Dave: “That’s was an accident!”

“The only accident here are you two fools!”

Dave: “That’s wasn’t very nice.”

Ted: "Aktully..."

"Actually numbnuts"

Ted: "If you're not our friend and you are not Charles friend. Why are you here?"

"Because I can do what the fuck I want!"

T & D then approach Scully and Ted grabs him by his jumper. Skull chuckles as Ted tries to shove him against the wall.

“What are you trying to do?”

Dave tries to push Scully too and Skulls wallet falls from his pocket, landing on the floor. Ted and Dave look down at the wallet, then question Scully.

Ted: “Fought you were getting your wallet?”

Dave: “Yeah... But you had it the whole time.”

“You calling me a liar?”

Ted: “Liar, Liar pants on Fire!”

Dave comically digs Scully in the arm as he attempts to hurt Scully. He bursts out laughing at the punch Dave gave him.

Dave: “What’s so funny? Get him Ted!”

Ted: “Maybe he has two wallets?”

Ted tries to tickle Scully, he finds this amusing as he is ticklish. But he is now getting pissed off.

“Get off me!”

Scully tries to walk past them but they continue to painfully try and rough him up to Scully's annoyance. They wasn't hurting him but they were annoying him.

"I said GET OFF ME!

He pushes both of them real hard, they fly back and go tumbling down the stairs.




Ted and Dave lay on at the bottom of that set of stairs, unconscious. Blood drips from both of their heads. Skull looks down at them and runs off to his car. Skull runs through the parking lot and unlocks his car. He jumps in and immediately starts the engine. Smoke rises from the tyres as Scully wheel spins outta there. He speeds to the bottom of the car park, inserts his ticket into the barrier and he races off!

"How we doin' Cunts of the XWF Galaxy? Don't answer thhat cuz I really don't care. It's that time again. It's story time with the Skull Meister. Now this story has a lot to do with the now and you will all see why. Here goes....

Once upon a couple of years ago, after a lengthy hiatus from the wrestling business, Scully joined the Xtreme Wrestling Federation. The first guy he would meet as he walked the halls of the Arena, on his first day.. Was the bald headed, Fat Wanker, Darren Dangerous. Yes, Double D, remember him? Vinnie Lane knows all about him. Well anyway we exchanged words and he said the usual shit about me liking tea and crumpets, like I should be offended right? By the way I would go on to beat him in my debut match, a scaffold match, whatever and although I was a bit rusty, I threw his obese ass off the scaffold. Well anyway who cares about that fat, brotherfucker?! At the same time I would walk into path of Double D, the second person I would meet was Michael McBride. Yes, that is correct, me and McBride exchanged some words, he was feeling a little frisky and wanted to fight me. But that didn't happen. Anyway I believe we were against each other once at a Wargames Pay-per-view, where the team I was on destroyed the team he was apart of. We may have fought each other in matches but we have NEVER faced each other one on one until now. Well this where the story ends, folks. Scully would challenge McBride for the XWF Xtreme Championship and he would destroy him to become the NEW XWF Xtreme Champion.

So that was the story of Scully VS McBride.

Oh where, oh where has Mcbride gone? Oh where, oh where can he be?

That is the question I am asking... Where tha fuck are you? You do know you have a match coming up? Not just any match, no but an Xtreme Championship match for YOUR title.. I know you're a bit scared and it's understandable, you are facing the former XWF Uni Champion. But what kind of Champion are you? People asked me that question when I had the Uni title. Why won't you defend it? Blah blub blob. Any match I have I show up at least, I ask you to try and defend your title, take the beating I am about to dish out like a man. Not hide. Don't let this be like the match you had with that old fucker, Bret Hart. A One sided, total domination, that I witnessed first hand. I mean I even helped you win the match cuz you were taking your time and yep, you haven't showed me any gratitude for that assist. Don't be like Bret, you could at least fight back boy! I guess you have accepted your fate, you know Scully is going to come to Wildcard and take the Xtreme Championship away from you.

Another title you are dropping, ever so quickly. It wasn't long ago you used the 24/7 rule to win the damn thing and in your first proper defense, you're going out like this? Shame. I mean I know that my Uni Championship run wasn't great but at least I showed up. Maybe it's the stereotypical thing? The Irish are dumb and he's forgot he has a match? I hope not. Don't make that look like a true statement. I know the Irish are not dumb, my uncle Raymond owns a hotel for Godsake, he didn't earn that by being stupid. No...So don't put a bad name on the Irish.

Are you too busy being the Del Boy Trotter of the XWF, that you can't be bothered? Still doing your dodgy dealings and acting like a gangsta huh? Come on Mcbride, your Xtreme title run will be worse than my Uni one. Look it don't matter if you act like a pussy in the run to our match because let's face it, you're going to get the extreme beating of a lifetime. I'm itching, no I haven't got nits, I'm itching to beat the holy Irish out of you. Mcbride bring Conor, bring ya mother Mary, ya dad Finlay.. No one can help you. I'm afraid that you are about to be Scullanated!"