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The Vent - Printable Version

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The Vent - Mr Killjoy - 12-05-2016

New York City, 2057.


Trax was falling, rapidly approaching the ground after being punched out of the top floor window of Commanders Zion's office by none other then the man himself. Trax was still disorientated from the electric shock, never mind the bone crushing punch to the abdomen he suffered shortly after that. Regardless,Trax grinds his teeth and attempts to focus as he freefalls.

Come on...Teleport.

Come on.


No use, the nanobots had indeed taken effect and subdued Trax's abilities, Trax spins his body in mid fall just in time to notice he's about to collide into a oblivious drone that's hovering in the air.


Trax lands on the Drone stomach first and almost bounces off but manages to holds onto it as the Drone begins to zoom around the air erratically as Trax clutches on for dear life.


Shut the fuck up.

Trax, still clutching onto the top of the drone, quickly lets go of it with one hand and reaches under it grabbing onto some exposed wiring, with all his strength Trax yanks the wires out which causes the Drone to fly around even more erratically as Trax places his hand back onto the Drones sides as it flies away from the tower and over the buildings surrounding it letting off a trail of sparks in its wake as it flies full speed across the city. Back in his tower, Zion watches from the smashed window of his office as Trax and the Drone fly away.

Bravo Mr Johnson, Bravo.

Zion laughs and walks away from the window.


Trax is still on the drone as it flies aimlessly across the city, over building rooftops. Trax feels his grip beginning to loosen as the Drone makes sharp turns in the air randomly changing direction as it spirals further and further out of control. The drone begins to fly lower and lower until its about 20 feet in the air, it flies over yet another rooftop and sharply banks left and Trax finally loses his and grip lets go of the malfunctioned Drone, Trax misses the building ledge below him by inches and reaches out grabbing the ledge with one hand. Trax goes to pull himself up but his vision becomes blurred, still disoriented from the electric shock and punch from Zion which causes Trax to lose his grip on the ledge just like he did with the Drone and plummet to the ground below, landing back first onto a large trash container and bouncing off onto the concrete ground below. Trax lays there sprawled out on the floor groaning in pain, he attempts to move but is unable to, every ounce of his body screaming in agony, his vision now a complete disoriented blur.


Trax lets out one last gasp of air before his eyes roll into the back and his head and his eyelids shut as he finally gives in to the pain and his world goes black.





Trax's eyes open and he sits up and immediately regrets that decision as pain courses through his body and he falls flat on his back again panting, he looks down at his body to see he is bare chested and his ribs are taped up in bandages. He then looks up to see Eve standing over him, Trax is back in the rebel hideout Eve took him too before, laying on the blanket in her quarters. Trax slowly and carefully gets into a sitting position clutching his ribs.

What happened?

You passed out that's what happened, you're lucky to be alive, you almost died, if my people hadn't of found you before Zions forces did and brought you back here you wouldn't be so lucky to of only suffered a few cracked ribs.

Cracked ribs, lucky, you consider that lucky, heh.

Trax continues to clutch his ribs and scowls as Eve just shakes her head.

Its your OWN fault! I don't know what made you go and storm off in a hurry and confront Zion like that, completely blind and without a plan, but that little stunt has just made things a lot harder for us, he's security is going to be beefed up now, there's already more drones and troops on the streets, getting close to him again is going to be near impossible, only chance we've got now is if he comes to us.

Good, let him come.

He is a dangerous man and not to be taken lightly, as you've learnt!!!

Yeah, well, so am I.

You are a fool!!!

Yeah? What, no longer think I'm like the Carlos Johnson you knew then?

Eve bows her head and sighs, before swatting away her fringe from her face as she does and looks at Trax once again.

Foolish, egotistical and reckless, but brave and head strong, no... you're exactly like the Carlos Johnson I knew.

Commander Zion called him a traitor.

Commander Zion is a liar and insane, in his twisted delusional mind, he thinks anything he does is for the good of the country and anyone that opposes him is the real threat and deserves to be locked up in chains or thrown in the bottom of the Eastside River. Don't let his words poison your thoughts. I assure you you're on the right side.

Very well then, so Eve, what do we do now?

"We" do nothing, at this current time. I'm taking you back to your timeline, no doubt your fiancé grows more worrisome by the minute and with good reason, I'm going to need to work out what our next course of action is going to be, alone, due to the utter failure of your attempted assassinate attempt, no offense, I may need a bit of time to come up with a plan. Soon as I do you'll see me again. Now get some more rest, we'll move out in an hour, the patrols are gonna be aware of that Time Anomaly Zone we used before so we can't use that one again but luckily there's others nearby.


Trax nods and leans back down flat on the blanket, Eve nods and walks out the room as the scene fades.

New York 2016, Present.

Trax opens the front doors to his Mansion out in New York. Him and Eve had left the hideout in her timeline and located another anomaly spot, from there Eve opened a portal and the two had said there goodbyes before Trax stepped into the portal alone and found himself back in the present where he quickly made his way back home, via Taxi, still being unable to teleport. Now, Trax walks across the foyer of his home, clutching his ribs as he makes his way up the staircase.

Jackie? I'm home!

No answer, Jackie was more then likely out shopping as she usually is...which suited Trax just fine, the last thing he needed was her kicking up a fuss about his taped up ribs screaming "I told you so!" which he knew was the fate that awaited him when she came back home. Trax scales the stairs and reaches the landing, walking through the hallways before reaching one of the many bedrooms in the house, he steps inside and immediately collapses on the King Size bed staring up at the ceiling. Trax lays there recollecting, recollecting the look of pure malice on Zions face as he held him up against the glass window before punching him through it. Trax could still feel his vice grip around his neck as he gloated about killing the future Carlos, and a tinge of anger washed over Trax as he balls his hand into a fist still staring up at the ceiling. Trax had agreed to help Eve and her people out of sheer goodwill, because she had come to him, risking her life to do so, and he felt like it was the right thing to do. But now Trax didn't care what was the right thing to do, now he just wanted to get his hands on Zion and show him just the hell Mr FN' Dominance actually is. Good will, Trax had originally agreed to help take care of Zion out of good will. But now...now... after seeing the face of the future Carlos Johnson that Zion had killed, right before Trax himself almost lost his life at Zions hands.. well... now it was personal.

Chris Chaos, you really are something else you know that?

I've never known someone to make excuses for their own incompetence and failings but then attempt to try and paint themselves as God's gift to mankind in the same breath like you do, oh wait, no that's a lie, most of the roster do that. You're no different from most of the roster Chris, you're not special, nothing about you in the ring stands out, see me... I'm the best pure striker in XWF. I can say that, I've proven that, time and time again, that's what makes me stand out in my matches, my striking and brawling style which can't be contested. What do you have? Your in ring move set is generic, your promos are generic, nobody cares about where you're from dude or how nice the rain feels on your Aryan Poster Boy face or whatever, which brings me to your look which is also generic, typical cookie cutter looking blonde blue eyed white boy, yawn, literally nothing about you stands out and I just wanted to say that, you bore me. But what bores me about you above anything else are your bullshit EXCUSES.

Excuses Chaos, stop trying to blame Robbie cheating for you losing and hold accountability for you own fuck ups. I'm not putting Bourbon on a pedestal, the guy sucks and has to cheat to win most his matches nowadays it seems I've already covered that, but maybe you should blame the fact you was too busy bitching with the referee about a pin count, ultimately losing focus during the match and because of that that's why you got caught slipping and lost. If you hadn't of been such a primadonna and pulled the sort of tantrum I'd expect out of Dolly Waters when she's on her period then maybe just maybe Robbie wouldn't of been able to pin you. And you talk about MY ego? At least my ego has never got me pinned by Robbie Bourbon. Having a bitch fit in the middle of a triple threat match, and you want to talk about people doing "chick shit"? With the way you comment on the weather in your promo transcripts and shit and pull strops, dude you both look and act like a chick.

And if the fact that you and my girlfriend have the same hairstylist wasn't bad enough, you also have the worst case of Alzheimer's I have ever seen. I mean check this shit.

Quote: I never once called you mediocre, I just said you aren't better than me.

Motherfucker that's a lie.

Quote:Mr. F’n Dominance who has looked—at least in his matches against me—everything but dominant. Mr. F’n Mediocre would be more accurate.

If calling me Mr FN' Mediocre ISN'T calling me Mediocre then what the fuck is it? Are you deliberately trying to piss me off? Because its working, but don't think that means you're in my head and you've got a mental advantage over me, nah, what this means now is the beating your going to endure in the chamber is going to be excessive and prolonged. So good going with that. Like I said before, your back peddling is embarrassing and just makes me think you have no idea what the fuck you're doing at this point, blatantly lying when the evidence is available at a moments notice because everything you say is recorded, are you dense? Jesus. You are right about one thing though, I AM indeed a top tier talent here and that's the reason I am a card holder and that's why I'm in this chamber, so maybe on second thought you're not as dense as I pegged you to be, maybe, but don't try and insult MY intelligence Chaos. I knew you was speaking metaphorically about the weight of the card and I was speaking metaphorically about the weight of the belt, I would of thought that was obvious but apparently not so let me elaborate, just for you sweetheart, what I actually mean. What I was saying is the burden you endured of having to hold onto the card and not lose it is NOTHING compared to holding onto the belt and having to defend it tooth and nail on a monthly sometimes weekly basis, constantly having a target on your back, constantly having to carry the company on your shoulders, if ratings are down, you as the champion are the one that gets blamed because you are the ones management will look to raise the bar, light a fire under the companies ass and make sure XWF stays on the map. You dig? You understand what I'm getting at now? Do you understand why I don't think your Universal Champion material now? Because the burden of holding that card is nothing compared to the burden of being top champion in the company and if you was emotionally and mentally drained by having to keep hold of the Wildcard how the hell can you be trusted to cope with dealing with all the pressures that come with being Universal Champion? You can't be. But no matter, we won't have to worry about you crumbling with the belt and bringing the company down with you because I won't allow that to happen, I can't, the title is coming home with me, where it belongs.

Feel free to keep bragging about your accomplishments that aren't really accomplishments. Muddy Waters was NOT a staple here, nor was he a legend, he was part of a legendary stable known as The Black Hand but he wasn't responsible for ANY of the stables success, that was mainly down to Morbid Angel, Pest and even Scully, that's right, Scully was and is more of a staple here then Muddy Waters ever was. Muddy was the least successful and least active out of all the The Black Hand members so I'm not quite sure WHO told you he's a legend here, probably Muddy himself, or probably just you making up lies once again. It doesn't matter, you beating him doesn't matter. You ALMOST beating Dillinger doesn't matter, in the records book they're no asterisk that says "almost won" next to a loss, its just a loss, plain and simple. As for you taking out a bunch of nobodies, they were here because its sort of their job to be? You know...they're paid employees? They got paid to show up and wrestle win or lose just like you and me, it worries me you don't get that, and it amuses me you ask why nobody else "accomplished" taking out some of the people you did, what the hell would I accomplish taking out Promo Sins? Or Ginger Snaps? Why would I exert energy taking out those people when I can simply hit them with one Trap Silencer pin them and go about my day? Why would taking out a bunch of nobodies be something I'd brag about? What feat did taking out those people accomplish? Are people scared of you because you took out Promo Sins? Of course not, I didn't even know who Promo Sins was until you mentioned him so I had to look him up. Get back to me when you take out somebody relevant. As for me not ending peoples careers, well actually I have, nobody has seen Makaveli since I beat him to death in Berlin, and I ended Tush's career in a Cage of Death match to win the Intercontinental championship, I took his title and officially retired him, if you did your research you would know these things but once again you just show you have no idea what you're talking about. I wasn't wrong about you being beaten by Dolly, maybe not directly, but you was in the 6 Pack challenge match where she won the TV title and she outlasted you to win it so technically she HAS beaten you, maybe not in a one on one contest, but she was still the winner of that match and you was the loser and in the record books that's all its going to show.

You can keep bringing up the fact you beat Doctor too, I've already explained why that doesn't impress me, gimmick matches where a pin or submission isn't required seem to be The Doctors weakness like triple threat matches are Brock Lesnars , Alex Riot got a win just like yours against The Doctor too, if you had pinned or even better made him tap I'd be more impressed but due the circumstances I'm just not impressed with your win and that's not going to change. I WILL face The Doctor sooner rather then later, because that's a dream match and you can bet your bottom dollar management would book the hell out of that shit, and just to prove a point I'm going to make sure the match isn't a gimmick one and that the only way to win is by pin fall or submission, that way when I beat The Doctor I can say I have TRULY beaten him. You ask me why I deserve to be champion? Because I put asses in seats, I'm the guy other guys wanna be and their women want to be with. I'm the guy that has main evented several PPVs here and blew the roof off every single time. You ask me who I've beaten? This coming from the same guy that was bragging about beating Benito fucking Angelo? You can't be serious. I've beat Morbid Angel, a two time Universal Champion, cashed in on Lane and then went on to have an epic MOTY contender with him at Snow Job, I was the captain of a WINNING team at War Zone, I've beaten Scully the former champion and our current Champion Gilmour, Tush, Dimallisher, the list goes on. Not sure what archives you were looking at. I can count all my losses on one hand. I didn't come out the winner in that triple threat but it wasn't me that got pinned was it now Chaos? Besides that match and the Shove It rumble match which I'm not going to count I've only ever lost three times, once to Vinnie Lane, once to Morbid Angel and once to Makaveli. Two of those losses were to former multi time Universal Champions that won by the skin of their teeth, the other was a fluke loss which I rectified when I faced Makaveli again and beat him into retirement.'Nuff said. You wanna know who else I've beaten? Well after this chamber match I'll be able to say Peter Gilmour again, as well as Bourbon, Unknown Solider, BWP and yourself dipshit.'Nuff said.

As for you Peter Gilmour, I see you're a betting man, me not so much. I've never stepped foot in a casino. My dad, he was a drunk that loved to gamble, I won't get into a sob story I'll leave the emo shit to Chaos, but lets just say my childhood experiences put me off gambling. If I had to bet on this chamber match however, I'd bet it all on black if you catch my drift homie. The odds are not in your favour and in that chamber match its going to become clear, very quickly, and very painfully, that your luck has ran out. You are no GOD Peter, there is only one God, and at Wild Card not even he's going to be able to save you or your title reign.

And Unknown Soldier, what a disappointment you've been, the match is less then a week and you have yet to come out with a single word, I was expecting this shit from BWP, I think we all know he's going to be a non-factor in this match at this point but you? You are arguably the favourite to win second to me of course yet your presence in the build up to the biggest match of your LIFE has been non existent. Is that how a potential future Universal Champion should carry himself? You slated Scully for having no presence, well lead by example motherfucker because it seems to me you've been a bit too lax lately, letting Doctor do all the work, but he's not in this match to cut promos and win the match for you Solider. Maybe it should be him in this match instead of you though, maybe you two should swap places and you go wrestle Sebastian Dukes twerp of a begotten kid instead, I mean D'Villes not even in the match but he's cut a promo and talked about the match throwing shade my way in the process while you've remained completely silent so maybe he should be in the chamber since he seems to care about it more then you do. Shame on you.

Robbie Bourbon...Fuck Robbie Bourbon, that's all I have to say about him for now.

You wanna know the truth guys? Right now I'm hurt, there's no use hiding it. But don't think that's me making excuses or saying I won't be able to compete, not at all. I'll still be walking into that chamber whether I'm 100% or not and even if I'm not...IF I somehow manage to lose, I won't make excuses like Chaos, since I've wrestled injured in big matches before and still managed to win. All in a days work for Mr FN' Dominance, I'm hurt, but I'm also agitated due to recent events, I'm looking to vent, I'm looking to hurt people, as many people as I can get my hands on in fact, and that only spells more trouble for you guys. Peace.

Elsewhere, New York, 2057.

The scene opens in the rebel hideout, Eve and the other outlaws are gathered in the main part of the cellar sitting on wooden boses, eating food when suddenly a humming sound can be heard from outside the wooden door that leads to the staircase exit out the Cellar, Eve and the other inhabitants perk their heads up as the door explodes off its hinges sending wood and debris everywhere as people inside the Cellar scream and scramble as a squadron of Zion Unit troopers march down the staircase and begin flooding into the cellar, guns pointed, Eve and the other rebels all get to their feet and back away, collective looks of shock and horror on their faces as the Troops part allowing General Zion to walk through them smiling, Eve steps forward and the all the troops immediately point their weapons at her as Zion smiles evilly.

Hello Everyone.